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Colleen definitely read this title and got excited.




I can imagine her face dropping after reading it would be priceless to be a fly on her wall


For a second i thought you were a fan from the colleen fan reddit 😂😂 My heart stopped.


truly had me there in the first half for sure


I did too lol


This whole shabang is probably all Gods plan to dissolve her ego or idk xD


I've noticed that there are still videos coming out talking about her past behavior and I think it's kept people remk fed how awful she is. It's kept her from making some grand comeback and being able to sweep the previous stuff under the rug like she did before.


I was bout to go off like who let u post that 😂😂😂


As per normal trends, isn't Rachel and Ballinger family's YouTube considered dead/ irrelevant? They are getting 20-60k generally if not lesser, and some 30-40 comments. Just wondering why they still trying hard to keep posting


Still trying to keep the toxic gravy train going


Somewhat off-topic, but how do people see the amount of downvotes for a video? I’m always curious what the ratio is like, or how her current views/ratings compare to her old stuff, but I’m not sure how to do so.


I believe there’s a plug in you can install for your browser to allow you to see the dislikes on a video, but I could be mistaken.


[It’s a Chrome extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/return-youtube-dislike/gebbhagfogifgggkldgodflihgfeippi)


If miranda sings made a comeback that would definitely bring in the views


Correct me if I’m mistaken, but didn’t she mention in her initial comeback video something about her therapist being on board with the return to vlogging? That grosses me out so much, specifically because (as a mental health professional myself), there is such depth to this woman. So many other avenues that should be explored to actually provide Colleen with the help she clearly needs.


Not only that but how can anyone be so obsessed with her ? Weather you like her or not ? 😜😂


interesting take after taking one look at your comment history where every one is about colleen….but okayyy 😂


Stalker lol


takes two seconds to look, but whatever you need to say to feel better of your hypocrisy :)


& that two second sneak peek shows perhaps there is in fact an obsession on your end buuut.. 🤷🏼‍♀️




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