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Actually something weird is going on. I was watching his 'Im qutting tech..." video and it went private while was watching and now his channel shows varying numbers of videos and content every time I reload the page. I don't know wtf is going on. Scammer doing weird shit. edit: now the whole channel shows unavailable. edit: now its all back. I give up. Sorry for the false alarm. I have never had a video go private in the middle of watching it before.


It happened to me, too. On the same video as you. Kicked me back out to home and his channel didn't show up in search after.


Is this finally it? Is tech lead gone? Finally. I used to watch him in the early days, but then he started talking a lot about his divorce and putting his wife in a bad light, and started doing a lot of crypto shilling.


Someone is selfdestroying. Let it happen, so we hopefully finally get rid of him on all platforms. Knowing him, he'll be back sooner rather then later, playing both the victim and Victor card. His desillusionary mindset borderline a psycopat. 


For me, everything but his Coffeezilla videos is still up.


That makes sense actually, kind of explains it. 1. Take channel private 2. Nuke content. 3. Take channel public again.


Guess he put them all back on public cause I see them all


TechLead is the worst troll I’ve ever seen. Seriously. He’s not funny or interesting in the slightest.


Corporations are destroying him for his Truth.. Sad, guys!