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dang, that is definitely a collection of images arranged in such a way as to drive engagement on a social media platform


It's fun to talk about imo but fair enough, also an acceptable answer


I question the methodology when WSU and UW are essentially equal in the party metric.


Yep. Actually how I knew it wasn't a serious graph.


This is like, wildly inaccurate lol


ECU bottom right is a solid shout. And App is in about the right spot but I don't have much else as a reference. 


Almost like the entire point was to foster debate and engagement. Barfool is famous for this crap.


Very true. UNC athletics aren’t that good! ;P


It's pretty subjective, so accuracy is not really on the table to begin with.


Yeah! What he said!


Central Michigan being a bad athletics school is fair…but there isn’t anything to do in Mount Pleasant but party…I think we were pretty damn good at it


Wayside babyyyyy!


Wasted-side for the win!




Having a program rated worse than Kent State is quite the insult.


Y’all being so low was actually one of the first things I noticed on this graph. WTF? I don’t have any opinion on the partying component, but Xavier has a pretty good basketball program. Doesn’t deserve to be down at the bottom with some of those other schools.


We've also had some decent success in other sports over the years. A few baseball players were drafted, a golfer on the PGA tour. It's been a while, but the women's basketball team used to be better than the men's. And we weren't the biggest party school by any stretch, but my college experience was very fun. I definitely wouldn't put us at the bottom of the list. At a minimum I'd think we should be up in the Memphis range.


I mean it’s clearly a football first list. Your ranking on the athletic side is going to be nuked if you don’t have football


> I mean it’s clearly a football first list. Your ranking on the athletic side is going to be nuked if you don’t have football It's legitimately just made up. Look at where Indiana sits relative to Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. You mean to tell me a football first list would have IU above all 3 of those schools in athletic success?


Football first doesn’t mean only football and it’s not like any of those schools are exactly powerhouses in football but IU does have a pretty huge basketball program.


Poor Xavier


I imagine it doesn’t take bball- only into account, at least for the y axis. Plot program success v graduation rate, and we’re top right quadrant


Xavier absolutely isn’t on the right side for partying. Probably the most boring school I ever visited


I am offended. I didnt get arrested all those times to see us middle of the pack!


El presidente pulling some strings to get U of M that high on the party school line. They shouldn't even be past the halfway line. Let alone above OSU or MSU. And Wisconsin maxed out on the party line seems like Big Cat had at thing or two to say about that. IDK I've never been there. Also Minnesota should barely be above Rutgers


Wisconsin is the gold standard for party schools. The whole damned state is pro-beer, pro-bars, no rules. And Michigan sucks.


Agree 100%. Love the school and had some great fun, but it is definitely not a party school.


Michigan grad here: Michigan is awesome and I loved it, but the party scene wasn’t… like it is shown here.


Those pasty nerds do not know how to party


IU, Wisconsin, Iowa all appropriately placed on the party line. Michigan, OSU, MSU extremely generous placements. Never been to Penn State.


If you think MSU isn't a party school than you've never been there. The fact that you're putting it in the same group as U of M tells me you've haven't been to Ann Arbor either. U of M is split over 3 mini campus and their bars are intermixed with the city of Ann Arbor bars. East Lansing is just MSU and we have nothing else to do on the weekend but study or party


I feel like Illinois should go further down the party line


you’ve obviously never been to Cedar Village on gameday


I think PSU is pretty average for the regular student, the bars and stuff get rowdy and there’s lots of house and apartment parties, but it’s probably not too different than most big state schools. I think a lot of the party rep comes from Greek life, but I didn’t participate in any of that when I was there


Purdue has one of the largest greek systems in the country. Seems a little suspicious that PSU is ranked 2x higher if greek life is driving the rankings


I’m just taking a guess man, I don’t know what (if any) metrics they tried to use for this. The picture is just engagement bait from barstool, I wouldn’t take it all that seriously. “Party school” rankings are largely bullshit anyways since you can find lots of parties and things at basically any school in the country and there’s never an objective way to determine it


Texas tech is wild as hell, needs to be way more right imo


Yeah we need to be way out there to the right. I'd argue probably neutral on atheltic program if not slightly above it (barely). Our football team has stunk as of late but we've got plenty of other sports that are at least decent if not solid - basketball, baseball, track & field, golf. And there's always our meat-judging supremacy, but I don't think that's part of the athletic department.




Dave would know I guess, all the creeping on Teenagers he does


Definitely more cfb than cbb


Yeah it's looking weighted... Tenfold? Twentyfold toward cfb?


Can’t be too much. Look at ucla




And Purdue




Guys, you're arguing over something Barstool put out.


Plus the fact that there are no fcs schools


Villanova is on there Looks like a handful of others as well


Frankly, I don’t see Southern Illinois on here either. Back in the day SIU was on par with Wisconsin. Definitely *the* party school of the state at the time.


Yeah that makes more sense, up there with Duke and the other college football powerhouses where we belong!


I don’t think so - They have Villanova pretty high up on the “best sports programs”, but Nova is irrelevant at every sport besides Basketball


They also have Indiana insanely high up for sports programs if it's "football first", football's legitimately their worst program and even basketball has spent the last decade in NIT territory.


I thought the C in TCU stood for cocaine.


Yea the Ncstate fans bout to have a heart attack over this one.


X axis looks about right for us. I will give them that.


Illinois does not have the same or worse quality program as Marshall or Liberty. Or JMU, Minnesota, among others.


It seems to be football related.


There is no way we would be an average level college athletics program if it factored in football.


UCLA = University of Cocaine and Loose Alcoholics


SMU grossly underrated as a party school imho


My very disappointed very devoutly Methodist friend from HS who went there concurs. 


Yes UCLA’s go-to chant when losing to opponents is absolutely what a great party school they are.


We’re in the bottom half of athletic programs? I know we’ve had a few down years but we still have made a bowl game like 25 years straight and only missed two tournaments in 25 years, there’s no fucking way were worse athletically than a lot of the schools above us on that axis.


Agreed, there’s at least 10 teams above Wisconsin that don’t deserve to be


Indiana right above us is prime example #1. Their football program is far worse than ours, and we’ve been on par in basketball.


Texas Tech seemed like a really good party school when I was there.


Been a while since I was in Ann Arbor, but there's no way it's changed that much.


I honestly agree. WVU's party status is on a different plane of existence than UMs so it's weird to see them on the same side of the graph there.


No offense, but how did Dayton score on this graph but not the rest of the A-10? Even VCU is not on this list.


Sooooo Boise is the only MW school that matters? cool cool cool


JMU is not far enough to the right….


I used to party at JMU when I was on leave In the Army visiting friends from highschool. That town is great for walking to and from parties and there is nothing else to do other than that. I'm too old to party now that I attend FAU but Boca is definitely not a college party town.


My friend’s niece is going into her junior year there and the bars they go to are basically students and early birds there for the cheap food.


Where, JMU or FAU?


The fact tech is further right than jmu...


Arizona State is adequately represented. It’s an S-tier party school. Source: went to multiple ASU parties in the mid-2000s. They seemed to be *very* friendly when we beat a certain school in 2005.


Yeah, they do like to live vicariously through teams that beat us. Probably because they're so rarely capable of beating us themselves.


Damn, if this is true, UConn has really fallen


They successfully killed Spring weekend and the campus never really recovered.


Ah, kill-a-keg was such a great party, I only remember half of them.


I highly question this graph haha. UCLA and Nebraska are no where near that high of party school.


Lol, Xavier, too true


Say what you want about temple but I will be damned if I’m told that people party harder at villanofun


Yeah, this is a ridiculous graphic. One of the main reasons Temple has a bad relationship with its neighbors is that the partying goes pretty hard.


How does TCU not know how to party? Their starting QB was caught dealing cocaine about a decade ago.


BYU off the graph…math checks out.


Blackjack and hookers doesn't count as partying, apparently


Highlighter parties, shots out of turkey basters, shot skis, foam parties, vodka ice luge, submitting papers from the bar, jello wrestling... but no national championships.


Aaahh the good ol gin bucket with turkey basters. A cuse summer session classic! But worry not friend, Fran Brown and Adrian Autry about to send us back into that top right quadrant! And if they don’t we’ll drink about it


They’re significantly overestimating ASU as a party school nowadays


I do believe our Pullman colleagues are going to feel disrespected by their low raiting on the party vector.


I think Iowa is being underrated as an athletic program. We’re of course not on the level of Ohio State or Michigan, but since 2000 Iowa has averaged 8 wins 4 losses in football. I get we’re mediocre at best in basketball. But we’re one of the best (if not THE best) wrestling school in the country too.


It's barstool. Nothing outside of football, basketball, and *maybe* baseball and softball are going to be included in this. Iowa is historically not very good at 3 of those sports and good, but not great, at the 4th sport. In addition to being a low-effort barstool chart, wrestling is just not a big sport in the rest of the nation. Only like 20% of D1 schools even sponsor it.




How can the school with the 7th most team championships be on the worst at sports side?


I get we're all focused on the party aspect but why is Oregon in the upper echelon of athletic programs? The only thing they're in the top-tier at is track and field, I guess there is football but they've been the poster child for good not great for nearly 20 years now.


Yeah… can’t argue with that haha


Anyone who would rather party in Tuscaloosa over Athens is insane.


If you’ve been to a BYU you know they can party!! Yoohoo’s, Shirley Temples, and Roy Rogers. Not to mention all the “dirty” sodas you can down. Lots of NCMO’s and you might find a soaking partner if you know where to look. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Break out the chocolate milk!


Tulsa, what the hell is going on? Watch too much first 48 and said fuck that on leaving the dorm room?


There is a reason UW students find themselves in Pullman for Halloween weekend.


Honestly ASU isn’t even that good of a party school anymore. Tempe has become more and more soulless and corporate over the last 20 years or so


Maryland is a much better party school than they are showing on here. Actually, this graph is whack all around. So many of these schools are in the wrong spots.


Put some respect on our athletics programs holy shit.


Utah and TCU to be further to the right. Not exactly party schools, but not on the same planet as BYU and Baylor. Texas State also needs to be right next to ECU. Georgia is a top 10 football program but not much else. One of the worst SEC basketball programs and the baseball is just a little above average. As a Mississippi State alum, Coastal, TTU, and Miami being below Mississippi State for partying is just insulting. So many other issues with this


Arizona is wrong. Utah is wrong


I will not stand for this Rutgers slander


I guess two final fours and a CWS are middle of The Pack!


I think uab might be too far down and too far right.


I don't even see Toledo.


Lately we’ve been higher on the Y axis. Consistently good in Men/Womens basketball and women’s volleyball


ASU where they belong. The rest is probably right. LMAO


These people have never been to Stillwater.