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I love this album. It’s been one of my favorites since it was released. You might give Moving Pictures a try too, also very good and of course 2112.


2112 and Moving Pictures are the 2 albums I bought first and the catalyst to delve further down the Rush rabbit hole. Perfect albums. Awesome to hear Signals is a favorite, a lot of YouTube Rush albums ranked has Signals in mid tier. I would put it top 5 for me


A lot of people diss it because it was where Geddy really started diving into using synthesizers heavily in a lot of the tracks, but I think this album is definitely still classic rush with a bit of a newer texture, stuff like power windows I wouldn’t say the same for even though it also had some great tracks, but signals Is one I can listen front to back and enjoy every track just like permanent waves or moving pictures.


Signals was the last album produced by Terry Brown and recorded at Le Studio (RIP, sniff). Although it featured synths more prominently, it was still a very analog affair and the sound differs dramatically from the follow up, Grace Under Pressure (which is also a great record,IMO).


2112 and Moving Pictures are the 2 albums I bought first and the catalyst to delve further down the Rush rabbit hole. Perfect albums imo. Awesome to hear Signals is a favorite, a lot of YouTube Rush albums ranked has Signals in mid tier. I would put it top 5 for me.


My bad! said it wasn’t sending


don't sweat it......so nice, you have to say it twice. I remember loving Fly by Night, but then Moving Pictures just blew me away when it came out. New World Man has that energy for me as well.


You are not alone! Signals is my favorite album. Not the best. Favorite. The personal, subjective choice. While many were still listening to Moving Pictures, I was wearing out this cassette and it has stuck with me all these years. Who can't relate to the feelings of loneliness and isolation put forth in Subdivisions? The juxtaposition of Analog Kid and Digital Man bound perfectly by Chemistry. Dark and brooding The Weapon. The only US top 40 single New World Man. Countdown. Everytime I visualize being at the launch site just as I feel I'm riding along in Red Barchetta. Thanks for sharing!


Subdivisions could be written today and be relevant to any generations of lost teens.


Indeed! Maybe Neil would replace 'Shopping Malls' with 'Facebook Walls'! Lol The Profeesor would be way more clever.


Yes. 100 percent. Probably moreso today


I’d argue it’s even more relevant today than when it first came out but good point. I was a budding teen when it hit initially


You nailed it , not the best but favorite. I love analog kid!!


All Rush is good.


Their live album All The World’s a Stage is fantastic.


Been listening to that a lot too, big set of balls on that performance


Check out A Show of Hands and Exit Stage Left as well. These 2, along with All the World’s a Stage, are what got me hooked. They’re all a great combination of good performances and great tracks from the albums released around those shows.


My dad’s cassette of All the World’s a Stage was my introduction to Rush. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome home Rush!” followed by the opening chords to Bastille Day. That album will always have a special place in my heart.


The Analog Kid has got to be my favorite from that one....


I bought my first album, All the Worlds a Stage, and went to the venue and bought tickets to see the Hemispheres tour. Ladies and gentlemen, will you please welcome home, Rush! Fuck yeah, I love that album.


First time I ever heard Rush was that album, the live version of Working Man put me over the edge and then they came out with Permanent Waves and it just kept going. I also love that intro.


Since no one else is, I'll recommend their follow up : Grace Under Pressure.


This album is becoming a favorite as well. Afterimage and between the wheels, come on man, great songs


Just keep listening. Before you know it you will probably love **all** of their amazing work.


My favorite Rush album. Subdivisions forever!


Permanent Waves is definitely my favorite, has Jacob’s Ladder and Natural Science, there best songs imo. Hemispheres, especially side one, is a close second.


Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures back to back are my favorite. They were just in the zone with the music and lyrics during that time IMO. But I really love all their albums to be honest lol


Had to scroll too far for Permanent Waves


Analog Kid has one of Lifeson's greatest solos imo.


Signals is great! My favorites are Hemispheres and A Farewell to Kings.


I could listen to The Analog Kid all day long every day.


2112 and Moving Pictures. Its become cool to hate on Rush, but they were a great rock band, and they had tremendous live shows, way better than you thought they would be, like Primus. They were all good dudes too, and kept the rock lunacy to a minimum, besides Geddy dressing like the wizard from Cookie Crisp.


Totally respect and admire how close and democratic the 3 members were. It seems like they didn’t let fame get to their heads, I dig that. Nothing worse than hearing about your favorite bands hating each other.


Caress of steel and Hemispheres are my favorite. Oh and A farewell to kings can’t leave that out.


Rush’s discography plays like a drive across Canada. If you listen to every album sequentially, there’s not much change. But over the years the change is drastic. Moving Pictures is nothing like 2112, but if you listen to the albums in between you can see how they got there.


This. I've tried to explain this to many an 'old Rush fan when they were good.' and people that just never got it. Won a few over, including my ex-wife. The brilliance is evolutionary if you know to listen for it




My favorite song on the album


Some of your favorite metal bands are huge fans of Rush


Analog kid is probably my favorite rush song.


I find it fascinating that Signals is so popular with Rush fans after all these years. Rush was easily my favorite band and I bought Signals when it came out. That was the last Rush record i would buy for a long time. It was so dull for a Rush record, subdued and meh. To this day I do not see what everyone else does in it, it is not bad, but man they were a different sounding band before. It's all good though, after they took a break and came back with Test For Echo, I hopped right back on board. They seemed reinvigorated. At that point I started listening to them Live more than studio, and with the great boots that were starting to trade, they seemed to add even more life to the songs on Signals, and I enjoyed them more that way.


Funny, couple of songs off of Test for Echo to me sounds like recent Tool before Tool evolved into the band they are today


What he said....


I always felt Caress of Steel is a great album, although the band wasn\`t happy with it. I saw them tour it and they were as tight as a drum.


Two words...Analog Kid


Subdivisions was the anthem of many a teen growing up in that era. Limelight is the one song that instantly takes me back to the best memories of high school.


2112 or moving pictures.


I love Fly By Night Especially In The End


Best version of In the End is on ATWAS




I remember when Signals was brand new - it played non-stop in arcades. It was not anybodies favorite back then but I've come to like it more as time passed.


Growing up a teenager in the suburbs in the 80s … Subdivisions hit me like a ton of bricks. Such an incredible emotional connection for me. Love the entire album, many many top songs. But Subdivisions is tops for me. And I was listening to 2112 and Signals and Moving Pictures … don’t get me wrong. I mean I was allllll the way down into By Tor and the Snow Dog, etc. But this was it for me.


Caress of Steel


Permanent Waves is my fave, hands down. The "hit" songs on it are great (Spirit Of Radio, Freewill) and the deep tracks are awesome too (Jacob's Ladder, Entre Nous). It's a great bridge between Rush's prog-heavy older stuff and their newer, poppier synth-heavy stuff. Highly recommended!


I love Signals. To me, it was the end of their prime, at least to some degree. Not that there weren't great songs afterward, there certainly were, but I never found an album they made after Signals to be as complete as that one or quite on the level as most of their discography before '82. However, I must say my personal favorite has to be their A Farewell to Kings album from '77.


You've echoed my thoughts perfectly. Down to the last sentence


To me, Signals, Permanent Waves, and Moving Pictures are a cohort. They’re less proggy than their previous albums and maybe that’s why they’re not ranked as high. 2112 is great, if you like prog - I’d say it’s one of the best prog albums. But, I’m not big on prog, for which the three albums above are my favorite Rush


A Farewell to Kings is my favorite because of Cygnus X-1-Book 1-The Voyage


All Rush is amazing. They’re by far my favorite band but Farewell to Kings is my favorite album. I’m amazed I had to scroll down this far to find someone even mentioning it.




I love this album. Its one of the first ones I got into. Analog kid, digital man, etc. But grace under pressure is my personal favorite album. Between the wheels maybe favorite song.


*Signals* isn't my favorite Rush album, but it's definitely near the top.


Moving Pictures if I had to chose


Signals is a great album. Chemistry, awesome song, Losing It, nothing hits me in the feels like that one, and Subdivisions has some of Geddys best little fills and riffs.


Anything after Moving Pictures does not sit well with me. All the early stuff is fantastic!


I’ve always loved this album. All their work is great. Moving pictures was a seminal album for me. But signals has such a great sound throughout.


I gotta say my favorite bass sound out of all their albums


I’ve seen Rush live more than any other band. When someone asks what my favorite album is it almost is like asking which kid is your favorite. Signals is a masterpiece all on its own. Think about how unique and awesome Caress of Steel is and then give Hold Your Fire a listen. It’s the same band! I’m so grateful for growing up listening to Rush. Thanks Dad.


New world man is one of my favorite songs of theirs. Sweet album.


Thanks for the recommendation! Listened on the walk home today. Very mellow and a little less dramatic than Moving Pictures but some very cool synthesizer work and moving lyrics. A new favorite for me.




Fly by Night is my favorite! Not a single bad song IMO


Love Signals. Subdivisions and Analog Kid spoke to me so much as an adolescent. Countdown just fills me with emotion when I listen to it. Wore the vinyl out in the 80s then lost touch with Rush a bit in the coming decades. It took Neil's passing to remember how much this album meant to me. And it meant a fucking lot.


I've always loved "Subdivisions." Much of the album is great, but that's the song that really blew me away on first listen.


Analog Kid is the bomb!


Subdivisions is my favorite RUSH song.


I've been a Rush fan since the early 80's, and Signals is my favorite album of theirs. There's something about the sound they have on that one. I can't describe it. It hits perfectly. I totally get it.


This album has much sentimental value for me. I bought it just after I graduated Army basic training and arrived at language school. Good times.


Signals is still my all-time summer relaxation album; I first got into it like the summer of ‘88 or ‘89 on constant play. I may not lie in the grass with one blade stuck between my teeth (more like on the patio couch) but I still pull down my baseball cap and cover up my eyes with Signals as the soundtrack to a perfect lazy summer weekend day.


Born in mid 70’s, I like Zepp, Deep Purple, etc but RUSH is great: Signals album is very good


Caress of Steel and Hemispheres are my 2 favorites. BTW, does anyone know if r/Rush is coming back to Reddit? I joined the sub, but it’s not here now. They went “private “, and I haven’t a clue if I’ll ever see it again. Edit: When I try to go to that sub, it says I don’t have access because it’s private, but I joined it. ????


Ya I tried searching Rush first, but nothing. How is there not a Rush Reddit page?! I love The necromancer and The Trees off those albums


Maybe its one of many protesting reddit for 48hrs?


There's like this reddit blackout thing happening rn. It's not just you


I love Fly By Night Especially In The End


Nice, I've been meaning to get more into Rush myself. I'm born in the early 70s, and I like it when I hear Rush on Classic Rock Radio, but I never got into them like I did other bands. Isn't RUSH considered Progressive Rock? If it is, then cool. I like Prog Rock.


Their radio songs are nowhere *near* their best songs; try 'Xanadu', 'La Villa Strangiato', 'The Fountain of Lamneth, and side one of '2112' for starters.


Signals is in my top 3. After MP and SoR.


2112 & Hemispheres


Also known as , the last album with fast guitar solos ( I am not saying anything negative)


Grace Under Pressure is my favorite. Signals is a favorite too. Signals was the album I got into Rush. And I love Hold Your Fire more than just about anybody.


Saw them on the first date of this tour in Milwaukee with Rory Gallagher opening. The album hadn't even been released yet, so I am among the first people in the world to hear these songs as they were new. The album will always be one of my favorites, but I agree with there being too much synth to its sound. It marked the beginning of the period where the band forgot they had an outstanding guitarist.


I'll always have a soft spot for *Hemispheres* because that's the album my older American cousins introduced me to the band in the summer of 1979, but *Moving Pictures* will always do it for me. Began to lose interest by *Power Windows*. Never bought anything of theirs past *Hold Your Fire.*


Ya mid 80’s on up Rush I just can’t get into just yet. There are good songs on those albums though


Saw them on the Signals tour. Amazing show. Still have my concert book.


I really liked Clockwork Angels. For a final opus, there are few bands that delivered like that.


As a metal head I will say Clockwork Angels is friggin heavy, what a way to go out.


My favorite is the one that introduced me to them, Roll the bones, but I can’t get enough of losing it off signals


Signals has grown to being my favorite by a long shot. Grace under pressure follows closely behind. The synth sounds fit the Rush landscape so well. Also, Lifesons solo on Chemistry is absolutely wild, and among my favorites of his whole career. Digital Man is a great song too. Love the drum work on it.


Gen x dude here and started off listening to heavy metal and then added bands like Rush to my collection. I love signals as well. Was always one of my favorite Rush albums. I liked grace under pressure as well.


This is the one that hooked me in high school. I was aware of some of their previous more popular stuff, but they became an every album must have for me from here.


I couldn’t get into Rush until I heard Exit Stage Left, specifically the drum solo on YYZ. I was already a Zeppelin fan and knew what John Bonham was all about but I had no idea that a human could make drums sound like that.


I'm part of a rare few that loves Hold your fire.


Honestly, permanent waves through power windows is perfect


My favorite Rush album changes. Signals is up there.


Hemispheres and Permanent waves are mine. First album was Farewell to Kings.


Exit…Stage Left is probably my favorite live album of all time.


I think Signals is maybe the loosest RUSH record. It seems like the whole band had a lot of room to improvise during the recording and, as a result, some of the songs can seem kind of chaotic at times (thinking of the solo sections of Digital Man, Losing It). The records encompassing Permanent Waves thru Hold Your Fire is probably my favorite period of RUSH. I think Peter Collins (Power Windows, Hold Your Fire, Counterparts, Test For Echo) was maybe the producer that got the most from their sound as far as it having a lot of punch but also having the keyboards and guitar be a bit more three-dimensional than on Signals and Grace Under Pressure.


My favorite was and still is Hold Your Fire. Then Counterparts. Then Moving Pictures.


Solid follow up to Moving Pictures. More synths, but nothing wrong with that! Anyone have the new vinyl release yet?


Did you pick up the 40th anniversary edition they did?


The sound of the original vinyl release of Signals was underwhelming. The first CD issue wasn't any better. nor was the MoFi release. I didn't start appreciating this album until Mercury remastered their back catalog. I've heard both rants and raves over the 40th Anniversary Atmos release, but I haven't heard it myself yet.


Great album!


Loosely quoting Richard Lewis as Prince John in Robin Hood, Men in Tights, "it's a good album."


It’s such a hard call for me, because they have songs that I love scattered over many albums. *Chronicles* is really one of the best anthologies ever released for that reason. But if you’re going to force me to pick, it would be between *Signals* and *Grace Under Pressure*.


I think 2112 and hemispheres are the best. Moving pictures was my first album, though. Saw the signals tour and the space shuttle sequence blew me away. First-time seeing visuals that today are common place at concerts


Rush fan here since 11 years old. Signals is one of my favorites, too. Fly By Night, Hemispheres, Grace Under Pressure and Power Windows are some of my other favorites in addition to Moving Pictures. Actually, Exit...Stage Left is the album that got me hooked on Rush and is still my favorite. Neil's solos on that album are superlative.


Love it. The only RUSH tour I have seen…


Listen to 2112, the whole album as it was recorded, epic.


This was the second album I bought from them. Start to finish, fantastic!


Love Rush. Saw them live on the Signals tour. Exit Stage Left is amazing. But for sentimental reasons, A Farewell to Kings is my favorite. Hell of a good album.


Great album! Great band! My personal favourite Grace Under Pressure


Awesome album. My personal favorite is either Hemispheres or Power Windows.


I was a senior in high school, when it was released. It’s always been one of my favorites. Saw them in concert for that tour. Totally woven into my life’s story now. I also loved Moving Pictures and Grace Under Pressure.


Roll dem bones


I like Presto.


Fly By Night just for the cover. Also Exit Stage Left for the best live.


My fave of theirs


Exit..stage left -


2112 live on that record is amazing


Hemispheres is #1 for me by far.


Rush’s discography is phenomenal. The album I’ve been finding myself returning to lately is Roll the Bones. I know it’s not their best, but something about it just clicks with me.


Signals is top tier for sure. Any love for Presto?


For Presto, I was kinda bored until the last 3 songs. Idk know yet if I need to listen to it more or if it’ll get better for me over time.


I didn't like this album when it was new (too synthy), but over the years, it has grown on me tremendously.


Signals was kind of a change for them but I dug it when it came out. I had been a fan since 1976 and Signals came out when I was in college. It’s a great album and set the stage for a new sound.


Rush is like 60-70% of the music I listen to. I know every song forwards and backwards. This is my favorite Rush album. 80’s Rush is best Rush. Grace Under Pressure and Power Windows are also my favorites.


Moving Pictures and Signals


Power Windows is my favorite album by them. Songs like Grand Designs and Mystic Rhythms just sound so great. I also think Geddys vocals throughout the album are his best.


Signals is one of My favorites it's also the album that Rush was supporting on tour the first time I saw Rush on March 4 1983 at the Myriad Convention center in Oklahoma City I was 11 it was My first concert that I picked to see rather than Me being the drug and liquor carrier for My Dad and His shitbags.I was blown away. Analog Kid is awesome up really fucking loud the only song I dislike is New World Man and thats because the KATT overplayed the shit out of it


One of my favorites. Subdivisions and Losing It rock my socks off every time


Power Windows is such a great record


Neal Peart was my hero growing up, born a few years after you. I played the drums (mostly like shit) but always admired that his talent didn’t seem as natural as Bohnam’s, but more a product of insane amounts of practice. Now in my 40s, I recognize that wasn’t entirely true, but it was a big motivator that helped me go from complete shit at banging the kit to only moderately bad.


Signals is a lesser known but awesome album.


Every Rush album is superb, but as a life long fan since 1977, A Farewell to Kings is their masterpiece . RIP Neil Peart.


Snakes & Arrows. Especially Workin Them Angles


Moving pictures is my favourite




Caress of Steel


Even though I like everything by Rush, I have always preferred the mid to late 70s stuff (my favorite three have always been Caress of Steel, 2112, and a Farewell to Kings, if I could only pick three, which would admittedly be quite tough 😆) but I think Signals is phenomenal. I put it right alongside Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures, and there are songs on it I like more than some songs on either of the aforementioned records. The way they include the synths more without sacrificing their “proggy” technical edge is beautifully executed. Not to mention there are some amazing Lifeson solos on it. 5 star album in my humble onion, but then again I think every Rush album from Fly By Night up to Signals is 5 stars 😄


I've been a Rush fan for a long time and Signals is my favorite album (Rush and otherwise). You are not alone.


I wasn't a fan of the Signals album.


A Farewell to Kings is king!!




Rush was a great album. Finding My Way kicked ass