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It’s gotta be a nightmare for Colleen knowing that this isn’t over, and that there are God knows how many other people with stories to tell who are working up the nerve to go public with them. Honestly it could partially explain her more manic behavior, rock obsession, and staying up late doing kindergarten level crafts. Maybe she’s obsessively busying herself because she can’t bear the thought of what else could come out about her. She’s just ruminating about every single interaction she’s ever had and wondering when the other shoe will drop. I’d love for her to be chased off the internet for a second time because that seems to be the only way she’ll stop harming people and exploiting her children. She should go back to the private Instagram account to post her photos instead of blasting her kids faces all across the internet. Even after she’s been accused of malicious behavior with children. Her kids faces don’t need to be publicly associated with her after all that. I do hope these former Weenies members get the support they need to come forward to hold Colleen accountable once and for all.


It's unbelievable that she would provoke the victims like that, by calling them liars and she knows they still got shit on her. The effing ego on her. Blinded by arrogance and ego.


She thought it was over and there would be nothing else for anyone to prove. She didn't realize some with proof didn't want to come forward, they wanted to get on with their life. Calling victims liars might just make some say, "challenge accepted."




I hope this truly makes colleen disappear from the internet completely and permanently.


Probably not. She's a cockroach. But hopefully it will make her become a roach that will finally stfu and be forced to act with a little humility. 😡


Eventually cockroaches get squashed! More and more empowered former fans coming out to speak. Grab a shoe, got some squashing to do!


I hope Coleen goes to bed every night, terrified of what might come out about her the next day.


tbh i bet that's half the reason she doesn't sleep much


And possible adderal abuse


Bring it on former Weenies! (if you feel safe and ready) She deserves for more to come out as she sits there on her daily vlogs and podcast, acting like it was all lies and that her non-apologies were enough. Now, where's that TikTok that Adam is talking about?


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2NfEpruuq-/?igsh=bmd6Nmd0a2c2dnN0 ❤️


Thank you adam! So inappropriate for colleen to be in a call with minors. She’s a CREEP!


Thank you for your service, Mother Mucker. Muckers, break out!


What was the content of said calls though in that link? That's what needs to come out. I feel like people won't fault her for having "chats with fans"...it's the inappropriate content that needs to be exposed.


Yeah i’m trying to find the tiktok.


Omg yesssss fuck it up


I know they were considering legal action at some point, I hope her return helps them to move forward with that. Telling them that they are lying may be defamation, if they can prove that they are not


Who’s ready for Toxic Gossip Train (Reprise)? In all seriousness though, go former weenies!! Speak up (if/when you’re ready)




Fuck yes! Weenies rise! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


I keep wondering why she puts out there that everything's been made up about her? Surely if that’s true then why doesn't she address which part isn't true because there's a lot. I started to write a list and it was as long as my arm! All the links are on the right -->(helpful links / FAQ) I'm going to bed, it's late in the Uk. She deserves it all, she's spent weeks riling everyone up trying to change the narrative and doing it badly too. She should've seen this coming as a result, I sure did (hoped) Good, I hope many more come out.


Oh this is about to get crazy! I'm eager to see everything they have to share!


It’s her own damn fault. She couldn’t leave it alone and she deserves every bit of what all comes out after this.


We 💯 got their back whenever they come out to speak!


i’m glad they’re coming forward bc it’s so frustrating to see her try to rewrite the narrative over and over and say it’s a lie when there is hard evidence, it pisses me off so much. you were never the victim Colleen


thank god. come on guys (if you comfy !!) because i am also sooo tired of seeing her just not take accountability or just act fucking dumb idk. i seriously don’t understand how she doesn’t get it?¿


Good for them. Don’t let her turn herself into the victim.


Something I just noticed. This subreddit has more members right now than her vlogs are getting views this week. Do we outnumber the Stans???


Colleen put me in the screenrecord


Toxic gossip train pt. 2 incoming 🚂 No but fr I hope these victims find peace and get through all the trauma Colleen has caused them.


Good!! Make it happen and speak out!


This is the side of Adam I like to see. Really haven't been a fan of some of his, in all honesty, absolute garbage takes on other issues. That said, looking forward to anything any of the weenies has to say.


Just screenshot the messages with the nudes and sue her already


It’s not as easy as just “screenshot and sue”


Save the evidence, have a constellation with a lawyer, and serve her with papers. Or….just keep making YouTube videos on it.


... did you mean a consultation?


Yes 😂


you literally had me wondering if that was some insider legal term for a second 😂


Posting a minors nudes in the internet is just gonna hurt the victim as much as we want it to hurt Colleen.


There are no nudes pictures of minors. The nudes in question are of Trisha but they were allegedly sent to a minor.


johnny did allege colleen would send him nudes of other fans but he never said if they were underage or over 18. still very disgusting either way.


John wasn't lying about everything, but given the things he did lie about, it makes sense to be cautious with his allegations.


The things he didn’t lie about had proof lol.




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