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The bangs never looked good on her. Also, she’s a cunt.


She lacks the warmth and depth to be a cunt.


She's an ankle.






🤣 Best reply ever to being called a cunt. Love it. I'm taking this phrase and running with it. (The word's original use was positive referring to knowledge, power, wisdom, femininity....but sometime in the 1700s, "cunt" became an insult)


Lol she needs to stop trying to make bangs happen, it's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN😂


stop trying to make FETCH happen it’s never going to happen 🙄


It's an awful look on her, agree. Do you think she did it to hide her balding spots that were evident in the podcast every time she turned sideways? I've wondered that a time or too, as even she knows they don't flatter her. But probably she's so vain she prefers them to people noticing her hair thinning. She was getting some concerned comments.


I really don’t know. I’m usually pretty damn good at reading people and their intent behind their actions. However, this cuntasaurus is so beyond worth trying to figure out. A bit of a side rail - I think she thrives on people trying to dissect her, hence her insanely manic thumbnails. I mean - what the actual FUCK?! As a typical narcissist, she LOVES being talked about, good or bad. She sees dollar signs and doesn’t give a single fuck how she gets them. Her kids are the ones who will suffer, but that isn’t enough for her to stop. Not until their voices are heard or when one ends up in jail, or a psych ward, or as an author of a tell-all book. She is completely incapable of seeing her kids’ futures and the harm her current, and past, actions will cause them. COLLEEN BALLINGER IS FUCKING TRASH!!!




😂 louder for the people in the back!!!


It’s crazy how she can say these things when there is so much visible evidence to the contrary, she was very publicly exposed for body shaming a supposed friend’s naked body and bullying her own fans so recently, I wonder what goes on her brain, does she just not make the connection, does she think those things she said are justified because those people deserved it, would she say those were all just jokes


She’s in heavy heavy denial. Narcissistic injury is a helluva thing and she’s still experiencing the shockwaves. She will never take accountability and will continue to play the victim for eternity unfortunately. She makes my stomach turn.


Narcissistic compartmentalisation! It simply doesn’t serve her purposes/give her narc supply in that moment, so to her it just literally isn’t true. Like the best comparison I heard about NPD: someone with severe schizophrenia who believes there’s messages hidden in ingredients on food packaging (for example lol sorry if that’s glib) isn’t saying this for attention. Their condition genuinely makes them believe this is true. The same is true for narcs. Admitting in this moment what she done doesn’t serve her as she’s trying to move in this victim narrative, so it doesn’t exist in THAT moment. However perhaps if she was in her “sassy” persona off screen she’d admit it bc in that moment it fits her narrative (although that persona hasn’t been on screen in a while.) so yeah, I guess cognitive dissonance is the best way to describe it. But also lmfao yeah lmfao hearing her be such a cunt while looking like that w the fringe is … insaaane.


Yep. And I’m seeing a lot of projection. She’s the QUEEN of narc projection.


She's ridiculous. How does her audience buy that? Seriously, she's made fun of everything and everyone, including her fans.


Let’s not forget when she made fun of a young fan of her chronic illness and accused her of faking it just to meet her and was gonna write a story about it to mock her. Despicable!


What? I need to know about this


Another victim called Ella was a fan of colleen’s for a very long time. her story saddened me. Colleen befriended ella when she was a minor and they would face time regularly and colleen acted all nice to her face That was until johnny showed proof to ella of colleen ripping her to shreads about her gender identity and chronic illness. it’s alleged and i believe this that colleen told johnny that she believed and accused ella of faking her very bad chronic illness just to meet her knowing ella was horribly unwell in the hospital and colleen mocked her and was gonna do a storyline about a girl who faked a chronic illness just to meet their idol This is so fucked up, what human being does this to someone? let alone A CHILD. i feel awful for ella.


Her Netflix show also mocks fibromyalgia as a "not real" condition for hypochondriacs. I'm seriously bummed that Angela Kinsey wanted to play the character.


God i despise her Netflix show. She was extremely racist on set and kept the uncle CSA/incest storyline in the show. No wonder it was cancelled.


Oh my gosh. That’s terrible. To a child?


I think ella was a child.


She said similar things about Alex who is non binary and has fibromyalgia and a few other autoimmune disorders. It’s sick.


Yes you are right, wasn't that the secret project Colleen was so happy talking vaguely about in her vlogs that she was writing again with her brother in the weeks before all this blew up?! She'd already started writing that horror, and her brother was on board as always. This cancellation couldn't have happened at a better time, it appears to put a stop to that nightmare nobody needs to see, and more importantly Ella would've been emotionally very wounded if she'd put two and two together. Colleen is seriously evil.


For real. Like…that is the basis of Miranda. 🤣


Colleen is an OG bully fcs. Miranda was created to bully college classmates. **She's a pathological LIAR!!**


Dang right she is! She has been lying for years. We need a deep dive onto all of her lies.


So many lies she can't keep up with them.


she really is so delulu


"no bad comments" the irony! Her comments are the most scrubbed ive ever seen !


This is a disturbing level of delusion.


I strive to be that delusional one day. Nothing in my brain. Just walking around thinking everything is fine and I'm never wrong.


Right! It's so weird to me. I feel guilty about the slightest thing, dumb stuff like I had to stop chatting to a new friend online as I needed to sleep and it was late and I felt terrible in case they thought I was being rude or something! But this woman, she can deal minors and young adults severe mental blows, she can do it one after the other, plan it, scheme it even, seems to spend all of her time doing that and it doesn't bother one hair on her head. She terrifies me honestly.


The bangs are such a jump scare. 😭


Doll bangs




She really needs to not pull her hair back with those thin scraggly bangs 🥴 she looks horrible


She looks like coconut head of Ned’s declassified lmfao


That look she gives the camera when she says that she went to a private Christian university. Ew.


Oh look we’ve arrived at ✨manipulation station✨


She is awful, hateful person.


Do you think one of the people she was trying to make fun of was Ariana? Maybe out of jealousy since she’s such a better singer than Colleen? She would post singing videos on YouTube back in the day.


I don't think things are well between them. Ariana didn't even meet F. On the rare occasion, Ariana's PR team send out her latest perfume or whatever to review to colleen, but it doesn't come with a hand written note she gets the basic printed stuff the other influencers get. She won't have had a good word to say about Ariana when the camera's off and behind her back, ofc. I'm sure Ariana has some stories to tell about colleen, the mean girl stuff. There doesn't seem to be any love lost between them. Now colleen's moved on to Taylor Swift. Who equally is holding her at arms length. TS would be horrified at colleen trying to hitch her wagon to her star, she hates the sort of behaviour colleen exhibits.


Narcissists LOVE a good helping of revisionist history.


My favourite part is when they forget who they're talking to lol. They are often very bad liars. They tell so many, they forget. I had a narc (my ex) tell me a complete lie for like 10 mins to get pity that was so fantasy (I already knew the true story) it made me laugh so hard, he wasn't impressed! They will literally say black is white to get their own way. On the podcast Erik would often catch her out lying and she'd carry on regardless and he'd just huff and puff and roll his eyes. He walked out a time or two and she still uploaded it lol The quality of their stuff is absolute garbage.


She's a delulu monster. But lil kids dont know any better(her fans)




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I'm glad she is getting closer to going insane (if not already). So obvious in this video. Stop diverting your crimes into people discriminating you on playing with rocks OMG


She's right she doesn't say the things she says to herself to others, she says even worse things about them behind their backs.


I’m wondering if and her Shane will form some alliance and start collabing especially since now they are both parents at this point I think every YouTuber will never talk to Colleen at least publicly ever again. They are both so similar if they weren’t married I could easily see them as a couple.


Highlight of the video was that quick cat cameo. Lost interest after kitty went away.


God she's insane. Also where did she get that sweater from lmao I'm asking for a friend




Oh yikes nvm


xD i had the same reaction when i found it


Thank you anyway 😂


What is she saying? I have the post on mute and I seriously don't even want to listen to her voice.


Yeah can someone transcribe this, I'm trying to do self care 😂


"Like, it’s like I'm calling anyone who likes the same things as me, weird. And that’s totally valid and awful, and I would never say that about someone else. But also like friends, family, or even strangers honestly, like I would not say the things I say about myself to literally anybody." Then there's a clip from an old interview and clips of Josh and Shane Dawson saying she's mean and says nasty things behind people's backs.


That's insane of her to try and say when she was holding watch parties to laugh at Trisha's body.


Narcissistic projection much?! She’s mentally ill.


The cut to Trish broke my heart 😞


She needs to make a few apologies as well


She is a legend in her own mind


I feel she’s wearing cat shirts to remind us of those Persian cats and not children she groomed…


I do like her sweater tho


what year is the clip of shane calling her hateful and shady from? 2014-15? it’s kinda funny that the truths been out there apparently for a longer time than we thought


2015! so this was years ago. Colleen has always been this way!


I’m sorry but she looks so f’ing dumb..the hair..the cat sweater..I just can’t


Are we even surprised?


I think she says this to try to convince her self it’s the truth because no one’s buying it anymore lol


She doesn’t say the same things about strangers/friends/family she says worse


she is so delusional


Some people lie so often that they believe their own lies and are shocked when others still remember the truth…


People who lie so much who believe their own lies, we call them pathological liars.


But she always talks about people behind their backs . Wtf




Joshua looks like a 50 year old man. The under eye bags. The hair is such a mess. Wow!


well he is an alcoholic in recovery


And he went through a stressful, traumatic divorce. Plus his parents divorce just a year after his. He went through a lot since 2016. Definitely took a toll on his body.


honestly unforgivable how colleen just threw a whole divorce on him and he never saw it coming. She never divorced him because of “the toxic relationship” which colleen created She divorced because she cheated and she couldn’t admit it to josh’s face.


So true. Its wild how it all went down. I'm glad Josh has a wife now who really loves him and treats him well.