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This is a hill he’s dying on and no one is going to change his mind. I’d guess he’s defending her so hard because of his own shitty past (and he's afraid of it all coming back to light, especially the things they did **together**). They all stick with each other, these people, and karma, eventually, will deal with it as she does.


he's so missing the point. he's not focusing on the question: Why hasn't she apologized to her victims


Of course he’s missing the point. It’s what these people do best. 😆 Deflect, deflect, deflect!


Colleen NEVER APOLOGIZED. Not once in her stupid little ukulele video did she say I’m sorry. She literally made fun of the girl that came out and said Colleen embarrassed her on stage by making her spread her legs and playing a fart sound. If todrick doesn’t want to stop being friends with Colleen whatever but downplaying what she did and lying about it is not the move


Literally this. Colleen and her associates keep claiming that she "took accountability". But, that's literally the point. No the Frick she has not. Maybe things would be different if she HAD apologized, took actual accountability for the numerous of heinous things she has done, and truly used the time to learn from her mistakes. But, she didn't. If she was truly sorry, you wouldn't be able to find Toxic Gossip Train on her account. Which I'm sure she still has it up. (It is literally one of her highest viewed videos.). That ridiculous musical manipulation that she called an apology will never be an apology nor will it be taking accountability. Just because you say the words, doesn't mean that you did. And you can't expect people to take you seriously when you are both invalidating one of the many victims (becky) by calling it just a "fart joke" whilst still insisting you are taking accountability. Accountability doesn't include invalidating the experience of the victim.


I’m not going to go find the posts, but I hope people are tearing him apart in the comments with receipts that she has never apologized or taken any sort of accountability.


I can't believe he brought up Hitler lol. By his logic, *everyone* is redeemable, even a murderer like Hitler has a seat at his table? Yeah no thanks. I wouldn't want people who caused mass harm and suffering in my life but thats just me. Maybe I'm not open-minded and know "unconditional love" like that 🤮


It’s ironic because Hitler wouldn’t have given Todrick a seat at his table in the 1930s and 40s…


And then he added trump. I was like NOPE. I'M OUT.


lol that was my comment on the last post here, is he keeping tabs on us? 👀


Cognitive dissonance at its finest. He will warp things to avoid having to be uncomfortable. Such a great friend, but he's never seemed to make any appearance to visit her in the least in the past unless it's for some kind of content they can post online. Also his undying unconditional love for a murderer speaks more to his co-dependence than his love. Sounds like he can't prioritize right versus wrong if it means HE'LL personally lose someone in his life.


Something tells me Colleen has some major dirt on him. He could just be that delusional of a ride or die, but I don’t think even he would let his own reputation be shredded to bits by associating with her unless he had something to hide.


She absolutely does. She has major dirt on A LOT of people. The majority reason why some people arent speaking against colleen is because Colleen has a lot of dirt on a lot of people and they know how evil she can be and use that against them.


Or they are just good friends lol. I’d defended my friends no matter what too. They are my friends. And I’m sure as hell gonna defend them online infront of millions


So if your friend was a child groomer would you still defend them? Even if there was plenty of evidence to prove their statements.


In front of the world, yes 100%. Tearing people down isn’t going to fix them or better them. Or you. And your job on this planet isn’t to destroy people on the internet. Go out and raise money for a cause, sign petitions, go protest, start non profits, write letters to people that can create change. Harassing people on the internet isn’t nearly as big and bold as you think.


It’s holding them accountable for being literal creeps. If my friend was exposed with factual evidence to prove.. I wouldn’t defend that. Are you kidding me?


Harassing them isn’t holding the accountable. If that was the case Colleen wouldn’t be on YouTube right now would she


What better place to spread the word about a dangerous person than the internet, a platform that is accessible to almost everyone in the US? Politicians really don’t give a fuck about letters and petitions and protests if we’re being honest. The care about where the money is. The money is in social media. Not to mention, the whole point of shaming her on the internet is to get her OFF the internet, so she has much more limited means of exploiting children for monetary gain without delving into seriously illegal territory. Considering how low her support is currently, I’d say we’ve been moderately successful in reducing her sphere of influence, which is a good thing. Idgaf who it is, if I found out anyone in my life was a potential groomer, or in any way a danger to children, I’m not backing them up unless I have irrefutable proof that they are innocent. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be open to having a conversation about it, but you don’t fuck with kids. Not on my watch. I don’t care if it’s my boyfriend, I don’t care if it’s my dad. I would hope to God it wasn’t true but I would gladly sacrifice any relationship if I could potentially prevent more children from being traumatized in this way. It is not okay and the fact that we have immense societal pressure pushing back against public figures who have tried to get away with heinous crimes is a good thing.


Let me know how that works out for you since not a single person who you try to cancel has got off the Internet 😂 I pay attention to who my children watch instead of harassing thinking that’s gonna create some sort of change


I pray for your children’s therapy.


They don’t need therapy ? Lol I don’t let them watch creeps so they very well! But thank you for praying for them! So sweet


I don’t think I’m harassing anyone. I don’t watch or interact with her content at all. I come on this subreddit because child abuse is something that weighs on my heart and several threads here have sparked some very interesting conversations about it, as well as some very sad but encouraging discussions about ED. I also followed Colleen’s personal channel and watched her content for something like ten years before TGT. I won’t deny that cancel culture has gotten out of hand and can be very toxic and unproductive. The internet is in many ways a largely unregulated place. Cancel culture is essentially virtual vigilanteism. Like any vigilante justice, methods may be questionable. Parties may disagree on the best solution to various problems. At the end of the day, if we’ve reduced the sphere of influence of a predator, that’s a net positive in my book. I can only be responsible for my own actions; I don’t necessarily condone anyone else’s, but I _certainly_ don’t support anything Colleen is doing. I hope that clarifies things a bit for you.


You don’t have to “tear someone down” in order to make it clear that you don’t support/defend their actions. Defending people regardless of their actions helps no one.


i dropped someone for being a pedo and i dumped one of my exes in 2020 for cheating on me w a 12 year old when he was 17, i wouldnt defend either of them on the internet if they came crying back to ask me to, even if they had "dirt" on me ☠️


I can honestly say I've never shared my friends' nudes or lewds, never participated in group chats with children, never lured a child out to meet me and left them in an unfamiliar place alone, never asked a child to put my hands down my pants, never asked a child to lay down in front of me while I spread their legs open. I shudder to think the company he keeps if "everyone" they know have such skeletons in their closets.


I used to be in the same circles as a girl I later found out was a predator and then everything clicked when she kept saying lies about me and things I tried to do to her. I wondered how she came up with these stories until I realized it was things she had done herself to others. It’s really sick when abusers assume everyone is abusive and they’re normal.


So essentially, even if Colleen did much, much worse, Todrick would still be her friend and post about her. Good to know. I'm sure that makes his friends feel better. Edit: also, it's one thing to say you still love your uncle even if he's a convicted murderer (because he's family), and another thing to say you still invite that murderer to dinner and sit and chat with them. Now, I don't know the uncle in question or what mitigating circumstances there were - not all murders are equal - but this all seems to suggest that even if Colleen had been caught sexually grooming kids and taking advantage of them sexually, that he'd *still* be her friend and defender. Which shows a real lack of character.


I've personally found that the enablers are oftentimes just as bad as the abusers, if not worse themselves.


the Johnny example is so irrelevant because he wasn’t the one trying to make a podcast with and money off of being friends with Trisha. That’s the nasty part, is how Colleen pretended none of it happened and kept the secret from Trisha. Johnny had no ties to Trisha, there was nothing to lose by him exposing Colleen. so his part in the initial bullying conversation is just not relevant. Todrick is bending over backwards for this woman & not even thinking through his defense also would love to know when she “apologized” or “took accountability” !!! go ahead send me a time stamp Johnny was lying about Joshua but his stories about the viewing parties have been confirmed by multiple sources including Trisha herself via Colleen’s emailed apology to her (an apology sent only after she got caught: and was trying to salvage the podcast together and make more money.). His lies were delusions surrounding Joshua. and just like we predicted she’s using that to sweepingly discredit all the victims. Has even convinced her friends of this truth even though it logically makes no sense. Absolutely disgusting.


100%. I hope mother SWOOP was watching. She even said that eventually someone would use the excuse of that Johnny was lying to decrease the seriousness of Colleens actions…maybe there’s a video with Todrick Halls name on it on the back burner 👀


he most definitely has some skeletons in his closet. probably exactly why he defends her so hard


I honestly love that he’s doubling down on this. He got some surprisingly big names to collaborate on that musical of his, and this is a TERRIBLE look for him. I say let him sever every last professional relationship he has left.


I was literally about to post these. Todrick is going insane


he’s just digging them a deeper hole


Where was this unconditional love when he was mocking a homeless person




Would NOT treat Donald Trump badly but WILL mock/harass a homeless person 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


So if Colleen murdered somebody, he would still be friends with her and think she can find redemption. That’s what I’m getting out of this. He’s in delulu land


He's such a narcissist that I reckon he's kinda talking about himself in these comments




Just wait until evidence of her talking shit about him behind his back comes up.....


is anybody really surprised about this? he’s a pretty well established piece of shit by now lol


He’s always been a piece of shit tbh. He’s mocked and made fun of homeless people in the past.


Was it more than once? I thought it was in that one video with Colleen. I'm not saying it's okay but your comment makes it seem like he does it all the time.


When he said that “we” watched his videos, did anyone else picture him watching them *with* Colleen? They probably made fun of it all, and yet he’s still claiming she has apologized/changed. I hope no more public figures stand up for her in this way. I hope public figures speak out against her again.


I mean I get to some extent a few of the things he said here. I also don’t expect everyone in Colleen’s life to hate her and drop her completely and celebrities are included in that. NOBODY can improve if they loose all compassion in their lives, including Colleen. If she is ever to become a better person she actually does need people she cares about to step up and tell her what she did was wrong. It doesn’t mean a lot coming from a invisible audience, it might however mean a lot to her if say Todrick or JoJo or her brother said something to her. If you took a few things out of these comments, I’d be like “Yeah okay I get that” There’s people in my lives who’ve been shitty and I still associate with them. But he’s going off on a complete tangent that makes zero sense and comparing her to the likes of Hitler and basically implying he’d still love her if she was a murderer or next Hitler is disturbing and not helping his case.


'I'll give you my number'? So he can continue to tell you offline why he's right and you're wrong?!!!




....when did she apologize? Is the apology and accountability in the room with us? No. She has done the LITERAL opposite. That's the problem


If only she came out to us being a genuine human being (that she played a legit role in her entire career on youtube- being the nice quirky nonjudgmental girl) when behind the scenes she is in-FACT in current time, showing us the monster she’s …. not? Right so Todrick you’re still “so supportive” and a fan of her current vlogs now but she, just curved her entire rest of her career to SOLEY youtube, keep in mind ONLY catering to underage fans now. (Lost almost her entire following) Todrick no one that was a REAL FAN has an issue with mistakes it’s the way she manipulated the first video, handled many after, and Until she turned into someone none of us recognize, SHE LOOKS UNWELL. I’m all for supporting people who have made bad choices but defending THIS? In this way??? What a horrible friend for you to let her be that delusional for whatever little money she can scrap up. And then again say something’s a lie but she has yet to say any reason as to why she has completely given up her career over a lie? THE AUDACITY to call that accountability is sad, That’s how rich people apologize huh just pray people forget and do it all over again.


look, I don't care if he wants to keep being her friend and supporting her, that's his right but to downplay what she did and to bring up fucking JOHNNY to try and say all the other victims must be lying too... is absolutely disgusting, the johnny thing is from NEARLY HALF A YEAR AGO and that's STILL the only thread Colleen defenders are hanging from to try and call everything a lie, they know they can't dispute the hundreds of screenshots and all the video footage he needs to just stop talking, support his little friend and go away 🙄


Truly a masterpiece of the last brain cell - ‘A tad dramatic…….H*tler…murderers….’ - ‘MAKING rocks’ ‘on YouTube’ * - ‘it’s weed… not the same as selling crack’** - ‘Gays like to gossip’ - ‘I’m not a Donald trump fan.. but’ - ‘Imply that a mother of three would do something sexual’ *you don’t make a rock, d1cksplash ** this is a great metaphor for a completely different situation! also it’s still by definition, regardless of the law a DRUG (a bloody good one, but nonetheless) like caffeine is a drug


Oh god. There is SO MUCH I could say to this. But firstly - even textbook pedophiles and groomers are not in jail, look at Nickelodeon and Hollywood. Brian Peck committed awful crimes against minors that were significantly overt and violent, and basically got a slap on the wrist. So there’s that. Secondly, this is the exact behavior of the flying monkey role to the narcissist. He acts like everyone on the internet is incapable of seeing her as a human, when in reality most people have given her a lot of grace, and I’ve actually seen a lot of empathy on here for her over time. He’s deflecting and playing the DARVO game to make her out to be the true victim. Why doesn’t she come forth and speak for herself? Ever? She didn’t apologize. Why did she brush people she claimed to love under the rug and send her minions on them to send death threats? That’s not just a silly little mistake. People’s actual lives were at stake.


This was epic!! lol love u


Brian Peck went to jail, no? Wouldn't say that's a slap on the wrist..."slap on the wrist" implies no jail time and just some warning.


He went to jail for like, 5 minutes 😂 To be factual, 16 months. 16 months. For what he did. That’s not even two years. So yeah, to me that’s a slap on the wrist for the horrific crimes he committed.


Is anyone in his comments bringing up the video of the homeless woman at the laundromat??


wtf??? So he’s saying if colleen murdered someone he would still find her to have a redemption? Colleen never took accountability. She didn’t even address the actual situation. She IS a groomer. Colleen IS a groomer. Idk what todrick doesn’t get? What a way to victim blame.


Bro needs to put his phone down and think 😭 ranting about how even Donald trump deserves forgiveness…. does he not realize he is actively comparing Colleen to the worst humans to ever exist? Does he not hear the ridiculousness coming out of his mouth? I agree that all people deserve forgiveness but they have to first be apologetic and do things to right their wrongs. This is pathetic


Lmfao he really thought about it and said the only people Colleen Ballinger is a better person than are… Hitler and Trump! Unintentional burn, 10/10


i wonder how colleen feels about being compared to his uncle who murdered someone.


It’s not like a mistake she made once far in the past. She continues to groom children. And I don’t give a fuck if tod is so ignorant that he can’t separate the word grooming from sexual acts. That’s his issue with the implication of the word. Those of us that have ALWAYS known grooming doesn’t have to be sexual, usually just exploitive and always inappropriate, are free to use it appropriately; which is absolutely is when calling Colleen a groomer. She’s a groomer. And a loser.


never realized Todrick was this pathetic - that he would waste this much time writing a BS explanation online. he is a lot more successful than Colleen in their small universe, so I bet this is a big ego boost for her, even though Todrick is nothing to the average person. they can all enjoy each other and turn a blind eye to reality all they want. must be nice to live in denial


What is he considering taking accountability? Her ukulele song? Taking accountability is saying “I did ______ to ______. I have apologized to _____ personally and now I am stating publicly that what I did was wrong and I apologize to that person and anyone else who is troubled by my actions”. That’s not what happened though.


I mean he can’t call out Colleen without calling himself out. He’s gonna ride hard for her in part because he’s also lost many connections in the industry due to shitty behavior.


Wow. I’m surprised he’s being so outright about his support/“love” for her rather than just keeping quiet. He mentions two so-called victims turning out to be liars. Clearly one of the people he’s referencing is Johnny, but who is the other? Anyone know? Or is he making that up?


A genuine apology has not been made, that would include acknowledgement of what she has done. But she's denied it. Redemption can't happen without acknowledging, apologising, and remorse. None of which she has done. I do love that even he says she's making rocks on the internet! 😂


He's a joke.




I said this once and I will say it again, Todrick needs to focus more on paying his bills on time and less on yapping.


Colleen has not taken accountability ONCE, but ok, Toddrick. He's been a trash person, so this is not surprising to me. Also, he's saying a mother of three could never do anything sexual to kids... has he never heard of mothers SAing their own children? that shit happens, sadly enough. And implying it doesn't is wild to me.


Sadly it wouldn’t be surprising if Colleen has done this to her kids knowing what she has done with other kids. I just hope to god it doesn’t happen with her own kids but it just won’t be surprising.


He doesn't care about victims and just wants to live in ignorant bliss. No one is gonna change his mind. Just let him digging himself deeper and deeper into Colleen's metaphorical grave. They deserve each other.


A hell of a hill to die on. I don't know why people are going after him. He's just as bad as her, and there's probably sketchy stuff in his closet. He's a nonce by association and should be treated as such.


Oh no, Todrick. No. No. No. No no no no no no no.


I honestly have some level of respect for him saying this with his chest but the fact that he has to compare her to the most heinous people and actions is so crazy 😂


Lol my comment on the other post about how he would excuse murderers seems to be accurate!


He argues like a boomer on Facebook


I’m sorry but he is no better. And also she never apologized and idk why he think she did. And also what does Dahmer, Hitler and Trump have to do with this situation? Colleen didn’t kill anyone. She is just a narcissistic bitch who doesn’t care about anyone but herself.


*mentions HITLER and dahmer* Murderers should have a chance at redemption” ….. I’ve heard a lot of delulu things before, but this is possibly the MOST delusional, deranged things I’ve ever heard.


Easy…. Cancel him too 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wasn't he caught in his own underage scandal?


"i'll message you now" how bouts you go pay your 100k$ worth of back payment for your rent?


When has she taken accountability and apologized for the harm she’s done?


It's so crazy how the people in his comments are dick riding both of them so hard too like holy fucking shit....


Cop out


Oh Todrick, you’re really going there, huh? Your grave is about six hundred feet deep now, my friend


The drug analogy is insane


He's worse than I thought. Yikes.


With friends like that, who needs enemies?


“He’s not a Christian or a trump supporter” ok 🤣


He’s literally working overtime to defend her and for what 🥴


I don't think showing porn to minors is as common as he thinks.


idk ab y’all but i can most definitely stand flat footed, ten toes down and say i’ve never engaged in explicit/sexual/even just intimate convos with minors as adult, never said a slur or made a racist joke based on stereotypes ON PUBLIC PLATFORMS, never used children for engagement bait or content, and never sat in my living room singing with my ukelele about how people who were hurt by my actions are liars. just me ig tho🤷🏼‍♀️


Cop out


My skeleton in my closet is that as a teen I lied to my parents and scratched the car and said it was a hit and run- it wasn’t sending porn to minors.


I guess he takes what he can get at this point. It's interesting how after all his own scandals came out, we did not see any other pictures of Taylor hanging out with him.......


Hitler, Trump & Dahmer. Todrick what the shit, you were scummy before but you're dying on THIS hill. Yeesh also the uncle shit is crazy, like dude what