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No idea how to add screenshots but there's one comment "Colleen is a big yikes" and it's full on liked by Todrick šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




No way šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm wondering if he has contractual obligations to include her in his musical, maybe? And can't fire her so to say. Idk if I'm making sense lol


I wonder this tooā€¦ reading comments heā€™s defending her saying theyā€™re friends but he also mentions this was recorded a long time ago.


calling colleen a broadway legend is criminal


Right? Idina Menzel is a Broadway legend. Lin-Manuel Miranda is a Broadway legend. Colleenā€™s Broadway career burned out quickly when people realized she was a talentless hack and asses werenā€™t in the seats anymore.


Bernadette Peters is a Broadway legend and putting Colleen in the same breath as her makes my heart sad.


Same, itā€™s mind-blowing that someone would even attempt to lump her in with Bernadette Peters, a very talented singer/actor.


And award winning actress


colleen was in one show and she wasnā€™t very good, i think the only other show that would take her is avenue q or cats tbh


Hey donā€™t rip on Avenue Q like that


oh but sheā€™d be perfect in ā€œthe internet is for pornā€ song!! she wouldnā€™t even have to act!


Stop. I can't! šŸ˜­


I know they are besties but I really donā€™t think Colleen will actually make it to the stage. Something has me thinkin that if ticket sales reflect complaintsā€¦ she might just get the boot. Todrick is self-serving first and foremost.


Heā€™s so disliked already that I doubt tickets will actually sell as well as he hopes, and Colleen being part of it really isnā€™t going to help his case at all.


Disliked by most of the internet but he is still decently popular and I mean.. people DO like a lot of the celebs he has listed. He is a snake but he is a snake who knows who he needs to connect with the get ahead. But yeah it wonā€™t be a a smash success or anything.


Are they besties though? Do you think he's ever once visited her? I'd be shocked if they had any interaction outside of Colleen using him for the pregnancy reaction videos.


Oh I think they are besties the way people like Colleen and todrick are besties with anyone. Superficially and when it benefits them. Also Todrick - for whatever reason - has given Colleen a ride on his coattails a few times. Music videos at the height of his YouTube popularity and the only reason she got that waitress feature was through him.


Ok. **Todrick is a HORRIBLE person**, who has a long history of not paying for labor, abusive practices, fraud, entitlement and general-narcissism, treating others as they are beneath himā€”- the fact that all these industry pros have agreed to be associated *with both Todrick AND Colleen*ā€”- **I HOPE THEY GET A LOOOOTTTTT OF SLACK FOR THIS** (but they will not).


yep I am not shocked at all Todrick would do this.


Yea.. I met him at Disneyland once and he seemed so annoyed that I had said hi and had asked if we could take a picture..


That's exactly how I imagine him to be, colleen's also acts overly entitled. being stunt cast totally went to her head. She behaved outlandishly at the theatre, trying to steal all the attention from the actual stars. I'm not surprised she and her pet kory weren't invited back. The actual stars of the show can be seen looking at her loud, brash entitled behaviour outside stage door and looking like "wtf" lol. It's so embarrassing for colleen, esp Kory the wet lettuce yelling and acting as her bodyguard lol Telling people they couldn't have a signature if they hadn't seen the show etc I used to work at a theatre and even the biggest stars didn't try to throw their weight around like that.


As they should-Derek Klena has actually worked with Colleen in the past lol and others I know who have worked with him make it seem like heā€™s not that much better than Colleen attitude wise either


Not shocked Todrick would include her. Honestly more shocked so many Broadway people I respect will work with him? Especially given his history of how he treats his employees. Youā€™d think that people would care about dancers and their treatment.


Yeah, getting an endorsement from an equally horrible person isn't exactly great for her. lol


Broadway legend?!


Legends in their own minds lol


Don't you know doing something once mediocrely means you're a legend on the internet??


Damn, publicly allying yourself with Colleen Ballinger. šŸ‘€ like good for him for launching that company, but thatā€™s just wild.


not derek klena getting wrapped up in this


It was probably Derekā€™s choice to work with Colleen since heā€™s done so before (when she was Miranda too)


In like 2011 lmao


Still lol itā€™s not like heā€™s spoken out against her or anything


Why should someone have to speak out about a video most people have never seen from over a decade ago? Doubt most people would even remember that if they're constantly working. Colleen Ballinger is a nobody to most people unless they're online all the time.


Nobodyā€™s asking Derek to speak out about this video-in fact, he probably couldā€™ve gotten away with being completely silent had he not started working with Colleen again after all this evidence came out against her.


This was recorded when Todrick and Colleen were in Waitress together, per his weird ass comments defending her and himself on Instagram.


Ahhhh yesss! Welllllll birds of a feather flock together. They both have professional and sexual misconduct allegations. I canā€™t imagine what it would be like working with both those toxic mofos ahahah


also treating homeless people like theyā€™re pieces of scum and filming them without consent and LAUGHING at them


I feel so so bad for the ones that donā€™t know about the horrible shit that theyve done


Colleen, Todrick, AND Derek lol Bet this music is gonna be about Theater Kid Bullies


What did Derek do?


Derek has worked with Colleen in the past as Miranda, and just like Colleen heā€™s been a lifelong bully. He has a history of being inappropriate with his costars (particularly women) and has refused scripted romantic moments with his queer and male costars, sometimes to the point of harming others in the process (physically). A friend of mine has known and worked with him since they were in elementary school together and it sounds like Derek has been behaving this way since he was a child and heā€™s never been held accountable. Who knows what heā€™s getting away with nowā€¦


Sounds like youā€™re just spreading baseless rumors


Sounds like you came her to invalidate people because you donā€™t like what theyā€™re saying-try again šŸ˜¬


You aren't saying anything tangible. I can come on here and say Colleen Ballinger once gave me life saving CPR and no one should believe me because I am an anonymous internet user.


You clearly came her to play devilā€™s advocate without a good reason. *You* donā€™t have any evidence to prove your claims (not even anecdotal) yet you somehow have the audacity to question people who actually KNOW the person in question. Even if I were to post the personal (and identifiable) information you seem to think youā€™re entitled to, it would be a violation of this subā€™s rules and would be removed immediately. Find another hobby.


You get to go on the internet and make a shit ton of comments making really serious accusations against someone with "my friend knew him over a decade ago" on one of the most unreliable websites on the internet and no one gets to question it, got it.


Nothing anyone but this one specific user with an obvious grudge and no evidence knows about.


More like "failed Disney performer"


Bro this pissed me off big time, the comments defending this creepy freak triggered me so bad. People talking about ā€œtheyā€™ve been friends for a long timeā€ like this is how abusers continue to get away with shit bc their friends and family donā€™t hold them accountable. This grown woman told children to send videos sticking tampons in their mouth like am I crazy?? I literally canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like to be the victims, I would actually go insane seeing people support her.


Not derek šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I loved him in Anastasia


Derek has refused scripted romantic moments with his costars because he didnā€™t want to kiss a queer person


When did this happen?!


Throughout his career and going all the way back to high school, from the sounds of it. People who used to work with him say he was just as angry about being scripted romantic moments with lesbians just as much as men.


Dang, thanks for making me aware of this. That is super shitty.


Thank you as well šŸ™


Heā€™s in Moulin Rouge on Broadway for a second time.


Itā€™s ironic considering his history of homophobia and sexism


I met him at the JLP stage door and he seemed genuinely nice and chill. Itā€™s interesting how long stories of these Broadway performers come out after a while.


His stage door persona is just as much of an act as his on stage persona. I personally find it telling that heā€™s been in queer-focused shows like JLP and Moulin Rouge, yet heā€™s never spoken up in favor of the LGBTQIA+ community. Broadway is known for queer activism, especially raising awareness for HIV/AIDS so itā€™s weird to not say anything about itā€¦especially during pride monthā€¦


Tbh Iā€™m also yikesing very hard at all these fancy Broadway people working with Todrickā€¦like, do they not all know heā€™s trash? The theatre community is extremely close knit and people talk all the time, this is messy for everyone.




Both Todrick and Derek have worked with Colleen before as Miranda so they know exactly what theyā€™re doing


Yeah Iā€™m not talking about them, Iā€™m talking about the multiple Tony Award winners and other performers with numerous Broadway credits who also apparently participated in this.


Good point-their nasty reputations are public and thereā€™s no way all these Tony winners donā€™t know


I looked at the post and it seems like he started recording this in 2019, so well before all this stuff gained traction? Idk, Iā€™ve been chronically online since my teens and thereā€™s a lot of shit thatā€™s not common knowledge among people who are not immersed in it. Itā€™s still weird tho bc I feel like at minimum he was a known asshole back then, but less upsetting than if theyā€™d all done this within the last year or two.


Yeah I feel like 2019 was the peak time in which Todrick and Colleen in particular were knowingly getting away with behavior that they knew was problematic but what they were sound wasnā€™t really recognized or established as problematic until much later. If Iā€™m not mistaken wasnā€™t Todrick was also featured in an episode of the *Queer Eye* reboot around that time (2018-2019)? Maybe thatā€™s what swayed the general public in his favor for awhileā€¦?


Idk about Queer Eye but he was a guest choreographer and guest judge on Drag Race a couple times in 2016-17 and did stints in Kinky Boots, Waitress, and Chicago on Broadway around that time as well which I feel like gave him an air of legitimacy with theatre people. I feel like the accusations against him didnā€™t gain a ton of traction until he acted like an ass on Big Brother a couple years ago.


Youā€™re right-I totally forgot about how celebrated his portrayal of Lola was in Kinky Boots (tbh even I liked it at first before I knew more about him as a person)ā€¦ This makes me wonder how many of these folks are willing participants and which may or may not be under contractā€¦


sheā€™s in ā€œugly the musicalā€ šŸ’€




Iā€™m just Glad the Grandeā€™s arenā€™t defending her. they have the biggest fanbase of Colleenā€™s ā€œCircleā€


Isnā€™t Tondrick known to know pay his staff? šŸ‘€


when was this post made?




probably doing it for attention. donā€™t give them the satisfaction of comments/checking it out to hate watch.Ā 


i don't know what this is about but i see derek klena and he's sooooooo freaking beautiful. his voice makes me swoon. and definitely shouldn't be in the same post as colleen if they're talking about great voices.


Sorry but people who have worked with Derek in the past say heā€™s bratty and homophobic so heā€™s probably okay with this


Source: trust me bro Youā€™re the only one saying this in this entire thread


Sounds like you love to invalidate victims of bullying and harassment because you Stan the celebs that perpetuate itā€¦ šŸ˜¬ Do better


Do you have a source that isn't "my friend knew him 10+ years ago trust me bro" ?


Aside from the fact that heā€™s already willingly worked with Miranda? The video has been posted on this sub in case you donā€™t believe that either. Likewise-do *you* have any proof that Derek isnā€™t who his former costars say he isā€¦?


The video is from 10+ years ago before most of this shit went down with her.


I think its some kind of upcoming show šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Not a show per se. It's a licensing outfit through which theatre companies can produce the shows Todrick has written. Not sure sure how all these performers are involved. Maybe they contributed to cast albums?


Ohhh ok


oh man... i feel bad for some of these singers then. i wouldn't wanna be trapped in any room or show with colleen!!! haha!


Oh Jesus


OOF and Derek Klena too lol šŸ˜¬ So much problematic Broadway in one pic


Bro Todrick dmed me on Instagram because I gave him a hard time in that comment section lol. Iā€™m still debating if itā€™s even worth it to respond


Lmaoo what did you say šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


My comment was ā€œā€˜but Colleen is my friend!ā€™ You wanna know what I did when I found out my friend was a racist? I dropped them. You wanna know what I did when I found out my boyfriend was antisemitic? I dumped him. You wanna know what Iā€™d do if I found out my friend was a groomer? Iā€™D DROP HER!!! Have yaā€™ll ever heard the phrase ā€˜youā€™re only as good as the company you keepā€™? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā€ And he dmed me and said ā€œIā€™d love to talk to someone who has such strong opinions about thisā€ which I HIGHLY doubt is true since he was coping and defending her so hard in the comment section lmaaooo. I might reply just to see what he says honestly šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t imagine it going well though since he has his own accusations šŸ¤Ŗ If I do reply Iā€™ll make a separate post and post all the screenshots


Lmaooo. I really wanna know more. But thats too good šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m gonna be completely honest. This just looks like a collection of actors who are probably all at the same agency or have the same management company. Most likely an agency though. Like this very much looks like a package deal where all of these actors were included in it. Iā€™m sure some of them of course have worked with Todrick before. Thatā€™s gonna be the narrative to justify it. But an actuality it is an agency saying weā€™re gonna bundle all of our talent in a package for a project that we will also coproduce. But just getting this sheer amount of varying degrees of popularity and talent. To me that just screams we have the same agency and therefore we will package together for this project. Because my understanding I donā€™t think Colleen got dropped from her agency. They just cooled down on her. Doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re not working deals for her. Because she still their client.


Hmm šŸ¤” seems like a good explanation


Not shocked at alllll todrick has been a problem for years


todricks a horrible person anyways, he's constantly stuck in past


Trash picks trash!


I have literally no idea what this post is about, but Derek Klena is amazing. He should not be on the same page as Colleen


Derek Klena has worked with Colleen in the past, so itā€™s probably his choice to work with her again. I doubt he cares about the controversy surrounding her since it seems he acts the same way backstage.


Oh come on Todrick I thought you were better than this.


Absolutely not šŸ¤£


Lmao nah. Honestly heā€™s right up there with Colleen with how heā€™s treated his employees and how heā€™s treated others. Heā€™s trash.