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Co-leen. Rhymes with Jolene.


Dolly Parton, is that you?


COLE-leen because literally nothing this family does is right


This is how I pronounce it and I live in AUS and that’s how everyone I know pronounces the name, so I don’t think it’s not right it’s just different pronunciation.


I grew up with a classmate who was a Co-leen instead of Cah-leen. It's an Irish name, right?


Yes, it’s an Irish name. “Colleen” is the Anglicised version. Traditionally, it’s spelt “Cailín” (sounds like “Cah-lynn”), which is the word for “girl” in the Irish language. Because it comes from Cailín, “Colleen” is supposed to be pronounced “Cah-leen”. The way the Ballingers pronounce the name is incorrect and very Americanised. It’s not supposed to sound like “Jolene”.


groomer (noun) UK: /ˈɡruː.mər/ US: /ˈɡruː.mɚ/


She has spent years talking in circles about how it’s pronounced “CO-leen” but goes back and forth as to why. At one point she said she had family in Kansas City who pronounced it that way, but then she said that’s how people in Ireland say it and it’s an Irish name so that’s the correct way to pronounce it. Long story short, she has a boring name and can’t accept it so she jumps through hoops trying to make it interesting. Even Erik refused to call her CO-leen and told his family it’s just “Colleen” because he didn’t feel like going on a tangent about why his self-absorbed wife can’t just pronounce her name like a normal person.


colleen is an irish name based from the irish word for "girl", "cailín", which is NOT pronounced COLE-een


I wonder if Adam has ever commented on her saying that it’s the Irish way


adam's from the north where the irish language is VERY oppressed so he may or may not have known


I was about to say, he’s from Derry and that’s an accent in itself


I remember one story about her mom hearing some random lady in a parking lot saying it that way and loved it. This woman couldn't lie straight in bed


I’m from KC (born and raised) and I pronounce it Call-een.


She pronounces it Cole-lean but I prefer Coll-lean because it pisses her off. And if you *really* wanna piss her off, pronounce Ballinger the same way you’d say the words separately (ball linger instead of bah-linn-jer)


So I've been saying both names wrong the whole time? I'm glad though lol. Always thought it was Call-leen Bal-enger.


Just say narcissist...that works!🙃


It’s actually pronounced GROOM-ER


This is the comment that made my day


I’ve always said “*coll*-een” (like the word “call”). Idc if she pronounces it “differently”, to me both pronunciations sound the same, it’s only in my *own* accent they sound different to me 💀


In what accent do they sound the same though


To me, a lot of American accents have them sound the same. Maybe that’s just me


The accent is in the first syllable so it's pronounced 'ASS-hole' and not 'ass-HOLE'.


They way it irks me bc she probably reads this sub and loves any attention coming her way, but who really cares just call her a narc instead


i never thought about that before


Someone said she pronounced it like if you said the the word "Clean" slowly


should be caw-leen, it comes from the irish word cailín




That’s really not how Irish people pronounce it


IMO she wanted her name said this way, so she could sing Jolene with her own name.


I always thought it was CAH-leen...I feel stupid now lmao.


Culean ..like clean.


it’s COLL-leen, she just doesn’t know how to say her own name.


LMFAO I ALWAYS SAID COLL-EEN I’m so glad I mispronounce it in my head.




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