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Then hold down on the app...


And delete it


Go to App Store…


And download it back the next day


And then repeat


Then rage quit for the last time…


Return 2 years later, repeat


Find out clash royale is still the same and say "Fuck!"


then search up new swer words for the millionth time, say them, repeat


Vol up vol down then hold the power button


Slide the power button to the right


I performed an force reboot.


I meannn you could’ve poisoned and then used your spirits to keep them in the same place so you had time to inferno or pull back with a miner or DP. Still you would’ve lost in double elixir for sure but overall not a good deck, try to find something more suitable for the current meta.


Any suggestions for good decks?


This is (for the most part) a fine deck, you just had a bad starting hand. Don't worry too much about the meta unless you're going for leaderboards or clearing grand challenges I would however also suggest replacing ESpirit (since it can activate the enemy king tower, which is terrible for Miner) for Archers or Musketeer. 2 spirits is waaay too much cycle and you don't really have any way of actually dealing damage. Also if you feel like you're lacking area damage maybe get Bomb Tower instead of Inferno and/or Royal Delivery instead of Ice Spirit, but that's mostly optional.


He didn’t have a bad starting hand as he had goblins and log and DP. The big error here was the dark prince first play. I know you won’t get punished from doing that in many matches but it’s still bad practice


Inferno last card and late Miner were terrible here imo. They could have cycled faster since Healer 100% means incoming EGolem, so they didn't have to worry about getting punished, but still


Yep definitely replace ice spirit with archers. The deck kinda lacks anti-air cards.


Also don't feed the battle healer, or put the least amount of troops on the battle healer.


The same deck but put delivery instead of electro spirit, also you don't need to change deck, this deck is already good enough as top players use it. You just got starting handed, if you had inferno in hand, i would have killed the first form of e golem and killed the battle healer while you distract electro drag with your troops, in this case even if you poison, maybe use miner to kite back a bit the supports, use goblin to kill egolem, you would still probably lose half the tower. Also spending a miner on offence is conceptually bad, you NEED to defend, if you tower trade with this deck you are lost.


Use either of these sites,apps regular used by the clash community -royale api- site stats royale app and deck shop site




Egolem is one of the worst matchups for Pekka bridge spam in the entire game


Pekka bs gets destroyed by e-golem, what are you smoking?


In what world 🤣 pekka geta zapped constant be edrag and gets shut down rapid


Ewwwwww pekka bridge spam requires no skill(i am a bridgespam player myself so i know)


If e golem user dont just spam from the beginning theres not much bs can do


What are u even talking about that is the most bullshit answer I have ever heard


Lava moon is always good in my opinion watch carl for the best decks


In this case that seems like it would just turn into a punching match and e golem hits much faster than lava.


Lava hound is better than elixir golem lol also it’s not just lava hound




As a bait player the win rate of bait is awful rn don't pick it up


That's precisely why I recommended it


Xbow, InfernoT, BombT, Zap, Ice Golem, Executioner, Bats, Gob Gang.   Do not reveal Xbow until double elixir, and when you place Xbow, place IT/BT in front to tank. If the person keeps using Hog, place Xbow at the water so the Hog jumps and the Xbow retargets on a tower. When you take a tower down, use all 3 buildings for defense/chip tower using Zap.   I haven't played this shitty game since Clan Wars 2 dropped, recently got back on it and this deck still rocks. First ever deck I maxed (before lvl 14 became a thing)


The deck is decent, but next time cycle dark prince so you can get him into the other lane faster


You can use bomb tower instead of inferno tower


Also if you want more defense, ice wizard and tornado is a good combo and a building to keep win conditions away from your tower is always a good option, maybe cannon or bomb tower


I played 2.6 hog when I am in lower cups. Now, I play viiper. Hog rider is a good win condition. You can try classical decks like 2.6 hog, 2.8 hog-earthquake, viiper(but viper is hard to max).


How are you holding a golem with spirits?


Tip from a miner player:- always play your cycle cards first and try not to use dark Prince at first try go first like a miner ice spirit, goblins etc and get to know the oppenet deck then you have to play smartly


As a Miner player too. OP's deck is just ass. You gotta build your deck around the Trophy region you're in. My Miner deck has Poison, Arrows, and Valk for cheap decks like that. OP couldn't have done anything with all those squishy cards.


I can't lie I was thinking that he got three crowned because he had no counters.


he acc had a lot of counters, just didn't rlly use them (and has 2 spirits??)


first off the deck you’re using is genuinely trash without delivery so i suggest you change that also dp first play is risky generally, it led to you having a big ass elixir disadvantage


Delivery log is so underated


The best tip against e-golem is to separate the battlehealer and preferably the e-drag from the rest of the push.


Have deck with a lot of cards that deal splash damage, also having a building is nice


They had inferno tower they just wasted elixer on the other lane cuz they didn't know they were gonna get steam rolled by elixer golem beatdown


1. Don’t leak elixir. 2. Get a better deck.


His decks pretty good i’d replace e-spirit with delivery though


No it isn't he has nothing to counter the push 😓 Not even dp could stop it, the healer and e dragon would shred him


Every deck has bad MUs unfortunately, Otherwise his deck is balanced and an already established meta deck.


Already people are giving you tips on improving the deck but to be better with this kind of deck you need to think like a miner chip player. Against big decks like these either start with a ice spirit or miner in the corner. NEVER throw a lone e-spirit or dark prince(like what you did there) because there goes your splash/tank in your deck. If no response keep sending in logs goblins and miner. If they response with a tank in the back, respect it but send something else they have to respect whether it be mined goblins or ice spirit first then miner to get extra chip. Then defend with dark knight on the bottom left corner and inferno on the center and poison if needed. Then counter attack. Rinse and repeat.


You misplayed this, especially since you don't have rocket keeping your dark prince is what you should've done. Cycling a log would've worked out better since a gob barrel can be minimized. Identify their deck first before doing an attack, this deck is very defensive and only chips away at the towers. Also use only one spirit, if you don't have delivery then I suggest adding archers or something


1. Don't cycle your dark prince first play. That left you at a 4 elixir deficit. 2. When they play the edrag IMMEDIATELY poison their push; the edrag is the thing holding it together so it NEEDS to die or else you will get demolished. 3. As a cycle player NEVER 3 crown rush them because they will annihilate you with their heavier deck. 4. at around 0:22, you should've minered high near the center of the river on your side to aggro the edrag and battle healer, then played goblins on the golem to dps it down instead of wasting a log on nothing. 5. Know your interactions and your opponent's potential deck. log + poison kills night witch, and poison alone does NOT kill edrag, you need your two spirits to dps it down while it's in the poison. Also, you should know that egolem decks quite often have ebarbs, in which case you need to save your dark prince for them. Cycling log or goblins would've let you see their battle healer first play and then know their deck, and you'd be able to prepare your dark prince in advance. 6. Use a building like bomb tower is your deck. Bomb tower fits into a lot of miner poison decks and is the best defensive building right now.


Welcome to clash royale. I hope you enjoy your time here


Look how they massacred my boy. In all seriousness I run a very similar deck so yeah I can tell you how to counter it. 1. Don’t ignore it. The miner you played in support of the dark prince was wasted elixir 2. Use your spells. The battle healer and the electro dragon benefit from having troops to hit because they heal and lightning chain respectively. Use your poison as extra damage 3. Use your big spell. The log was the worst card you could have played both times you did play it because it does small amounts of damage, the attack he threw at you was too tanky for the log to do anything useful 4. Use your splash cards. You allowed your opponent to put down a lot of cards (remember the miner play I mentioned earlier) and so you need something to deal splash damage on the troops because a single target troop will get ripped to shreds 5. Don’t let them build up a massive push. Immediately give the elixir golem your full attention. Since it gives you elixir your opponent won’t play it unless they’re fully committed to an attack, and you can’t ignore their ball of death. 6. Some common counters, if you face this deck often, rocket will destroy their hopes, dreams, family honor and their entire push. The inferno tower is good if you can kite the electro dragon away, bomb tower is even better in this case. I run a variant of this deck with Phoenix so if you see that instead of the night witch run inferno tower. 7. Get better at the game. The more you play the better you can judge how to react to something and the better your deck will be. I see you’re running miner poison control, that’s a really skilled deck that is super not beginner-friendly. Maybe try other decks if you aren’t seeing success with this one. (LavaLoon, Golem Beatdown, Mortar cycle, Giant Graveyard (or giant mortar if you don’t have graveyard) P.E.K.K.A double prince, P.E.K.K.A bridge spam, royal hogs, hog cycle etc…) though if you are succeeding and having fun with this deck don’t feel like you have to give it up. That’s about all I got, let me know if it helps!


Alright thanks for writing so much advice! I’ll try out some of the decks u listed, although problem is I’m still in pretty low arena (3.8k trophies) so I don’t have the cards in most meta decks.


Let me look at the cards you have available and try to build you a deck


Okay u/Xyxuzy I think I have a deck for you. It’s a little old school but it’s Pekka double prince. You’ll need the Pekka, the prince, dark prince, witch, flying machine bats, log and fireball The way you play it is by focusing 100% on defense, and turning your defense into one kick ass counter push. A few examples: Opponent plays hog rider ice golem at the bridge, slap a prince or Pekka on it (whatever is in your hand) and eat the one or two hits the hog rider gets. If you placed the Pekka down, drop a witch behind it on the counter push. If you played prince, play dark prince with it for the counter push. ==================================== Opponent plays goblin barrel on tower and princess at the bridge. Log the princess and put a witch down for the goblins. You’ve played one more elixir than your opponent but you have a full health witch now. Slap a Pekka or one of the princes down to accompany her on the counter push. ==================================== Opponent plays elixir golem at the bridge, then supports with electro dragon. Pekka to take care of the golem and flying machine for the dragon as it can sit out of range. When your defense is done you’ll have a Pekka and a flying machine headed their way with enough elixir to drop both princes in the same lane to make a ball of death, or in the other lane to pressure both sides and potentially take both towers. ==================================== These are just a few examples, and you can substitute any cards you need to. If you run into a lot of skeleton armies switch log for zap. Lot of minion hordes switch fireball for arrows. And so on and so forth. I really hope this helps you!


*DONT* change decks, *dont* worry about starting hands, *dont* worry about meta interaction, or any other bad excuse/misinfo like other people are saying. also the wasted elixir and worrying about cards is going to confuse you if you dont have a proper objective prioritized and understood. thus the mistakes will never end and you will garner new bad habits. the _only_ problem **deck wise**, is you dont have a lot of anti-air commonly used in the deck such as ewiz or royal delivery + fire spirit, and others (archers might be a good option too rn, and then you can keep ice spirit, but just be weary of meta arrows counters as archers current value is popularly well known rn...), and you instead waste 2 spots for low damage spirits rather than 1... (so you have a lot of _speed_, but not a lot of _power_ in compensation... and specifically not a lot of reliable air dmg...). royal delivery + fire spirit is probably best because you cheaply take out aggressive pushes while still having a tank, take out cards like flying machine which cant be killed with other spirits + delivery due to their damage, and youll have 1 high dmg spirit like fire spirit vs 2 spots wasted for 2 low dmg spirits that dont kill with delivery... so for the objective example now, in this case, *regardless* any other cards or starting hand order, you had the perfect defense options available for the egolem push (which the opponent did commit to, as well them having no counter to your defense ironically), while yourself not having any threatening offense unless you manage to throw them off in odd ways. they also didnt stop attacking and didnt have much a care of your offense regardless... it wasnt OT sudden death, so tower rushing wasnt going to work since the game would continue, and regardless you couldnt get enough damage to take the tower before them, nor alone you werent able to prevent them from taking a tower, and therefore you cant do both if you cant do either... and thus you would proceed to either be 1 crown tower down in comparison thus losing the game, or get 3 crowned most likely (which the 3 crown is indeed what ended up happening...). since you still had 3 minutes of game time (it was literally the beginning of match), AND YOU WERE in the damage advantage due to them ignoring dark prince, it is known best with these cycle control decks, ESPECIALLY these variants of miner inferno tower, to- **just. defend.** _(and- defend right to defend well.)_ that damage adv. IS A **HUGE MOMENT/MASSIVE VALUE for your deck**... you want to further take advantage of it by keeping and properly adding on to that dmg adv, while not giving your opponent a damage advantage as to not risk losing, being put into a losing position, and then losing... such decks win con is abusing stats for cost, aka chipping with miner, spirits, goblins, and spells, etc. while your opponent wastes elixir attacking into your cheap and powerful defense (basically putting yourself in a never losing position if properly done). (your opponents win con, is to 1 shot you with a giant push and continuously heal egolem blobs so they dont die, dont give elixir, and dps fast from 1 golem, 2 golemites, and 4 blobs...) so to fulfill your advantage while putting your opponent at a disadvantage in order to win the game...: you just had to cycle some specifically *cheap* cards (and probably not that placement of log since it pushed egolem away from potential center building distractions), that may slow down the push, get to inferno tower, properly place in the center near the right side crown tower (a 5tile distance from king tower, and 4 from the right crown tower, meeting to the center of tile of the 3x3 building placement) to fully pull egolem rightward from the left lane as more distance traveled while in both crown tower sights = more damage done defensively overtime, either dark prince inbetween egolem (but distant enough from inf. tow. not to have the electro drag chain and reset it) and support troops to kill egolem faster and distract support troops, which such troops would then die to crown tower and inferno tower (you may need to distract more depending on how clean your defense can be). all the while you gain 4 elixir from the egolem, and possibly then some from the cards you played in defense value wise vs their value used to play their cards offensively. at this point, as an egolem player they most likely will anxiously aggressively push another egolem (even solo) again regardless if its double elixir time and they may have low elixir, be it afterward a failed push, and then you will do an even easier defense getting another +4 elixir to compensate for any costs and they are down another -3+ as well...


Thabk you for answering honestly. I would add that it’s important in egolem pushes to separate the egolem from the support. So if you pull the egolem to the inferno tower in the middle, distract edrag and healer on the left so they don’t heal egolem and reset inferno tower. Then as you get elixir from egolem you can add more troops to keep defending.


if i would distract left it would be if your using say musk or maybe archers (if arrows is out of cycle), but thats to dps down and take out support troops while they are distracted. you only have royal delivery and a spirit technically, so you'll stop those troops anyways but need them to be in the vicinity of your defenses for maximum value... in this case inferno is your musk... use it well, defend it well, and you maximize its value thus winning you the gamestate and soon, the match. if you dont properly take out those troops, they float to your tower with decent hp, heal with the healer, and then he can spam again having not only multiple troops still present, but possibly 2 healers for no cost, and supporting troops in your way on your tower, and free supporting troops to drive directly toward the inferno tower very securely and so without worry of a threat... i did add in that the dark prince could be used to dps down the egolem as he approaches, but distracts the supporting troops from a distance so they dont attack the inferno tower, but later get attacked by it when egolem is no longer a target available as dark prince would be a worthy unit that leads to the centered inf. tow. and not the leftward crown tower they were headed towards... (this is why the log placement and upfront spammed spirits were bad because he lost his distracting units, and then pushed egolem out of the way leftward rather than to rightward to the center or just straight back for time, while wasting elixir so not only could he not inferno tower (not taking advantage of his main and best defense, and thus his decks objective), but had he done so, it wouldve missed distracting egolem and worse off missed it as a target, wasting an absolute ton of potential value... thus giving up a tower, losing elixir so you cant defend, and losing the counter to their push so they dont have to worry about what is being spent to defend them...) the egolem player threw the game until OP threw the game with not just the advantage, but 2 advantages in his hands for the ultimate game plan to win the duel...


Switch one of the spirits for archers, you need more defense (or switch decks completly royalapi shows top decks) Also you should've poisoned as soon as they played e drag then played spirits to stall then played miner on defense to tank e drag It was just unfortunate timing on your part with the dark prince and with inferno tower being last in cycle, nothing you can really do about that


easiest way to counter as an early player is to delete the app before you get addicted since you're a new player. and NEVER invest into this game


I mean as a Wall Breakers + Golbin Drill user I empathise with getting destroyed by e-golem. I mean probably the easiest way to avoid this interaction is as soon as you see the enemy place down the battle healer opposite laner to your dark prince, go ham, miner + poison is all about controlling the enemy, don’t let them get their dream push. Most e-golem pushes usually need the battle healer and e-drag to succeed and forcing the enemy to not have the elixir to defend + fully finish the push is vital. Other niche things: Kite the e-drag with the dark prince/miner to avoid it hitting the inferno tower. same with battle healer but for healing the e-golem.


With miner control, your first choice is to worry about defence. You saw his push coming and u still kept spending elixir on the other lane. Defence first, then slowly send his tower down, you need patience and skill, if you don't have those I suggest u to change deck in order to progress faster


You couldnt do much about that, your deck gets hard countered by egolem


I would suggest put a wiz or an executioner behind the tower and just rush the other side


This is the most evil deck in the game, and sadly, it is often used. I dont really have a sokution for playing against this deck. You need like both lightning and fireball to do something against it


Your deck requires too much skill


Lavahound, when it dies guards


You need diamond pass


Rocket + Tornado or Sparky + Tornado would work


Play hog.exe X)


you’re new so just keep playing the game. ur biggest issue in this clip is u didnt play the poison right away


Add musketeer or archers probably and also you should've dropped a poison on defense and try to keep the battle healer away from all the cards that she could heal i know you don't have any cards that could kite the battle healer in the other lane but distracting the e drag and killing the battle healer first with the inferno tower could've worked also try a different deck this may not be good in the current meta.


since this appears to be a cc/gc, play queen for 3card cycle, 10x better than dark prince at the moment delivery is a must in this deck poison on defense, delivery and block the edrag from ur inferno and ur fine


u need all your elexir to defend. ur most important card against elexirgolem is the dark prince. u saw the healer so u had to know its elexirgolem. good luck next timw


yes uninstall the game, thats the best counter


Uhh rocket, kite edrag and skarmy I guess?


Back luck since unplaced your best counter on the opposite lane at the start. Apart from that when he put his egolem you should have poisoned and put your next dark prince towards the middle to the egolem would have been isolated and your goblins could have gotten some good damage in that way. Alternatively you could have poisoned and used inferno on the middle then put your dark prince behind the supporting troops


Rocket entered the chat


Get good😆


Did you expect to stop it with two sets of goblins and a Dark Prince? Lol get 3 star'd n00b. Didn't even place the building whatsoever to distract the golem.


you can't


Funniest redditor


https://imgur.com/a/Bf2PrOU I will admit, it’d be difficult to win this matchup without an anti air troop in your deck. Archers or mega minion would work well in place of e spirit. Just be quicker on the poison and know how you’ll have to react to his push. Miner + Prince will not ever beat a egolem push to the 3 star


That's the neat part you don't. I kinda half give up when i see one of these decks


Step 1. Don’t Step 2. Go to the Home Screen of your phone Step 3. Delete the game


Simple.... There isn't a way to counter it


Thats the need thing you dont


I have 6000 trophies and I still cannot counter elixir golem….


those goblins were bad. all they did was allow the battle healer to heal everything. always use any spells u have on defense and try not to let the healer hit anything


The neat part about this game is no matter how good your deck is, your enemy is always gonna have one that you can’t counter


Don’t send 7 elixir down the other lane. You needed to eliminate that e drag but you didn’t really have the cards for it and get your inferno down


Elixir Golem decks are one push decks. If you can stop the first push, you can pretty easily overwhelm then with bridge spam. They normally lack any sort of defensive cards. If you survive untill Double elixir, they'll start to spam elixir Golem, wich you can abuse with heavy cards. Try using a structure+Poison+heavy card to deal with then. Tombstone is a good and easy building to use, and pekka does the job nicely as It can easily kill the support cards, letting you deal with the egolem by itself


Building for egolem, poison group, target battle healer first. If you have the wrong cycle it’s gg’s


Sending in the DP and miner on top of that lead you to a hefty -7 elixir to defend the push. Royal delivery would clear this push up VERY well, so swap out the e-spirit and use only ice. Use cycle cards first play, hold onto your DP. Hope this helps


My advice if you want to learn how to counter a deck is to copy it and play it yourself. You’ll see real quick on what counters it.


Splash damage and anti-air Honestly with your deck, ya gonna struggle a bit and it'll need some REALLY effective cycling. Try and swap out of your cards with Executioner/Wizard/Firecracker/Princess/Fireball/any ranged area hit really. You need splash to handle beat down stacks like this


Nah bro im new too


I use to play Val and magic archer off to the side


You don’t


You spent 7 elixir on offense on the opposite tower, I'm pretty sure even a basic Golem or E-Giant push would have won there. Side note: Miner can be played on defense, a lot of times against beatdown decks like Golem, E-Golem, and E-Giant you should be doing that.


I noticed no one is mentioning that the deck you played against is absolute cancer and I hate that deck with all my life


Download marvel snap to counter


infamous meta deck, in some situations you can separate the edrag and healer from the egolem using miner




diamond pass, quite literally


Let’s start with not going opposite lane


I use a bowler and my own edragon, but those are both cards in my deck. I'm not new but I'm bad, so I really only know how to deal with 1-2 troops at a time with cycle cards


You kill the elixir golem and use the new found elixir to ruin them


Not much tbh with your deck Vs that. There a reason a lot of players use egolem to climb fast since 1 miss play and it’s all over + easy hard counter matchups for free wins Last card inferno tower to sum it up for you doesn’t help. You want to try and lure the egolem away from the support. As soon as the e drag and healer gets value youre screwed.


Rocket and gg.


Dude u have next to none air defense


Welcome to clash royale, hope you enjoy playing this kids game that really sometimes isn’t


I think poison would've done the trick, but i dont play for a long time


Yea by not pushing the other lane while a big attack was coming lol


Well you made a massive tactical error of playing a defensive card (dark knight) in the opposite lane of their push. Then instead of realizing that and making defensive moves you spent 3 more elixir (miner) doubling down on your push instead of defending. That was never gonna work out well for you. It just wasn’t sound strategy.


You should’ve poisoned once it crossed the bridge, then cycle your spirits in the middle and gotten an inferno tower. Then use the goblins to distract the stuff behind while e golem dies. You need to separate the golem and the stuff behind it. If you want a better deck, I’d switch to a dark prince miner control deck that is very similar to yours. https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/dark-prince,electro-spirit,inferno-tower,miner,rocket,royal-delivery,skeletons,the-log?lang=en I’d suggest swapping out rocket for poison, t gives better defense and since rocket nerf it isn’t as good.


Damn that loser really be playing ebarbs egolem that low bruh


In general you should fix your deck. Your strongest defensive card is the dark knight and you used it for offence. The rest of your cards are weak defensive cards that are more effective with bigger cards.


Watch Baby Nate you basically have his deck


Love how the entire subreddit got in here after years of experiencing all the E-golem decks


Don’t let them play all the cards. HARD counter-lane pressure. Cause its practically undefendable once they get their line up.


Splash works well against the spam. Log is great for taking out the elixir blobs and buying yourself time. Tank killers should be used against the battle healer and ground swarm helps defend ebarbs


You really got cuckold with your elixir golem counter being played first. In general I wouldn’t reveal dark prince with that deck until you know what tank they have, it’s your media thing and basically you’re only counter to that. When I play, I envisioned their cards and my card similarly as you’d watch a replay and I draw lines between their counters and my counters in my head so I can make sure that I have everything in cycle and only play cards that are the lowest risk. The first couple minutes of the game are the most crucial in my opinion, because the other opponent doesn’t know how to count are you. If you can figure out how to counter them first, you’ll win. Constantly be searching for checkmate and the perfect cycle in hand to defend. Try to focus more on poking with minor and only revealing your cards as you need. With miner cycle the only thing that you should be trying to get on tower really is minor everything else is for your defense & counter push. Light won the global tournament with something similar to this deck, it’s potent.


Have you thought about not throwing things straight into their doom




Your mistake was cycling dark prince first play. Cycle your spirit or log or miner. Anything but your mini tank. That opens you up to getting starting handed every game if you play dark prince first.


Use courier cat


Pekka, megaknight, infernotower. So many options


Once you see the battle healer there is a really good chance egolem is coming. Set up defense. Don't bother investing elixir on offense. You won't win the race.


That's the neat part. you dont.


cosmetic poison


Your poison spell could have bought you some time in order to react


Having a good deck would be a great first start


Play cards bruv you were spamming the opposite lane


Your first mistake was the deck choice. I would have gone with something like a phoenix instead of one of the 2 spirits, and a bomb tower instead of the inferno tower. Your second mistake was to waste your dark prince, which put you in a big elixir disadvantage, and he also would have defended vs e-golem pretty well. Your third and most blatant mistake was using the miner offensively, putting you into an even worse elixir disadvantage. U should have tried to use it defensively on the other side of the bridge to distract the electro dragon, so that u could have used your inferno. U still would have taken huge damage tho.


Don’t let them get it up in the first place and please get a better deck. Respectfully chief, your build isn’t good.


That's the neat part ! You don't


The poison that sat in your hand and troops that does splash damage to both air and ground troops. That person just embarrassed you.


Surely literally anything other than fucking *ignoring* the push would have been better


Separate the healer from golem


A variation of the egolem, edragon, battle healer deck just pushed me through from league 7 to league 8 and past 7k trophies from 6600 today alone. I have phoenix executioner and tornado instead


Shortly lot of high splash damage cards that can survive long enough to counter the push.


You tried to negate all damage from the elixer golem. What you should of done is: 1. Used ice spirit to freeze the dragon and rotate to miner. 2. Send miner to attack witch. At this point the elixer golem is on your tower (it’s okay) because your tower is now targeting the dragon. 3. Use knight to clean up and counter push.


With the deck you’re running, you don’t. Egolem Healer decks are based around a coin flip, basically. If you’ve got solid counters, they can’t really do much to get through. If you don’t have any way to deal heavy splash damage and pick off the dragons, though, there’s absolutely no way to stop them. Also, they can build up a push with a ton of DPS faster than most other decks, meaning that if you opt for a base race, the Egolem Healer player will win. Unfortunately, Clash Royale inherently has an element of luck to it, in that no matter how well you build a deck, a counter exists and there’ll be matches you had no chance of winning. The balance team does their best to try to make one-trick decks have poor enough matchups overall that it’s not worth taking the coin flip, but if a deck goes all-in on one idea and the deck you’re running can’t handle it, you’re kinda SOL. That doesn’t mean your deck is bad (though in your case, it is, as your deck’s exceedingly bad at handling all aerial troops categorically). It’s just a fact of the game that you need to accept, sometimes your opponents will have a deck that you cannot possibly beat. It’s not because their deck is good. Usually, decks you cannot possibly beat have an overall worse matchup spread than a “balanced” deck. But you cannot stop your opponents from choosing to make decks like that. Heck, I make them once in a while, they’re fun when they work.


You gotta use your poison on defense. You’ve got an easy win if you do that. Egolem isn’t very hard to beat


Is this a joke? Like Fr?


Bowler lol. You set yourself up for failure with right side push. Just armed like bad luck but you gotta draw them to the middle of the field at least lol


really need that horse free hitting the purple blobs. miner to middle, lure away healing girl. inferno not ready so ignoring that. with angel gone. horse can bash away at purple blobs. maybe ice spirit to stop at least a hit of the dragon. ​ but he setup his full wombo combo. thats basically his only battle plan. and it's a popular deck even in 7200. best be studying a counter from comments. need bait a card out with a small split push to not assist his wombo combo. for me i have a cheap ghost or bandit (3 energy) to always split push) while i can defend the wombo.


Jokes aside, you shouldn’t have cycled the dark prince if you don’t know what they have, but even then you could’ve defended. Log to let the electro dragon go in front so your tower targets it, e spirit to stall until e dragon dies, goblins for the battle healer to stall, inferno in front of your tower. Could poison after to clean up blobs/night witch etc. keep in mind you get elixir while killing the Elixir golem so you should have elixir for this defense, plus a counter attack.


You were way too aggressive before you even knew his deck. You went for a push instead of the defense and you cycled one of your best and most expensive cards at the start.


that's a question for another day, meanwhile just keep getting better and just forget about anything that involves this pink jelly.


Don’t use miner poison unless you are really good at the game


Mighty miner with cannon


i genuinely hate the deck you are playing against battle healer needs to be nerfed


Out of all the cards you had poison probably would have helped the most


I-Tower won't do jackshit against egolem, bomb tower and cannon stand a better chance


Kid named poison:


Bad timing with knight. But you wanna bait the healer away from the egolem. Miner woulda been solid for that. Then black knight the egolem. Bait again if miner is dead. Then wipe out the electro dragon once egolem is dead and you've got some nice elixir to build your counter.


Giantskletton and fischboy but you have to wait first and pull healer then is easy


Join my new clan ♜Check Mate♞,CLAN WAR BASED! New Clan Start up. FIRST 2 to join become co leaders.


bro s new but he is arena 10


You don't


You have to bait walk the healer and edrag on your side of the river, pull them towards your other tower and isolate the egolem. Ice golem or goblin giant work best. Most important is the edrag, you want to keep it busy in the center. Hit them with Royal delivery/edrag, firecracker with a tank. Can use figherman, pekka, or tornado on egiant, all effective if its isolated. You get extra elixir from the egiant so you can use more elixir to counter healer/edrag and its normally a wash. Another way is hard counter push opposite side when they play the first troop of the set so they cant get the combo started and have to use troops to defend you. More advanced understanding of the cycle and cards in play required, but more effective then trying to isolate cuz if you dont have the right cards in cycle you screwed. Top comment “home button” is sometimes your only option and 100% the best comment ive read so far!




Alot of people are giving u advice but I would watch clash royale youtubers like orange juice, juicyJ, etc and see how they play the game.


You don’t


You should try to separate the Healer from the elixir golem, the elite barbs will chase troops too


Chuck the poison on the hurd snd the inferno tower next to ur tower or behind it for the golem


Clone mirror and hehehehaw


Ranged troops. I typically use musketeer to counter edrag, then pull the healer to the side and get the egolem with swarm. Biggest thing tho is never play directly on top of the healer


That's the neat part: you don't


You wasted 7 elixir on the other tower when an enormous push was coming


Unistall the game


Elixir golem + Healer + Edrag costs 12 elixir. I would use minions fireball ebarbs, which is 13


Your cylcle was a bit bad.


I use executioner, tombstone and tornado, but you basically need something that can reliably deal area damage and a building to stall the golem from getting to your tower


You’ve been hesitating for too long at the beginning…you could have poisoned when e-golem was placed


Have a better deck ?


Bro, you had poison in your hand. That with the spirits and log counters all of that push


poison on defence is key


that’s the neat part, you don‘t


OJ: HINT you don't


Throw your phone.