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"NO ONE SHOULD BE DEFINED AS A HUMAN BY ONLY THEIR WORST MOMENTS" I think this is the same argument R. Kelly used in trial. In fact, you could use it for most criminals.


“Don’t call me a murderer just cuz I stabbed that guy in the heart and he died shortly after. It was a low moment 🥺”


"Hitler was such a good guy. After he tortured and murdered all those innocent people, he complemented someone. So misunderstood 🥲💔" Like did Todrik even read that before he posted it😭


Happy 🍰 day 😄


He did talk about how his uncle murdered someone and he pretty much is fine with it…


Yeah this was possibly one of the worst ways he could defend her, lol. He's literally saying he'll love her even if she does something even MORE crazy... and that what she does wont define her. SHE HASN'T EVEN APOLOGIZED FOR CHRISTS SAKE. SO YES, IT ***IS*** WHO SHE IS!! smh


Sounds a lot like the father of convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner. He said his son shouldn’t have to go to jail for “20 minutes of action.” Ummm…if in those 20 minutes you’re committing a heinous crime, it absolutely does mean that!!


It irritates me no end that both JoJo and Todrick are trying to imply there's nothing sexual about her grooming. Goddamn it, colleen purposely created a private chat for minors and specifically called them her "Weenies" and asked them about their sex lives, for ass pics, about their periods in detail, asked if they were virgins, what was their favourite sexual positions, talked to them about her sex lives with both husbands and compared their genitals, I mean at what point is it not sexual FFS. I already knew this guy was a dick, but this confirms it. Then there's the sending a child porn. I mean if any random person esp a man did any or all of this, he would be in serious trouble. This is stuff that lands people on a sex offenders list, esp the porn shit. There's also colleen getting some of her fav minors to open fake twitter accounts so she could talk to them privately away from their parents who were sus about them talking. She also used a fake handle. This woman is a groomer and it has sexual tones for sure. Sending lingerie to a minor etc. I always think, this is just the stuff we know about. Imagine what's still hidden or has been successfully silenced with that big shot lawyer she hired, y'know the one that specializes in protecting creeps in Hollywood. There's a reason she chose him.


I think him and Jojo are saying in a round about way 'she didn't molest anyone' like is the bar in hell? She is still fucking gross and has caused people harm.


I think the bar is beyond hell at this point.


Yes even the Devil is like Holy hell. This damn bar is low.


The devil is like “Holy shit dude, if you wanted to get here so bad you could’ve just like kicked a puppy or something”


Right. Also this made me laugh a bit more than I should have. 😂 😂 😂


Glad to be of service to the community 😂🫡




Honestly you worded it so perfectly. "She didn't molest any one so...". That is literally just it. It has to be something so disgusting for there to be no defense for certain people/friends. When its not at THAT level, they will twist themselves into a pretzel to try and make it work. Also, theres being a supportive friend in private and an enabler in the public eye. It's one thing to keep in touch and be supportive behind the scenes, but to continue to try and promote her to your potentially young following is a hard no from me. It really seems like Jojo, Todrick, and Colleen are all getting way less popular by the day too... what an awfully terrible hill to die on.


Exactly. I love how he says people shouldn't be defined by their worst moments too because by that logic you can say people like Hitler, Harvey Weinstein and Jimmy Savvile are good people because they did something nice one time💀 Did he read what he typed before he posted that or????


Even if Hitler is an extreme example you're spot on. What does it for me is Colleen HASN'T apologized. Even now people still call Toxic Gossip Train an 'apology'... BUT IT ISNT. It's literally a video to mock the people who came out against her. Even now, she says that people are attacking her for no reason and woe is me. I agree, if she would have apologized in the beginning and tried to move on she would have had a much better chance at being accepted back by fans/friends/etc. But she chose NOT to apologize ever, which means THIS IS WHO SHE IS. It literally makes no sense that he says 'she's not defined by her worst actions!' EVEN THOUGH SHE KEEPS DEFENDING THOSE ACTIONS... SO THAT ***IS*** WHO SHE IS. Sorry this was really triggering to me for some reason lol


I think you are absolutely right


Maybe he should see what colleen did to little boys on stage and THEN say colleen didn’t molest anyone 😒


“Kory’s Klit” isn’t sexual??


If she was a male and adam was a female things would be SO different omg.


IIRC, Colleen didn’t create or name the chat. It was created by her fans who then added her to it. She then chose to participate, knowing that the chat contained underage fans, and then went on to have extremely inappropriate conversations with them. She is still 100% in the wrong.


How different this would be if she was a man. He'd be locked up, receiving death threats, would be banned from all social media, and have to be put on the sex registry list for life! Why tf is this so "different" because she's a woman? I'm still dumbfounded that she pretty much got away with what she did and is still allowed to make more videos. This shit is unreal.


There’s literally countless male celebrities that get away with grooming though, going back a very long time. James Charles and Shane Dawson still have platforms and each have 18+ million subscribers. Woody Allen is widely respected and had a very active career after marrying his step daughter. So idk if that’s true.


For every cockroach you see, there’s a million more you can’t…


Todrick’s right, She’s not just a groomer. She’s a racist, a homophobe, a queer baiter, a bully, an exploitative narc, and a cheater. But yeah, go off king


I kind of agree that no one should be defined by their worst moment. HOWEVER. What Colleen did was not one moment. It was repeated, periodic, and clearly intentional. At that point, it’s a behavior, not a moment.


It was no accident, it was a pattern for over a decade. She wrote activities into her show that literally abused, took advantage of, harmed, and creepily groomed small children. Then she repeated these bits night after night. She could have insisted on only pulling adults from the crowd …but instead told Adam, as a 13-14 yo he *was too old for* the infamous cheese balls sketch. This alone is enough for her to be shunned, banned from creating content— especially content geared toward kids — but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. She’s wretched, demented, beyond forgiveness imo


It was also PLANNED in her shows to do inappropriate things/skits with minors.


Well Todrick is a horrible person so


I mean, it's not news for most of us but at least he's not pretending and hiding it anymore, I guess.


Yeah I don't feel bad for her ONE bit. She deserves it all. It would be different if she actually owned up to what she did, apologized DIRECTLY TO THE VICTIMS, and showed actual growth and change but she hasn't. Someone who is STILL in denial does not deserve anyone to stick by her.


This right here. Adam McIntyre has said numerous times that he would stop talking about Colleen and what she did to him if she apologized to him and his mom both privately and publicly. And that doesn’t sound too difficult right? Well- I guess it is for Colleen. And she has to go out of her way to troll Becky (and victim blame in the process) in a video showing viewers that her skirt has shorts underneath, so she can squat down in it. And wearing a Malibu Barbie shirt and whale tale necklace to troll Trisha (and just to clarify-I don’t watch Colleen’s content. I’m not giving that toxic person anymore views. I watch videos of RadiantBritt covering her content). Colleen really is a vile person and I don’t understand how she still has so many viewers and how she has friends who still stand by her


Doesn’t surprise me at all that they’re still friends. But I am a bit surprised he continues to support her publicly considering as far as I know, she was nowhere to be seen when he was facing his own allegations and backlash after being on celebrity big brother. As I remember it, she never even mentioned once that he was on it, despite claiming she loves Big Brother and has happily name dropped other friends/acquaintances during their reality tv appearances.


She was always so quick to drop people after they got canceled (except for Trisha ironically) that she can't be surprised that the only influencers willing to stand up for her are Jojo and Todrick, both of whom have a history of defending just about anyone. But this is a good point, Todrick would be well within his right to say "where were you when I was going through it?"


This reads so word salady. And I hate it when people like them try to reduce this to ✨cancel culture✨ and act like they’re the victims. He obviously watched the Nickelodeon documentary recently and decided he could clear Colleen’s name because she isn’t as bad as them. But she’s still a groomer and acted inappropriately with children. I just turned 30 and I couldn’t imagine acting the way she did with MINORS. And I say this as a former fan. Edit: “She’s already lost so much…how long should she be in time out” …She’s clearly not in “time out” because she came back in less than a year and barely even addressed anything. I honestly don’t give a single fuck about what she’s “lost” and I think she should lose more.


Literally i hate when people act like her voluntarily hiding and losing the compulsory amount of followers was justice served. It was the sacrificial chunk of money she willingly sacrificed to gamble that it would release enough heat to come back. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the victims, it was entirely self serving. 


after seeing him film a homeless person as a joke, i dont have any respect for whatever comes out of his mouth


that video spoke 100000 words. And they were all bad


Clearly, Todrick has respect for people going through tough times in like. /s Talking about Colleen, of course - the woman who probably has enough money to live comfortably for the rest of her life and owns a large home.


Todrick has also done HORRIBLE things, just like JoJo uses children to make money! The whole friends group is corrupt. That's why they all protect each other! You saw how fast Rupaul dropped Todrick when his allegations came out! Don't ask me what they were-goggle it and get caught up!


No one should be defined for their worst moments? Um 1- it was a “moment” when it went on for a literal decade at the least. 2- it involved CHILDREN. I sure as hell will define a person who hurts children because that is the lowest of people. 3- idc if I’ve known someone for a lifetime. I’m cutting them off immediately if they did what Colleen has done.


No one should be defined based on their worst moments.. so we should remember John Wayne Gacey as a fun loving party clown? Hitler, well he was a painter.. does he not realize by that one statement he has washed away every bad person as someone who had a bad/worst moment? That's some bullshit.


Yeahhhh…. that statement is HIGHLY context-based. For most people, sure. I certainly wouldn’t want to be defined by who I am when I’m PMSing and bitchy towards my boyfriend before I can’t catch myself. 🤣 The situation with Colleen is COMPLETELY different.


“How long should she be in time out before she’s allowed redemption?” This woman still has yet to apologize to a single one of her victims. I don’t see any path to redemption without an actual apology at a MINIMUM. Redemption is not just ignoring the situation until people stop talking about it.


Laughable how he said GROOMER is only sexual. No, Todrick it's not. You absolute dumb ass. Here is the definition of a groomer according to Google ***Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked. Anybody can be a groomer, no matter their age, gender or race.*** Learn to use Google before you flap your gums! 🤬😡


and as regular_ganache_5373 said, she was talking to children about sex. so even though grooming isnt inherently sexual, she was engaging in sexual conversations with the kids she was grooming. just because she didnt touch anyone doesnt mean it wasn't sexual. i cant believe people are still defending her publicly :(


Me too. Like how can you look at everything and I do mean ##everything she has done and be like ***'She just made a mistake.'*** Actually no a mistake is a one time thing. She made a **CHOICE** as she continued to do it over and over again.


I think he has defended Abby Lee Miller before too. Fuck him. I hope he stays away from kids at all costs.


Yeah I think he’s been on her podcast which is another can of worms.


So by Todricks definition, we can give Hitler a pass because: “PeOpLe ShOuLd’Nt Be DeFiNeD bY tHeIr WoRsT MoMeNtS…”


He was just a complex person 💚💚 obvious /s


I mean he’s right except for the fact that she still hasn’t apologized and hasn’t proven she is sorry and willing to change


But she did make a fun song mischaracterizing everything, so there's that.


The fact that every gay I’ve ever spoken to hates todrick is all I need to know about him


can't poor Toddy make fun of homeless people with his friends in peace? so sad 😥 (obligatory pay your dancers)


It irritates me that he’s in a musical I’m seeing in November. I hope he’s off that day


So we’re supposed to feel bad for her for what? Getting called out for something she did that there’s evidence for. What about the victims who not only had to go through that but never got an apology or closure and now have to live with it in their adult lives with and go to therapy because of it ? but no I guess her life is so hard 😭🙄


Considering both JoJo and Todrick are shit humans, this is rich coming from him. They all deserve each other


No one should be defined by their worst moments? Excuse me? Excuse me, I understand humans are complex and can do bad and good things, but do I care if Jeffrey Dahmer once held a door open for an old lady? Do I care if Ted Bundy donated to charity? No, I really fucking don't LOL. I hate when people say shit like that.


"no one should be defineded by their worst moments"... I'm pretty sure ted bundy agrees. What a stupid statement.


Any serial killer/felony really. He would probably support Ruby Franke and we know how much of a trash human being she is.


“How long should she be in time out before shes allowed redemption?” We gave her a chance and all she did was make a fricking ukulele video and then continue to show us that she doesn’t give a single frick about any of her victims or their families, or even her remaining fans


Nothing sexual about sending literal children porn, descriptions of your affair partner’s penis, asking their favorite positions… nope, totally normal. Fuck Todrick. He’s always been gross.


Isn’t Todrick also already certified awful? Easier to defend terrible people when you are also one.


Also to add onto that, he says that people shouldn’t be defined by their worst moments. So if a murderer murders a person, are they no longer a “murderer” since they shouldn’t be defined by it? Is a rapist not a rapist if they said they were sorry?


“How long should she be in time out before she’s allowed redemption” she had her chance at redemption and failed. She could’ve apologized to her victims and for her horrid behavior as herself and Miranda, but instead she decided to turn it into a big joke and implied that people were lying about her. You can’t really come back from that


C and her friends can't get it through their thick skulls that this isn't petty internet drama, this is real life and child victims were taken advantage of and left traumatized. The fact that anyone could defend her at all will never cease to shock me, but horrible people will always protect each other.


"how long should she be in time-out" Well, at the very least until she acknowledge the harm she's done and properly apologise to those directly affected by her actions. Not saying it would fix anything, but I think a lot of people would be more accepting to her doing her own damn thing


He "loves her", but has he ever been to her house since her kids were born? Doesn't seem like it would be that hard to go visit your friend that you love to meet her kids, to visit her new house, etc. Yet that likely hasn't happened I assume or we would have heard reference to it or see footage of it. He's using her like she's using him. They piggyback each other's names into getting more news coverage.


If they're defending her, that only says they're probably acting out the same behaviors in their own circles.


I hope I have better friends than this. If I am as inappropriate as Colleen, even just edging towards something that could result in losing my entire career, I would want someone to talk some sense into me. Real friends call out your bullshit. Some friend Toddrick is.


I was a huge Todrick fan and so glad I opened my eyes to him a long time ago




“No one should be defined as a human by only their worst moments”…..my worst moments aren’t pretty but I sure as shit never groomed or exploited kids!


All three are cut from the same cloth so of course they’re going to defend each other.


What's sad is that he doesn't realize or refuses to admit the fact that she treats him the same way she treats everyone else. She doesn't care about him. When that day finally comes that he realizes and he's done putting in the effort in a one sided relationship no one will care because we all tried to worn him.


How about until she not only lives up to it and apologizes, but uses her “talent” to make age appropriate material? She hasn’t JUST not taken accountability, but she also has shown no intention on changing her target audience, nor her content, because that’s where the money was. Emphasis on was. This, of course, is a rhetorical question, because she clearly has nothing else going on in the creative department. Colleen is objectively talented. Even though I don’t find Miranda funny, I admit she has skills. Timing, commitment to character, (to a lesser extent) singing, Colleen is talented, but only appealed to tweens. Why do you think she revisits her old journals, old artwork, old videos/pics from when she was a child? It not only relates to her target audience, but she wants confirmation from her audience that she’s the prodigy she thinks she is. She can’t think of anything new because vlogging every detail of her life leaves little time to create. I also think she talks about pregnancy so much, because she subconsciously blames pregnancy for stalling her dreams. I got sidetracked. Ultimately we want to see people get better. We like redemption stories, but Colleen is a case of someone who refuses to see her mistakes, and only wants to play the victim, thus we like to remind people she doesn’t deserve our, and certainly not her victims, forgiveness. So I’d think twice of defending her, especially when you have your own skeletons in the closet, Todrick.


Todrick needs to focus on paying his bills


lolol i wonder what he’s gonna say when he eventually finds out that colleen’s been sh*t talking him behind his back like she did with trisha


so just because she *allegedly* didn’t molest anyone**, it makes her other crude suggestive behaviors towards these children excusable??? **i’m not saying she did but i’m also saying i wouldn’t put anything past this nasty woman. she honestly is like the female version of Schnieder.


She 100% was pushing the boundaries. But what she did IS sexual abuse. Children should not be talking about sexual topics except with their own parents. I was groomed and this person went as far as kissing me. Nothing more, but that's SA. But it started with conversations. Then questions. Then showing me a sex position book under the guise of 'sexual education', then showing me adult content, then the worst. I wasn't much younger than these kids and I wouldn't even have realized it was wrong until the kissing part. Everything before that, I could explain away as A misunderstanding or awkward. I'm sure it was heading towards something really bad if I hadn't stopped communication. She needs charges filed against her


Supporting Toddrick is weird no matter where he stands on Colleen, so there’s that. Like, they’re two peas in a pod, what do people expect?


"how long should she be in time out" UNTIL SHE OWNS UP JUST LIKE A CHILD?


She hasn’t even apologized lol maybe someone can be redeemed if they work hard to undo the harm they caused but that STARTS with an apology and she hasn’t done shit omg


Funny coming from the man who essentially was begging for money on instagram lmaooo


Oh poor Colleen. Poor wittle Colleen. She's lost so much! Needs people to help her! Protect her from these mean people saying nasty things! Nasty untrue gossipy things. How could she possibly cope without Todrick. 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑


At this point the amount of energy he is throwing at this shows how pissed off and upset she is while she is pretending nothing happened. This is literally Todrick getting off the phone with Colleen to defend their friend. We all know that Todrick has t on her and she has the same on him. Both of them are just clinging on.. I think Todrick before Colleen


your worst moment DO define you when you refuse to even acknowledge they happened let alone take accountability


Literally everyone would be singing a different tune if she had just admitted her wrongdoings and apologized


It upsets me that Taylor Swift was associated with him.


But to be fair maybe after all of this the phone calls from her might stop, and he won't be in her videos. Guilty by association. He's going to let a foul person mess with his money.


🤢🤢🤢🤢 I don’t know who that is but I’d put money on them being a man


..he is..


I recently unfollowed Todrick because he was liking some other douchebag’s problematic posts. Clearly not a very bright person.


Whenever I think of Todrick I just think of that Dance Moms ep where they film his music video. Abby makes those kids stand in the middle of the street. Yeah this guys a prick.


Right I don't give a shit how long I've been friends with a person, if I find out that they've been grooming minors I'm cutting them off immediately. Why on earth would anyone still want to be friends with anyone like that?


Does he not know the definition of redemption? Does he truly know what it [means](https://sunnysidegiftcompany.com/cdn/shop/products/71275PB_600x.jpg?v=1532391463)? How is denying all the allegations, holding on to that victim card, and playing with rocks the path to redemption?


Lol so he defends a person that leads her life like this. It was never just MOMENTS, as he puts it. He is trash.


Bro she abused kids and is constantly exploiting her kids on the internet. Fucking loser


I really regret read this immediately after eating lunch. It's now threatening to come back up... 🤢🤢🤮


“How long should she be in time out before she’s allowed redemption?” WHAT


Birds of a feather.


Interesting. Some people could argue that a murderer's worst moment was murdering someone. They still go to jail.


He is absolutely trash.




Honestly? Something about him always gave me the "ick" as the kids say... I've never really liked any of his music either 😬 but that's me tho.


Gurl stop typing GROOMER to Toddy, and start typing “ NARCISSIST!” “FRAUD” “PAY YOUR WORKERS! PAY YOUR LANDLORD!


She could start by actually apologizing to her victims how about that


“How long should she be in time out before she’s allowed redemption?” Hmm idk…maybe until she’s had actual legal/criminal repercussions for what she’s done? Call me crazy


He us as bad as her


Where are the receipts of Colleen asking 14-16 year Olds if they're virgins...maybe he forgot...




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I agree with what he’s saying but Colleen wasn’t “canceled”. She actually did something that actually disgusting and borderline illegal, and hasn’t shown any sort of remorse for her actions and still continues to be creepy. Moving on like nothing happened is not the same as sending all victims private apologies and giving a public apology directly addressing each individual victim. 


The fact that he is also friends with Taylor swift. I don’t think dear Tay Tay likes keeping ppl in her circle who supports/has a friendship with people who are friends with child groomers. ( btw I love Taylor so I’m not talking bad about her)


I feel like she has distanced herself from him in more recent years. Maybe I'm completely mistaken. She has the ability to be around the best people out there, and he isn't even close to that.


The fact these two are close friends makes perfect sense.  The whole situation where they filmed the person sleeping inside that laundromat (without their consent) and were making fun of the person showed shitty traits they both still have. They've both shown who they are multiple times, multiple ways---believe them. 


Idk sending nudes to minors seems pretty sexual to me…


Same with talking about sexual topics to minors in group chats.. The sexual challenges with minors on stage at her miranda shows.. Putting minors in horrible situations.. all the sexual miranda content.. it all seems sexual to me.!


Who wants Todricks support though haha like that’s just one terrible person validating another


Call me crazy but spending years and years marketing largely sexualized content to very young adolescents seems like more than a “moment.” It’s very fair to define her as a human based on the decades worth of terrible decisions she’s made.


If you really read the replies he goes on about how he has an uncle who was convicted for murder, and how he doesn’t define him by that situation.


Epsteins friends felt the same way


Just admit youre a crap person and move on todrick


Funny Todrick defends her more than her own husband


what post was this on?


so infuriating to read this - what redemption? She hasn't reached out and apologized to her victims


This the same dude that had a party at his house for the dance moms girls? 🤢🤢 of course he’d defend her 


They don’t know her, they are seeing a person online video for 10 minutes not every single minute they have no idea who she truly is.


I mean… Todrick personally knows her very well. Not sure who you’re talking about here.


Goodness I didn’t read his name just the comment I thought it was a fan. But I still stand by what I said about young people blindly following her.


Todrick knows exactly what colleen is like. He’s just as bad anyways.


“I love her, sue me” Grow tf up todrick. Do better. Loving child groomers is EMBARRASSING.


Big yikes