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It’s just a silly book…kids like butt jokes. This is a reach.


Totally agree, this is a reach. It's okay for children to learn body parts and laugh at butt jokes.


A lot of posts on here feel like a reach


I agree.


Normally yes. For Colleen, poop and farts jokes are a gateway drug into more nefarious bullshit.


I could say the same, but also this is colleen. She has a history of using these exact type of justification for her behaviors in the past, like she uses the excuse that something wasnt "that serious" and people are overreacting. So I'm not sure exactly what her goal was here, but i don't think it was entirely innocent. Colleen had to choose this book on purpose is what i do think.


While it might just be a”silly book” with her past of grooming kids, you would think she would be a little more aware and careful, but this is how she lures people in…. “ it’s all a joke guyssss 🙄”. She definitely has some weird kink.


I honestly think that is also a reach. But to each their own.


i work in a pre-school, this is normal 😭 kids like butt jokes, it’s funny to them


Agree. With Colleen though, the slippery slope is slippery. With her ukulele song, she down played sexual.harassment of a minor as a fart joke. We don't trust groomers with poopy butt jokes


My kids preferred Walter the Farting Dog!!


My five year old nephew (he is three months older than F) loves fart and butt jokes. This is normal it is probably for F.


Yea this is a reach it’s a kids book she’s just sharing. My 4 year old would probably love that.


These comments...people so quickly forget. I just spent the whole afternoon with my friend's 5 year old making poopy jokes. The thing is...Friend and I also don't reduce sexual harassment of minors as "fart jokes" when the minor grows up, realizes fully what happened to them, and expresses how that harassment fucked them up. Nor do we tell 13 year olds about our sex lives. Nor do we seductively stick tampons in our mouths in front of teenagers. Poop jokes and butts are funny when you're a kid...and horrifying when you are an adult grooming minors.




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She’s a mom with kids the age that think butts, poop, pee, farts, are the funniest thing in the entire world… stop reaching




✨ She didn’t think this was wrong because she doesn’t think at all ✨


This is a book. Children need to learn about their completely normal and non shameful body parts. This is a reach.


As a preschool teacher this is a REACH! This is developmentally appropriate book for kids


It’s not like she wrote the book


Ooh, yeah but she wrote waaaay worse. I still cant believe what she actually put in her books and that they got greenlit. Really disturbing stuff to sell to children.




One of the most popular children’s book series of all time is literally called Captain Underpants 🙄


She is gross 🤢


Wow the Colleen/ Miranda fans came out for this one. I agree with you OP. She’s weird and unaware and this isn’t a “reach” it’s an opinion and if you ask me it’s correct.


Right? For anyone else, it's just sharing a book your kids like. For Colleen, who knows what her motivation is?


So every single person here is commenting "this is a reach" can't y'all think of more words or phrases? must everyone copy one single phrase.


Nothing should surprise you about her....


Disgusting but on brand




she has small kids, F is like 3-6 now and the twins are 2-4(?) i think so like it makes sense to have a book that is teaching letters and body autonomy in a humorous way for them..


Is she back to making kids content again?? Jesus can she make up her mind


For those saying "oh, big deal, kids like butts", that's not the issue...the issue is that COLLEEN is posting this knowing she has been under heavy, heavy criticism for talking inappropriately to minors...where she would invoke discussion of bodily functions, body parts, etc. as a way to break down their boundaries to speak to them inappropriately. Talking about periods, tampons, asking adam to show his butt...THAT'S the issue. She has no judgment that SHE shouldn't be posting things like this as it EVOKES THE MEMORY of her INAPPROPRIATE DISCUSSIONS WITH CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS. Remember, to most people, this wouldn't be a controversy because most people don't have a history of using this as a foray to have abusive inappropriate relationships with children. But for COLLEEN it is as she used talk about private body parts to facilitate grooming. She, of all people, should not be reminding the viewer of her inability to know what is appropriate and what isn't. Her displaying this book is a reminder of her foray into speaking inappropriately to her fans about private body parts. She has no judgment about not doing this because she STILL DOESN'T UNDERSTAND why what she did was wrong and inappropriate.


I still think this is a reach. We are all critically aware here what she’s done but this doesn’t really directly allude to that if she’s a mom talking about books she’s reading to her kids. If it were a book called, “fart jokes”, then yea i could see that, but it’s just a pun on butts which pre-schoolers find hilarious.


I agree with this. This is the point and problem with most CB things and should be copy and pasted into every seemingly frivolous post here. My issues with her are absolutely the context for me anyway. Of course this book is innocent and fun! The problem is she is not, and has not properly realized that to the point that she is a safe influencer. Anyone recall her children’s song with the MOFO lyric in it…thats another example. She has not reformed herself and after watching her Taylor swift reaction it is abundantly clear to me that she deeply believes she’s 100 percent the victim while at the same time being fiercely arrogant about her victimhood. Yeah, this could be under the reach category, sure, even for CB, but honestly, its the exponential content of incest, private parts in general that having her put that front and center in her content where disturbed individuals probably already prey on her innocent babies is just not what she should be doing right now. I think she’s trying to clean up her content with rocks and Taylor, but she’s just failing to go through it with a fine tooth comb. If she had a publicist, im pretty sure that person would earn their keep by saying, sure, talk about children’s books, but id probably leave that one out. Let’s leave that one out for now. Maybe say the name and what its about to recommend to other mothers, but dont show the picture for now.


People wanna defend their right to make poopy butt jokes so bad that they can't see the nuance. I dunno why you're getting downvoted.


Exactly this. I stand to my post.