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She’s not saying who her friends are cuz then we’d cancel them too


Well at least she's aware of that and doesn't throw them under the bus.


Yeah. 👍🏼 she’s aware she’s a horrible person and that no one with a logical brain wants to connected to her because she’s a literal creep… sure. Here’s her cookie for that 🍪


one point for colleen!!! only 44738338374748229292929292929 more points to go!!


I’ll give her 2 cookies if she’s able to dig deeper as to why that is. Why can’t she mention her friend by name…


I feel like her “friends” are teeny, Stu, and the nanny.


Maybe JoJo and it’ll come out later that she can’t be friends publicly because of her comments with Howie Mendel. Blah blah blah.


And Heather. Maybe the friend who is visiting is Heather.


I think we found out Sunday that the friend who she’s been referring to is Teeny. It’s weird bc Teeny has been in her vlogs before and attends the fundraiser regularly. Why suddenly refer to her as *my friend* instead of just her name? I also find it odd that this *friend* has been lavishing her with gifts, whale necklace, rock advent, I think a new shirt, etc. Christina is a regular person with young kids — why would she be buying so many gifts for her very wealthy friend? Idk my friends and I don’t do that. There’s a small conspiratorial part of me that thinks she has a new man she’s flirting with…. It’s just a feeling though


I thought we established her and Teeny had a falling out? Or am I getting people confused


No, i thought that as well, Teeny’s husband tweeted at least twice, one directed at the Ballinger fam and one seemingly at Colleen— crying over her hair cut.


good for him


They were just hanging out in one of the recent vlogs where Colleen is dancing around to the Taylor Swift concert in TV and then (I think) Teenys daughter is dancing with her.


No that’s right, but I think her daughter was featured in a blog from this week.


Teeny as in teenage minor lol


This made me lol 🤣


💀 teeny as in Christina … but it’s an easy mistake to make with Colleen


here we go again! hahahaha


Smh she never learns!


I think she keeps mentioning her FRIEND so much just to try to prove to people that she still has any




Seems like figments of her imagination, to me.


It’s her delusions


her friends are the imaginary ghosts.


Hopefully friends her own age 😶


I assume it’s the nanny and she’s too embarrassed to admit that


Imagine having your only friend on your payroll…. Oh wait. Kory 😂😂😂


Teeny was in the fundraiser livestream talking about her friend's son who died from and ART brain tumor so she visits often as a local friend. I think Tia Stokes, her Utah mom friend who beat cancer, is the one who shipped her the rock Advent calendar. I know it's hard for us to believe, but she still has friends.


It is just SO HARD to believe! She’s such a rotten person.


Colleen is a friend to nobody. What true friend has Colleen ever had? None.


Not many friends tho!


My theory is that it’s her nanny. She does say “my nanny” sometimes but my thought is that they’ve obviously become close (at least as close as Colleen believes you can be with an employee) and I think she’s the “friend.” I also believe that Teeny is “a friend” in some stories too. And I’m sure she’s either realized or *been told* to keep her friends’ names out of her mouth. No one wants her stink on them.


Nailed it. If she mentions them by name they will get people going to their socials to say "ew." Imagine having to censor your life because you suck so bad that no one can publicly admit they are you friend. This is not a normal way to live for a person who isn't a criminal, a creep or both.


She might be afraid to mention her friends on camera because she’s worried if she uses their name to prove she still has friends they might stop being her friend because of the backlash for being her friend. She might be worried that they will drop her too if there is too much spotlight attention given to their friendship.


i think it’s definitely the nanny. you can sometimes hear her off camera when they’re doing the taylor swift advent calendars. i wouldn’t be surprised if she moved into kory’s room. the other friend she was referring to when she said “he” was likely stu, since he was there when she did the fundraiser. i don’t think she really has friends outside of those two and teeny. sure, maybe tia is her “friend” but they don’t even live in the same state and that friendship seems kinda surface level.


It’s 100% the nanny. In my experience it’s pretty rare for adults in their 30s to have sleepovers. Most people want to be in their own space and aren’t comfortable crashing at a friend’s house unless there are unique circumstances. I know people who will leave someone’s house at 3am rather than just sleep over just so they can go sleep in their own beds lol. Teeny has kids, and lives nearby, so I feel like it’s unlikely that she’d be spending the night. I personally think they had the nanny move in, either immediately or once Colleen was canceled. Maybe to save money she decided to have the nanny live there and provide room and board instead of a living wage. And now the nanny is this mysterious bestie who randomly “sleeps over” at Colleen’s house. Aka provides live-in child care. Also, this makes sense because for the past like 8-ish years Colleen had a live-in bestie in Kory. He was the buffer that prevented her from spending time alone with her husband. So now that Kory is gone she probably convinced Erik that he’d hardly have to lift a finger if the nanny just moved in while he was a few drinks deep and he agreed. The thought of two unemployed parents who are home 24/7 having a live-in nanny is wild.


Few drinks deep ☠️ i only recently realized how much he actually drinks n their new place has a wine cellar


How much does he drink?


I saw a post where someone figured her “friend” is the nanny. Likely, if this person is spending the night then she can also help with the kids. Maybe she took over Kory’s bedroom part time. Also, if Colleen pays the nanny, and the nanny is buying stuff for Colleen… it’s kind of like Colleen actually is buying that stuff for herself 😂


I wonder if she’s not naming names because the friends have explicitly been like “I can’t be seen with you. If you mention me by name we can’t be friends anymore” lmao. Like they care about their reputations too much but they somehow still choose to hang out with her


Could be. I’m not sure anyone would be brave enough to say that to her face though lol. I think maybe she’s worried that they will end the friendship if they’re seen together or she speaks about them on camera, rather than they have explicitly threatened that. But it’s interesting and I am intrigued as to the possible reasons why she has changed the way she talks about her friends since her “break”.


She never had people stay over either. It's probably teeny each time since she's the only one misguidedly standing by her


she still has imaginary friends at her age? aw poor lady


The friend is just her favorite rock. She probably makes Eric sleep on the couch so she can cuddle w it


Let’s pretend for a sec that these “friends” aren’t in her head, but perhaps a supportive person she’s known for ages that is always on her team…would you want to advertise that you were said friend?


Her imaginary friends, for sure.


Are her friends in the room with us right now? It could totally be the nanny. Which I still don't get why they have one. Both Colleen and Erik are home pretty much all the time. So, it only makes sense to assume Colleen doesn't want to spend all day with her kids.