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This is on another level. I want to know her finsta/alt-account.


You mean her other finsta? Since her one from last fall got discovered?


*Be brave, mom šŸ„ŗ I miss it all so much*


This made me snort loooolll not the "i miss it all so much" like holy hell she was crazy for that Imagine bullying your friend behind their back by literally distributing their porn to young fans and then playing the "people big meenies to me šŸ˜¢" card




She is such a loser.




Sheā€™s so damn evil. And she still has plenty of time to be obsessed with her ex I see. But her relationship is so fulfilling, right?


She's not even evil for this she's just embarrassing like sorry girl he's moved on. She hates it lol


Thatā€™s true. She is evil but it doesnā€™t affect him anymore and she canā€™t stand it. Sheā€™s so angry and pathetic.


She wants everyone she hurt to still think about her. Josh, Trisha, all the other victims, ex-friends, etc. That's all that's left to her career I guess? I wonder if Erik thinks about his ex gf as much as Colleen thinks about Josh. That's so awkward lmao.


Josh has found true happiness meanwhile Colleen lives in a world of bitter resentment Ps why does he look so good in that pic


Narcs HATE when their victims move on. Itā€™s deeply bothering her that heā€™s found peace AND got the chance to tell his side of the story too.


I think it really, really bothers her that Josh quickly came to his senses and married his sweet heart who not only is beautiful, a lovely person who supports him 100% but who can also sing better than her! That's gotta be her worst nightmare. She so badly wanted Josh to spend the rest of his day alone, pining for her. For me, Pamela showers and always looks well put together, something colleen cannot. Hilarious how he levelled up there. Even when she was pregnant with f colleen was bitching about Josh, he takes up soooo much space in her brain. Definition of living in her head rent free !


It's the long hair doing him all the justice in the world


Also the white in the beard does smtg for me šŸ¤” haha


True šŸ¤£ I never found him attractive back in the day. But this man aged like a fine wine and now I'm like DAYUM but the way TimothĆ©e Chalamet screams it in that one video where he's talking about Italian accents lol


Right? šŸ‘€


Is this hoovering? Like, what's the purpose of people like her doing weird shit like this to their victims?


This is definitely hoovering, she wants him to know sheā€™s looking at his insta pics. She wants him to get his hopes up. He does look hot in this picture though. Typical trying to connect with an ex because they look good.


I think she's got issues with his wife being cute


heā€™s not her victim! hope this helps


He literally is! Hope this helps


Being so confidently wrong while saying "hope this helps".... you're goofy for that šŸ˜‚


Username tracks. Your view is certainlyā€¦ unique!


this is a snark page! hope this helps


He absolutely is! You should learn more before saying something stupid next time.


You are either blind or clearly didnā€™t watch the Swoop documentary. Nor know NOTHING about the toxicity of Colleenā€™s FAILED marriage with Josh. But he is ABSOLUTELY a victim. I am not a fan of Josh nor do i intend to be. But i can absolutely see that heā€™s a victim because of what Colleen did and enabled to happen. She literally ruined his life and dumped it all on children. If that doesnā€™t make him a victim then i do not know what does. I donā€™t know what your definition of victim is.


She's on a great vacation, she should be enjoying herself, but instead she's trying to make sure her very long ago ex knows that she's happier than him. She's Happy! DAMMIT, LOOK AT HER, BEING THE HAPPIEST PERSON, ANYONE WHO ISN'T CONVINCED IS LYING!!!!! Yeah, he's well rid of her. Eric would chew his own foot off to get a do-over of getting involved with her and having kids.


I only have one up vote to give. And yet it is yours.


Oh that is not a coincidence at all. If that was a new song, maybe it could be argued. But she is absolutely directing that at Josh. Thatā€™s just pathetic.


I find it so hard to comprehend that this cringey wannabe teen is a twice married woman.


It's only because she successfully manipulated two men


And a mother of 3.


Twice married isn't exactly a flex especially not in her case. Obsessed with josh after all this time, pissed that he's moved on? If anything her situation reflects her stunted maturity pretty well


Imagine being in your late 30s, with a husband and three children, being in a city most only dream to visit to see a concert people would pay a kidney to go to, just to do this shit.


She really, really played up how amazing paris is. She said the sky is "so blue" unlike America. She doesn't know "how they do it". She's completely nuts ! I travel to belgium and paris all the time and the sky is the sky. It's the same sky I've seen in america, australia, asia, you name it. Neither is the paris air filled with very expensive perfumes as she passes each person. She lives in a fantasy land. I'm surprised she didn't say she ate a wonderful meal cooked by a rat. She then went on to say Euro Disney is waaay better than both Disney's in California and Florida. It's not. Trust. She wanted to get back at ppl with this trip and she was willing to flex flex flex in order to do so. Swanning around with a champagne flute she tossed after a sip and making sure she mentioned that a lot. She was really out for ppl with these vlogs, inc erik. Erik's only there as he refuses to bite. He's hanging on to that lifestyle like grim death !


I don't think she understood the fact that she was further north despite mentioning the later sunset. It's like, yeah, the sun sets later. Later sunset = sky gets darker later/stays blue longer. No, it doesn't just stay "deep royal blue" all night lmao it just looks like that at 10pm-ish when the sun has only recently set. The Paris sky in the dead of night is absolutely pitch black aside from light pollution. How does she not understand something so basic. Let's hope she doesn't homeschool her kids lol


lmfao paris doesn't smell like perfumes at all ??? it just smells like an old city


Well hell. I want my money back from when I visited Paris. I didnā€™t get the scents, the sky or the glass of champs. šŸ™„


She really said "hey josh!! Look at me! Look at me! I'm soooo happy are you sure you've moved on??!??!! šŸ‘€šŸ‘€" it's like.... girl. He dgaf about you move the fuck on lmao


He must wake up every day thankful he dodged a massive bullet if he sees what colleen has become ! No filter can hide she's ugly inside and out. Pamela is such a catch. It's rare in life to see such an upgrade. I LOVE Erik is stuck with the smelly, crazy, child grooming lunatic for LIFE. Even if they divorce he's stuck with it bcos of the kids lmao


I agree and def wasnā€™t sure about Josh when she was dating him but he seriously grew on me and am now a big fan. Love Pamelaā€™s vibe and he seriously leveled way up w her from Kawleen.


Nah she did that to be a bitch, sheā€™s on a vacay bullying her ex husband while her current husband stews at home alone with her three children she doesnā€™t pay attention to.


Donā€™t kid yourself. Erik isnā€™t watching those kids. The nanny is.


Sheā€™s obsessed with him


She's jealous that he's better-looking than her šŸ¤£


I fan 100000% see that being one of her issues! Plus the fact that he's not over there pining for her anymore. Nar s HATE when victims move on and living his best life now.


I agree lol


Josh is using his platform to promote peace and speaking out against Gazans dying (on Twitter) while Colleen is using her platform to promote materialism and herself. That says it all and the millionth reason Iā€™ve always been a fan of the guy.


Is he really??? I think I unfollowed him in Oct or Nov bc I was going on an unfollow spree of people who werenā€™t speaking out. Iā€™ll follow him now if he is.


Omg šŸ˜³ this is so creepy of her. He needs a restraining order tbh. Also she doesnā€™t look happierā€¦. She looks like an old woman acting like a 12 year old.


Wowwwwwww Jesus Christ this women is truly miserable. Itā€™s embarrassing how blatant itā€™s become.


Okay but why does Josh have prettier hair than me? šŸ˜‚ But for real, this woman is crazy.


Seriously though! I'm like *my hair needs to be that pretty!* šŸ¤£


Josh releasing a hair care tutorial when???


None of her other pictures have music under them, so yes this is a dig at Josh. Poor guy šŸ˜”


Wow. Unreal.


Why does she always look like sheā€™s trying to take a huge shit


This is beyond pathetic. This woman deserves everything happened to her and will happen to her.


Absolutely. If I didnā€™t see the privately released video of her when she was pregnant going on and on about Joshā€™s new song I wouldnā€™t believe it. There is something deeply wrong with her. Her poor innocent perfect princess act is so beyond opposite of who she is at her core. Itā€™s horrible how rotten she is and even worse that she plays the victim when sheā€™s the perpetrator.


So glad Josh is able to live an authentic life with sunshine. Meanwhile, Colleen STILL hasnā€™t grown up, or stopped being petty.


Imagine your life being that boring in Paris


HOW IN THE šŸŒŽ can she compare herself to T Swift?! She said the excitement she felt going to the Paris concert was how fans explained they felt going to HER shows?! What a joke. The unmatched effort, standards, production and professionalism Taylor exemplifies vs the tacky, mean girl, hot glued diy sets from Miranda are so far on opposite ends of any continuum. I honestly believe she had to write any such comparison comments herself. Ugh


I find all these subtle jabs horrifying. This, other Josh ones, the ones at Becky, the ones at Adam, the ones at Trisha. I'm sure there are more that we aren't even aware of. Even if she feels she was wronged by these people (which would be her getting it backwards), why does she choose to live in the past? Is she trolling this page, checking it every day seeing if we pick up on these things? I sincerely hope everyone has actually moved on with their lives and doesn't let this pathetic behaviour get to them. I'm pretty sure she'll never stop. That makes her a sad and scary individual. I can't believe how blind I was when I watched her videos.


I think sheā€™s either out of her mind and/or an extremely immature and vindictive person. Iā€™ve seen her making certain faces extra hard lately. If she is reacting to the Reddit like this in her vlogs as a near 40 year old ā€œworkingā€ mother and wife, I donā€™t know how she even functions from day to day emotionally. Sheā€™s horrifyingly arrogant but acts like a small innocent victim who just likes rocks and Taylor all of a sudden. She has been proven to be cruel and mean to her sister, her pets, her romantic partners, her best friends, her loyal fans and now to her children whether consciously or unconsciously. I am shocked her mother in law and father in law are falling for her manipulation. Is their emotional IQ that low?


Must kill her that his hair looks better than hers.


This is not a coincidence


wtf is that ugly face sheā€™s making? Also, I would feel like a complete monster if I went to Disney without my kid. Sheā€™d be so sad if she knew.


Letā€™s also not forget that just before she left for Paris, she characterized her trip with Josh to Paris as a bad experienceā€¦ the video they posted from Paris all those years ago was titled something like ā€œour love storyā€.


If I were Erik right now I would be packing my bags with the kids.


Why does she do those faces when taking pictures?? Is she hidding any insecurity?


I'd say it's a reach, but given how we know that she's obsessed with him, I would not put it last her. I would feel threatened if I were her current husband, feels like she's obsessed enough to try & get her ex back.


She's a petty bitch who doesn't care who she hurts. She is childish and immature. It's like Eric has four kids. Colleen needs to grow tf up but she never will. Not as long as everyone is still kissing her ass. I feel bad for Josh and Trisha because she's just won't leave them alone. Josh has been through a lot and she needs to stop poking him. He'll never be the same because of her. My heart goes out to him.


You know what cracks me up so much about this? Is that very very likely, Josh doesnā€™t even look at her stuff. I bet he doesnā€™t even think of her, care enough to look at her page, to even notice this. She really did this thinking heā€™d see it and feel any sort of emotion towards her. He didnā€™t see it. He wonā€™t see it. And she probably NEVER crosses his mind. Imagine being Colleenā€™s level of delusional.


she is fucking insane


I wouldn't be surprised in the least. And she should get off her high horse. She went to Paris for 1 day for a TS concert, went to Disney without her children, then forced the only friend that's still willing to be bought off by her to do a podcast with her she didn't want to do and that no one listens to. At least he's working for his money and is being smart with it. The way she's blowing through money and not earning she won't have shit in 10 years. I hope her pettiness against both her husbands now is worth it when she has nothing of her millions to pass on to the children she exploited for it.


Hm heā€™s very handsome.


Considering what she's like, probably and also, I find it odd. That she's so obsessed with her ex. She has a whole husband she could focus on instead, but why does she just attack Joshua? It feels bizzare to see him being happy with the love of his life Pamela, and then there's bitter colleen being all bitter and spiteful


Omg was this posted at the same time??? Or like years apart?


She posted 1 day ago he posted 2 days ago šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s the same with the Malibu sweatersā€¦ so childish and petty.


Woowwwwww wtf man she's pushing 40. She needs to get a grip. Wtf even is that lol


one day apart.


Every time she makes that face I think of Destruction from Sandman. Three toothy jaws, opening and closing... ETA it's the Corinthian, my bad


Sheā€™s so weird, this and the Malibu barbie t shirtsā€¦..


She is the cringiest adult of all time


Ew what is the face sheā€™s making


Yea sheā€™s that petty biotch. First Trisha now him.


Clearly, my goodness šŸ˜¦


Sheā€™s such a creepā€¦ and a narcissist


Iā€™m gonna hope it was an unfortunate coincidence just because I have also put that song on my Disney post lol


I think she's started scrunching her nose/face like that in pictures to look ā€™cute', probably inspired by viral tiktoks. Also, to hide her premature wrinkles. I can picture her mindlessly scrolling on tiktok all day.


after everything we know to be true, I doubt it was a coincidence.


Adam Cole Baybayy.


Colleen is so bitter for this lol, he lives in her head RENT FREE šŸ¤£


sheā€™s so petty


Interesting point but I have to disagree. This is a well-known song and I've seen many people use it on social media. Also, they were together for many years, so I don't find it THAT far-fetched that they both happened to use a song from Lizzie McGuire. I hope I articulated that well.


Idk it seems like a bit of a stretch to me, though I guess I wouldnā€™t put it past her. But it mostly seems like of a cringey millennial song choice (spoken as a cringey millennial haha) like a *look at me Iā€™m so quirky liking Hilary Duff* move. Still seemingly unable to move on from her youth haha but it seems like a stretch to me to think itā€™s solely because of him. But who knows


When you see the video of Colleen making fun of Joshuaā€™s music and editing it and comparing it to Jason Deruloā€™s song and making a big deal about it and screenshots proven by many fans in group chats of Colleen DUMPING her failed married on UNDERAGE kids and ENCOURAGE and Orchestrate a hate campaign.. This isnā€™t a coincidence. Itā€™s intentional.


Yeah I've seen it all actually. But I also think it's also almost been 8 years since they got divorced, and in my opinion, the song choice doesn't seem out of character for Colleen at all, especially considering she's at Disney. I'm fine being the person with a differing opinion, so y'all can downvote if you want haha, but it's my opinion. I think she's a wretched person who's done disgusting things (and continues to exploit her kids), but some of these (in my opinion) stretches start taking away from the things she's done that are more severe and more likely. That's all.


Thatā€™s fine, everybody has their own opinion.