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It's a passing lane, not a driving lane. Don't sit there regardless of your speed.


I wish more states made it illegal to camp in the left lane AND also ticketed people for doing so. I also wish more states would ticket people for driving too slow, the other day I got stuck behind someone driving 50mph in a 65-75mph zone on I-25. If your car can't get within 10-15 of the speed limit then it shouldn't be on the road.


50 is totally legal. Interstates usually have a minimum speed of 35mph. They're also all 2 lanes or wider, so you should be able to pass just fine.


Depends on the state, CO has no laws about this so people can drive as slow as they want. FL has a minimum speed of 50mph in 70mph zones. Allowing people to drive 35mph when everyone else is driving 65-75 is just an accident waiting to happen.


I was under the impression that interstates were federally mandated at 35mph min, but I haven't checked a real law to see. Really though, it's bound to happen and you have to be ready for it. Cars break down, bet stuck in limp mode, get flat tires, etc.


Then pull over and call a tow truck. You shouldn't drive on flat tires anyway unless you want to destroy your wheels, brakes, and whatever else drags on the road when the tire is gone. The car I got stuck behind doing 40mph didn't have anything visibly wrong with it and didn't have the hazard lights on, dude was just driving slow.


He should have had hazards on. If you have a flat, you pull over when you can find a safe spot, which in some places may be a half mile. Vehicles also become inoperable in their lane from time to time and you have to be aware as a driver.


Texas does this!!


bringing up texas in a colorado subreddit. bold move


Which is funny to me because CO is just Texas Lite with weed.


Yeah I got pulled over on I-45 north of Conroe for sitting in the left lane for 2 miles in the middle of the night. It was right after they posted the signs so I just got a warning.


Might as well ask people in this city to use turn signals, or ask them not to speed up into the next lane over as soon as you use your own signal.


God forbid we ask them to gain enough speed on on-ramps to keep the flow of traffic moving smoothly too


I've gotten into arguments with people like that. Many do it purposely because they don't believe people should be going faster than the speed limit, regardless. So they feel self righteous and empowered to be the police since there is no actual police to right this wrong.


Or asking them to turn their fucking headlights on..


Yup. The lack of awareness / contempt is brutal out there. Yesterday afternoon, I was on I-25 and 1,000 ft behind the multicar accident that briefly closed the highway in CoS at N Nevada. A few minutes later, after we all got going again, I was passed by a SUV doing 100+ mph. A few minutes later, on a surface street, a motorcycle left a light pulling a wheelie. A minute after that, a pickup truck with an asshole exhaust - flying ridiculously oversized American flags - drove past at an easy 20 mph over the speed limit. ON A RESIDENTIAL STREET. A minute after that, a car drove through a redlight. It's unbelievable. 15 minutes driving in The Springs and I never want to do it again.


Those roads to nice to be in Co Springs lol


Hey, all those SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT and KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS signs can't be talking to ME!


Gonna let you in on a secret. The left lane law is for the highway outside city limits. Not for in town driving.


I’ll be in the left lane doing exactly 65 in a Chevy Sonic and a “COEXIST” sticker, choking on my own saliva from laughing so hard at you in my rear-view! See y’all out there 👋


Lmao 😂😂


I vote we should be allowed to throw dildos with suction cups at the base onto cars that do this!


Free dildos? Don't threaten me with a good time!


Well your plan backfired


Are you talking on the highway or surface streets?


On the highway, residential is fine because people need to turn etc.


Agreed! It's wild that it feels like you have to be in the left lane to even hit 65mph! I drive across town to go to work, and the freeway is so frustrating. It's funny to me that people speed along main and side streets and then drive so slow on the freeway. I'm not really trying to speed through traffic, but I don't want to go 10mph under like most travellers. I'm fine going the speed limit in the middle lane. I had a huge semi merge in front of me at 55 to pass another slow truck and ended up getting back over because of the huge line behind who were already going 70 and all had to slow because we couldn't pass.


10000% agreed. Always traffic, and for no reason!!


I get on at GOG, and it is almost always a parking lot around 4 when I am on my way to work. And I think that is mainly because of the lane shifts before Fillmore, because it clears up immediately after. I never understand! Last week, a driver came to a complete stop in the left lane because of a vehicle on the shoulder. I was in the middle lane, and the car in front of me almost stopped as well in reflex when nothing was even happening.


If someone is going 68-70 in a 65 in the fast lane, then maybe the faster person should learn patience & how to slow down once in a while.


The left lane is for CRIME, people.


The highways have signs telling slower cars to move to the right, but there is nothing for city driving. Either people are not expected to move over in the city, or the signs need to be added. Due to no signs being installed one might come to the conclusion that moving over is not an expectation. Personally I move over unless I have to turn left, but it seems inconsistent to expect people to drive a certain way with no signs.


The left lane law only applies to highways with a speed limit of 65mph or more. That’s why there are no signs in the rest of the city, the law doesn’t apply there


speed limit, gtfo. Ive been flipped off and passed on the right going 20 over.


Pass or move over! It helps the flow of traffic and lets those guys go distract the cops for you.


I was passing, I wasn’t passing fast enough evidently


Then they were probably wrong. I guess you could avoid the situation by moving over to let the even faster cars by.


Even if you're speeding don't sit in the left lane.


If you can be passed while in the left lane then you should not be in the left lane regardless of your speed.


Yeah, pretty interesting to see car brain process “it’s against the law to stay in the left lane” while simultaneously “you shouldn’t be going the legal set speed limit in the left lane”. As long as I’m still passing someone I’ll go the speed I want.


Hey guys, could you speed because I didn’t leave early enough.


Cmon lil bro, read the post better before coming in here. It’s about common courtesy and it prevents traffic. It’s very simple.


I did read it. I get it. Left lane is for passing on highways and interstates and it applies within city limits if you aren’t planning on turning left, but they’re complaining about somebody going the speed limit. Not the speed minimum, the speed limit.


Nah man, just don't camp in the left lane. It's a passing lane, for passing. If you're going the speed limit and passing, good! If you're going the speed limit and not passing anyone, bad! If you're getting passed on the right, EXTRA BAD!


That’s not even close to what the OP is saying you jabroni😂 it’s a PASSING LANE, not a camping lane


Left lane losers. Or boomer waiting lane


Don't even think of asking them to turn left, south onto Powers from Dublin into a quarter mile protected acceleration lane without the light turning green. Also, do NOT ask them to turn right onto Woodmen from I25 on a red when the "no right turn on red" signs are illuminated. That would require a partially working frontal lobe.


Just left Texas after being there for the eclipse. Can confirm... TX drivers rarely go the speed limit. You could tell who the tourists were from the locals going slow as fuck and oblivious.


I like how you take literally one visit to Texas and now you think you know everything there is to know about TX drivers.


I like how you assume we have zero interactions with Texans on Colorado roads. As if we're supposed to magically ignore them driving like shit and throwing cigarettes out the window then pretend being in DFW is the only instance😂😂🤣🤡👍


I’m from Texas, and that’s why I felt the need to make this post because in Texas it’s kinda rare to find people sitting in left lanes.


I was about to comment that it appears to be disproportionately Texas plates going slow in the left lane, which is strange considering they have 85mph highways.


Interesting !


I almost feel like most of the drivers doing this are either illegally in the country in fear of being pulled over (let’s be real absolutely no cops pull over left lane campers EXCEPT for an officer I see that makes videos down in AZ of left lane campers) orrrr the driver is just terrified of driving a vehicle at all. And lastly elderly people who should actually be taking Ubers or Lyfts.


Agreed…Anecdotally, it’s usually old people that do this or young women. It’s very frustrating….


Give the old people patience, give the young hell