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no rocks are cool as fuck, colleen just makes them boring bro. don’t stress


Thank you lol


I agree.. they are pretty cool!


No. Most geologist, when discussing rocks, don't sound crazy and mentally unstable. I've found that when watching documentaries about both our planet and others interesting when professionals are discussing rocks and rock formation. Colleen just sounds like a lunatic and like someone who's high all the time.


Another person saying colleen has ruined their hobby / interest / job. Why give her so much power? She's a weakling.


She can’t carry so much power either. It’ll hurt her boney little back




Never said ruined


I’m really into crystals, I have them all over my house. Nothing wrong with liking rocks, Colleen is just sooo fake, I don’t think she’s even really into rocks. It’s annoying watching someone who knows nothing about what she’s talking about ramble on about a subject she’s latched onto. She’ll be over it soon.


Not at all! There are people who like certain hobbies that are unbearable, and others are really cool. No worries! 🩷


Colleen just sounds like Colleen. And you're not her. So no, you don't sound like that ❤️😂


Nahh, I don’t know you personally, but given that you have actually studied rocks and know about them that you don’t give the same vibe as someone trying to use a quirk and make it your identity to recreate yourself. While it’s not necessarily an interest I share, I appreciate that a lot goes into the study of geology, and I’d love to hear about it from someone with a true interest.




Nooo don’t let Colleen make you feel self conscious. You’ve studied them and I’m sure I’d find your discussions about rocks interesting. She’s using rocks & Taylor swift to distract from her egregious behaviour and everyone sees right through it hence the hate. Rock on OP 🤘 🪨


No! She wants to be YOU, but would never apply herself. She likes to half ass EVERYTHING or get others to do for her. But will you please start a YouTube channel? I’d rather watch a professional.




She glommed on to rocks in a desperate attempt to save face. That’s why it’s so painfully lame and just like she made baking her personality she’s now added a rock obsession. She sounds particularly pathetic talking about rocks because she’s supposed to be funny and cool, but now we all know she’s mean and nasty. It’s not the rocks that aren’t cool, it’s Colleen. She’s an awful human who gets off on hurting good people. You sound intelligent, driven and kind — all things she wishes she was. You do you! 🙃


Ok this comment section also made me feel alot better about my geology degree ahahahaha


These posts drive me bonkers. Do not let her have this power over you. Her new obsession with rocks isn’t the problem, it’s the pattern of horrible fucked up shit she keeps doing.


Not at all. You know what you're talking about and actually have a passion for it. You're not using it to try and get attention in an algorithm because it's kid friendly and makes you look innocent. Context is key.


Nope. She wants to be like us rock lovers but she NEVER will be. She’s fake




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Colleen has the ability to take something super interesting and word salad it to death and boredom. I bet she actually doesn’t give a shit about rocks and wants to draw a different audience or deflect from her actions by becoming a rock girl or something (which ain’t gonna work)


It's different! A sincere and real fascination with something is to be admired! Colleen hyper fixates on things to pass the time until her next scandal comes and she will focus on something else.


The difference is you have extensive knowledge that is interesting to learn. Colleen just points and says “oooo shiny” while lying about an experience she never had or greatly exaggerated to put her in the best light


Nah rocks are cool. She's just lame Edit: typos


I felt this way when I started learning Ukulele literally a month before she dropped TGT and had this deep embarrassment about it. I got over it though, Ukuleles are awesome little instruments and tons of fun. As with you, rocks are your passion and aren’t connected to Colleen in any way unless you make that connection 😊


Complaining about it and crying about it on the internet certainly made you sound like that. I love geology but I would never be self conscious about having an education about it lol


So you don’t have slight insecurities? For me, and I posted about this on this sub last year, I have insecurities when I find myself using slight mannerisms that I picked up from watching Colleen content as a teenager. There’s a wide gap between wanting to not sound like her, and disavowing my entire career.


Everyone has insecurities but mine rarely involve what other people think of my education and people judging based on someone else on the internet. Usually my insecurities pertain to real life.


That’s awesome! Good for you, I would never want someone to experience the feeling of seeing people berate others on the internet and wonder if real life people also think that way.




Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking it sounded off 😅 the response to anyone sharing my same mindset here seems like we’re the black sheep huh? It’s perfectly okay to do an attention post and then get angry at people asking why 👀


People seem to be really sensitive and somewhat childish on this sub


It’s only okay if you’re still 100% bashing and stuck on Colleen here I think.


Letting someone else influence your life choices and whether or not you’re happy / proud of them is wild


Can you point to where I said that my choices have been influenced, or that I’m not happy or proud? Simply feel self-conscious about potentially sounding like her.


Self conscious about something you went to school for because someone else living is also into what you went to school for.. self conscious and happy / proud are pretty opposite. There are tens of thousands of people that like rocks and then there’s one person to focus on that’s going to make you feel weird about yourself? One person that is losing their reach by the day and likely a person the general public doesn’t even know likes rocks.


You have a great point, however, I would scale back your assumption of how strongly I feel about it. Self-consciousness for my nerding out can coexist with my pride for landing my dream career.


Fair but it was posted in a ‘Im self conscious about this now because of this specific person’ context.. which seemed odd given the time it takes for something and the fact that the person at hand isn’t even influential anymore.


Oh, errrrrr, okay