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It will be a type of rock naturally found nowhere near where she found it


Oh I bet it will be like next fuckin week like I fOuNd An AmEtHySt In My GaRdEn😱 ​ and nobody will believe it at alll


That she bought off Amazon...


She's not still talking about rocks? Every person in the world has rocks a plenty for free just everywhere. Every beach, littered. She really has nothing going on in her life. Only a super wealthy person has enough time on their hands that they can waste so much time on rocks. Most mom's with 3 children esp twins, all under 5, wouldn't even have time for basic self care never mind indulging in endless crappy hobbies. I think that's part of her problem, she hasn't got to do anything anymore with nannies for all her kids. She's always lost, always up to no good, too much time on her hands and nothing to aim for. So she hyper focuses on shells, rocks, cutting her hair, staying up all night in private chats. Most mom's are in bed and getting up to care for their kids and staying out of mischief.


It's quite possible that her family is trying to limit her one on one time with the kids because she is dangerous. Her state of mind is a mess. Just a thought.


I agree she's in such a privileged position to even have time to spend on rocks as a Mum of 3 in her 30s. But I feel like that should be *helping* her manage emotionally. If I could afford nannies and had endless time to craft and sing and be creative, I feel like I would be blissfully happy and more spiritually fulfilled than ever before. But she has an unquenchable need for external validation, praise, and acclaim. I feel like that's how she's lost. She has this life so many mothers would literally give a limb for, with TIME to do things she likes, which is like the most insane blessing and freedom most of us will never know. And yet she's still not happy unless she's filming every second of it for people who will tell her she's great. It's a fkn waste.


I'm a stay at home mom of one 17month old. I hardly have time to shower. I WISH I had even a moment of time to hunt for rocks.


Great points. 👌


That's exactly what she does. 😂


Don’t give her ideas lol




Tbf what you described is literally exactly what ADHD is like. Leaving the stone on because you forgot but then able to do something you enjoy for hours uninterrupted.


Yeah it’s textbook ADHD behaviour. Completely scatterbrained one minute and the next minute hyper focused on something niche that they really enjoy for hours on end. That’s my life 😂


Don’t give her ideas 😭😂


I’m pretty sure she already does 🤷🏻‍♀️