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because people realized shes never gonna address anything we actually care about, and she talks about the same like 3 things every single time (taylor swift, rocks, christmas)


I’m scared she’ll use “addressing everything!” as a clickbait pretty soon…i won’t be surprised


she’s already used that title in a video before, from 2020


i know ykwim


Don't forget the chickens!


that thumbnail is gonna give me nightmares


For real. Sometimes I try and like make my face do what hers is doing but it’s just impossible. She gives off major uncanny valley vibes.


its soooo badly acted/faked, i rlly dont get how anyone still watches. i watched the first two comeback vlogs on yewtube to see what was up and her entire behavior is weirder than ever before




The use of the word poisonous in relation to tumbled uranium ore melts my brain.


She didn’t even know what uranium was 🤦🏻‍♀️


Was she homeschooled? How do you get through the k—12 education system and not know what uranium is


she was homeschooled in middle school i think, not high school or college


Ikr? I thought she found some brightly colored tree frog in her house based on her thumbnail and title.🤣


This thumbnail is disgusting. She cannot help herself


Her views slowly dropping is my Roman empire


love how the thumbnail is the same body language, hand positioning, and eyes as in blowjob porn She's still boundary testing, fellas.


Yeah it is, one guy in front, one behind face. She did a video once where she sucked sucked sucked on a pickle. She also gave a whole pickle to her twins each to suck on, inc the thumbnail. She's really gross. (I'm not giving her the benefit of the doubt after she admitted she knew pedo's watch her vlogs and she angrily defended that, as long as they watch ads and she makes money she's ok with that! Plus she also knowingly made meat penis ice lollies and simulated BJ's on them as "miranda" for the kids)


Finally!!!!! They’re dropping even lower. amazing to see 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️


That face is so forced jesus christ 😹


Even though she made a “comeback”, her worst fears are being realized. She’s become irrelevant. The cringy clickbait, the try hard swiftie obsession, the pretend woe is me I’m such a victim mentality and trauma dumping to her young audience and using them as her therapists… yeah. She’s done. Even if she tried to bring Miranda back, she’s become the worst thing for a narcissist, completely irreverent and even worse a total laughing stock and sad excuse for a human being and mother. Soon no one will be watching these videos at all and she will panic. Already using pregnancy clickbait is pretty telling that she’s struggling to get views. Until she a really gives a REAL apology and takes actual accountability for her actions, she will continue to fade away and I think that’s what she deserves.


That thumbnail is so suggestive stoooop


Her thumbnails recently try to make her look childlike and innocent and it's really creepy


We love that


Not the clickbate. 😭


The kind of title where you just know it’s gonna be a really boring video lol


God she looks so stupid


God her thumbnails r cringey.


Love this for her. 50k views average next week please!!


Does the picture look overly clickbaity and juvenile to anyone else? Now that she doesn’t have Kory to edit for her, everything seems like a young kid trying to start a YT channel. What a decline…..I’m almost embarrassed for her.


She looks like that girl Angela from Sleepaway Camp at the very end of the movie


Lmfao 🤣


She looks insane (she is)


Kinda funny too because it's clickbait with that title. 🙄


good 😋