• By -


Actually, I was very hooked until two or three days ago… Im upgrading to th13 now, lets see how it goes. I dont like the equipament upgrade system I don’t know what to level up and I have few ores


In my experience, TH13 is where the fun really begins, unlocking the RC and the scattershots gives a new dimension to attacks and defence. For equipment, i use below which i think is the most flexible for any army type and so far I don't have problems. Try to focus on them if you like. King - Giant Gaunts+Rage Vial (Vamptache+Rage also works) Queen - Frost Arrow+Invis Vial (HealerPuppets+Invis also works) Warden - Eternal Tome+Healing Tome (HT is more flexible for me than Rage Gem) RoyalChamp - you dont unlock anything new until TH14 or until the epic gear is released, but you wont go wrong on upgrading the Royal Gem for now. I use RoyalGem+HogPuppets, tanky RC!


Cheers Mate thanks for the info!


This is my equipment right now: https://preview.redd.it/v9jhptx9h9qc1.png?width=1404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21592887d60d64d51e85e223421a8f61304b716b Also to add a bit of detail, my priority in upgrading is: Top prio: Gaunts - lvl15-18, Eternal Tome - lvl15-18 Med prio: Invis Vial - lvl15-18, Rage Vial - lvl15-18, Frost Arrow - lvl9-15 Low Prio: Healing Tome - lvl9-18, Royal Gem - lvl9-15 Lvl9 equipment is already serviceable, specially for the frost arrow. Happy to help! Cheers 🥂


Did you pay to ore those ? I'm an active th 14 that wars twice a week and I've just barely maxed my eternal, healing tome and giant gauntlet. How on earth have you maxed the rest ?


Happy to say that i did not spend any gem or cash on ores or event pass, and i only buy GP when i like the hero skin. I think the reasons below are why: >My heroes are almost TH13 maxed when the equipment update dropped. So i got a head start on the common equipment (lvl13 i believe) >I farmed trophies up to titan 1 since the beginning of equipment update and stayed there until now. Got all my daily star bonus. >Completed all the event tracks (i think we already had 3 events with ores, bought new equips+glowy only) >Constant wars (3-4 times a week) and most of the time we win. >I only focused on specific pairs of equipment. I think that sums it up.


All the epics are busted


Upgrade whatever you want to upgrade, there’s no “right” or “wrong” answer honestly, whatever you personally enjoy/like, whatever works best with your heroes that gives you the best synergy with your armies you use to attack with, that’s what you should upgrade. That’s one of the beautiful things about this game, you’ve got complete autonomy to customize and upgrade things the way you individually see fit. If you have ideas about what you want to go with for upgrades, and want suggestions/help on where to prioritize your efforts, that’d be a different thing that I’m sure many a people within this community would be more than happy to help you out with figuring out; or even if you have no idea where to start with your upgrades and just need some guidance and/or suggestions. Assuming you're currently under the latter category (wanting guidance & currently unsure of where to start or focus your efforts), the best piece of advice I’d offer for you right now is to stop spending any and all of your ores for the immediate time-being, just until you get your upgrade priorities sorted out. With that being said, going back to my last paragraph, where are you currently investing your ores into? What hero(es) are you focusing on upgrading the equipment for? Which specific equipments have you been focused on upgrading so far? What kind of armies do you use to attack with most often? Questions like these will help immensely with figuring out your upgrade priorities. If you’d like further assistance, feel free to answer those questions I just asked as a response here, or you’d me more than welcome to DM me as well. I’d be more than happy to assist you with figuring this out and offering some suggestions, should you be interested. Otherwise, you’re more than welcome to take it as simple advice to reflect on for personal development. Hope this helps! Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like help with, or you could even make another post in the r/ClashOfClans Reddit community for advice there to get more exposure & assistance from a much wider range of players. All the best to ya! ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)🤗😁![img](emote|t5_2usfk|21153)


Maybe the RC spear?


Our clan mates are opposite for some reason they don’t want to be in war even though I tell them they can get extra loot even while heroes are upgrading


adding equipment faster than we can get ores f2p is annoying i hope they slow down on equipment production once RC epic out it is annoying you're incentivized to keep heroes down for hero levels but have them up for clan wars to upgrade their abilities resulting in me not upgrading some heroes like warden but having eternal tome as max as i can


Thank you for your feedback much appreciated


one clarification imma just make I like the events themselves keep those up it's free ore a fun thing to grind and funny free goofy troops are cool but maybe only put epic equipment in every 4 of them or so


Agreed I think one of the biggest reasons people don't like the events is the equipments which there not going to slow down on and I don't really mind the pass I mean if you want it you can get it i mean if clash of clans is your hobby you can get that but yeah every 4 ISH months would be good meaning 3 new equipment per year which I can deal with


please use full stops


Sorry 😔


At this rate no one will lv their equipment for real when they know there is a new epic coming every week and no real way to farm ore.


All f2p should focus on on giant gauntlet, eternal tome, freeze arrow, seeking shield (seeking shield coz it is cool/always will be,, it gives captain America vibe😂)


Ngl I love the haste vial/seeking shield combo idea. I feel like the dps is gonna be nuts. Can’t wait to use it once I get my blacksmith up


Only 9 more months before they slow down...


That'll be no problem soon. I don't think they'll add more than a couple other until th17, and all of them take about a year to max out at this point. It feels a bit frustrating that we don't have max equipments like we have max heros and troops but that's because they added a lot of them in a short time. We'll get to the point that we'll keep up.


Having to war everyday is piffing me off


Yeah back in the day I didn't really have to I could do it once in a while but I was always upgrading heroes now every time I do a war I have to beg my clan to just let me get a 2 star they understand luckily


i actually war very rarely, my clan's chill enough to see I'm not down for wars they only keep me for insane attacks for raids


So stop?


I enjoy the looting and upgrading as a casual, equipment I'm not a big fan of but I like the idea of having options for my heroes but realistically I will never use specific equipment on a hero based on the different base layout as I just don't have equipment at high lvls to even test them out to see if they are viable or not, so im just upgrading the staple equipment for each hero. Wish ores were purchasable from raid medals but oh well


Overall, the Haste Vial + Royal Gem is the best combo of hero equipment for the RC as of now, generally speaking ofc. Seeking Shield doesn’t offer much variety, diversity or scale well honestly, especially once you enter late-game content. If you’re struggling severely with ore acquisition, then of course it’s no big deal to focus on the default equipment. Nothing wrong with that, and there’s no actual/true “right” or “wrong” answers when it comes to her equipment. Default gear is always an okay option, it worked before hero gear was implemented, it’ll 100% work afterwards (now) as well too. Just a strong suggestion on where to invest your ores, especially if you’re able to work on an entirely new piece of equipment. Haste Vial is crazy OP for the RC. It’s criminally underrated and not many use it in comparison to the default equipment as of yet, but I can assure you it is more than worth the investment. Especially for late-game (high level / maxed out opponents), it absolutely comes in clutch. I encourage you to do some research on the hero equipment, look up videos on YouTube, many popular creators within the community have tested out literally all of the various equipment for all of the heroes in their lowest levels (level 1) and highest levels (level 18, or level 27 for rare) for us players to see, along with providing insight into what equipment would work best with what armies, and in what scenarios, against which bases; which combinations of equipment works best in which situations, etc. etc. etc…. The whole 9 yards honestly. The information is out there, all neatly compiled into an easily digestible and useful format for us to learn about. Hope this all helps! 😇🤙🏾![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


Ok that's a good idea with the equipment can I ask what your currently using?


All f2p should focus on on giant gauntlet, eternal tome, freeze arrow, seeking shield (seeking shield coz it is cool/always will be,, it gives captain America vibe😂)


I would add invisibility vial to that list


I dont like what they are doing with the ores. Gathering ores seems to lean heavily on P2W users. The grind for F2P users is wayy too hard. It's prolly gonna take me months or about a year to do what P2W users would do in a matter of weeks. I rlly hope it doesn't end up like Clash Royale...


I just hate how it makes the game feel like a chore. Suddenly i am forced to login to do the star bonus and attack in war otherwise i lose out on thousands of ore and won’t be able to upgrade my equipment. I hate when games implement fomo tactics, making you feel forced to login. It burns me out. I just want games that i can hop on when i feel like it, and progress how i want without time gates and fomo bullshit. Also, the fact that most of the ore you gain comes from war is a huge problem in my opinion considering i’ve been keeping my heroes on constant upgrading for 1 month straight now and have 1.5 months left before im done. Not being able to use heroes in war while upgrading was manageable before but now its a big problem imo


I like the variety the equipment gives us but as other have said, until you level it up you don't know how useful it is, and you can't level it up as ores are so limited, so most equipment will likely remain at level 1. I don't like the constant events, event passes and fomo they're introducing. In future I'm just going to farm casually and if I get enough whatever it is I'm collecting this month then it's good. I like farming, it's never been easier to get loot, and I like the rewards they give you from the gold pass, clan games, raid medals etc. Supercell support sucks so bad it's not funny.


Ok call me stupid but i just realize that this brown thing on the right of his jaw is actually supposed to be his tongue and not some form of magma dripping out of his mouth Am i stupid?


Oh 😱 you make a good point


It’s been fun now. It’s almost like the good ole days when it came to attacking. The new equipments really buffed the offense side of things.


I believe offense was always better in the game,, we hardly see anybody attacking our village, we hardly do base building,


I don't mind the events, the grind, not even the monetization issues, they are a company that needs to pay its employees and needs to keep the servers up and running. I'm enjoying stuffs right now and buying gold and event passes in half of my accounts. I really hate what they did in Th15, so call me an idiot and a skill-issue guy ../., be my guest, but I'd be happily close my wallet if they do it again.


F2p since I started in 2016, then I was offline for years till 2019 I think and was pleasantly surprised to see my Village maxed out for its level and that incentive made me stay, I've not always been able to play consistently in previous years but I play regularly enough to get whatever freebie I can get from events Also, since Clan capital raids started, I've never had to request for any troop or spell(I donate often too) I'm not in a rush but I try to upgrade everything before upgrading to a new TH and my current goal is to achieve TH15 My only real gripe is Clan Games which have unplayable challenges sometimes


What's the definition of casual player? How much time one should invest to be considered casual?


10 minutes a day two attacks maybe a war attack would be my fresh hold


Then you're gonna get a grand total of 0 actual casuals in this sub lmao.




Best part of the game is building your base, I like moving things around and see how it works for defending the base.


I move stuff around and then get rid of my shields and log off just to see how well everything works.


You aren't going to get "casual players" you aré going to get "vocal minority" brand of player by asking over here.


Stopped playing since ores have been introduced.


I don’t like the ores, don’t like these monthly events and wish they’d slow down on releasing new town halls


I feel like going to event is no longer a reward/festival kind, but more of avoiding the punishment of missing out


They're pumping out equipments WAY too quickly. Just... damn, SC. Give us some time to properly upgrade things first.Every single time, the moment I stocked my ores back, boom. New equipments. They either need to slow things down or give alternative methods to get ores that isn't outright robbing us.


I was having a lot of fun as an average casual player finally being able to 3 star bases with root riders, spirit fox and apprentice warden. Then supercell nerfed my entire army so I'm back to not having much fun again... Aside from that, I'm really frustrated at how they're doing ores, making it heavily P2W and being a complete pain for F2P players.


Still Great! I loved the game when Legends mechanics was changed and I never have to worry about being looted. I just need to login 5-10 minutes 4 times a day (sometimes less) I'm free to play a still manages to get maxed out a month or two before the new townhall arrives. Equipments don't bother me that much, while having them maxed out would be great, it's not that necessary, at least for now


Upgrading to a new town hall is nice, the boost is really helpful. Now if only the wait times for upgrades was improved… I’ve maxed out my storages and collectors a while ago. Also, I’m surprised that it still costs gold to search for bases, they removed a ton of things such as the cost for training troops making the game much easier which is appreciated but it still costs gold to search, which always seemed kind of pointless.


I have no idea what any of this new stuff is after the capital raid. Like the dragon tokens and the saffire things


I'm only TH12 and I think the equipments are cool but I hate the ore grinding. I'm not sure what to upgrade so they're all over the place.


I only upgrade the current best combos. - Rage vial / giant gauntlet - frozen arrow / invisibility vial - eternal tome / rage gem I dont have royal champion so idk what is best, but i heard the epic that comes out in a month (rocket spear) and maybe shield is good?


Pretty good. I understand what people mean when they complain about glory ore and etc, but rn I'm doing OK I also hate the cost of walls. Again, another generic gripe.




I'm one BK upgrade away from max TH8:D


I’m in a clan of just two (my two accounts) so instant donations of whatever I want and no wars so no stress. Heroes upgraded whenever I feel like it and I do clan games, builder base and clan capital attacks when they come round. I’ve nearly got the clan perks to level 5 and both bases fairly deep into level 14. Still enjoying it as much as ever and ftp since day1.


I play every day but i'd say im pretty casual and i like the game basically the same i've always liked it :D progress is a little slow now that im in th13 but its not too bad. Its a fun game :D


It is alright. Not a  big fan of the ore system but other than that it's all good.


For the topic of equipments, my problems are that SC are releasing equipments a bit too fast. I feel like they should release new equipments atleast 2 months to give us a bit more time to fiddle and upgrade our stuff. Also, make their accompanying events more interesting. The Lunar Event and the Super Dragon event were just...meh imo and it shows that SC are already becoming lazier with their ideas. Oh, and don't get me started on the ore grind... For the Root Rider Apocalypse - I'm only TH14 rn but I'm 7 days away from TH15 and **I cannot wait to use it lol**. I'm pretty sure that they are a godsend for casuals like me since they ALMOST guarantee 3 stars without sweating too much. Though I noticed that the attack still needs a good funneling to really make it work since I saw some clanmates and other enemies failing the rr spam attack because they didn't funnel properly. And tbf, I also know how to QC Lalo and I consider myself decent at it but man, sometimes I just wanna wish that there's an attack that is a bit easier and more "chill" lol, and I guess Root riders are my answer lmao.


You get a big "build lag" When you upgrade to the next town Hall Basically when I upgrade I prioritize Camps Barracks spell factories lab storage etc... All the things that take a Long time so this + the 4x Star bonus makes it so I'm at a capped out resource meter with 0 builders


Go on it maybe 3 times a week select stuff than 1 times a week than after 3-6 month repeat


As a recent returner before th16, I'm almost max th11 so I don't yet feel the blunt of all the equipment shenanigans since I don't have RC yet. So far my experience with equipments is fine. I am only one level behind a single equipment but for each hero I have one pair of equipment maxed for my TH level. But I had to climb to Fake Legends or stay at Titan to do that which kinda tedious but albeit bearable as I play twice a day. But yeah I kinda feel forced to stay in the high leagues just to maintain a pair of equipment per hero. I'm glad about changes like troops no longer need resources and there's only one barracks per troop type now but the ore resource feels kinda limiting since it does not have a circulating economy unlike the other resources.


my only problem with this game is heroes upgrading, i only want one thing that heroes being use in attacks while they are in upgrading


My favorite card is Archer queen because of her to- wrong subreddit


Fun. I do dragons. I do builder base and raid weekend. I ignore equipment mostly.


TH14, been playing since 2013 on and off. The past 4-5 years, al i’ve been doing is farming, occasional goblin/edrag raids for loot, and clan capital. Its become so complicated and has deviated away from its og simplicity that i cant keep up with anymore. I just want to farm and slowly build. Its not the fastest way to progress but idc for that tbh. I simply find joy in going online, collecting my resources, and watching my base slowly grow over time. Its like taking care of a plant


We’re all casual players


I like using dragon attacks because they are fun and easy. Ik it's not the best way to attack but it's easy for someone like me


Super dragons go brrrr, regular dragons are not it - (someone who rushed to TH 11 and regrets it)


I started playing in 2015 and stopped in 2018 and started again in 2021, feeling bored, I use E-dragon and loons all the time. Looting and wars both using the same strategy. But just wanted to max everything, don't play it much. Not very interested in trying new strategies. My old clanmates no longer play the game. I am in a new clan it is of coc veterans, they are as slow as me, it's going on.


Well as a casual player, everything is pretty great. They’re a lot more variety, which is fun and welcome and there is always something going on and I can choose to participate or not for the completely free rewards. There is more free things than ever before which speeds things up for me.  As an older player (40s) with limited time, and playing casually, the only thing that was a bit much was all the new equipment and trying to figure out which ones to focus on. Most of the advice is for maxed THs and talks about using different equipment for different attacks not which is the best to max for versatility. Took a while but I figured it out.


Fine Can say I'm a professional 2 starrer


Right now. Happiest I've been. I'm staying at TH11. I'm totally maxed. Storage is always full but you know what? I don't care anymore lol. Upgrade free. Stress free. I'm working on my builders base (looooong) and just farm capital recourses.


I’m still using super drags, because the last event showed me how broken they are


https://preview.redd.it/4chxsye5yaqc1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b045a6c2f1379444e40982bb47f87e1b11062d2 I like the fact that it takes forever to upgrade and the upgrades keep coming. It gives me stuff to do. I don't play intensely, I'm a relaxed f2p player.


The equipment system is overwhelming. Other than tjat,I am still hooked to this game.


Chill without events, grindy with event and Clan Games


Pretty chill! Play once or twice a day for 10 min


Walls are expensive.


I’ve been a casual player for about 9 years. I don’t really keep up with the updates i just enjoy new content as it comes out. I get on and maybe do a raid with electro drags if i feel like it. I do CWL but not regular wars.


It’s pretty chill but I feel like I don’t have my hero’s ever so I sit out wars which I don’t like


I haven’t done war since I was TH 10. I’m TH14 now. I stay in gold or crystal and just farm with sneaky goblins or just wipe dead bases. It’s honestly how I have the most fun. My clan is pretty chill so they don’t even ask me if I want to be in war because all of the co leaders know I don’t do war but I still donate and participate in clan capital and clan games. As far as upgrading goes I try and plan out my upgrades to not have to wait long for something to finish to start a new upgrade. I’ll usually forget about the game for a few days then come back and have 4/6 builders open.


Level 10 walls looks so good on a th14 with th10 defenses


Top tier. It’s AMAZING. I chill doing casual Legends League and it’s nice. I can spam whatever attacks without CC troops and chill around 5,300 trophies. And if I get the urge to get serious I can push in for a decent season end. All 6 builders are constantly going. BB has been maxed for a few months. Hit constant ore bottle necks which isn’t a bad thing. Monthly events let me break through those ore bottle necks


I have an almost maxed th16, all heroes and troops are maxed, all defensive buildings are maxed. The only remaining upgrades are the bombs, mines, resource collectors and 170 walls. I stay at 4900-5000 legend league to collect maximum ores. I do like 4-6 attacks per day and participate in wars(our clan is a back to back war clan). I used to consider myself a casual player, but ever since the th16 update and introduction of hero equipment and ores, I've given up the title of casual player cause I feel I have increased the time spent in game.


It's slow, But powerfull.


Th14, nearly maxed all bulidings. But still more than the half walls are left. Upgrading walls is soooo annoying that I might move to the next TH without maxing them all this time. In general the game becomes a bit boring as it‘s basically „grind and wait“.


Having a good time at the moment. Hero equipment is cool. I’m not pressed that it will take a while to upgrade. It’s a very big set of upgrades that will take a lot time to upgrade (if you’re not paying). Those who are consistent, which doesn’t take much, will have good base equipment soon enough. People just need to realize that and get over themselves. Just came back from a decent break so it’s nice to get back into the game. Going to TH14 soon so that’s exciting


ive played for 4 years and im almost maxed town hall 13


Can't grind anymore as I got a 9-5 job so just left playing all together, can't keep tracks of update finishes and farm for loot


Idk, I don't play it any more


OP, I'm a casual player who has reached TH14 recently and unlocked the Pet House. I feel overwhelmed with the introduction of the equipments so I talked to my clan in which half are hardcore Clashers who are grinding for the equipments. They advised me to focus on unlocking my pets to pair with my Heroes and ignore the equipments. After meditating for a few hours, I've decided to follow my elders' sagacious advice. And to hell with FOMO because I'm a chillaxed Clasher.


I don't really care. Because all I do is do a few attacks after work and call it a day.


I am a casual player Th13 playing since 2014 on and off . I mostly use zap attack for clan war i manage 2 star most of time and 3 sometimes if i am lucky . I use the raid medals to buy reasrch potions and speed things up a little here you go.


The game is fun and fine but don’t play with the expectation of fully maxing out. Equipment and 12 month th cycle are maxing that goal harder than before. I don’t like warring either but that’s why I’m in an fwa clan. Those clans or casual ones that aren’t strict about war performance are nice.


I feel like casual players think the overgrowth is mid because it is for casual players. Most casual players either have a terrible army comp, or spam. So they don’t invest much time into intricate attacks. Correctly attacking and getting great value with the overgrowth takes a lot of practice and skill that most casual players don’t want to put themselves through just for a spell.


I’m th15 and I’d say it’s very fun with hero equipment but I have been buying the event passes


Get on Clan capital attack One or two attacks of my own Upgrade seeking air mine for 3 million Get off


Boring, everyone can 3 star without thinking any strategy.


Am i considered a casual? I really wonder. I have been maxed since th11 and maxed out my account on every th a couple month before the next one came out (as fast as possible with minimal time wasted and a f2p). I played a few months in legends league back in th13 era and my highest trophy was 5600, i triple every 3 out of 10 (th15 ofc not th 16 that's gotta be 9 out of 10 lol). My best comp is queen charge hybrid, I'm good at super archer blimp plus lalo, not great with qc lalo and sui lalo, ok with other comps and i gave up on skelly donut because I'm shit at that (although all my invis land and no skelly or bat is wasted somehow cc doesn't go down!) So with all these years of playing the game i still don't think if myself as a pro coc player. I spend less than 4 hours a week on the game, and surely can't triple pro bases consistently even at th 16 (if no root riders ofc). With all that being said, I think the game is at an amazing spot, just needs some balance changes. Updates have been great since i remember them (clan games, league, th levels and things they add with them like pets and equipments, clan capital, super troops and all that). Devs do actually care about the players and their game quality and that's a rare thing in mobile games. I never thought I'm wasting time on the game and don't have any regrets for the time i spent having fun in clash if clans at any point.


Pros and casuals arent a dicotomy. Pros are one end of the distribution and casuals are the bottom part of the distribution. The so said "casuals", in terms of bottom 50% players, are TH12-13 at best, never really cared with going anywhere close to legends or even get to master several strategies You're not a casual, you're not a pro. You're like most other people in the sub - somewhere in between


It’s hilarious listening to all the whiners. Especially when they say they have to log in each day to do daily star bonus. They were already doing that 😂


its okay. good pacing for me honestly. the equipment thing is only really a problem if you make it a problem. There are OTHER things to do in the game. I just wish the night village was more fun. That gamemode is so goddamn boring one time i literally fell asleep on my phone doing clan games challenges. I wish there were more ways to interact with other players in the game. Besides that it’s enjoyable


Can you define casual please?


Too hectic


th12, currently upgrading my heroes and 2 defenses (I have 5 builders). As a casual, it's ok, I only log in once a day to loot dark elixir for when one of my heroes finishes up, I put it back to sleep. Although, I must say. It takes A LOT of time.


I hate all clans. All of them are too competetive and i always get kicked


lost interest at th16, was basically a fully maxed th15. but th16 looks shit and all the changes finally made me realize that this game became way to time consuming with no trade off for me personally.


2013 player and so far it's getting a lot more tiring. Sure I guess upgrading buildings and labs are not longer as bad as it used to be, but the game is now becoming more and more of a chore to me and I am considering quitting.


I don’t have time to learn anything else than e drag spam and sneaky gobs. New updates are annoying me cause I gotta figure out the gear stuff soon. More p2w events? Boo. Th14 btw


Spam super hog riders


Spam dragon and baloon, with log launcher, happy with 2 star


Used to be a fun once a day thing, even the th12 slump was still kind of fine for me ( still struggling with strategy and balancing, keep falling back to an enhanced th10 strat) But these special events have just turned it into a constant grind. Felt like it was an effort just to keep up, let alone spend time enjoying the aspects I liked. And my fomo was going into overdrive so I just had to step away for now


Currently trophy pushing with super drags and upgrading mines and other super troops


I used to go pretty hard on this game a few years ago, but now I maybe only attack once or twice every other day. I am a new TH15, maxed out TH14 before the upgrade. The only exception is the hero equipment. I cannot get the glowey ore for upgrades. It takes so stupidly long to upgrade one of these pieces of equipment that I just no longer care about any of them except the default ones. Even just upgrading 8 pieces (2 per hero) to max is hard, man. Cool idea for an addition, but I cannot stand how much you have to grind to get them. It's really disheartening. I also can't stand the prevalence of Edrags and Root Riders. It feels too easy. I use a Yeti, Witch, Ice golem, bat spell attack, and have used a variation of a bat spell attack since TH12. I'm really tempted to switch because of how easy the edrags and RR attacks are, but I refuse to be part of the hoard.


Tbf for me nothing changed besides playing more CWs, I play on a daily basis if I can and if not then its okay. And since the th16 update I enjoy attacking more. I dont get why people are so upset with this update, even before th13s were facing years to get maxed…


The game sucks complete ass everything in the game is enjoyable first off but if u put that aside hero upgrades are the most shittiest thing in this game. If they are upgrading, I don't care. but let us use them when we are going for an attack this is complete BS and I'm so bored of the game for this reason and don't feel the excitement to play the game anymore.


deploying troops in a line has to get boring for noobs at some point right?


I started about a month ago, I'm at th7 and this game makes no sense but it's fun


I've had my account for around five years and now I'm starting to get back into the game. The best thing for me currently is the Builder Base, it's fun to spam night witches and just relax. I'm not fond of the long upgrade times in the home village though.. On the flip side, that makes me spend less time on the game when all my builders are used up. A blessing in disguise!


As long as spamming army with little brain works on bases all is good I am a th9 ( 75% msxed ig) This is what I use Wait I can't post pictures?


1 pekka (to support king lvl 22) 8 dragons 1 healer (for queen lvl 18) 4 wiz (for queen support) 2 wall breakers (to break walls so that dragons can go in) And 1 barbarian (solos any base) 9+1 lightning Heros equipment :- Rage vial(9), Giant gauntlet(8) and invisibilityvial(9)l, frozen arrow(9) Electrodrag in CC


Lost my drive to play the game with the ores system, before ,i was doing pretty good and not feeling the burnout no matter how much hours i played it.


I’m a max th16 and not really enjoying attacking as much anymore. everytime I try to find a new strat to use in YouTube they’re using equipment I don’t have fully upgraded. so when I try to use it it’s just not as strong and doesn’t work


I really like the game over all. I am th16. I don’t like the upgrades and the increase of time for upgrades is nerve racking at times. I also believe that they purposely slow down the production of consumables to keep you from advancing in the game. It drives me crazy at times. Thanks


Adicted for a month and boring for a week and again Adicted for a month and boring for a week. same forever but still playing it . Since 2021 .Love it 😁😁😁




All f2p should focus on on giant gauntlet, eternal tome, freeze arrow, seeking shield (seeking shield coz it is cool/always will be,, it gives captain America vibe😂)


The amount of epic equipement and the lack of ores is annoying, having heroes down most of the time is also annyoing. Other than that I'd say its alright


I want to casually play the game but the ore system makes it less fun and gives more disappointments. Instead of seeing sonething shiny I get told "no" by some sort of micro transaction. Before I could track easily (main base only) Gold Elixir Dark Gems War token Now its Gokd Elixer Dark Gems War token Ore 1 Ore 2 Ore 3 I'm not going to have currency exchange in my head looking to convert things. I do like the option to customize heroes and have fun with that. Also any upgrade in th16 is a joke, 3 weeks for a 2% increase, not fun anymore The issue I see mainly is the shift from free to play to pay to play. The marketing has forced a more complex ecosystem that takes too much work from the end user to balance everything and the only way to really play. Its like supercell onky cares about the money (they are allowed to do that) but tgere needs to be a balance. I feel they try to milk you from th5 to th15 and park you in th16 when you don't have anything left to give them. It would be interesting to see the town hall split percentage, I read something like th16 is only 5% of player base. Also my last point, I remember early coc was a grind to get to any town hall level and you played it years to get anywhere. It was an accomplishment. Now as coc is very mature they had to accelerate the achievement process otherwise new people won't start the grind so it feels your hard work over the years is diluted when it took 4 years to get a decent base to now it can be done in 9 months. Sunday rant over, have a nice day :)




Ah thank you, so coc will try to keep the sweet spot of carrot and stick around 3 to 4 levels from max going forward. But also keep the whales asking for more at the top level so they can make more profits. Thanks


I've been casually playing for about 9 years. I am on at least once per day but don't consider myself anything other than casual. My attacks are so-so and I am still at TH 15. For a guy like me who is a good bit older and has a family and a career, it's the constant updates that are grinding me down. I can't really keep up to be honest, my pets are a mess, still don't really understand the new hero equipment and not sure that I care to understand it. I will likely still play but understand that maybe the game is moving away from casual players to someone whom is more into it than I am.


The ores system needs to be managed a bit better. I can’t war with my heroes upgrading and can’t gain ores. I’d say If they changed it so that when heroes are upgrading they heal x2 times slower like the barracks it’d be better. Aside from that the game’s gotten much better considering it used to 4 to 5 hrs to train an army back in the day


Honestly I think it will be very hard to beat the progression system without dumping tons of time or money into the game…


I think ‘strategic rushing’ has created a culture amongst some players who feel the only way to ‘win’ is to be maxed in certain ways that illicit a desired response. I think this attitude detracts from the ‘founders’ intentions. It’s partially a farming game. Some hate farming. I think those who hate farming are the ones who complain the most about how much time and resources it takes to upgrade hero equipment without spending beaucoup bucks. They are…the vocal minority.


From a busy college student: i do not like the fact that i have to play daily to keep up with the ores, or fall behind. Ores are extremely hard to obtain and with the pace at which new equipments are coming out its not very sustainable. Sure star bonus and wars dont take that much time, but having to play daily really sap the fun. That stuff should be for work, not leisure activities


The only thing that keeps me in this game is rootriders. I rely on rootridets heavily in legend league and cw. If rootriders are nerfed to ground, i would quit the game for good and never look back.


This feels like a chore and no longer fun


The game is boring


I appreciate that attacking is easier. I’m not a skilled pro so I still only get a max of 3 maybe 4 perfects in legends but still have the risk of 1 stars. Ore collection is annoying tho


It is way too hard to get starry ore and clan wars and bonus stars feel like a chore now. I used to be able to do them whenever for a little boost to my loot. Now it feels like the sole way to progress. And the only way to get starry is with clan wars and gems/event tokens. I don't even really like clan wars that much. But I am forced to play or I will never be able to upgrade my equipment. They cost way too many gems, and for the tokens I am bottlenecked for everything else with glowy ore so I bought glowy instead. I'd be interested in using the other epic equipment but there is no way I could upgrade it any time soon with the overall lack of options for obtaining starry ore. I have also run into an issue with the ores where I don't want to be in clan wars with my heroes down but I need starry ores (and other ores too) to upgrade gauntlet, but everything except my heroes is maxed for my th. And upgrading heroes barely feels worth it for how much it costs and how long your heroes are down for. This may be a timing thing where I was just getting around to upgrading my heroes when ores dropped and wasn't really able to since their release. I have spent a lot of my time on this game since fall 2023, although not as much as many people spend on this game. I have been playing on and off since about 2013, and the last 5 years I didn't play much. I am a th12 and a lot of my time with this game I have not attacked very often and simply collected resources. It feels like I am always at the same level since reaching th9 as walls and defences seem to cost and take about the same amount of time lol, not that that's a bad thing. I don't think I have ever been the max town hall level except maybe briefly as a low level th9 just before th10 released. The game is not very fun without heroes. I did the last challenge without heroes and it was such a chore. Almost no 3 stars, and way too many 1 stars. It made this event by far the longest event yet for me, and every event has felt way too long for me.




So I’ve been playing since 2014, I’ve gone through a lot of accounts and I’m town hall 10 right now, and I would still say the game is extremely enjoyable. I don’t think it’s at its peak right now though, I think it’s previous peak was when town hall 12 dropped (I’ve never been past town hall 10, so I’m not the best person to ask about that). I think some things are dragging the game right now, such as equipment and ores making f2p people like me have it be difficult to max their base, but all around it’s still me favorite mobile game of all time👍👍


Personally, it was too much. I was playing the game for years on end, all the time, and I truly did enjoy it back then. I got to TH11 at some point, and completely quit one day. It was just too long on the upgrading and having to constantly upgrade walls, unironically, was the worst part for me. Then, I came back one day, and I started playing again for a month or so before I got to TH12 and got bored out of my mind about halfway through it. It was mostly just bc of the upgrade times and resources and everything. I loved COC, but now it's just not for me anymore. That's just me, tho.


I play once a week in best case scenario, I was a very active player before but adult life is taking 90% of my time, with the current state of clash of clan and if they follow this path, chances are this is gonna be my last year playing CoC, i have 2 acc and it's already difficult for me to keep both acc actively upgrading things, not very pleased with the new hero upgrading system it has doubled the grind for the casual player (hero department only) making it annoying and pretty much discouraging me to keep playing.


I like what they are trying to to do honestly. I get it...us free to play users will fall behind for now, but it gives me reason to keep playing it for less than 30 minutes a day. Chill game. New stuff...cool please waste 30 minutes of my free time lol


i feel exhausted playing this game lately, the most recent event has a shorter time than those previous ones and it feels like the game either forcing you to pay or grind more than you could, or else you will be left out, it’s easier because of the clan capital Yes but it’s slowly transitioning into P2W game. As a casual with 10 accounts, i’m having a hard time catching up to the game’s pace, sooner or later if they continue this i might as well as to quit permanently like i did to clash royale, wish they could take it slow releasing anything and making unnecessary events bcz it doesn’t feel special anymore and less exciting to grind and use more of your time rather than just your free time


>As a casual with 10 accounts, Bruh


The equipment system is exhausting. Hero upgrade down time is discouraging. I'd forget to log in if I put a book next to my toilet. As a casual player, I feel like this game is extremely anti-casual.


I’m enjoying it so far. I’m not completely free to play but my hero’s are all maxed so that’s definitely nice. I would like to see a big improvement to the ore system so we all can enjoy the new equipment. They should implement it so when you attack you have a chance to get ore every attack I think that would be great


I think ground units need some buffs , I dislike playing any dragon strategy’s or air attacks . Valks buff would be pretty nice .


Addition of FOMO aspects to the game was the worst decision ever


Honestly I am indifferent however I don't like the fomo I am getting from being unable to upgrade the equipments 


too many of those events


Ive been a casual player since 2013, on and off! im only at th 13. The new updates are bad heroes and equipment’s upgrading is so hectic!


I have three accounts, TH15, TH12 and TH8. I'd call my self "a serious casual." I like the equipment. I loke the variety. The frequency is too much. So.. Otherwise good, but IF the release frequency of epic equipment stays at the current 1 per 1-2 months, then I will start to have problems - a F2P player can't keep up with the pace, as ore influx is much slower than the demand IF the pace keeps at this. If this is just temporary, and the pace will calm down to 1-3 epic equipment per year, then I will have no problems (or if the F2P ore influx is increased to be more compatible with the equipment release schedule). Edit. Also, monthly grindy events really drive me towards a brunout (even with one account). One can't really skip them if you want to get the equipment, to not miss any gameplay advantages available. IF the equipment would be a reward lets say, every 3-4 months, then I could skip some of the grindy events and avoid game burnouts.


Yeah me too I consider myself a casual I have a almost max th15 which is my main from 2013 and then a fresh from max 14 and a fresh from max 13


It’s so hard when there’s clan games , raid weekends and an event going on trying to max 3 accounts , I always make sure to do my main but that’s what burns me out too, for attacks I just use e drag dragon spam usually 3 star every time


HMU if your looking for a good u know what high level and leader 👀


Loving the meta , couldn't be more satisfying 💕


Buildibg times are too long imo


I'm a casual player. Before getting equipment, I used to play 2-3 times a week. Now, I have to participate in every war to get ores. That's why I've switched to low-effort spam attacks, so I can complete my daily 2 attacks, start some upgrade if builder is free and go.. before when I used to play 3 times a week, I used to spent more than an hour..now it's feels like a job..


I like the abilities but hate how you basically need to pay to get extra ores even w the gold pass (think if they're doing those events it should be included w the gold pass). Think they should be changeable but follow with the level, like with the old abilities. I really don't want a clash royale parody with the need to pay for ores to have a chance at being decent at the game as these abilities are OP, frost arrow makes the queen able to heal, fireball makes grand warden deal damage and heal Love the Clan capital as the higher the town Hall the siege machines and the troops become more important late TH11 and above TH12, and it adds so much convenience as I don't have to wait for members to be online and enjoy the extra events.


>frost arrow makes the queen able to heal, fireball makes grand warden deal damage and heal sorry what?


Game becomes more and more annoying and too complicated


There’s nothing complicated about clash of clans 💀😂


A casual player is not on Reddit.


The game is too easy for comp players and there’s too much to do for cas players. Supercell done fucked up pretty bad.


game is insanely boring at a high town hall level and repetitive at some point (I’m f2p)


I play maybe four times a week attack with sneaky goblins for 15 min get 3-5 million and can't even put an upgrade to go because they cost 5mil


Im th7 and the game is already recommending me to fight th9's 💀


Biggest annoyance is that there is no change to upgrading hero levels with ability level no longer attached I feel time should be reduce or allow us to use them Also for the equipment drama pretty overblown in my opinion


Increasing ore rewards based on league which forces people to stay in high league and also war continuously while also reducing shield time so that if you have any loot in collectors you lose alot (without destroying shield through attacks i lost 6 million gold and elixir in 2 days ) . This forces players to play daily and be more involved when the entire motto or playing style of game is to wait weeks for an upgrade to finish is a terrible strategy and will lead to burnout very quickly


I’m not a casual player but getting ores is very hard and heroes level up takes to much for f2p and it’s way too easy to level up clans in the past a lvl 5 clan was like a lvl 15 clan at present


Please more ores


I was on one of *those* breaks from coc when the queen's frozen arrow was released. I missed the kings gaulmlet too. 1500 gems is an impossible goal for me. I feel extremely demotivated to play right now.


Sometimes its very frustrating learning qc lalo, planned everything, trying really hard and then doing a 98% two star fail, and next seeing your maxxed base getting trippled in 1.40 from a guy dropping all rr and vslkyries in the corner and close the App. I cant take legends seroiusly atm, bcus i am not pro and cant do 320 everyday with qc lalo, i am happy i average 260, but one mistake and a attack is failed. Now people will say play rr Valks too, but i want to learn the Real strats, and its way more fun, i dont care if i fail bcus i am learning but people playing valks rr still should not tripple my base so easy, so that i can do maybe + trophies some days not everyday and still possible to climb even with a new harder strategy


The events are incredibly annoying honestly, free ores are cool, but the equipment... You feel so forced to grind it out incase it'll be involved in a strategy that's meta. I also don't like how they basically forced superdragons since I am kinda trying to learn new things and get away from boring spam attacks. As I mentioned I am going for new strats which is another reason to want to avoid having heroes down. Now I am trying to do all my hero upgrades with books as an almost f2p, which is not too easy having my king at 72/80 because I upgraded th early due to hammer jam. All in all I think it's going in a bit of a wrong direction, like if they were to add new heroes that would also be kind of essential for doing proper attacks, it would make it even harder for f2p players or players like me who just buy gold pass maybe 5 times a year max.


Becoming more boring and feels like a job at this point. Sunk time fallacy is real with this one.


So sick of my clan putting me into clan wars even if I'm upgrading heroes. So thanks for mentioning that. I would have not pointed it out. I'm also not a big fan of the changes in the builder base. It used to be a versus thing. You win some loot immediately after you win. Now you have to complete a set of stars to get a minuscule amount of loot. I hate that. I barely play the builder base anymore. Not even a sixth builder can make me care.


I hate upgrading heroes in general. The fact that it takes a lot of time to level them by 1. Also the fact that they are so essential in looting. Can't three star without all of them around.


Nearly impossible to get out of gold because I get three stared with any base design


Tbh, hero equipment rework was the most underwhelming update for me till date. I heavily disliked it and since has taken away every ounce of interest I had in game. It's just raid weekends and fomo of losing out on new equipments that have held me. Such a shame idc about my favourite game too much now


They need to stop wanting money so much because I know they are making a killing off of us but a couple youtuber say they need to make money instead of losing it. Which I don't understand how they are losing money when they have been charging an arm and a leg for a while and they aren't doing anything special that we can see besides charging us for everything. This is a pay to play more then anything. Or if you don't pay for anything it will take you about 10 years to get to townhall 9


it's shit.


My gems are spiraling down to 0. It went from 1800 to 80, 2 weeks later. But for reals, I'm trophy pushing to Crystal, and waiting for my e-drag army, and the many defenses that my 3 builders are working hard for is like running a lap in the Nordshleife on foot. And I get to run the risk of losing 30+ trophies from High level players with TH14, and 13, and losing over 500k gold and elixir, and 5k of my hard earned dark elixir, despite all of them won from the clan wars.


Seeing how slowly I get ores by only warring a few times a week has made it a lot easier to try to quit the game




It’s a bit dull, I find the equipment they have released not as useful as you’d think. Don’t really like the constant events either.  Overall, 5/10, still playing out of habit 😂


Titan 3 to Champion 1 in just a day (losing too much trophy.