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The old men's coach got the boot after a long pattern of anti semitism and racism to his players but admin dragged feet on it. I'm sensing a pattern here.


How the hell do you even end up deciding to work at Brandeis if you’re antisemitic. That’s like being a KKK member then going to work at an HBCU.


I was just gonna say lmfao. Being a homophobic women's basketball coach is one thing, but come on man.


Brandeis is a Jewish founded university. They're non-secular, but the Jewish influence is huge at Brandeis. It's not a stretch to make that comparison.


I think you mean they're secular 


Actually, what I meant to type was non-sectarian, but I fucked it all up. :-P ![gif](giphy|1014RBn4HVSTK|downsized)


Picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue, eh? /hope you got the reference


Yeah, exactly, so why and how would an antisemite even get a job there in the first place?


Maybe they really enjoy being antisemitic?


They’re named after the first Jewish Supreme Court judge Which is the reason for their awesome nickname, the Judges


Can you imagine a homophobic WBB Coach?! [Blushes in purple and gold sequins]


Or being a KKK member and then going to work at Brandeis


I spent this winter traveling around the South. Lots of NC, but also coastal Virginia, eastern Tennessee, deep Alabama, also throw Arkansas and rural Texas in there for the eclipse. I saw quite a few houses flying both Confederate and Israel flags. Shit's crazy. Side note, I never considered Texas in the South, but now I'm happy to include rural east Texas in it, say east of Interstates 35 and 45. It's no different from adjacent parts of AR/LA.


The original KKK was a reconstruction “redeemer” militia. They weren’t the only one (see also Red Shirts in the Carolinas), but they were the one featured in a popular movie 50 years ago. Their goal was to “redeem” the southern states by ending reconstruction and reinstating white (minority in some states) rule. They weren’t particularly anti-Semitic, several Jews held high positions in southern governments antebellum, including the confederate Secretary of State, who was a Sephardic Jew. The second Klan was created due to the popularity of a movie featuring the first one. It had national appeal, it wasn’t concentrated in the south, so it was a nativist anti-Catholic anti-Semitic American nationalist organization. Nativism and anti-Catholicism was arguably their chief concern. All ‘Klans’ since the fall of the second Klan in the 1930’s are basically random far right organizations with not much association with each other.


That popular movie is over 100 years old actually


Very true. After I meant, not ago


I've always trusted Nikki Haley's telling of racial history.


Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer?


I have no idea. I have no idea. He was an accomplished final four coach at a state school before he went there too. I'll never get it.


Maybe he didn't feel that way when he started.......


Being antisemitic at Brandeis. Bold strategy, Cotton.


*woof* Sounds like some real shady shit happening. Good for the players standing up for themselves and flexing their collective power.


Brandeis seems to have a lot of discriminatory practices. The President and CFO were named liable in a racial and gender based discrimination suit charges that were brought a senior cabinet member. 


Could you post a link to this?




For those that don't click the link it was $2.46 million.


Google "Brandeis discrimination lawsuit"


Holy hell


Actual litigation


I went to this school for a second look and all I remember is the guy who invented the Q-tip went there.


I remember that from my visit! Also the huge ass hill campus is on


Captain Sobel vibes.


Three miles up, three miles down. HI-YO SILVER!


Currahee!  Right after Spaghetti night 


"This ain't spaghetti, this is army noodles with ketchup."


What is the goddamn holdup?


Get this platoon on the MOVE! 


“Fighting over Sobel… that’s smart.”


I empathize with captain sobel because he was a key reason for their success in the war


So did Winters.


Yup, it's never as black & white as it seems. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Sobel


Don't believe everything on a Wikipedia page.




This explains why Reddit suggested this thread at the bottom of a /r/bandofbrothers thread


FWIW, D3 players don’t get scholarships, so they don’t really have money on the line.


*Athletic scholarships.


It being D3, why is the school so staunchly in support of the coach? It's not like it's Dawn Staley or Geno Auriemma. Brandeis' record hasn't been amazing or anything. Just fire her.


D3 doesn't mean institutions don't care about their coaches. If anything I think you see coaches stick around at places far longer at D2 and D3 schools than in D1. Because athletics aren't as important, it's more about relationships. Typically the there's little up or down to firing a coach/hiring a new one


I've followed this story since it popped up a year or so ago. They're not firing the coach because I think it's pretty obvious nothing that egregious occurred. People don't want to hear it because no one is supposed to side against the players over stuff like this.


> Gonzalez related how Simon, without being asked, told her that she “would never recruit an all-Black team.” That seems less than ideal


Are the opinions of every single player “nothing?”


They certainly can be, which I think is the case here.


“They certainly can be” Ok, then lose your entire team….seriously, I’m gonna go with the opinion of double digit amount of players vs one average coach




Not for athletics.


the article gives literally 0 specifics - what exactly did she do?


I don't think she really did much to be honest. She's been there almost 40 years, something would have came up before. Also there are lots of players the last few years during when all this supposedly happened that disagreed she said anything bad or offensive.


Idk something must have happened bc all 11 players quitting the sport they love over her? Just weird - if they wanted it to go to the press you think they would want stuff to back it up






She’s probably racist and traumatized players by yelling at them and pressuring them to come back from injuries. That’s it.


What is "probably racist"? The other stuff is standard expectations for a coach. Coach needs their players playing now. It's on the players and other assistants/PTs to say when someone is actually good


If people have heard you say the N word and talk about how you would never want a full team of black players then you’re probably racist.


Was reinstated on April 2nd, prompting the players reaction: https://www.thejustice.org/article/2024/04/despite-allegations-of-racism-and-misconduct-carol-simon-reinstated-brandeis


This is wild, thanks for the link because the rest of this thread has been frustratingly light on any information. The best thing is that she's an abhorrent 47-76 over the last 5 years. She's not even a good coach.


Detroit mercy women's team went through something similar two seasons ago.  The AD sided with the coach.  I remember a lot of the girls thought they would just be welcome back on the team with open arms and were shocked when they no longer had a spot on the roster.


I'm siding with the players nine times out of ten


I think every situation is going to be different.  Can't really make blanket statements like that.


That's why he saved the 1 out of 10


That's still a blanket statement assuming coaches are almost always in the wrong.


Think he’s considering situations where literally the entire team wants the coach out, not just cases where it’s one or two butting heads with the coach, in which case I tend to agree that I’m gonna lean towards the players the majority of the time. Like how frequently do you see an entire basketball team 100% unanimously demanding a coaching change without a very good reason for it?


If every single player on a team is uniting against a coach…. Pretty sure the coach is doing something wrong


Well it wasn't every single player. Plenty of players on the teams from the last few seasons said she never said or did anything offensive. Being a d3 fan I've followed this from the start. People don't want to hear but I'm pretty sure the players are just being dramatic and attention seeking. If that's unpopular so be it.


What does ‘All 11 players’ mean if not every single player?


For the upcoming season. Plenty of players on the last 2 teams that said nothing bad happened.


LAST seasons…..nobody cares about them since they’re gone and don’t have to deal with the coach anymore. You had tons of former players argue Bobby Knight wasn’t an asshole also, simply because they weren’t having to dealing with him anymore


Yeah pretty much lol. If 15 or so people unite against hating one person, more often than not that one person is in the wrong


obviously. but if everyone around you thinks you're an asshole, 9 times out of 10 you're an asshole. 


If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoes.




Shouldn’t the letter be to the AD or something, not the coach? The coach’s decision: Resign and not be a coach/have no team, or stay and not have a team/everyone who doesn’t like me leaves. Doesn’t seem like a difficult decision for the players to put on the coach?




I was thinking the same thing. Maybe that’s the aim haha. I doubt they care about having a basketball team.


Power to the people!


“Many rumors regarding Simon’s inappropriate behavior have been filling the halls of Gosman. According to the Deadspin article, inappropriate statements and actions have been primarily based on racism against Black players on her team and fostering a toxic environment for all players. Simon has allegedly used the n-word and other racist terms when speaking about Black men. Witnesses have also stated that she utilized offensive gestures. According to the Deadspin article, Simon did not apologize following this incident where she said the alleged racial slur. The article also reported that she has also been heard mocking Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives and in general, speaks negatively about Black people in a way that is not comparable to how she speaks about white people. According to a witness in the Deadspin article, Simon also has a reportedly better relationship with the white players on the team.” https://www.thejustice.org/article/2024/04/despite-allegations-of-racism-and-misconduct-carol-simon-reinstated-brandeis


One detail that I don’t think anyone mentioned in the thread yet: the AD used to play for this coach. There was almost 0 chance the players could get their justice to begin with.


Current AD under which this all went down did not play for this coach. Newly hired AD who will start in a few months is a former WBB player under Simon.


Some background: https://deadspin.com/carol-simon-brandeis-women-s-basketball-1850692234 It sounds like she's a horrible racist. No reason to put up with that.


This article is pretty underwhelming. They want this person to be fired but all they have is that she said the N word one time and a couple other random comments. Don’t get me wrong, this coach is probably a racist POS. But these girls are acting like this stuff is so traumatic and that it’s the end of the world for them. Softttttt.


The article is paywalled for me, but [based on this](https://deadspin.com/carol-simon-brandeis-women-s-basketball-1850692234), it's been repeated and consistent racist behavior. >Don’t get me wrong, this coach is probably a racist POS. This seems like a good reason to fire someone. Weird that you can acknowledge that she's a racist piece of shit, but just not think that's a big deal...?


I personally would have fired her (based on what I know from the article, obviously I don’t have all of the facts). I still think the players that are talking about their trauma from this situation are soft as hell.


So you agree with them, and are just upset that they used the word "trauma." I think you might be the one who is "soft as hell."






















You're soft getting offended by it 😂


Oh, good one. Got me there.


Maybe that’s acceptable in az…..


lol. If it were me, I would fire her. I just think it’s funny that they’re crying this much about it. They need to grow up.


We’ve got a bot here lmao


No, just an asshole


Bee boo bop


This is the opposite of soft. Standing up to a scumbag authority figure. Have you ever done that?


Have you ever been demeaned by someone who was supposed to support you?


Of course haha. That is life.


It’s A LOT harder, and takes a lot more bravery, to stand up to someone in a position of power rather than just let it go to avoid making waves. These women are very brave.


It’s so pathetic to me when people to this bs “I struggled you should to” grow up and develop some fucking empathy.


No no no. I never said they should have to struggle. My criticism is about their response to the moderate struggles they have faced. The one woman was like,”I can’t believe I have to relive this trauma”. She got yelled at a few times. They need to grow up. Gen Z’s are complete babies.


Jesus how did you type that without cringing? Seriously listen to yourself and think long and hard about why you think kids should be verbally harassed and just get over it. Maybe you’re just jealous because they were actually brave enough to stand up for themselves.


They should get over it for their own sakes. It’s gonna be a hard life for them if they don’t.


Bullshit their life will be easier with a new coach. Again grow up and stop talking down to people when they stand up for themselves. It makes you look pathetic and weak emotionally.


I’m going to the Boston Globe with this, you’ll be hearing from my lawyer


I’m not your boss you complete dumbass lol


What do you know about their trauma, grandpa?


I’m sorry for you. That is not life. That is abuse.


You think you’re going to get through life without a boss, teacher, friend, family member doing something that upsets you? Everyone deals with this stuff in some capacity.


I’ve had plenty of people upset me, I’ve never had someone I’ve trusted take that trust away with one word. Either you’re trolling or being purposefully obtuse at this point.




So hard. I get it. You’re a boomer. Posting memes on the internet. Checkmate. I don’t have anything left. That was brilliant.




Getting yelled at = abuse


Being purposefully obtuse or trolling? Show me where I said “yelled at”?


Fair enough. "Getting demeaned" = abuse


You poor thing


Right! I should go to the Boston globe and cry about how I got yelled at a couple of times.


No, but if you trust someone and they take that trust away, you can pursue action against them. That’s life, right snowflake?


> but if you trust someone and they take that trust away, you can pursue action against them What? Tons of people betray trust all of the time, doesn't mean that it becomes a news story or that there's retaliatory action


So when someone betrays your trust, you’re just like “cool, whatever, happen all the time”? What a pushover! You should develop some boundaries.


A lot of presumptions in this comment. I would reflect on whether to continue to offer my trust in the future. Sometimes the answer to that question is "yes," and we move on. Other times the answer is "no," and I do my best to distance myself from the individual. What I don't do is cry about it on social media or try to make the person's life more difficult than it needs to be


You forget power in this equation. The coach can kick any player off the squad at any time. The players have to resort to other means because they are not in a position of power to have to coach removed. So, basically, you’re saying, the powerful should say whatever they want and those without power should just grin and bear it. That’s what I’m getting from your line of argument. Is that representing your position correctly? And keep in mind if it’s not, that’s what reasonable people are assuming about your position.


The world of a 20 year old is so simple. It’s ok, you’ll learn.


So quit bitching about other people's experiences 


So quit bitching about me bitching about other people’s experiences. Wow, what a great argument, eh?


So quit bitching about me bitching about you bitching


We can do this all day!


Sounds fun!


>all they have is that she said the N word one time You should get fired for that, especially as a coach.




So you would keep your mouth shut and let a racist POS walk all over you and treat you however they want. These girls stand up for themselves and they're soft? Sounds like you have no backbone honestly. If you were less insecure, you might stand up for yourself. Take some notes from these ladies. They have more spine than you.


This person already said multiple times that the coach should be fired...


Yikes. Seems like a bunch of theatrics. Players complaining that they can't sleep at night and have nightmares because a coach one time was quoting a black man say the n word? I don't have any issue with the nword in general, and using it in the context of quoting a conversation, song, or show seems fine to me. She didn't even direct it at a player, it was just a quote. And there are so many black people that play or are around basketball, music filled with the word. People need to relax about it.




Is it soft now to take a stand against authority? Does that mean it’s strong and tough to not stand up for yourself and just take whatever from authority figures?