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I'd say pretty good. If we continue to play like we did against the jets, and Georgy plays as well as he has these last few games, I don't know who could stop us. Dallas and Vegas are hard teams but we seem to be pretty good against them. The jets were the stingiest team this year and we put up at least 5 goals each night so as long as the Avs keep doing their offensive thing they can go far.






Awesome graphic. Took me a minute to figure it out, but once I did I realized how cool it is.


It's from the athletic and they are updating it after every game


The athletic is garbage. Dallas is still tied up in their series and those clowns give them double our odds.


It's a statistical model. But ok.


There's other statistical models that actually make sense logically.


The NHL playoffs are more competitive with higher variance/chance than most any other league, so it's truly hard to say. We have a tougher road to the cup final than we did in 2022, but I'd say there are no teams who I think we *can't* beat. The odds model someone else posted is probably your best guide, but those models always tend to favor Edmonton a lot


They arent great but that’s because it’s the playoffs and it’s hard to do. The Avs are a good team and have as good of chance as any team but it’s still tough to win 3 series against the best teams in the sport.


I like to think the chances are there. But this is Playoff hockey. Playoff Hockey is a different beast all together. Teams that shat the bed in the regular season seem to find an extra gear to kick in, and teams that were amazing become laughable. Hell, look at the Jets. They were defensive monsters with an absolutely amazing goalie during the regular season only averaging 2.9 or something GA. They get to the playoffs and get demo'd. Same with the leafs. They are always a regular season warrior, but then they hit the playoffs and well... we don't have Toronto memes for the hell of it.


I think we've got a real shot this year. The Western Conference has some strong teams, but with Dallas and Vegas looking like they might go to 7 games, whoever wins is going to be beat up while our boys will be well-rested and ready to go. The real test in the West imo is going to be Edmonton, I'm sort of assuming that's who we'll face in the WCF if we make it there. The East is another story entirely, I could easily see New York, Florida, or Boston making a strong run this year, and all of them have lights-out goaltending that could definitely give us a run for our money. But I don't see anybody in the West who can do that to the same degree, so the biggest thing we have to worry about is a team like Edmonton just beating us in the race to 8 goals a game.


Depends on the next round. The Central is an absolute bloodbath this year. I'm more worried about both the Knights and Stars than anyone from the Pacific. Whoever comes out of that series will probably be our toughest opponent until the Finals. If I'm optimistic, I'd say 50/50, but it's probably lower than that.


Pretty good.




We either get there or we don't