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What exactly is the problem with a microfiber towel?


Several: Doesn’t stay put on the swiffer mop head, falls off. Doesn’t absorb well, mostly smears dirt and water around. (bar mop type cotton terrycloth rags do a better job of absorbing, but also do not stay on the swiffer, leaving me on my hands and knees if I wish to use them). Additionally, keeping up with chores including laundry is a struggle for me currently, therefore a disposable option is preferred at this time.


I got some of [these](https://www.etsy.com/listing/843625166/swiffer-mop-pad-refills-fits-swiffer-mop?click_key=2ae5c4e379360323cc7336aeeaa48ad94fb9e504%3A843625166&click_sum=492ad9cb&ref=shop_home_feat_2) reusable Swiffer pads. The flat side is a good replacement for the dry Swiffer and the terrycloth side works well for wet applications. They stay on well and wash up nicely.


What about the blue j-cloth. They are a thicker disposable paper towel. We use them multiple times and can rinse them quite a bit before tossing them.


Shop towels (usually blue or green) might be an option.


Dollar tree has dry swiffer pads that you could spray or soak?


Do you have a link or picture or exact product name I could google? I have a dollar tree but I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.


I’m not seeing them online anymore, but I bought them a few months ago. It was like dry sweeping pad or something like that. These may be better options, though: https://preview.redd.it/ogz2qi1zpl7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e510c58e5c3be7e9075f37467feafe979a092673