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The audacity is actually impressive. Is she trying to re-cancel herself like holy crap


She really has a talent for that. šŸ˜‚


i wonder if HOPE4ATRT knows that colleen claimed one of her fans faked being sick to meet her. so fucking vile dude. why does she still have a platform.


as if anybody would put in that much effort to meet her bfr


I mean, Adam did


He never lied about being chronically ill just for a chance to meet her, though.


I'm sorry I am behind, Adam is chronically ill? (Genuine question)


He isn't. I meant like he didn't go to an extreme of faking chronic illness to meet his idol like Colleen presumed Ella, another longtime fan, did (she has fibromyalgia).


Oh I see what you mean, thanks I appreciate explaining.


Why did this get downvoted lol. My comment wasn't malicious, as I said it was genuine. I thought I had missed information.


Thatā€™s completely different she had groomed him for a long timešŸ¤Ø


Why bother starting a new fundly link when people can just throw their money away into the previous ones


Cause she canā€™t get enough $$$, she makes me so sick


none of the money has been donated yet. how are more ppl not talking about this


"EverY YeAr fOr MY BiRtHdAyšŸ¤Ŗ" ugh I hate how she manipulates her audience like this EVERYTIME, and the fundraiser is NEVER on her actual birthday and should have NO connection to her birthday. Everything doesn't always revolve around you!


Right, plus she made sure to add her PO box and mention her birthday multiple times in the lead up knowing her fans will fill it up with goodies as well as companies! She's on the beg, even though she's worth millions. She's always been sent a lot of stuff and she's never once done a thank you video and shown the items from her fans such as tour. I'm still annoyed she got her fans to buy everything for F before his birth. (when pregnant and on tour, she asked her fans to bring gifts for the baby as she hadn't bought one thing yet, she later did a tour of his stuff and proudly said she hadn't needed to buy anything as everything was gifted to her on a big table at each show. Some of the stuff looked expensive, and those poor kids had already bought tickets and merch, no wonder she's worth millions)


So she didnā€™t even buy a single thing herself as a mom for her son F? Yeesh, but honestly nothing about this woman can surprise me anymoreā€¦ Her poor children growing up having to realise their toys were all given by strangers they donā€™t even know and not even from their own mother, thatā€™s pretty messed up


Thank you for mentioning that she never thanks or mentions who have her gifts. Iā€™ve always noticed how weird that was


She may as well ask fans to give her money for her actual bday at this point.. wouldnā€™t surprise me if she did šŸ™„


Does she use that scheme for tax benefits?


Info about Colleen's scam fundraisers here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/s/zAUW578gz6


Very interesting, thank you


Might be using it for connections. Skyestrong supporter and advocate is a major HW event planner-talking show premiere parties, award season parties, lots of connections. Skye had a very rare cancer. Iā€™m thinking she chose it for HW clout/connections. Iā€™m kind of sick to my stomach about it.


Skye used to be a big fan of Miranda Sings. That's how Colleen became aware of her.


Wow. My heart dropped when I read the charity. It is definitely worthy of donations but Colleen doesnā€™t care about Skye or the others that have suffered from this horrid cancer.


Colleen has spoken of Skye in past years, but she probably only cares that Skye loved Miranda and that she was a child that she could use to promote her fundraiser.


Letā€™s hope the Feds look into it this time.


I hope all of her cameras break for eternity, always has a pebble in her shoe, I hope everything is always on the tip of her tongue and I hope chickens run away to better people.


Last year was a doozy, everything and anything went wrong and she was embarrassing. she was gifting used up Amazon cards to kids knowingly, kory was on his last nerve as he tried to control her unsuccessfully. She even mis-gendered her supposed friend, then made it all about her etc She kept cocking up, Kory ended up rolling his eyes behind her back and shouting at her every time she messed up in a big way. I knew their friendship was on the out at that point. It was a disaster. I do sometimes wonder if he blocked kodee on purpose knowing she'd go public. If he did, I find that hysterical! She's been getting less and less with every passing year too. Not sure she'll get much this year, although she'll make a big deal out of it and say "I totally didn't expect to make this much, thank you guys!!". Now here's your empty amazon cards and some lingerie. It seems every year a huge chunk of fans who were promised on the live stream gifts got nothing at all. Some of them came here to complain, as they were "not allowed" to ask her about it weeks later, not even politely as both kory and the fans would be nasty to them. Don't get me started on the 2020 tour she cancelled but refused to give refunds, steadfastly ignoring them on twitter but replying to comments above and below.


Sheā€™d be happy about the pebble in her shoe thošŸ¤ 


Holy crapā€¦ sheā€™s digging so deep sheā€™s reached the other side of earth lmao


Sheā€™ll do it ā€œrightā€ this year, showing her donating and talk about how every penny goes to the charity, see? SEE?? SEE MY RECEIPTS? How could anyone ever doubt this goddess of generosity??


Iā€™ll be interested to note any changes. In my opinion doing so would just draw more attention to how dodgy it has been in previous years!


I thought the same but I'm also shocked at how little she seems to be covering her ass. This isn't a redemption arc she just wants "her life back".


Of course she will because she still getting the tax payoffā€¦.sheā€™s a vile but smart person


Is this why she came back? So she can get ass pats for forging on with the fundraiser again this year?


and a tax write-off from those donations that she will make in her name.


Question. Do these charities have links where donations can go straight to them without being funneled through Colleenā€™s own bank account? Iā€™m flabbergasted at the gall of this woman. I honestly thought she wouldnā€™t do the fundraiser this year. Or sheā€™d at least run it better due to all controversy surrounding her fundraisers and her being cancelled. At this point, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she announces new tour dates soon. šŸ¤Ø


Yep, both of them do. [Hope4ATRT's site donation page](https://hope4atrt.churchcenter.com/giving) [Skye Strong Foundation's donation page](https://www.skyestrongfoundation.org/donate)


Thank you. I canā€™t wrap my head around Colleen doing this fundraiser through Fundly again. It only makes sense if sheā€™s being shady.


All she does is to gain fame and money. Nobody else comes in to it at all. So many celebs pretend to have charity fundraisers or "foundations" but it's mainly for their personal benefit if you catch my drift. Meghan Markle wanted to start a foundation and I about fell off my chair laughing, of course she did. I lost touch with that but think she did it too.


Are we surprised? Vlogmas + this + all Christians specials. Can't miss that.


Yā€™all see the bottom of that description? Livestream to be held in December. She wouldnā€™t want to deprive us of that


those comments are gonna be HEAVILY monitored I feel. Or she'll have someone pick out the comments to read. Definitely a very bold decision so soon after returning.


Does she even have Kory and her small army of friends anymore to help her on it? Oh lord this going to be embarrassing even more embarrassing then her last cringe charity streams. Is she just going to sit there playing her ukulele alone while crying?


Well, we know Stu is still hanging out with her after the two of them were spotted together at a movie theater concession counter. Kory may still be there whether he will have permanently moved back to CA, or he flies in to visit his family for Christmas and then takes a day to help her for the fundraiser. Teeny has only ever helped last year, so it will be interesting to see if she does so again. Maybe Rachel will be back again, helping like she did the year that Josh moved out. Colleen will probably rope JoJo into making a guest appearance to help her give away a ton of JoJo crap. Erik and the Ballinger Family will probably also make appearances. My prediction is that she'll have on her happy, grateful, let's-do-this-for-the-kids-with-cancer face. No ukelele or tears for her. She's still seething with anger and embarrassment deep down.


Vile. I hope the IRS gets wind of this $hitsshow! Why bother, she will never be a nice person!


Where's Annonomous when you need them




I can almost guarantee after the fundraiser sheā€™s going to make a really dramatic vlog showing the donation reciepts and all the tax paperwork she has to do.. Shes going to take this as a chance to prove sheā€™s ā€œreally donated every yearā€




Yeah. But even if she proves it we all know rich people only donate to be able to write it off on their taxes every year


This would open a can of worms for herā€¦ people would be asking ā€œwhy do you provide the info for this year but not for last year?ā€


What a reprehensible cretin


Poetic, I appreciate that.


Thank you šŸ™


Bold strategy, Cot- actually I can't even joke about this. I honestly didn't think she was stupid enough to try this shit. Guess I gave her too much credit. Scum of the earth.


I gave her too much credit too, I didn't think the coward would come back at all.


Is the goal always 1,000? Seems low.


Nope just this time, shes obviously testing the waters to see how dumb people are


Yeah Iā€™ll be curious to see how many donations she gets compared to previous years.


Is she doing a live stream? If so that is VERY bold of her. Her mods better be ready.


Yes in December


BRUH.. Thats literally all i can sayšŸ˜­ im just- ??


Hmm, I wonder if she had any control over comments made by people who donate? I have an extra dollarā€¦


Honestly it says more to not give her anything at all. If anyone wants to donate they can directly to the charity. She reads here so you can say what you like here free, I just wouldn't want to give her even a dollar she'll see it as a win. She will hate if it she personally doesn't make much money. That will sting (not that she cares about the charity, she does a good job pretending but she is an actress after all)


Iā€™ve seen a couple cautionary ones in there I say go for it šŸ‘€


I think I'm gonna tune in for this. Think about it, the chat is going to be live, so you're going to see the unfiltered reception to her coming back. She's going to see it, and we'll see her reaction in real time. This could be a disaster for her.


Wait, so she's actually doing a livestream???


In December


IS THIS REAL LIFE?? oh my god


This is the other reason I gave up on her a long time ago.. I was very suspicious of her fundraiser šŸ˜…


I actually found this subreddit bc of it. She was bragging some years ago how much 'she' raised and I went googling for previous years and here I am.


I understand that we canā€™t even get the minimum from this woman, and whenever I think my expectations cannot be lower for her, she manages not to even meet that, but honestly, I think so many of us just want her to disclose that she benefits from a tax write-off through this. Thatā€™s all I want her to do. I know she wonā€™t.


Bro how far up her own ass is her head exactly? Yes Colleen, so many people in your mega filtered comments are kissing your ass cause you ā€œdo not support bullyingā€ so no negative comments about you are left up but be for real you know that youā€™re just fooling yourself. We do not believe you and we do not believe this scam fundraiser.


God she is totally tone deaf. ā€œI WILL act like nothing happenedā€


Colleen : šŸ™ˆšŸ™‰šŸ™Š


It's literally not that hard to use a different fundraiser platform where the money never hits her account. Ugh.


We keep forgetting that Erik is not innocent here either. Kory and Colleen are behind it of course but Erik also probably gets to reap the benefits of this if they are in fact doing something illegal bts.


I have to assume he's enabling her for his own benefit (such as he gets to live in the 6.2 million home in his style and no need to work) because no way in hell does he not know every inch of what she's like after all these years. If I know all about it and I'm far removed and even live across the pond then he definitely knows the ins and outs too as he's invested in this rel'ship. He likely did a deep dive one morning to see how bad it actually was, and he still stands by it. I don't know many people who'd be happy to know their wife talked about their privates to kids, so he must have very low standards. I bet he knows a lot of other stuff that's gone on too that we're not privvy too and still he thinks that's all okay. I bet he's caught her doing the porn parties etc and don't forget he was cheating with her not only when he had a long term gf but also knowing Josh was living there. He's definitely on her level. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt, until I heard him also complaining the nicu nurses wanted him to see his preemies, and he was flabberghasted he had to actually be there as he was off out to buy a Jeep. He seems to have extravagant tastes. He's in it for the long run.


HAHAHAHAHAHA wow. You suck, Colleen.


Gotta get the tax breaks while she can I suppose.


I knew Colleen was going to vlog again, but after the allegations about funneling fundraiser money into her bank account, I didnā€™t see this coming this year. Just wow.


Oh god oh no itā€™s like all just gonna happen all over again


Donā€™t forget Colleen is also a racist on top of being a groomer, child exploiter, and scammer. Just throwing that out there.


Unreal. I hope people remember that the option to donate directly to a charity is ALWAYS available, and they don't have to donate through a YouTuber.




Therapist*s*. XD


This is beyond frustrating. That's all. No words.


Youā€™ve gotta be fucking kidding me




She has a lot of young fans whose parents are willing to open their wallets because donating to charity sounds like a wholesome thing to do.


This might be the thing that takes her down. I have a feeling sheā€™s going to get a little too comfortable too soon and mess up againā€¦


What Iā€™m thinking about is what her reaction is gonna be to all the negative comments sheā€™s going to get WHILE sheā€™s live. Itā€™s gonna become a livestream of her just deleting comments šŸ˜‚


She's a lazy moo so she'll have some other poor sods who drew the short straw doing that, bet they get compensated via the fundraiser too.


Imagine the shit show. Or she'll just cancel bc she's always the victim.


The way she talks about it too. As if we are horrible people for calling her out and as if WE are the reason that these poor children with cancer will be suffering. It's just so sick


*sigh* justā€¦ *sigh*


I canā€™t believe this is all happening.


I donā€™t understand why she canā€™t just fundraise via an official fundraising tool from the organization she is supporting. Likeā€¦ itā€™s really not that hard to have the money go straight to the organization.


Because if she did it directly through the organization then she canā€™t keep money for herself since thatā€™s what a lot of people think she does.


At this point I'm gonna need like someone really good at hacking to go fuck her shit up. Like delete her YouTube channel, expose literally everything she's done, expose the fact that the fundraiser money probably doesn't even go to the children, like EVERYTHING. I can't stand this woman.


i can't believe pple donate their hard earn money when this money goes straight to her bank account


Has anyone ever turned her in for fraud?


Itā€™s suspected, not proven tho. This year it might get even investigated.


I hope so


she doesnt do it for the kids with cancer, she does it so she can claim 100% of the donations on tax.


Does Colleen have a business email??


She's trying so hard to win her audience back and it's literally not working so can she stop it's getting embarrassing atp


I could actually vom seeing this. Wtf is wrong with her. Like genuinely. This is legitimately scary....


Did she say if she is doing the stupid live stream?


Yes, in the pic. She says sheā€™s going live in december


thanks.. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I was half asleep lol.. well that'll be interesting won't it. hmm wonder who will help her? Stu maybe? I wish people would just donate directly to these places instead of through her.


I wonder why sheā€™s doing it through fundly? these organisations have their own donation programs? why fundly? is she trying to avoid giving evidence of donating? this is shady.


Exactly... why fundly? Why not encourage people to donate directly to these organizations (or any organization). You should not need a middle man or a pat on the back for donating money, and she is a piece of shit for encouraging that. Makes my blood boil that people are so ignorant.


Sheā€™s awful. this is straight up alleged charity fraudā€¦ Once againā€¦ sheā€™s not using the donation company programs to donate but just fundly šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Her old fundlys are also still up!!!! sheā€™s ridiculous.


Iā€™m thinking of donating (not to her) but to legitimate fundraisers. Iā€™ll probably donate to the actual charities.


Itā€™s like I canā€™t believe it but at the same time I can/not surprised


god this is sickening


Yep, saw it coming with her IG stories. Her bday pics sandwiched between two cancer related ones. Not surprised at all, but very annoyed by the whole thing.


I do find it interesting that her name isn't in the title like usual. It isn't "Colleen's Childhood cancer fundraiser". Also she didn't put a picture of herself for once!


My fucking god. This woman does not know when to fucking stop.


Is it bad that Iā€™m not surprised that this happened? I was wondering if she was going to do one this year or not but now we know the answer.


WOWā€¦ I canā€™t believe it, Colleen has actually learnt something!!!! Sheā€™s finally learnt sheā€™s raising funds for kids fighting cancer and not raising money for childhood cancer!!! Color me shocked!!!


Still using fundlyā€¦ People should just donate straight to the charity. Why is she the middleman?


I have to say, most of the slide back in is what I was expecting, even the secret vlogging, but I thought she would NOT use Fundly again!!


i hope for Cancellation 2.0


Are you fucking kidding me šŸ˜ is there a more extreme word of audacity? Bc this is SICK


Ahhh Saint Colleen of Ballingershire šŸ™






No way get stuffed colleen


honestly if you still donate to Colleen in 2023 knowing how awful she is, and knowing that the fundraiser has been questioned before, that's on you.


Unfortunately it's probably mostly young kids asking parents to donate. Parents probably think they're doing a good thing not realizing who it's from and just hear childhood cancer.


Woooowww thatā€™s amazing no self awareness! No conscience, whatsoever šŸ‘šŸ» youā€™re disgusting Colleen! I hope youā€™re reading in this group




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Can't say that I'm surprised. Same old Colleen. You give me money and I keep it.


Her audacity really knows no bounds. Iā€™m not surprised, but Iā€™m still disgusted.