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I also could literally not care any less. The *vast majority* of players have no idea anything is even going on.


I honestly had no idea any of this was going on. I don't really care for the e-tournament stuff or anything like that. I only care about the creators making videos based on attack strategies, defenses, and new content. If a creator stops making videos, I'll simply start searching for a new one. I enjoy this game, and I've strive to be better, I just don't really care about a lot of other things, I guess, lol. I have many other things I'd rather invest my time in and care about.


If something wrong is happening then one should raise their voices , you can't simply ignore it because it's not related to you. Right now its happening in e tournament and with content creators after some time it starts happening in game and that time we won't be able to do anything because all voices have been supressed Note: 3 things are happening right now 1st copyright strike misuse( small content creators getting banned) 2nd player for wrongfully removed 3rd supercell is promting pay to win As a casual player we don't have to worry about first two, third one is concerning for us, they are going clash royale path, look now where it is. They are releasing epic equipments every month, and how much starry ore we can get from free to play. 6500 gems for apprentice builder. Maybe in future they might introduce some special defence which only can be unlocked by gems. Ignore it now then it will cost you in future


If the game becomes less enjoyable, I'll spend less and play less. If they make a lot of bad changes, I'll just play a different game. Hence why I don't really care to follow any of this myself. Kudos to those of you who care, and I hope your voices get heard. I just visit this reddit for memes, game stuff like attacks/base layout/skins, and that's it for the most part. That's why I don't bother to follow this. I have enough going on with work politics, family drama, friend drama, and following local+national politics. Don't really have the time or energy for mobile game drama.


I don't think the costs are that bad. I had over 46k gems from f2p, now it's 40k. Permanent builder time is worth a lot, the pacing is currently based around 6 builder, so I think it makes sense the apprentice costs a lot. He is the incarnation of the 80/20 rule. He is like 1/3 builder but costs as much as the previous 5. He's just there to take the gems from people that saved or get people that blindly spend money to buy gems. As for equipment, well the only one you currently have to max is the gauntlet. And until now that could've happened easily with f2p without spending gems. The only problem I see is that you are at the mercy of balance changes when it comes to equipment. If you maxed the gauntlet but skipped on the ball and they suddenly nerf one and buff the other that would be a problem, but that has not happened yet.


You have to understand that previously the chances for a f2p player to represent in championship tournaments were even as any f2p player can reach the max townhall possible. But now with the introduction of equipments, it makes it impossible for a f2p player to compete in such competitive tournaments as you will be in the back foot w.r.t the maxed equipments you have in your disposal for a variety of attack strategies. This makes only the paid players with powerful maxed equipments to compete in such tournaments. So this basically grabs an opportunity which was used to be available for a f2p player.


Ok fair enough for tournaments that may make a difference. We can agree though that this is the top 0.01%. It's far from the "casual player" that was mentioned by u/Witty-Traffic7546.


Tbf im still pissed i didnt get the cowboy wallbreaker decoration. Other than that i always choose the equipment and the decor over anything for every event ive done so far. This one i missed cus i took a break too late šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Still have no idea whats going on. Just found out somethings going on cause of this post. How ironic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah I couldn't name any pro players or creators before joining here. Now I know only Itzu, Judo Sloth and Kenny Jo.


Add beakers lab to your list. Heā€™s pretty chill


Some reason i cant stand him šŸ˜‚


I didn't know Reddit Existed. Youtubers told me to join it, so I'm here.


Same here lol


Sir Moose - spam for the win!


considering how unclean the entire pro scene is, i'm expecting that they kicked max based off of selective enforcement of some rules and i dont care much about that particular interaction. that being said, i do care a lot about SC abusing the copyright system and pulling a Nintendo because they are biased against a certain creator.


When this controversy popped up, I was like, what the hell?! Seriously, I just wanna enjoy my game and not get involved in some stupid drama and root for someone I don't even know a rat ass about.


I didnā€™t even realize there was a ā€œpro sceneā€ā€¦ do they just drop their edrags faster than I do?


Im pretty sure idk tho they might add like a couple balloons


well sometimes they create sneak peek videos on new updates and drop lines such as "all the content creators told SC that the apprentice builder is way too expensive so I'm sure it will be made cheaper before release". spoiler: it wasn't made cheaper.


fun fact, they do edrags sometimes and its successful.


When I put my edrags in a line Iā€™m told Iā€™m ā€˜spammingā€™ and ā€˜no good at attackingā€™ When pros put their edrags in a line itā€™s ā€˜a genius moveā€™ and ā€˜exceptional strategyā€™ (this is a joke btw, I donā€™t edrag spam)


and better


ngl...I laughed pretty hard at that comment.


i like some youtubers like judo bc he seems like he stays out of drama and just posts fun videos i enjoy watching pros as its good 2 learn more but the drama is so unnecessary and silly


Dude I conquer that because I personally watch his videos especially the breaking COC those have been my go to videos and not to mention the usual event videos


and his guides and maxing hero equipment is good


I have not seen those but will have a look at those for sure. thanks for letting me know


theyā€™re pretty good he does like tips for every troop but may be out dated now


hmm thats ok will wait for the updated ones in that case. thanks again!


he has alot of other similar u should definitely stil check it out


gotcha thanks!


You best take a few days off, I dont see it dying down any time soon.


Kids are out of school for summer, it's gonna be a shit show


After summer they'll regret wasting their time and effort on COC drama lol.


Itā€™s not kidsā€¦ itā€™s 35+ people lol




What's your opinion on this RickšŸ‘€. I'd like to know


I'll let you know my opinion once my check clears... /s For real though, IDK. Only thing I'm confident in is that there's more to the story than anyone here knows and ever will know, including myself. I've briefly met Eric, we had him on the podcast, nothing but respect for what he's brought to the Clash community. Tremendous amount of respect for Itzu as well. Both for his content and what I've seen of him in the creator nda chats. Never met or spoken with him personally though, but I'd like to. I think everyone needs to put their pitchforks away, sit tight, and wait for more info. Well really I think people need to stop getting so invested in streamers/influencers/creator's personal lives, but failing that. Sit tight and be patient for the story to unfold.


Probably in the minority here but Iā€™ve never even heard of any of the people being discussed today


Youā€™re not in the minority


Ehh. This is a social media platform. It's probably one of the most controversial topics we've had that isn't exactly game related. You don't need to care but realize that some people do. Gotta respect both sides of it.


Fr, for us itā€™s irrelevant but for some itā€™s their livelihood so I at least empathize




Who knows only judo sloth šŸ¦„


Youā€™d think there wouldnā€™t be so much drama about a fucking base builder mobile game, but somehow the creators that sit on the game all day always find a way to ruin shit


Create a CoC drama sub. I come here for game news/updates, donā€™t care about the man-children and their issues. Esports in most games are overflowing with teenagers and young 20s kids with massive egos.


people keep missing the entire point, which is the copyright abuse by SC. that is the real issue here


Exactly! Itā€™s like people just want to ignore it and pretend everything is ok. Thatā€™s why the world is so fucked. Canā€™t see the bigger picture, or care about other people. Everything has become about the individual instead of the group.


Honestly, as a Latino minority. I see often how our issues are ignored, it infuriates me that nobody talks about it but.. thatā€™s the world. Canā€™t make people care about something they couldnā€™t give a shit about. I could honestly care less about rich content creators


Not sure any of the CoC content creators are rich, lol.


Iā€™ve seen JudoSloth and man pours hundreds for one video sometimes, and he gets alot of views and is family friendly. Iā€™d bet thatā€™s a plus for advertisers Iā€™m a casual, and donā€™t pay attention to the pro scene. Iā€™m js I personally dont care about the drama


Itā€™s not about content creators. Issues are ignored everywhere. ā€œRichā€ šŸ˜‚


*couldn't care less If you _could_ care less that means you care a bit


You can't seriously call them man-children because they made it an issue. Because their livlihood depend on making videos, which is now in danger. Even the guy who was kicked out of the team lost like 10 grand, like Eric stated.




I totally agree with you. Iā€™ve played it for free, for fun, for 10 years. People get way too involved lol


likewise been playing for 10 years and man, some changes I feel are coming too sudden like the equipments then the heroes being usable during upgrades but ngl I feel that they do make the game bit more interesting to play


Same just let me fucking play coc


Tbh I have just discovered something was going on by reading posts here... still I dont understand whats going on, I tried to watch the video with the long haired boy but my oral english comprehension is not good... would someone have the kindness to give me a quick summary of it ? Thankies~


Realize that this is an ongoing issue. I will attempt to be unbiased as possible but also realize I don't have all of the facts. An esports team subbed out one of their members for worlds. Said member disagreed with being subbed out. There is a rule that prevents teams from changing the roster unless it's under certain circumstances. (If someone could help me out with this one, I lack a lot of understanding for this one) Eric (a content creator) came to the defense of said member. Supercell deemed that what he said in defense of that member crossed the line of their code of conduct and demoted him. Eric then posted a video outlining the team leader being favored by Supercell as well as Supercell using copyright claims as takedowns against creators they disagree with. Eric also pointed out in his video that other creators have created videos being critical of the game that weren't removed. One of the creators is Itzu, who has now made comments in his discord that he will be publishing a video explaining something regarding the situation. Hopefully, this is as unbiased as I can be and only using the information that has been made public. Please chime in if I misread or misunderstand something about the situation.


https://www.youtube.com/live/QhlHOIaWsVg?feature=shared Skip to the 40:48 mark It happened before the whole fluxxy/max situation but I think it's still important. Tl;dr is Eric was removed from the casting roster and supercells reason was "that his services are no longer needed" and then ghosted him afterwards didn't give him a proper explanation why. Sorta sounds familiar to what max is having to deal with currently. It shows there is definitely some behind the scenes stuff going on here and that Eric and supercells relationship was beginning to fall off before the max/fluxxy situation happened. From Eric's perspective it not unreasonable to believe that supercell was only looking for any excuse to get rid of him. It's not that hard to spin what Eric said on that stream as "bullying" so voila.


this is very interesting to me because i can totally see how his stream could have been classified as harassment or bullying, and i thought that the removal from the creator program and the removal from the worlds casting team was in response to the stream, however it appears that there was a different reason he was removed from casting.


Thank you for explanations and video link bro ! As sad as it can be, the "your services are no longer needed" is still a very common way of fire people whatever their job, their services actually not being needed anymore or for covering any other wild resson like "i dont like your personality" or "one of my friend needs a job so..." I wish the best to every person suffering from this, be it Eric or whoever else, may y'all find a new job which brings you fulfilment soon.


i think you are correct. the one thing iā€™d add is itā€™s very doubtful that anyone here read the TOS for the game they are playing.


Well done.


Thank you very much for taking the time to write down a clear explanation bro, i better understand now :)


Middle school drama over a mobile game but adults.


The guy who got kicked out of him team lost the ability to win 500K USD...


People get kicked off of teams all the time. Pay attention to any sports. What I don't get is why or how supercell had any say on what happens on an esports team, but tbh I don't really follow esports to the point where my phone keeps trying to autocorrect it to "reports" lol


Thing is, when a team gets the golden tickets you can't change someone out unless they agree (that is if it isn't a kick cuz of rule break) and supercell has to agree as well but what happened is the team leader said we're deciding to part ways with max and when max rightfully said wtf fluxxy (the team leader) said we have nothing to discuss and added his friend instead of max even tho max had one of the highest hit rate in clash history Sorry for no punctuations English isn't my main language


Seems like Max is better off in the long term and Fluxxy & co shot themselves in the foot. If Fluxxy is as trash as everyone says I can't imagine continuing to be teammates with him.


This goes a lot deeper than just content creators and pros. The entire point of this is to show that Supercell has become a greedy and corrupt company. This includes the pay-to-win state of the game, which negatively affects every single player. Now we are seeing them reach beyond just the game and player base. This is not good for any player, whether or not you only care about playing the game.


Honestly, I'm only p2w in Brawl Stars and Clash Royale, but I've never thought I was missing something by being f2p in CoC.


That was true, up until hero equipment was released. After that, every other bit of content added has been steered in the pay-to-win direction.


As a free to play, hero equipment has greatly improved the power of my heroes and made them actually worth using fun wise.


Iā€™ve also been F2P since the game was released. Yes they have increased the power of heroes overall, as was their intention, but the upgrade costs and release schedules pushed them into P2W territory.


First, they come for those you don't know. Then they come for those you don't care. Finally, when no one else is left, they come for you.


And when they come for me, I stop playing CoC and play a different game. They donā€™t own me


Itā€™s a video game, not genocide.


"it doesn't affect me and I don't enjoy the thing I like being framed negatively so I'm going to complain about affected people talking about it."


I could care less about their drama, never even heard of them before this


I like Trample Damage. Solid guy, down to earth, shares a lot on this sub. Plus, I have had sex with his wife.


hey everyone look, its a content creator who hasn't picked a side yet... GET HIM


I picked a side. I got fries.


Damn, I hope at least his dog(s) didn't allow you to pet them. Or else Trample might just be left with nothing, especially now that you have also stolen his account.


I give zero shits about almost any "drama" that gets brought up here from time to time (at a seemingly increased rate). It's a fucking game


the drama isnt only about the game, its also about business, contracts, reputations, etc,.Ā  this is also similar to other Esports game.Ā 


That literally doesn't affect 99% of the community


Sadly, it was not "to affect" the community, it was to bring justice to whoever was the victim of supercell's dirty doings that was kept in silence.


Chill we only have 2 guy's accusations for now. It's a bit light.


You are definitely not the only one. 99.99% of us do not give a rats about their scene. They are constantly moaning and bitching about the game and now about each other. A perfect case in point is their constant bitching about how easy the game has become for attacking. While the 99% enjoy this, they dont because it effects their silly little tournaments. Glad supercell bought in a hard mode. It might finally shut them up on that point and let the rest of us enjoy the game without seeing troops constantly nerfed.


Sadly, the players competing in money competitions and the followers of the content creators make up currently the most loud and vocal part of the community. Perhaps if those who enjoyed the un-nerfed root rider had been more vocal in their opposition, we would have gotten to keep the previous version.


Yeah, I donā€™t really pay attention. Iā€™m a casual, and I enjoy it that way I enjoy coc, I donā€™t feel like itā€™s too predatory. If anything theyā€™ve made it easier for new players, they give f2p players opportunities for free stuff which is cool too


Could not agree more


I just watch them because theyā€™re a waste of time. Like itā€™s their job to run their mouth about clash of clans. Itā€™s pretty entertaining to see full grown adult men just play games for a living.


There are 2 types of content creators : The "Hey I got a fun idea !" ones And the "Hey I got some drama !" ones


But drama earns them money. Because of ad revenue and sponsorships.


For real. They need a separate subreddit for all the drama. Don't care about the YouTubers.


Don't give a shhit


I could careless as well,reason why i dont read or respond to those threads. I enjoy coc every a lil bit more as i complete certain things.


Same bro


haha literally me, every time I see a post about it Iā€™m like who gives a shit


I played for 10+ years now and never give a rat ass about creators or pro scene. Whatā€™s the point caring about these clowns on a farming based game just attack, get my loot, and upgrade, war a few, play with the clan


I don't even understand what kind of content youtubers make. There's not that much news to cover, is it just attack replays and war logs? Looking at the thumbnails, I desperately do not want to watch any of the videos. They all look obnoxious as hell.


I just watch judo Sloth for a few things : - The useful Infos like update sneak peeks and challenge tutorials - The videos where he uses a game mechanic to see its limits (he recently used 3000 housing space in one attack with just the official game lol)


These super competitive people Ruin the game, think they're all high and mighty. The only people who care about the current "controversy" is the super hardcore crowd. Good let them cry more


Same here I donā€™t care, but itā€™s fun to see some drama, who doesnā€™t want to see one?


One what, a drama? I have to admit, I think you're right


These things wouldnā€™t have happened if ā€œcontent creatorsā€ had a real job instead of sitting on their ass whole day at home and making videos.


For real bro. Why canā€™t we just play the game lol? Who cares about a little creators opinion


Funny, I play this game as a way to get away from drama and real world cares. Zero chance I'm giving a care about some e-sports cat fight.


These posts are annoying me so much. But it seems like as if we have a shit ton of 12 year olds here on this sub who go mental when their favorite youtuber or whatever gets some punishment


Thank you!


Nah I'm with you i open the game enjoy it a lot then log off and neither me nor my friends and clan mates give a fuck about these things that's why I'm happy and have my mental peace stable


https://preview.redd.it/hfeed7cyl89d1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acd55cbc8748660bad2261f1c241db5b47404c8 Fr dawg like I donā€™t care about some random ass YouTuber i just want to play a game i like and see cool stuff in the community not drama i would play cash royale if i wanted drama


Honestly speaking, I only watch a few of them and even if I do, I watch them for the purpose of information.


Right? Tell me how to do the challenge so I can get gems and potion on my accts and be done with it asap. That's all I need content creators for.


I was confused as heck, even on the leaks subreddit they're talking about that, and i still have no idea/interest on what the drama is even about, saw people talking about boycotting and honestly? I couldn't care less, the game won't die because of a youtuber man, quit if you wanna, don't force others into doing the same. https://preview.redd.it/w8qwc3t0q79d1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a20ea6a57ed5f561a998d6d69d8f66cdfd4e95b


Not alone. I'm actually sick of the 'pros' thinking they run the damn community, game, and everything else. I could care less about the esports and their need to think they're better than everyone just because they play the game competitively. What's worse is every time they complain about something, the responses in these reddit threads are like people taking up arms. The whole thing is just awfully negative and not something I enjoy looking at on this subreddit.


This is exactly it. Plus the content creators themselves act like they are a bastion of absolute morality. Give me a break.


I don't give a rats ass about the pros or the content creators but to just be okay with abusing the copyright system is stupid. That system exists for legal reasons that's like having the police come in your home and take your stuff because someone didn't like what you said.


donā€™t give two shits! didnā€™t know who the darian guy was untill he quit. Think maybe deleting this sub would be the best option. I might miss 5% of info that is posted.


Darian is the former community manager who recently left. I mainly know him for the update videos, and more importantly because he was Clash Quest community manager too.


Saying I donā€™t give two shits means: I didnā€™t follow, donā€™t follow, certainly donā€™t need details on who they were! If you read it also says I didnā€™t know who he was ā€œuntilā€ he quit!




Majority of us are causal players we don't really careĀ 


What people donā€™t seem to understand is that this is a mobile game. They are DESIGNED to make as much money as possible. They are so good at it that full price AAA games are trying to figure out how to do the same thing. So when I login and my feed is dominated by people upset that they are being taken advantage of itā€™s just so laughable. Literally stop playing if youā€™re not happy. Google ā€œsunk cost fallacyā€ and move on with your life. I quit playing for like 10 years or something and came back. Prob spent $500+ on my village since September, and maybe $200 or so on my kidsā€™ villages. When I am not having fun anymore Iā€™ll just move on like an adult and thatā€™s that. Donā€™t even get me started about content creators and this insane affinity people have for them. Anything beyond a like on a vid or maybe using ninjas code in the shop because of that baller app he created is insane to me.


Here here, esports drama for a mobile game? Should definitely have its own sub.


Who cares about sh0t šŸ˜‚ As long as SC not being greedy and turn it to p2w who cares whom getting fired ? I'm playing TO PLAY, not TO WATCH others play ... E-sport and tournments are sh0t since day one


I only watched it twice, for the two last world finals (we could gain rewards) and it was a bit interesting (probably because there were a lot of spectators and decorations and everything). Apart from that the only esports I follow every months is Brawl Stars. It's really linked to the game, easy to understand and players and casters are usually nice.


literally these pricks are so parasitic


Who? OP?


I feel like it's the younger crowd mostly. A decade ago I would've been up at arms about it, and it'd be a big deal to me


I couldn't care less about them but I DO enjoy drama. People get too workup for something that is not realated or effect them even a little bit. This is sweet


The only reason I watch them, and seems to be by design, is to figure out how to 3 star most challenge bases. It honestly feels like the only reason they make those is to boost YouTube numbers.


What even happened???


U tube is a joke In this situation. They all try to make money off a f2p game. Its so ridiculous. If I owned the game I would ban all of them šŸ˜Ž


Even though I am not a active follower of pro scene or competative clash but the allegations raised against the company does concern me.. There should be transparency in every aspect. Sad to see things going the way they are


yea so sick of these never ending posts, I dont care


Admittedly I don't care a ton about who's right or wrong from the situational standpoint, however- it's about fucking time one of these content creators gets honest about the state of the game and the corruption that exists in this dev team and company overall, especially the support team. Absolute dog shit team that needs to get replaced for the game to ever be what the community wants again. No more in game purchases.


It's probably just one guy in the CoC team. Morten has been criticizing every single Clash Royale update for over one year and what does Supercell do ? They try to listen to him.


I too have no idea of whats going on. The only creator I care about is Judo sloth, rest idgaf. I am here to have a good time and unwind at the end of the day.


Genuinely didnā€™t even know there was a YouTuber community or creators or whatever. To each their own I guess


I don't either, but this is a strong indicator of SC going to crap. I alteady suspect there's corruption w/ their tolerance of spammers and scammers, now e-sports...


A lot if cheaters have been banned these last days.


Plus there's a "don't be evil" thing. SC seems to be turning evil.


I also donā€™t give a shit about creators, YouTubers, or the pro scene. However, I do love some good tea. Also, Iā€™m not completely happy with how supercell has been handling the game the past 12 months.


I will like to suggest Mods to control the number of threads regardings this Eric saga. Seems like quite a number. Think 1 thread is enough ?


Nope you are in a group called "casual player s" most of the people that whine about this is the loud ones


Buff super Valkyries first. Than we will talk about youtubers


Yeah....each day I'm getting closer to getting off this sub entirely. People are bitching everyday and posting useless crap 90% of the time


What is the theme of July 2024 in CLASH OF clans????


Yeah I agree, such a small % of peopel acc care, were th16 legend league players, top of the game, dotn relly care... But at the same time im confident that a good game alsways has a good pro scene, please proove me wrong tho becuse there must be sme good games that dont have decent pro scenes (not sarcasm or whatever, there will surelly be loads)


What is actually going on? I keep seeing stuff all over my feed and have no clue (not that I care at all either just interested)!


Do you give a rats ass about Supercell?


yea idgaf


100% this, this sub has become super cringe, thereā€™s way too much drama for a mobile game, itā€™s embarrassing


this is a forum all about clash of clans of course you gonna get this in your feed after drama happens just scroll past if you cant stand it


99% of peopleā€¦ just the crazies that always want everything free and the world to burn are usually on these these message boards


It's not my circus, not my clowns... I wish the creators would stop referring to we.. it's them.


The YouTubers I watch are Judo, Havoc, Jaso, and Jadon. Idc about the drama going on or the pros complaining, just let me play the game.


What's The issue though.


You're definitely not the only one


Normally I'd agree. The pro scene and the youtube meta isn't really all that important for the players playing the game, and I'm sure 99% of players agree with this sentiment. However, the drama that's happening rn is different. Because it's not really about the game or the meta anymore, but the people in the community. I love this game, and I wish to be assured that the people who are making this game and the players who play professionally and casually are getting the treatment and/or payment they deserve. And Supercell are supposed to make sure that happens. The current drama on the other hand is a breach of that standard and trust, and shows that the company we are supporting are not acting in good faith and are being genuinely unethical. They need to be held accountable.


The only CoC creator I care about is Judo Sloth because watching someone break the game by pushing it to its limits is fun, and for the update videos and challenge tutos.


I like Eric and I watch his videos a lot of times. But still I am not convinced to take a side. And I don't care that much about pro scene thing (not my thing). But banning Eric from content creator program is smth I am intrested in. And I want to hear the other side (from supercell , the clear reason behind this) before taking a side.


there should be a different sub for coc competitive just like r/valorant and r/valorantcompetitive. I understand information needs to be shared but keep it in a different subreddit


It wouldn't even be so bad if they had a mega thread for it. Instead, every single person has to make their own thread about it so all you see is that drama.


No you arenā€™t. Honestly, the only reason these folks are getting hot and bothered is because of the money.


ya same


Literally have zero idea and interest in this drama. I love this game and im playing it like always


I enjoy watching pro matches, sometimes itā€™s a great way to learn new strategies.


The only creator I care about is Judo when he tells me how to easily 3 star the _____ challenge.


Personally, I think Trample does it better. He goes slower and gives you time to play along while Judo kind of rushes through it.


Yep. They asked the fans to bombard the forums so now we all have to put up with the crying from them.


same. idgaf abt all this bc i just play casually


100% agreed


it's not about the creators. it's about how supercell getting more and more greedy


I love judosloth šŸ„°


me too though, and I don't really bother as long as they don't make the game fully P2W style (like probably increase hero stat when wearing legendary skin, etc..) that shit would totally ruined the game though


They just support the Cash of Clans mentality


You cared to post meaning you do care. Always see these people will will post opposite thinking they are smart.


They just donā€™t wanna see this stuff on there home page also its will not will will


I really don't and the post was to express feeling tired of seeing topics about that created ad nauseum. They couldn't have just made 1 mega thread for it, they had to each make their own posts so that my feed is cluttered with that garbage. I just don't want to see it, hence my post.


They keep saying that this game is dying because of Supercell being a greedy company and all the controversies happening around the community. But that couldn't be more far from the reality. Ever since the additions of the new equipment this game just keeps getting stronger day by day because there are varieties and made the game "easier". Not to mention all the good stuff they've been puttin for the last recent years. If you're an OG player like me you know what I'm talking about.


Usually it goes like this: Drama is created > everyone gets mad and more people join in the mess cause why not > drama ends one way or another > people stop caring since they want drama, not an actual solution.


You're not the only one. I couldn't care less, and no one in my entire clan has mentioned it or seems to have any idea that anything is going on.


i donā€™t care whatā€™s going on. iā€™ll still buy scenery and the gold pass.