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Protect the abusers and institutions, screw the children??? What happened to protecting children?


Once they’re born they’re on their own. Babies need bootstraps.


The same “children” that Republicans ironically want to protect in the womb


Can’t have their supply running low


Where are all the pizza gate nutjobs who said it was the Dems who were the pedos? I'd love their thoughts on this one.


"Accuse the other of that you are guilty.” - Joseph Goebbels


Oof, that hits hard.


Catholic priests really, really didn’t want this. Child-grooming rapists, all of them. Some may not have partaken, but they all condone the practice and enable it.


I know the Catholics are the token go-to group when people think of pedophilia, sex abuse & religion together..... But to be fair, and more honest.... in general, EVERY religion has a serious embedded ongoing sexual abuser problem. All while preaching that religion's superiority & supremecy to everyone else (aka the "nonbelievers"). There's an entitlement to it & it's a disgusting, serious problem.


Could not possibly agree more. My Catholic comment was mostly due to them being the primary evangelical driving force behind the GOP these days. Especially in this state.


The truth is that the Catholic Church branch of Christianity is somewhat more out in the open in regards to the congregation. Catholic parishioners make more noise than the Protestants. That's not to say that the Catholic Church isn't evil; it's just a matter of degrees; Italian fascism as opposed to Germanic fascism...


Well, of course. Why would Republicans want to be held accountable for their actions?


Exactly. It makes you wonder what skeletons are in their closets.


That’s literally one of their main concerns: “Senate Republicans had more concerns, including allowing abuse claims from decades ago and bringing the institutions that abusers were a part of into legal threat.” And I think we can all guess what institutions those are. Churches, Boy Scouts, and boarding schools. All institutions that many of these deplorable people were certainly part of


Everything they accuse anyone else of.


Colorado Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen supports child sex abusers, and so do the rest of the CO Republicans. Got it.


That extends to all Republicans in the US. Not just CO.


So if you're ever falsely accused of anything, you'd better not insist on your rights. Because that means you're guilty, according to you.


Even if you don't want to eliminate the statute of limitation completely, we really should all be able to agree that six years is nowhere near enough. It should be at least 20.


All Republicans voted against accountability for child sex abusers. Protecting the perpetrators. Paul Lundeen is a complete POS to try to defend his protection of child f**ers.


From the article: << “I do not take this vote lightly. In some ways, it's the hardest vote of my legislative career,” said Lundeen. “Retrospective or reaching backward changes to statutes of limitations could be seen as violations of the due process clause, found both in the 5th and 14th amendments of the United States Constitution… Altering the statute of limitations after the fact could be viewed as an arbitrary change to legal rights,” he said. Senate Republicans had more concerns, including allowing abuse claims from decades ago and bringing the institutions that abusers were a part of into legal threat” >> So basically republicans can’t even make up an excuse for this vote that doesn’t sound exactly like “I don’t want my past victims to be able to sue me.”


...doesnt he says it right there that there are other problems with it? >Retrospective or reaching backward changes to statutes of limitations could be seen as violations of the due process clause, found both in the 5th and 14th amendments of the United States Constitution


“Could be seen as” is doing a LOT of heavy lifting in that sentence. It’s only considered “backwards reaching” because there is currently a statute of limitations. The “due process” they’re worried about would still happen, it’s not like people get thrown in jail the second an accusation arises. There would still need to be an entire trial. They’re just using official sounding language to make it sound less repulsive that they’re defending child rapists.


It's also the problem that false accusations could be made from decades ago and little evidence could be available and a wrongful conviction could be more likely. Simply adding a clause that cases brought to the court older than 6 years before the amendment is passed, is not eligible for criminal trial.


Fuck that, I get why you think that might hypothetically be a problem but it’s not. That’s not an issue that has come up with these kinds of laws, which have been passed on other places too


Everyone who voted against it is a pedophile behind closed doors and you can't change my mind.


Pro Tip: When today’s Republicans bleat “Save the children!” they mean the opposite.


I think they mean: "Save the children...for us!"


As Hitch once quipped, their policy should be restated as “No child’s behind left.”


I mean to be fair they do need a constant fresh supply of disenfranchised children to prey upon


And plus, forced birth/unwanted children born under the worst circumstances are much more easily molded into whatever it is that they are forced to be born for if groomed right from day 1/at birth. Whether that intention be forced hard labor, forced sexual servitude, live target practice for their weapons of war, or whatever other vile things they can come up with for them. If they start the process from birth, these children won't know any different so will be more compliant and be less defiant if their baseline is the same starting at their first breath. Plus, from a bottom-line/corporate perspective (the only perspective that matters to republicans) a whole generation of these poor forced birth children to be used for whatever purpose the corporations see fit is FAR CHEAPER than having to purchase a whole workforce of robots to do the same job. Just put em to work and instill a strong corporate work ethic from the second they can walk.


Boy, it sure does make you wonder what their priorities actually are. As a comedian once said, "Republicans are pro life right up until the child is born- then they're on their own!" (George Carlin maybe?)


Pretty clear commentary on their knowledge of what churches are up to.


The same Republicans that fight for child marriage to remain legal too? These people can't hide anymore, child rights activists should dig deep into every single Republican that opposed this amendment and see what they can find. They exposed themselves here


This, and then vigilantes. These scum have compromised the justice system and would escape true consequences despite the evidence.


Epstein died under Trumps DOJ


You don't need to read much further than "*Republicans in the Colorado State Senate have unanimously voted against a constitutional amendment that would allow all victims of child sexual abuse to pursue a civil claim against abusers and organizations, regardless of when the abuse occurred...*" to think that these GOP-ers are attempting to protect certain individuals or organizations from potential legal repercussions related to past, present and future cases of abuse!?!!! What kind of sick sh\*it is this? IMO lawmakers MUST prioritize the safety and well-being of victims and to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to hold abusers and enablers accountable. Full stop.


Same disgusting fucks that are ok with this stuff happening to kids due to reducing child labor protection and reducing working age https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20210706-0#:~:text=US%20Department%20of%20Labor%20investigation%20finds%20Tennessee,illegally%20employed%2016%2Dyear%2Dold%20to%20clean%20meat%20grinder.


lol I find it funny how republicans are so worried they are going to abuse children sexually that they create a law to protect themselves. I’m sure there are plenty of other states where the education and IQ are low enough that you can brainwash the public into thinking this is a good idea, so maybe go there. this is an awful idea and anyone who doesn’t think so is actively supporting the harm and abuse of children.


no this isn't true!!! Republicans don't think that! they're not worried about it. they're ecstatic about it. they're worried about being caught .


Sen. Danielson has done some great work. This is infuriating.


happy to know we are living side-by-side with a literal party of pederasts


Why, did it hit too close to home?


““I do not take this vote lightly. In some ways, it's the hardest vote of my legislative career,” said Lundeen. “Retrospective or reaching backward changes to statutes of limitations could be seen as violations of the due process clause, found both in the 5th and 14th amendments of the United States Constitution… Altering the statute of limitations after the fact could be viewed as an arbitrary change to legal rights,” he said.” what needs to be added to this dude’s sentence at the end is: “Altering the statute of limitations after the fact could be viewed as an arbitrary change to legal rights…*Of suspected, or unknowingly guilty (and free) child sex predators.”* Took it real seriously.


>suspected, or unknowingly guilty (and free) child sex predators They still have constitutional rights.


There’s a reason these folks need a higher power and “forgiveness”, it’s because they’re sick fucks with evil thoughts. They’re the worst kind of human.




Colorado was red long before it was blue. The only parts of Colorado that are blue are the cities. So they would, and do, say the same to you. This was a bad law as written. And in Colorado, Republicans can’t stop anything. So don’t blame them for stopping it.


Why do you insist on this false narrative? 16 mountain and western slope counties went for Biden over Trump in 2020. It’s not all “But Denver and Boulder are ramming things down our throats! Waaahh!”


In what ways was it badly written?


It gave legal recourse, against sexual predators, to child victims? You have to be morally bankrupt to vote GOP nowadays. Signed, Former Republican


I would love to hear your excuse for why this was bad, actually.




Also, there's evidence that rural areas in Colorado are becoming less conservative, and in this state, the Latino community is well represented. I think it's mostly a lack of good public education and resources, so the church fills a lot of the community needs.


It's not that they're less educated it's that the smart ones leave. Can we please stop branding people from small towns as stupid?


You just did the same thing though? If the smart ones leave then the only ones left are the stupid ones..


>It's not that they're less educated it's that the smart ones leave. Can we please stop branding people from small towns as stupid? 😆


The mental gymnastics one has to do to defend NOT holding child rapists accountable really is something.


> This was a bad law as written. It wasn't a law, it was a vote to refer a constitutional amendment to the people. > And in Colorado, Republicans can’t stop anything. So don’t blame them for stopping it. Constitutional amendment referrals require a supermajority to pass. Democrats do not have a supermajority. Every Democrat voted for the referral. Every Republican voted against it. Republicans stopped it, period. The blame lies solely and entirely with them.


What part of this law was bad?


It was not a law, and it needed a single republican to vote yes on it for it to pass and the question to be brought to the people. Which is wild because the GOP is constantly knocking on how the people should be given more of a say in the legislative process. Until it has the potential to hurt their financial backers.


It needed ONE republican vote to pass so yeah they did stop it. Are you dense?


does someone need to check your browser history?


You’re delusional.


>The only parts of Colorado that are blue are the cities. That is literally how every state works.


It’s not true in Colorado. Ski country is all Blue. College towns like Durango are blue. Cities like Colorado Springs and Grand Junction are Red but more purple in reality. The only area of the state that votes in huge majority Red are the Eastern Planes and Delta County. Even rural mountain counties are trending more purple/blue every year. Colorado is decisively blue and trending bluer by the year even in rural areas. I live in a small town in southern Colorado and it has the most politically progressive counter culture I’ve ever experienced in Colorado. Republicans outnumber progressive but not by huge numbers.


Douglas County is also a very red county.


It’s still pretty purple. Adam Schiff is their congressman and beat a fairly popular Republican, and has had a safe seat ever since. It’s also a suburban district that was primarily soccer mom republicans but are turning further and further away from the GOP, here and everywhere else.


I mean it was a generalization. The most blue areas of every state will generally be cities and then redder as you move away from them.


Statute of limitations from the top rope!


Vote. Them. Out.


Look to Bobo as an example. The spokepig of the entire party. The GOP is comprised of perverts and pedos.


... are you surprised? No? Me neither. We all know they have skeletons in their closets they're hiding, and if they allow lawsuits after those children grow up. They're all screwed.


Gotta protect all those preachers and cops


Fuck Republicans. Bunch of people in office to prevent their crimes from being discovered/prosecuted. The skeletons in their closets make them vote for insane shit nobody supports.


And this is why I think The Republicans are pulling more stupid Cheeto BS - accuse everyone else of the stuff you're doing. So the Pubs are the ones doing the unaderaged sex partying and eating babies.


Shocking absolutely nobody.


Were in trouble!










It's as if they can't attract women (or the closeted ones can't attract men), so they're making it easy to do unacceptable things. Maybe Pr0nhub should give them a lifetime Plus Membership, 5 fleshlights, and a 5-year supply of lube.