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You see how manipulative she is!!!! her worst fear has come true. She was gone for a period of time and exposed for horrible behaviour and now she’s acting more delusional than ever. She thinks we’re hating on her for asking about the childhood cancelled fundraiser and asking her to be transparent and show receipts. She has not done those things so now as she tried to deflect it all onto us once again! zero accountability.


Yeah I don’t understand why she’s still not addressing it. She’s fine with telling us exactly where the money is going, but refuses to answer questions about why it’s STILL being funneled through her own personal bank account using a fundraising site that takes a huge cut first. She can do her little fundraiser by asking people to send screenshots of their receipts from donating DIRECTLY to the charities on THEIR websites. There is literally no reason to use Fundly, put the money in her own bank account first, then donate a huge amount of money in HER own name for the tax/PR benefits. It’s gross and unethical. So she’d rather just cry about it than answer these very simple questions or just stop doing it this way and do it correctly. She’s shoving two different middlemen (herself and Fundly) between everyone’s wallets and the charities for absolutely no reason besides her own greedy benefit.


There's is a reason: so she can keep what she likes. Did she ever show a receipt for payment to the charity?


She did not lol


I still don’t understand why she thinks it’s okay to not provide people receipts to the things they’ve spent their money on 🤦‍♀️


whats even crazier to me is the people who give away SO much money to her and then just... *trust* that shes gonna donate all of it? without even asking for receipts??? at that point why not just donate directly??


Well that answers my question about receipts!


Yes Colleen they’re still donating cause they’re probably children, donating their parents money or savings to you, a millionaire so you can donate that money in your own name. She acts like she doesn’t know what people are questioning about her fundraiser but she damn well knows. And after all the controversy and people talking about how the money is funnelled through her account then the fundraiser site she uses also takes a percentage and there is also a transaction fee, it says a lot that she would still continue to do it this way. If it’s all just for the kids and she has no personal benefit then have people donate directly to the charities and families.


>Yes Colleen they’re still donating cause they’re probably children, donating their parents money or savings to you, a millionaire so you can donate that money in your own name. This part exactly, like I'm sure it's some adults doing it as well. but a lot of kids knowing of the drama, not believing it, not telling their parents and going and saying "A youtuber I watch is doing a charity event to help sick kids, can we help?!" and like parents that can afford it will see it as that and not realize.


I dunno, I don’t have kids so I could be wrong but if my tween came to me and said that I’d be like “we can definitely help sick kids, but let’s look into this youtuber’s fundraiser to see if this is the best way to do it” and then when I saw we were sending money to the YouTuber herself through a sketchy GoFundMe-copy and then SHE would donate it to charity I would have helped my kid to donate to the actual charity in question and then email the receipt to Colleen’s team so my kid could get their amount added to the total (if my kid felt that was really important to them). I know parents are busy but I can’t see many just giving their card over so their kid can donate to a random youtuber’s charity stream. But maybe I’m just out of touch?


You have to realize, that's looking at it from what we know of the internet. If the parents are people who grew up with youtube and stuff and have some idea? sure. But if they're older parents or younger ones that never cared for youtube or much internet stuff, they'd think it was just like any other charity fund raising campaign.


You’re so right. I’ve only become this cynical by being so freaking online. Sometimes I forget what life was like in the before days lol 😂


It’s so crazy because it’s such an easy allegation to clear up. All she would have to do is show a receipt of the donation/wire transfer/etc. She’s good with money, she obviously has it so why not just show it?


especially because she said it was the most important thing she’s ever done in her career (idk it was in the same clip) if it was wouldn’t she wanna defend it? like at all?


I mean, exactly this. At this point the fact she hasn’t posted the receipt for her donations is because she can’t. If they made her look good and proved she donated what she said she would then she would have posted it already. It would have been a good PR move to show she wasn’t lying. That she hasn’t done it means she’s lying lol.


I find it odd she’s giving to two completely different charities this year than the ones she’s always given to in the past.