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Look into renting an ozone machine. All pets and humans will need to vacate for a day or two while it's running though.


AND the house must be aired out after the ozone machine is turned off, before people or pets return.


i went into a hotel room once and they had a strange machine in there, and when I looked it up I’m 90% sure that’s what it was lol. we asked reception and they seemed freaked out lol


I work in hotels, we use ozone machines for rooms that were smoked in or have unpleasant odors. Neutralizes the odors. But if you use one, if you run it for 4 hours wait at least 2 hours before entering. There will be “ozone” smell for a bit but will fade. They work pretty good


I love that ozone smell and I know I should not breathe it... It's just so fresh


Everybody loves the smell of fresh cancer :D


wtf…. do you think someone died in your hotel room?


Possible but doubtful. Ozone machines get rid of a multitude of odors. They likely freaked out because they’re extremely hazardous to living things if they’re running.


Don't forget smokers! I worked at a property that at that time, still had some smoking rooms. We had to run the ozone machine quite frequently if a non smoker booked it.


haha maybe, but probably not. probably just a smoker was in there before us. the scary part was i breathed in a good bit of the air directly without knowing what it was…


It cleans up everything from cigarette smoke to bad body odour to cooking smells so it could be a variety of reasons why it was being run. I have an Airbnb and I have one.


People die in motel/hotel rooms all the time.


I feel like if someone died in a hotel room staff would probably find the body before it starts to smell. They'd certainly find it faster than someone who died in their own home, I'd expect.


Onetime someone dropped a cologne bottle and just drenched the floor. Ozone away the smell


I worked in a hotel and the most common reasons for that machine to be used was someone smoked in the room or the ac unit leaked into the carpet or the carpet otherwise was wet and left a mildew smell in the room.


People don’t need to be dead to stink


I’ve heard before from hotel workers that suicide is fairly common in hotels. Better than families finding them, possibly.


It’s very common for people to pass in hotel rooms. Overdoses and suicides.


Or just old and sick.


Or just plain old


Jeeze, there was one running very frequently in the basement my old work, I had no idea they were hazardous 😬 Maybe it didn’t work. It didn’t do much for the smell, so hopefully it was broken and that’s why I never got sick?


It can kill you lol that's why they freaked out


Just noting that plant will die, too. Anything alive must be out before running the machine.


and plants too, but it is very effective


Very very effective. Removes all ions in every crack, nook, cranny, fabric, air, and everything. The air will release all particles that will drop and there will be a fine dust layer to clean, but this is worth it. No mold can survive. It kills all bugs and will kill plants too. It creates O3 replacing oxygen in anything living like bedbugs or lice. It kills any mold or mildew. Run it several times if any smell lingers after using. Have fans and windows ready to evacuate the air. Do not be there when it is running. These have timers. Two hours on a double garage works for all smells. There will be an ozone odd smell for a while until it clears from all the penetration areas. These machines are definitely worth it.


Ozone doesn't "remove ions" or "replace oxygen." O3 is a very unstable molecule and it will react with just about anything it touches, oxidizing it in the process. It's basically a gaseous form of bleach. You're right that you absolutely can't be in the room while it's running, though - you wouldn't drink bleach and you sure as hell don't want to breathe ozone.


Hah. I remember a local hack "health" center advertising this new miracle ozone breather machine that will cure everything. That said, they aren't wrong. Death WILL cure everything.


[At low levels, it is basically smog. Ozone is one of the main components of smog.](https://www.epa.gov/ground-level-ozone-pollution/ground-level-ozone-basics#formation) Long term exposure is quite unhealthy- constant low level damage. Ozone at altitudes around ten miles filters UV light from the sun, which is nice.


Is it true that it kills mold and mildew?


Yes, just like liquid bleach does.


Thank you for this detailed description! I have seen this machine mentioned before and always wondered what it does but never went so far as to consult the Google.


I stick my window AC units in my garage and run an ozone generator or an hour. I like to think it kills everything I can’t reach, and it definitely removes any and all smells that the AC might be shooting out


Omg you’ve sold me on this machine


You can find them on Amazon for about $100. I have one and use it a few times a year


Does it help with cat pee smells?


Yes but cat pee actually stays liquid in wood cells and needs to be drawn out and denatured or the smell will keep returning. It also soaks into plastics in a way that can't easily be removed. White vinegar denatures it, so if you can soak it into the areas it's your best bet. Trashed plastics may have to be discarded, fabrics, and wood if it's too badly chemically burned.


My cat peed on a concrete basement floor years ago. I doused the floor with full strength OdoBan. I repeated the process for a total of 3 applications over a few days…it worked. Where did your cat pee?


How long do you run them? (I'm not thinking of one for myself, but wondering in OP's case, how long should OP's sister run one?)


Depends on the space size. A double garage with horse tack musty smells took 2 runs of 2 hours each. The smell has not returned after a year even. Ran it in a smelly truck on a 30 minute timer. That worked great! Added a few old books in there to get the musty smell out of those, too. A large bedroom and bath with lighter laundry smells and mildew smells, one run on the 1 hour timer. The timers can be set 30 minutes, 1 hour to 4 hours and automatically stop. I let it sit for hours after it stops before returning to air out the place. Hold your breath while you open windows and run fans. Try not to breathe the ozone. It does have a light bleach smell to it.


Thank you so very much for the information.


Can you use it in a single room if all the windows and doors are closed and living things are in a separate place of the house?


Yes. I ran one in my kitchen last week after moving out some plants. It killed the ones I didn’t care about within about an hour or two. The machine was only running for 45 mins. All my other plants in other rooms are fine. It has a bleach type smell you need to air out after but yeah I couldn’t smell it in any other room.


Turn off your hvac or hvac circulation maybe during that time to help not send it to other rooms.


These work. I had a dead animal in my garage walls and did not know for a year. After removing it, we ran the ozone machine overnight. Smelled great but we still had to run it again once in a while for a year but not anymore.


What does ozone machine do at the molecular level


O3 very much would prefer to be O2 and -O, an ion eager to make friends. Most volatile compounds (compounds that get into the air, they'd have to be in order to smell them), most volatile compounds are really friendly. When they bump into an -O, it joins their group and then breaks up the gang, making the compound no longer able to trigger the nerves for smell.


Love the way you used "friends" and "the gang" here. Are you a teacher?


I've an affinity for chemistry and used to teach 4-H. I love to share information, so... philosophically perhaps, but I wouldn't call myself a teacher. I wouldn't be able to stand teaching at public schools, nor most private ones. But thanks!


I work with a lot of restoration companies, and I'm an assistant teacher for several restoration courses. I describe ozone as a couple out on a super-hot date, with one of their friends tagging along because he's desperate for company. They really want to get rid of him, so they can get down to sexy time, so the first group of people they come across they immediately introduce him and get him talking to them so the two of them can go their own way and get it on. The group of people that accepted the third wheel has now been changed, and become something else.


This was helpful, thank you!


Somehow the last sentence feels sinister.


Right? Great premise for a horror film.


People, pets, and **plants** must be removed. Also, don’t run it for longer than necessary. Work in 15 minute increments. Air the space out after and check if it needs more time. Ozone machines can damage things like rubber, plastics, and more. They shouldn’t be used longer than absolutely necessary.


Or buying one, a Bare Bones ozone machine (its a brand) is cheap and every bit as effective if not more than most rented units. You just have to put a strong fan on it


Legit question. If there are traces of fat and body fluids in any part of the building, such as the wood of the subfloor. Could ozone eliminate it?


No, but rubbing alcohol and water can break down organic stuffs


If you can’t find one to rent- I bought one on Amazon


I have one. Highly recommend!!


I bought one off of eBay because Amazon wouldn’t ship one to me. It was like $20 and it works.


I’ve heard these can damage plastics. Do you know if that’s true?


THIS. my place had a former smoker and allegedly a pig owner. Ozone machine and washing windows and stuff w rubbing alcohol mixture.


You can also try a Room Shocker. I used one in my boat and was happy with the results.


is it less hazardous? what is it?


So we have a company in South Africa that sells ozone machines as a form of health wackiness, and part of their sales pitch is how clean everything smells. I had no idea it was dangerous, I just tried to get them out of my house because of how expensive it was!


Ask the landlord for a copy of the biohazard cleaning receipt. Almost all landlords will outsource biohazard cleaning and in some states/cities it's required by law to use a certified biohazard remediation company when human remains are involved. If they can't produce proof that they had a certified company do the cleaning, there may be legal avenues to force the landlord to hire a certified biohazard remediation company and clean the area thoroughly. These biohazard companies are very good at their jobs and I just can't believe they would leave a strong odor behind. That makes me think the landlord did not clean up properly and it's putting your sister at risk. Legal action may be necessary, unfortunately.


Exactly. Not going to go into details, but there was a medical emergency in the last house that I lived in. While I was at the hospital with family, the cleaners got the place looking better than new. Smelling like nothing had happened. I doubt the issue was properly remedied.


Now I’m desperate to know the nature of this medical emergency, that left a smell..?


It was jot fresh and not clean clean


It was a family member of mine, so I'd prefer to preserve his dignity. It's called "unattended death cleanup" if you would like to read about it. They will clean all the way down to the subfloor, which will be sealed, if needed. There shouldn't be any smells left.


Please this OP. My father died in his home and was not found for a month. I paid to have it cleaned up and the smell was gone within a few weeks. No ionizer needed. I think so long as the biohazard is gone so is the smell. So I have to wonder if they had it properly cleaned. It’s an actual law in my state that it be done properly. I’d imagine as a rental it would be pretty important.


Yes, I agree with this comment. She needs to make sure it's been cleaned properly or she could be at risk.


Yea to add on to this! My husband is one of those biohazard remediation specialists and I can share some tips for you that I’ve picked up from him about the companies. Your landlord absolutely needs to pay for this service. Depending how shady they are though, I recommend you to get renters insurance before calling. Not every landlord will pay (though they’re supposed to). A lot of the time those services are a few thousand dollars per room but if you use insurance you just have to worry about the deductible. Also, companies will compete for the job so you will be able to maybe get a better out of pocket cost or one company will do more cleaning or repairs than another. Ask about the deductible and how one would potentially be assisted there. If you can’t get a team out, the ozone machine is absolutely necessary like others are saying. I’d also get yourself some ODOBAN in a jug from Home Depot and use that in areas that smell until then. It’s a disinfectant cleaner that GREATLY assists in smell removal. It won’t get all or even most of a smell, but it will some.


My godmother wasn't found for two weeks, they had to tear out the living room floor completely, bio hazard did the work, but the smell was still there a month later when we went to prep the house for sale. Bleh it sticks to everything




I can't believe the renters skipped on ozone. I'd ask where they found the body. There is a certain amount of cleaning they have to do for it to be safe. Gonna have to shampoo carpets. Anything fabric is gonna get that smell in and never leave. It's no wonder they approved her so fast. Sad tbh. They took advantage of her and she's already trying to escape something. Makes me upset. 


They may have done it and the smell came back. We had this happen in a family member’s house. Eventually took it down to studs. The smell was in the drywall, ceilings etc. When it started to warm up, the smell would come back out of nowhere. It was much more faint but unmistakable.


ETA after reading another comment: This was after a biohazard recovery team. That was just step 1. There was a lot of smell left after that.


I have a jacket of a friend who passed away 13 years ago. To this day it still smells - I couldnt bring myself to bring it to a cleaning service it all these years but I finally managed to do it this week. Lets see if it goes away.


Did they pass wearing the jacket?


No but it was in his apartment and he was dead for over 2 weeks. Everything at his place had this smell. We basically had to throw everything away.


Husband helped clean out an apartment like that when he was in highschool. Everything smelled. His mom kept some things cuz they were doing it for free and were told they could have whatever they wanted. The chest she kept i just tossed (she passed away). The blankets that were in it i soaked in an enzymatic cleaner (dirty labs) and detergent (dr bronners sals suds) for several hours, then added some extra detergent and white vinegar, reran the soak cycle so that water level stayed but everything got mixed up again, and continued soaking another few hours. Washed with downy scent beads. Came out smelling brand new. If i couldnt fix the smell, i was going to toss the blankets.


I wish I could have done that with the jacket! Honestly after I was in his apartment I had severe issues of smelling it everywhere which is why I couldnt keep anything except his very personal belongings. I kept the jacket in a plastic bag all these years and it still smells. I will know more on monday. I am going to give it away though since there are bad memories connected to it.


Same, we threw away pretty much everything except some things in a cedar chest. My grandmother’s navy uniform from the late 40”s was I. There and a Purple Heart from someone who died in Korea so I was thrilled to have those things. I was just telling my son yesterday I wish I had at least tried to salvage my granddad’s vinyl records. At the time it was overwhelming and I just wanted it all gone!


Update me


Rip out / replace the carpets.


Your landlord will need to take care of it. Noxious smells like a rotten body count as making a place in uninhabitable and the proper remedy will be described in your local housing laws. Additionally, many localities require that only licensed professionals clean up after a body.


Enzyme cleaner followed by ozone generators.


If they didn't rip out and replace everything she decomposed into then you will never get it out. There are special cleaning crews for human bio waste clean up that are supposed to be called in. The person who died can leak under baseboards, between walls, under floorboards... ... You may need to call in the experts. How do I know this? Funeral home family growing up and stunt in college as an autopsy tech. Someone didn't clean the death location well.


I’ve never thought about leaking but it makes sense. Woah.


that's one way to 'leave something to remember me by'


my first house had some gnarly wood floors underneath the carpet where the hospital bed was from previous homeowner where they died. My father and I ripped up the section of hardwood down to the beams and built and bought new wood for that section, there was absolutely NO way that seepage was staying in that house regardless of what they cleaned.🤢


Absolutely, that's why companies exist to handle this. You have to remove and cut out everything. OP's landlord probably was cheap and figured "some bleach and replacing the carpet will do" but it will not. Not even a little.


Someone posted on a book subreddit asking “what horror books have scared you” and it’s funny that none has actually scared me but this post is gonna give me nightmares


Right? lol sorry about that. It freaked me out too. I immediately came home and showered.


I absolutely agree. Scary books aren't anything in comparison to this. 😰


Horror stories seldom actually trump the horrors of real life.


God Bless your sister! I’m trying to leave. SC isn’t much help with this.


I’m sorry to hear that. She and I both got really lucky when it came to our situations. Missouri has a ton of help for people trying to get out of those situations.


I hope you get out while you can. This (being hard to leave) is by design. Law makers are coming after No fault divorce. Please, please understand women’s rights, your rights are of utmost importance this November.


I did an estate sale at a house where the man died and wasn't found for weeks in a Georgia summer. The family came and cleaned it out, you could even see where part of the floor and wall was cut out and repaired. We worked in the house over the next summer and it smelled awful everytime the air kicked on, so it might be in the ductwork too.


On top of what others are suggesting, the smell might be in the ductwork, which may need to be replaced. Make sure air filters have been replaced too!


Unless the lady straight up died in the ducts, they can probably just clean it rather than replacing it.


Thank you for all the suggestions, we appreciate it!


❤️ I’m glad your sister is in a safe place now (despite the morbid/awful smell)


The owners should have had a hazmat team in to remove any trace of said body.. this should include pulling up carpets and floorboards affected by bodily fluids….. without receipts and confirmation of a full biological clean, she absolutely should not move in there ..


In Europe this would be illegal and whoever rented it out to your sister might as well thrown in jail. This is disgusting and I can’t believe they took advantage of her like that,


If the smell is in the concrete it's gonna be work to get it out. Gonna need a kettle or two for continuous HOT water. Wet down the concrete where it happened, then use a mixture of more hot water and enzymatic cleaners in the area with lights scrubbing. Wipe that up, pour more Hot water for rinsing. You may have to repeat this. It will smell worse as you clean. I've done this for cat urine except I used TSP instead of the enzymatic cleaner. It broke up the crystals embedded into the cement as cat urine does. Meanwhile, an ozone cleaner, open windows, even vinegar is a great scent eraser. Wipe down the walls in the area and check for any type of damage that may be holding onto the scent. You can also get a small UV light off Amazon and check for trouble spots. I hope it's only room, but smells can be pervasive. Use a spin mop for the walls with some half strength fabuloso or pine sol to start resetting the scent of the house. I hope it works, sorry she has to put up with all that.


Wasn't your sister supposed to be told someone died before moving in or does that only apply to someone when purchasing a home? Either way, that should be on the landlord and I hope they take care if it. Also I feel like a psycho is taking notes off this post 😅


That’s what I though but Google told me that Missouri is not a “full disclosure state”


Of course it's not 😒 i hope the smell gets fixed :/


Ozone machine will kill any odor. You can usually rent one from Home Depot. Anything living has to evacuate the space while it’s running. It will need to run for 24-48 hours and then the place will need to be aired out once it’s off to allow the air to be safe for living things again. Odoban is a great liquid odor remover, and it’s fairly cheap. My local Dollar General and Walmart sells a gallon jug for $10. You’re supposed to dilute it, but if the smell is that bad, I’d spray the place down with it undiluted, especially the concrete. I’d mix some diluted in a mop bucket and mop the walls down. Basically every single surface needs to be cleaned with it. If possible, have the windows open as much as possible to allow fresh air in while doing this.


That's really insane that they didn't get rid of the smell before renting it out. I'm sorry your sister has to deal with this.


Get your sister to ask the landlord for the biohazard report and all cleaning that has been done. If they can't provide or even if they can and the situation hasn't remedied itself from a previous company, the landlord is still responsible for that. It is state mandatory here that if a person passes in a house and isn't found right away, they have to have a biohazard company come remove everything and clean everything. If they hired a company and they didn't do their job right, they would have to hire another biohazard company to redo it. That's even if they had it done in the first place.. It is the landlords responsibility financially, not your sisters, so I'd get ahold of them asap and tell them that they need to rectify the situation with another biohazard company.. A friend of mine had an upstairs apartment neighbor elderly lady.. they never talked or really saw her.. but one day, Idk how they found out, but fire ems and police were there and found her she had been deceased for a couple weeks... they made my friend go stay in another one of their apartments or a hotel... until the biohazard company was through doing the upstairs and part of the flooring, which was my friend's ceiling, had to be replaced.. so the landlord put them up in another apartment or a hotel I can't remember which, but they didn't pay wherever they went, and the landlord didn't even make them pay for that whole month..


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


They may have to jackhammer out the concrete floors and replace. Our neighbor wasn’t found for a month in his garage and they had to do that.


You could try a dog pee enzyme cleaner for the cement. Spray it around. It should make a difference. Also there is an odor remover paint killed kilz. Maybe the landlord would reimburse you for the product if you put in the work.


Aren’t they supposed to disclose that kind of info? Or does that vary by state?


That’s what I thought. Maybe that doesn’t apply to renters?


I’m sure it applies to any long term rental. They should look into just in case. Because that’s too much to not disclose that. That can’t be helpful breathing that in.


I assumed so as well but googled it and learned that Missouri is not a “full disclosure” state


Wow that’s horrible. I’m sorry to hear that.


I owned a restoration company and we took care of things such as this. Ozone machine is the only way to go. You may be able to rent one from a local restoration company.


You need a biohazard clean. We had a similar situation with our downstairs neighbour (may he rest). The smell was like nothing I've ever smelled before. The landlord originally hired a standard cleaner which did nothing. Even after the biohazard clean there was still a lingering smell...


Chances are you’ll never get rid of it completely, that smell permeates.


Special place in hell for people who do this to vulnerable individuals. Just came to say, you have to scrub the walls, too. Like really scrub them, or else the mystery smell lingers in a horrible, haunting way, even after ozone.


Ask on r/crimescenecleaners


I’m going to second that ozone machine. Nothing in there for a few days and just let it rip. That smell - I felt like lady Macbeth the first time I got it in my hair and clothes and I wanted to puke. The place might also need to be repainted with a primer that seals in everything and then another few coats of paint on the ceiling, walls. If it has carpet, that likely also needs to be replaced. Hard Floors can be scrubbed if need be. Windows open as well for a long while. That isn’t pleasant and that smell takes forever to leave.


Could she contact the landlord and discuss it with them? Maybe they'll know a company that can help. Regardless of her situation, a place that smells because a person died in there should not be allowed. I'm also curious if it's illegal for them not to disclose that a person died in there. Maybe check your local tenants' rights, etc. Which may give you some leverage.


I second the ozone treatment, and for ongoing and immediate these small outlet ionizers also make a big difference in older house smells, U use the the ones like this https://amzn.to/45vMFWI


It might or might not be only dead body smell. She may have had hygiene issues, cleaning issues, pet accidents for some time. So a host of biologicals. Not for the faint of heart, but maybe get a blacklight and go through the apartment to spot problem areas and treat with enzymatic cleaner or bleach.


My organic chemistry professor had a brother who ran a large funeral home. This is not a rare problem. His suggestion was to bring a saucepan half-full of white vinegar to a low, low simmer and let it simmer for as long as it takes, adding more vinegar as needed.


Do you know where she passed? Depending on (sorry) how much of her was contained in possibly a mattress or couch…. There are services that specialize in cleaning / decontamination she may need to look into that as they have access to chemicals as licensed professionals. Best of luck. Sorry 😞


Watch an episode of crime scene cleaning on yourtube. The do often use an ozone cleaning machine . Good luck to your sister with her new beginning 🩷🩷🩷.


Cheap vodka, and water. Put in a spray bottle (or just pour it on the floor), and have at it, wherever the smell is. Anti bacterial on fabrics. Instead of using Lysol. Plenty of homemade versions on the web.


Omg, why do neighbor’s do that?? Rent an ozone machine and run it overnight. She and other living things like plants or pets need to be out of the house while it’s running. In fact, ask the landlord to do it.


Buy Kilz from home improvement store and Kilz floors, walls and ceilings. You can then paint any color of regular paint over the Kilz.


My dad burned coffee grounds which did the trick. got a free hotel room. Jokes aside Ozium (lots of it) and work down to up with plenty of ventilation. Let it sit for a day or two.


Try Effective Microorganisms. They can work wonders against rotten smells.


You can buy an ozone machine for 80 dollars. Someone you know probably has one.


Charcoal briquettes work well in enclosed spaces like cars. You might want to try them in the apartment.


A fire restoration company may be able to get the odor out. Air cleaner with charcoal filter. Lots of baking soda - mix with water and use as a spray.


You have to saturate it with that biocide enzymatic cleaner and let it soak. Or try pouring baking soda then hydrogen peroxide over it. Let it sit overnight then chisel the hardened crust away. It works on cat pee so who knows. An ozone machine after you actually clean up the bodily fluids. Honestly I would move and make them pay for it, certain states have laws that require the landlord to tell tenants about someone dying there recently before renting to them.


Ozone generator - this is the type you need - they work too ! Also handy for removing sour milk odours or bad odours in cars etc Freshens up a stuffy room too https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/166813205971?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=s0lvkicfrha&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=-dX2mD_aSK2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Safrax chlorine dioxide cleaning tablets from Amazon!!!! It comes in a bag for about $40, you drop the tablets into a bucket of warm water and leave the house for a day. It creates a yellow gas. When you come back a light bleach kind of scent will linger but it’s better than the original smell. I used this in my rental that smelled like “old house” and it helped so much. From what I’ve learned they use this chemical in crime scene clean ups because it works on a molecular level to neutralize smell. Definitely worth it.


Killz everything. Scrub and bleach the walls before you paint it with killz. What kind of flooring is it? If carpet, rip it out. Whoever the landlord was should have done that.


If you can’t find the ozone machine You could use charcoal in the corners of every room in the house , and wash the walls and ceilings with some vinegar and water , ( a mop works well for this ) then use peroxide and water a second time . Open all the windows , clean all the AC and heating ducts and if the return for the ac has a filter change that and vacuum and wipe that down with vinegar and water inside . Clean all the AC vent covers and wipe the inside of those if you can .. sprinkle some baking soda ( mix a few drops of tea tree oil in the baking soda - shake well and sprinkle in the vents let sit a few hours and then vacuum . If you can access the outside unit use a foam cleaner for it , they sale one at Lowe’s and I think Walmart. Because the smell has probably permeated the heating and cooling system. If the kitchen has a vent fan clean that filter as well . If the bathroom has exhaust fans take that apart and clean it too . Use a baking soda and vinegar mixture in the sink drains then flush with boiling water .. clean ceiling fan blades and any light fixture covers .: use fans in the window . If you have a windows that face each other out one sucking air out and the other blowing air in .. put some tea tree oil , peppermint and lavender oil on a cloth and hook it to the fan that is blowing air in .. and use those same 3 oils to wipe on the ceiling fan blades if you have them and the vent covers and exhaust fan covers in each room And mope daily with a vinegar and tea tree oil solution if you can .. leave bowls ofbaking soda and vinegar in each room ,, coffee grounds work too ( buy at dollar store or a warehouse store like BJs or Sam’s .. if their is carpet you most likely will have to take that up ..


As others have mentioned an ozone machine is essential, you can rent them from janitorial firms and maybe Home Depot. Also clean the room she passed in with a cleaner that breaks down protein, the janitorial places can help you but peroxide would work too


Get quotes from a painter to tape off and spray everything with Kilz primer, then an eggshell. Talk to the owner/manager about taking it from the rent, and them maybe being able to bill her estate. Sister's stuff gets gathered to the center of the rooms and covered


Get a black light and strong enzyme cleaners. Use hazmat gear and clean what you find with the blacklight. If she can, paint the walls using Kilz primer and paint. It's formulated to block smells and stains.


Ozonee machine, power wash the floors, repaint the walls and ceiling


IIRC the carpets/flooring should have been removed where the body was found otherwise it could cause further issues.


I’m pretty sure the landlord has to hire a certified hazmat team so you should be able to get a receipt of that happening. If not, the landlord should be doing that asap. If not, see if your sister can vacant for a few days with any living things (plants, pets, kids, etc) and rent an ozone machine


I remember reading that crime scene cleaning crews use dry coffee grounds to absorb and cover the smell of decomposition. Placing open cans of coffee grinds around the house can accomplish this. Along with airing out the house. 🤷🏼‍♀️


A tip I heard once was to close the bathtub drain, fold up a hand towel and pour mouthwash onto the towel and just leave it for a day or two. I've no idea if it works or not but might be worth a shot.


Are you able to paint the floor to seal in the smell? My sister bought an older house that was owned by an elderly lady and when we ripped up the floors all you could smell was cat piss. We washed floors then painted them and covered with new laminate flooring. Did the trick, smell was gone.


Rubbing alcohol but not too concentrate


I’ll never forget that smell 🥲


enzyme cleaner, bleach, wash fabric, walls, ceiling followed by an ozone machine. Probably overkill and you can get away with a whole lot less than I just mentioned.


Charcoal absorbs oders.


EIEIODORS does a great job. See if they operate in your area.


You’ll need to hire a professional service. I work in the death industry. It often seeps into the floorboards and even below


Ozone machine. You can get one off Amazon for about 30 quid. They work. Just don’t have any plants whilst it’s going, it WILL kill them very quickly.


The person renting it should have dealt with that even if it’s a corporation it’s rented from.


Used to know a guy who bought really cheap cars bc someone died in them. He used Charcoal to absorb the smell. He said it was the only thing that worked.


There’s many products that are enzyme based odor digesters. I specifically use one called Liqui Bac from Rochester Midland. It will get rid of the smell without an ozonator. It was specifically designed for use in mortuaries and as someone who grew up in a funeral home and a 600lb man was found dead in his home after weeks in the summer…I can assure you this stuff works. Nothing took the smell out of the vehicle that transported the body until this was used.


The last apartment I lived in, I had 2 neighbors die over the years, and the smell is awful


Use odoban to clean the floors, walls and ceiling. Get an ozonator and run it, pets and people need to be out while it runs and the house airs out


Put several chlorine tablets around the house, it will help eliminate the smell.


Open all of your windows etc that'll help. Wash all of the surfaces down as well.


Go to a local funeral home they have a deodorizer only they can get…I cannot find it on line I looked specifically for it. They will more then likely give you a small amount it doesn’t take much then put it in a spray bottle it eliminates that specific odor. I hope this helps


Mop down the walls and the ceiling and the floor with a diluted Clorox bleach and water solution. Wear gloves when you do it and have the windows open to change the air. It will make a huge difference. Don’t ask me how I know this.


Can you paint the concrete floors? If so, KILLZ may help as a barrier. It's recommended for cat urine that has sunk into a house's structure.


I once lived in an apartment block where body was inot found for 6 weeks. A very distinctive smell.


I second the ozone machine. I have one and run it room by room. One window partially turn machine on. Close door put towel under door. Smells like the whole place was cloroxed.


Take coffee beans and set on the stove. Will smoke a lot but will help with the smell. Don’t burn the place down. Truck cops and paramedics use for the smell.


Bad Air Sponge on Amazon helped when my dog ran into our house IMMEDIATELY after being sprayed by a skunk at VERY close range.


I knew a man that had managed large apartment complexes. He told me that frying cabbage will neutralize any smell, even death.


I would try to narrow down where the smell is coming from them treat the floors with an enzyme eater.


There is a company called Biosweep. They can remove it even better than ozoning. They charge by the cubic foot and they basically tent up the place. I’ve seen them do AMAZING things with odor. Like a building could be half burned out with you in it and you wouldn’t know it by the smell if they treated it.


Oh god. My friend lived in an apartment above someone who died and wasn’t found for weeks… I made him make the report and that prompted management to do a wellness check. Crime scene cleaners was there for a whole week to clean the smell out…


Leave an ozone there 8 hours. Rent one. Then kills paint the concrete and use the ozone for 8 hours one more time. After every use of ozone air the house out. When using kills make sure window are open. I know this works for sure. I’ve done a lot of decomp cleans.


Ozone machines are a tad expensive. I have one for my Airbnb and have never used it. Maybe ask online if you can borrow one. Auto dealerships always have them as well, and car rental places.


Chlorine Dioxide tablets on Amazon.


I don't know the cost, but there is a company called ServePro that does that type of cleaning. Might be worth checking out.


The ozone machine idea is awesome (see below). I would also consult a disaster clean up company and get an estimate from them. They might have the ozone machine. I feel awful for you guys. No one should have to live in a home with a horrible smell like that. The landlord should be ashamed. Your sister is blessed to have you. You really look out for her. ✝️


Put coffee grinds in a small pot or pan on the stove and simmer it. No water. Edit. My name checks out


Morbid side of me is curious if the neighbors claim about a dead body being there and it wasn’t cleaned properly… or if the neighbor is a Dahmer “old meat” situation….


You’ll shurely go with a number of solutions, remember white vinegar


Try Nature's Miracle!


Repaint walls with a product by the name of kills. It covers cigarettes and more. Do a heavy duty clean on the floors and remove any fabric. Concrete is porous so do a deep clean of the floor.


Get in touch with a company that deals with things like that. I can only remember the name ServePro right now but there are lots of companies that do restoration and they would be able to get the smell out. Don’t know if it expensive though.


Odo-ban? Idk. I cleaned out my sister's house after she died and the decomp smell was permeated into everything. It's a tough smell to get rid of.


I raised boys. Vinegar was my friend. Yes it smelled like death. Could have been frogs, hermit crabs in a box from the beach a week later. Skunked dog, kid horse. Ugh. I swore I'd miss those days. Lol.