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I hate how totally broken but totally unexciting the torch is. I'm really hoping those stats aren't final because we would need to always use it if it stays like this. just press the ability at the start with no tactic kinda sucks.


what did thee torch do again?


Gives allies damage resistance, speed boost, and jumping for a pretty lengthy duration


35 second 


Crazy long lol. Combine with Healing Tome for 25 seconds of pseudo invincibility


no way its gonna get past testing without being toned down because that's just stupidly broken. its like having haste, jump and a pseudo life gem with damage reduction without using spells


Who knows, honestly. If it does get nerfed, I think the damage resist is the main thing to take down. The speed isn’t a huge buff, and jumping is good for ground armies but useless for air. The 45% damage reduction at max is what is cracked. Should be like 30%


The thing to nerf should be the free jump spell and the fact that it buffs on cast vs buffs in aura. Changing both I’d argue would balance it pretty well since you need to remember it’s competing with 9.5 seconds of literal immortality. Otherwise you just set down mass valks or giants, ability+heal and you just win.


Unfortunately I think root riders have proved that something can be stupidly broken and still get past testing


Lol they're trying to get people to use root riders less maybe by allowing more ways to make walls useless. Walls take too long to kill for most units and too short or non existent for stuff like this. They've lost their ability to balance things in this game


Honestly? That could be the case, yeah They need to upgrade walls so that they do something other than just block—or so that they block in ways other than just ground troops. Plenty of ideas for how, like an “Electrified Fence” which has lower health but can block air units, or a Spiked Wall which trades HP for damaging attackers, etc etc. Thing is, I wouldn’t even say walls are useless—their very existence mandates that people use strategies built around bypassing them, but that makes it pointless to run strategies which don’t. I’ve always wondered what the game would be like if we had fewer walls, but defenses in general had more health


That's my biggest beef with things like root riders, edrags, or lalo/dragon meta. If they want to make walls obsolete, fine I guess, dumb but fine. But then at least decrease the cost a lot so people who still want to completely max out can do it without it being such a massive waste, if walls aren't going to matter in the end.


What if I just use the torch with root riders? Now root riders have extra speed and damage reduction.


all of these equipments are "set and forget". exactly what you don't want an equipment to be


Speak for yourself, that’s what I prefer.


then they should be more easily accessible and maxable




Naw I love it


Let's hope 🙏


How do you know what these equipments do?


these got leaked over at the leak sub at /r/ClashOfClansLeaks before. but SC removed those posts, so you won't find them anymore. OP summarized the effects [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1dqfg7q/these_new_epic_equipments_scare_me/lanlt20/) though, which I can confirm are the ones that got leaked. on top of that, all the pieces come with really strong passive stats, so if they release that way, they will be VERY broken.


I used them before they were released and they are op when you max them out




I have a video on clash of clans leaks of me using it before it was there, (atrasismodedserver)


I used them too


Honestly, the rate these epics come out make me lose interest, yeah I'll be able to unlock them in the event, but I'll never be able to max them or keep up with the meta without paying a lot, I'll just slowly upgrade what I've got.


Supercell will always find ways to squeeze money from their playerbase? Max townhall? How about you max those new equipments which you cant fully upgrade unless you spent money


This is the first time I'm actually feeling overwhelmed as a free to play casual. I JUST started secondary stuff today cause I had extra blue stuff. Was thinking of cool I can start using different attacks and stumbled on this....great....


Or buy the 2nd ~~Gold~~ Event Pass


Same, I'm mostly waiting on Starry Ore, and by the time I get enough to upgrade one piece of equipment, I have to wait weeks to get enough of it to do the same stuff over again. Also, nice pfp


At the end of the day, it’s just another equipment to make attacks different or easier. Maxing even basic equipment will give you a substantial boost, so if you work on a few pieces of good equipment you already have, you will be fine.


I'm tired man. Playing daily, using my weekly medals on ore, clan war non stop. Still taking too long to max each legendary gear. I don't appreciate being time gated out of the end game meta content like this. I enjoy planning my attacks meticulously in th16. Customising my armies to hit the hardest bases for 3 stars. Hard to do when only half my gear is maxed. Maybe I'm just not your target consumer anymore supercell. I'm tired man.


Epic, the Legendary Gears are not here yet….


Crazy to think just how many ores will inevitably just be "wasted" on old non-meta equipment as they continue to introduce more epics and eventually... Legendary equipment. Grind today, grind tomorrow, I'm starting to remember why I left the game... 😐


There will become a point where it doesn’t matter anymore because offense will be so strong that you can steamroll any base with your eyes closed


It probably won't get wasted. They stated that the plan is 2 epic equipment per hero and then to reassess afterwards. These 3 final epics along with the ones we have were already designed with the introduction of TH16. Once they are released you can expect new equipment to become more uncommon through each cycle. Instead we will get some tweaks to the current ones and probably extra levels added for new THs. It's actually hard to waste ore currently. As long as you're an active player you will eventually max everything anyway. I already have 2 epic and 10 commons maxed and I haven't even bought a majority of the event passes so far.


It scares me..![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)


“We hear you!…. Here’s 10 gems for free to spend on star ore to get your equipment maxed out” - supercell


Real 😂


So real for that Feels impossible to max nowadays, before equipment if you put in a lot of time it was possible, not really anymore


The equipment should be upgraded automatically every five levels like it used to be(for the common equipment at least). It shouldn’t be harder to upgrade the equipment than the actual hero. Upgrading the hero feels so redundant now, getting like 3 extra dps after farming over 200 de and not being able to use the hero for a week.


take a break


but then what about the equipments that were missed? 3 equipment means 4500 gems


In the Q&A they said they are planning on bringing equipment previously released back through events


did i just waste my gems on freeze arrow for nothing?


Patience is priceless


So you didn't play the last 6 months?


I'm not talking about myself, new players or anyone who wants break or even someone who choose skin instead ( I did bought the fireball and new builder so I don't have anymore gems 🙃)


you missed all 3 equipments ? and only giant gauntlet is worth buy and maxing .


Wtf is did you mean by stop crying for problems that are not real? IT IS A PROBLEM, 4500 GEMS IS A PROBLEM. Are you brain-dead or sth?


I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about if someone wanted to take a break they need gems to buy those equipment. I have all the equipments rn. Giant gauntlet, Frozen arrow, fireball are great equipment. The only one crying is you


you do not need gems to take a break if you are an a break enjoy it to the fullest , if you decide to comeback you'll have the best of guides to decide to pick the only and the best equipments . so for rn only giants gauntlet if there are more epics that come out which are better or the same is gauntlet you only need to buy them . not all the epics


You can get all equipments for free by just completing the events which aren't that hard. I always complete them with a lot of time to spare. Never spent one gem on equipment and have them all.


And how are they going to do the events if they take a break? Woosh


If they are taking a break then who gives a fuck about the equipments? If you need a break, you need a break cuz you are sick of the game.


Just because they take a break doesn't mean they aren't deserving to get the equipment. Of course, returning players would could come back and wait to try out new equipment, but that is easier said than done. 1500 gems per equipment makes it exponentially harder to obtain them.


" Deserving" 😆 lots of games you miss out if you don't play... You'll just get the new equipment when you come back. Since it's better and takes awhile to lvl anyways it's not much of a problem. Plus it hasn't even been a year. They'll probably bring it back or lower price like they're known to do with upgrade times. 🤷


Of course. People who put in less effort shouldn't get a ton of free stuff, but I think if equipments were readily available, then there could be more incentive to keep playing or returning in general.


Yeah so either take a break or don't. You aren't just gonna magically get the equipment if you take a break though. That's dumb. Or get the equipments then take your break. If you take your break, you're gonna have to buy gems.


Right…which is why your first comment was irrelevant


My first comment wasnt responding to the whole thread or the context of the original comment. It was just about spending gems on equipment. This whole conversation is irrelevant.


I never said anything about magically acquiring equipments after a break. You said if someone takes a break, then they shouldn't care about the equipments, which is a silly assumption. If someone is taking a break, how will they know which equipments are available and what they do? Equipments should be available 24/7, so players taking a break can truly forget about the game without worries of missing out. Supercells demographic is casual players who might take casual breaks. So why would you or Supercell not care about them? Say it is only dedicated players who play. These are players who play multiple hours a day. These dedicated people have little reason to make purchases because they are at max efficiency progression, right? So fewer purchases = less revenue for Supercell, which leads to features such as expensive equipment and heroes. Supercell are the only ones who have data concerning casual players, so maybe the equipments are fairly priced , but Supercell can't ignore casual players either way






Honestly, for me I've only ever needed to level up the gauntlet, Frozen Arrows would be good for me too but Archer Puppet scales faster so I went for that for now. Right now the only equipment I need to max is the Frozen Arrows, already done with all the commons (even puppet) and the gauntlet. It's definitely frustrating if you're trying to 100% all equipment but imo it's just better to focus on the ones you're actually gonna use


Thanks for your comment, bro. Can totally relate.


I just quit today. Deleted. Sorry clan, not sorry.


see you in 1-3 years <3


Lol fr I quit for a year and came back. Was TH13 now like midway through TH14. Or like 35ish%. Came back just before the equipment update so I wasn't totally lost or tragically behind on that aspect which I thank my lucky stars for. And my clan was still going and got promoted back to Co-Leader right away


thats fantastic


The torch won’t make your troops regain health, it has a 40% damage reduction, RC boots however gives her 60 hp back every second


Torch and Healing tome is likely to have far more survivability than Life and Eternal Tome, though; add in the wall jump and speed increase, and it will be incredibly valuable.


Yes! I believe this will be the best hero equipment yet, even if they nerf it, damage reduction will probably be the best thing in the game, just like the gauntlet, the boots also seems very very interesting


The only thing that scares me is ores. I need to pull 15 wars win to max fireball and it’s annoying me.


Starry ores 🫠 same issue here, final stretch to max fireball right now


where can we find this information


I can't tell you or they will remove the post But here's a quick info on what they do: Hero torch: Active Ability Grand Warden Allows the troops to regen health, jump walls and be faster, at max level leasts for 35 seconds Electric Boots: passive ability Royal champion Technically the same thing that the Electro titan does Magic Mirror: active ability Archer queen Creates clones of the Archer queen, you can create max 2 clones depending on the equip level The level of the clone will be the same but stats will be lower


Sike! QW is gonna be broken after those clones


I agree look at this https://preview.redd.it/alylrne87a9d1.png?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fdbe0193f938eaa6448c9cf2139452d5940d41


Excited for this.. Any idea when it's dropping? Need to stack ores


they said they’d want 2 epic equips for each hero before the release of th17, and these 3 would round that out. so probably all within the next few months if they’re trying to stick with a new TH release every 12 months. I’d guess the torch will be for olympics so either july or august


Drop dates unluckly no, but who knows maybe next event we will see one of these 3 equips


Don't scare me




they said they’d want 2 epic equips for each hero before the release of th17, and these 3 would round that out. so probably all within the next few months if they’re trying to stick with a new TH release every 12 months. I’d guess the torch will be for olympics so either july or august


Let’s go Jump Vial and Clone Vial are real


Hahah kinda yeah


It's jump+haste+armor together lmao


The torch gives damage reduction, not health regen 


My bad


There’s also a super archer puppet coming


Are you joking? Because i don't believe you so much


Check the leaks sub


Ok yes i checked you are right But it's in the chinease version of the game, i don't know if It will be global


Don’t know but it doesn’t look very good either way. Especially compared to the other 3 equipments


You're right, i checked that leak sub anyway, Is saw new event troops coming, or am i wrong?


Yes. Not sure when though


This is all right but hero torch won't regen hp it reduces it by 40% at max level but it will heal warden


Sooo the torch is just a better book of healing? Also I don't use clones much but I assume there is no time limit on them??


You didn’t find anything special it’s literally on the clash of leaks sub, wdym “cant tell you they will remove the post”


Read Rule Number 3 description and you will understand why ♥️♥️


https://preview.redd.it/vi953z2oga9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dac8db05321b98539ced9c52e56c873bd2d744b And?




Oh I thought you saw it in clash of leaks sub


Nono i neither knew that this equips existed hahaha




Go to the clash of leaks sub


previously my goal is to max everything but now, it is literally impossible. I'll be forever bottle neck as a f2p


sc would be dump to not trying to do that free money printer


Nah, you shouldn't be worried so much, just save ores for equipments that are actually be helpful in your attack. Realistically, you only need to upgrade 8 equipments to max and that should serve you well for the most part: king - gauntlet + rage, queen - invis + healer/frozen arrow, warden - double tome, RC - haste + hogs. Almost all of these are common equipments, Gauntlet is the only epic that you absolutely should max. Frozen arrow is nice, but healer puppet would do if u dont have the ores. Fireball is great and change how u attack, but not a must, same with spiky ball and rocket spear.


Best advice so far. Don't spread ores to other equipment that doesn't compliment your most used army


We might only need 8 now but what happens when they release another piece of equipment that is much better than what you already spent your ores on and then that continues to happen over time because of power creep


People have been worried about these hypotheticals since equipments first came out, and around the same time the Giant Gauntlet. Fast forward 6 months later, no epic equipment was actually that much better that you *must* invest ores in. My f2p rushed TH16 had such bad equipments at the start, and even it now has a set of 8 maxed equipment.


I would like to know the 8 equipment pieces you have maxed on your free to play and tell me if you genuinely think they are as good of options as what is out now. And especially if you think they will be the best in another 6 months. It will only continue to get worse. It’s not a hypothetical, it’s already happening now and will continue to happen according to the leaks. See [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/bqFPHEI16h) for reference.


Can we have a break? I’m tired of having to play so much everyday I just want to chill I didn’t mind the grind when I had a choice but if I take a break now I’m gonna be far behind


You could just not grind every day lol


and keep my equipment progress at under 60%


I understand that the thing is I like to grind and play a lot but when it’s out of my own free will now if I don’t I fall behind drastically


Behind what? This game is grindy but it isn't even that bad for these freemiun games. It takes years to max your base, likewise for equipment.


Takes me like less than a year to max a new th tbh but it’s the equipment that’s Grindy especially when the new ones are so good missing out is gonna set me back


Because why was call is $upercell🤑🤑🤑


why dont u quit ? why play a game u dont have fun at? and coc gets reduced costs every other month i had the same issue with league of legends, if u invested thousands of hours its hard to let it go but then its a relief and after some months or weeks return


I’ve played for almost as many years as I’ve been alive


Clash of clans is starting to feel more like a pay to play. Taking the fun out of it. Constantly have to buy something. Way to much content l.


I have really lost interest in the game after the addition of hero equipment. It’s a good idea but executed terribly, worsening gameplay to make more money


They’re releasing these way too quick. I know it’s a cash grab for people who are early adopters of ingame items, but man, I need a break 😅


I’m looking forward to them.


![gif](giphy|LOcPt9gfuNOSI) Time to get back on those air glazers![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9413)


Stop making new gear…


ngl the boots seem mid (better then rage vile) but likeee ya


Nah will make RC super powerful when combined with hogs. Passive heal gives her 3600 hp if she stays alive for 1 minutes


its for the rc????? idkk that kinda seems even worse imo at least for ME the way i use rc is to take out heavy defenses like mono, inferno, eagle, th so supper high dps kinda is what i use on it so my army lives a lot longer maybe ill change my mind when it comes out idkk but ya


Makes sense, I use her to clear the flank of the core push, that's why the boot will be OP for me


sounds like it would work better for that


Either they have VERY overpowered defences for th17 or they are just fuckin with us lol


The people on here that are going to cry because they can’t max out some equipment piece.


Yay. More equipment.


Things Are getting messed up 😞


When are these getting released? I'm trying to stash starry but am overloaded on others now


Torch forever 50 pekas jumpung everywhereeee my spam is back


These are being released way to fast. Now that every hero has an epic it should be like 6 months between epics


I'm gonna pick up a weekend job to work an extra 16 hours just to keep up on ores


Are these confirmed?


Wait wait wait WHAT HAPPENED


What do these do


What do they do?


With more and more equipments being added, the fomo only gets worse


I can’t wait for these they look interesting but I will have to see if they fit my playstyle


Holy shit this is tiring. I’d rather have supercell make new common equipment this often and just have the trader sell them for raid medals.


Oh no! Dont poat that, you'll get copyright struck!


At Th12 I maxed out my equipment that I use and now I’m hoarding ores. Never had an issue with upgrading equipment.


I imagine Electro boots won’t be that crazy, great but not that crazy. Mirror will definitely be amazing, Torch will be broken and warp the game


I disagree I think that people should generally be able to easily 3 star because keeping up with all the meta changes is exhausting


Random mirror, electro titan boots, lady liberty torch.


Do you have a source for this I can't find a video or anything


Dude they gotta pump the fucking breaks, they’re burning out literally all of my clan mates, and the fucking decision paralysis with all of these equipments is awful.


i can not imagine what does the torch


Can someone tell me what each one does? I've just come across this


Why don’t you just read the thread?


Not gonna lie, I used to enjoy the game but now I’m getting pretty fatigued with all this new stuff


What are the stats?


Equipment* It can't be plural. So 'equipments' is wrong. "These new epic equipment scare me"


When these coming out ?


What dym scare you? Worst case scenario, they're boring to use in attack, but they don't look like they will And in defence, you're not even here


another 6-12 months for an equipment


Game turning to shit with these Epix


Too much of Hero Equipments r introduced. Losing fun of playing COC. It's like I'm being part of some rat race. Th 17 is expected to be launched on Dec 24. There will be so much hassle with all these.


ye...i quit the game now


These new equipments strong , I confuse to use and upgrade which one


Only the queen one interest me.


Are there were leaked or were anounced




I need this


Triple queen isn’t real, she can’t hurt you. Triple queen:


we going down the same road as CR ladies and gents


Why are TH16s complaining? It gives you something to do. If equipment didn't exist. You wouldn't even be playing this game anymore. I like the equipments. Makes the game feel fresh and adds a whole new variety to attacks and gives you a real reason to keep playing everyday. Oh and are these confirmed equipments? Who leaked them and when do we get them and what are they and for who?




Im tired of people complaining they're tired