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Looks like his battle buddy did not make it, lying at the entrance of the dugout. Слава Україні!


This is literally the scarriest thing imaginable imo. I cant fathom how demoralised and alone id feel with my battle buddy laying face down out there. Like a real nightmare.


The lengths we’ve gone in the west to not use the word comrade... Fucking battle buddy lol


Comrade is literally in the U.S. soldier's creed lol


Routinely used in the Swedish army as well, and I'm fairly sure it's as common in Norway/Denmark. Probably Finland and the Baltic states too. In Sweden the equivalence of battle buddy is "stridsparskamrat", for example. The literal translation would roughly be "battle pair comrade/fighting pair comrade".


It is a bit more than a comrade, actually named in US Army (where I served for 32 years) regulation.... TRADOC Regulation 350-6 56, para 4-2. Battle buddy system a. The battle buddy system establishes policy for the pairing of IET Trainees/Soldiers into teams to teach teamwork, develop a sense of responsibility and accountability for fellow Soldiers, improve safety during IET, and reduce the likelihood and opportunity for sexual harassment, misconduct, and suicidal gestures or attempts.


I don't understand, does battle buddy bother you? What about FTP?


Fuck the lions bro packers all day


It's a term that's been in use in the U.S. military since WW2 at least, of that offends you maybe your the snowflake here


What a blue falcon you are.


Hope he made it out safely !


There is good chance the gopro footage was recovered from the corpse by Russians and uploaded by them, i dont see why would Ukrainians upload such demoralizing footage by themselves. But then again i'm realistic, don't care who is dying or winning i'm here just for the combat footage and so not coping like most people on this sub. There are literally people in the comments already claiming it's fake or that it's Russian soldier, tbh it seems like some sort of mental issue or denial that Ukrainians are not dying or something. Weird stuff.


Ukrainians are dying in large numbers just not quite as large as Russians. This is because Ukrainians are able to take their wounded to the rear for full recovery before sending them back out when possible. Russians tend to die in place or dragged to a trench to be forgotten about then die.


Also, Ukrainians are fighting a defensive war on their territory. Tips the odds in your favour a lot.


What tips the odds is more, whether they're defending a position or assaulting a position. Ukraine on the counteroffensive has the same disadvantage as Russia on the offensive.


Well ideally 3-1 ratio to take a position or at least 6-1 in built up areas. Not quite seeing those numbers everywhere.


They are assaulting into Russian defenses currently. Russian's have the defenders advantage which is why its taking so long.


It's not taking long, though. The offensive has failed to make a breakthrough, and we seem to be back at a stalemate until UA can make a new plan. We should just send them all the weapons they need/can use. A prolonged war only benefits Russia.


I mean Russia occupies a lot of Ukraine currently. When Ukraine goes on attacks to take that land back, it is the very same disadvantage for them as for the Russians when attacking.


Dont forget about the Russians that tourture and kill their own soldiers when caught being drunk or on drugs. Iv seen absolutely barbaric stuff.


send F16s to stop Russians faster


Russia has massive man power to call up, Ukraine will be running out of men before russia


There is still the 3-1 ratio needed by Russia on the assault. This is why they are trying to overwhelm as fast as possible before Ukraine fixes their conscription laws.


and how do you know that? where can I find statistics?


look up ukraine live maps, as well ukraine counter offensive gains. Research is pretty easy with the amount of coverage


My job allows me access to quite a bit of info that doesn’t require me to look around. It is available though open source.


I will never understand how you can live in an educated country and have access to the internet and all its information and still be like I don’t care who’s dying. Like I get that people are biased and that makes them negligent to some facts but still. I would assume any normal person would how a tiny but more sympathy to someone defending an invasion vs someone who’s invading.


People who say they don't care are maybe just unaware of their own biases - or feel that they "have them under control." The thing is, you really never do. You have to just be aware of them and know how they effect you/your thinking, etc. Its not uncommon for people to think they are on the meta-level of thinking when it comes to a lot of things, but they are on quite the opposite level. If a person just lacks basic human empathy though, that is a different (and frankly, much shittier) story.


Generally, though, those who claim to be neutral usually are closeted pro-Russians. There is no way to think both sides are equally justified unless you're gobbling Russian propaganda and/or money.


Those "I'm so above it all" posts are so cringey.


Getting emotional over everything you witness online , or in an online message board does nothing well for anyone whatsoever. While staying rational and objective might at least have potential to. A lot of people, myself included 'felt' or was led to believe on some level that the Ukranian's haven't suffered a ton of casualties. It's just never brought up ever to keep a strong spirit. This video humbles you and reminds you that this war is not just Ukranians killing Ruskis en masse in a meatgrinder.


Yeah I mean I agree. But I feel like the importance of having documented horrors like this is to remind everyone that Ukrainians are suffering and dying. It’s important because if you forget that you forget whats really going on. The dude in this video has a mom somewhere. Maybe a girlfriend and for what we know he might never return to them. Imagine how many lives have been destroyed because of the Russian elite and politicians who are out of touch with reality wants to go take some land. It’s crazy and I feel so sorry for everyone suffering because of this conflict, but as long as Russia is invading a country I know who I’m rooting for.


This is a video from a russian propaganda channel. The russians have made numerous fake propaganda videos in the course of this conflict. Considering the source it is practical to question its authenticity. There's no corroborating evidence. There's only this one video of this one event from this one POV. (Which, OK, fine - we've seen a lot of that but it's not helpful for trying to determine authenticity.) There's no geolocation provided. The guy is futzing around with bloody rags instead of his tourniquet. There's no visible wound or shredded fabric that I can see. There's no dust or debris. This looks very little like the videos of people we see actually getting shelled from a POV perspective. * https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/174ewha/ua_pov_shells_arrive_next_to_a_ukrainian_soldier/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/yegnag/ukrainian_soldiers_pov_close_call_with_artillery/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10nq4ax/ua_pov_ukrainian_soldiers_getting_hit_by_russian/ As a side note I never thought i'd lament liveleak going away but there used to be a bunch of videos from incoming shelling from the Syrian civil war. It's important to look at every video here critically and try to cross reference it with geolocated video that corroborates the event or signs that it's indisputably authentic. There are a TON of videos here that are legit that you can cross-reference for what these videos should look like. Could this be real? Possibly. Can you definitely say this is 100% authentic? Not really. The best you can say given the information here is that you saw a video released by the Russians and edited by them with questionable authenticity.


last week there was a video about Russian cluster munitions in Avdiivka filmed by "UA POV", which is 100% fake aswell. Basically the same situation as in this video.


Don't know if you're still interested but if you listen to the first impact, the debris sound actually cuts off prematurely, you can hear it pretty clearly at 11 seconds.


take a closer look at his right leg, the tourniquet is already in place and it seems to be properly tightened. Of course this could still be staged, but I doubt it...


Nah, in the beginning he's attaching the strap, starts to twist once and ducks for the explosion, then doesn't touch the tourniquet again. Re-watching it, the fumbling with the bandages looks very /r/wheredidthesodago, and there is supposedly artillery landing nearby, but not a speck of dust or dirt moving. And if your leg is healthy and you're just acting you probably prefer not to tighten that tourniquet.


> Re-watching it, the fumbling with the bandages looks very /r/wheredidthesodago, and there is supposedly artillery landing nearby, but not a speck of dust or dirt moving. And if your leg is healthy and you're just acting you probably prefer not to tighten that tourniquet. Yup. Also excellent subreddit reference.


I feel like a lot of people make the mistake of hearing propaganda and thinking = fake. The Russian military uploading a video of an injured Ukrainian in pain and crying while under artillery fire IS Russian propaganda, that however is not evidence this is fake. Also you can just *barely* see dirt shuffle around when the round lands near the exit.


> The Russian military uploading a video of an injured Ukrainian in pain and crying while under artillery fire IS Russian propaganda, that however is not evidence this is fake. > > It should, however, carry a rebuttable presumption that the video is fake or so misleading that its probative value is near 0 absent something in the video clearly showing it to be true or some other source corroborating it. Merely looking at it and accepting it as definitely a true and accurate portrayal as displayed is foolish. In the range of Russian propaganda videos depicting combat footage this one is definitely more on the suspect side of the spectrum even for that channel which has numerous combat videos in it.


Wow you sure used a lot of words to say very little. There's a dead guy in the door way and you can see the dirt being disturbed when the shell lands. Though barely. The guy is crying and cursing pretty convincing and now we have the video. Seems like this poor dude was in fact putting in a tourniquet under artillery fire, and you're being weird as if this video would even be worth faking why bother when you're killing Ukrainians and have videos of it? There is Absolutely no reason to assume this is fake unless you just can't accept that Ukranians are mortal humans.


Information literacy is important. I’m sorry that’s your takeaway from our interaction here. I hope you’ll consider the points I made in the future when you run across dubious material.


>as if this video would even be worth faking why bother when you're killing Ukrainians and have videos of it New here? I'm sorry but this is one of the most naive comments I've seen on this sub. Spend any time on r/UkraineRussiaReport and you'll see the kind of ridiculous, and at times hilarious, fake videos Russian post supposedly showing Ukraine casualties and deaths. They usually like to add in nazi memorabilia while they're at it. If this video is fake, it's not as bad as many I've seen. I personally didn't see any dirt being disturbed, and it is suspect that there is the sounds of a lot of dust/dirt and the guy coughing but none to be seen near his camera. And if the guy ultimately died, it's the kind of thing Russia would probably cut to show. I lean towards it being real, but I'm guessing there's more behind this. Either way, being suspect about any video from a Russian source is the most logical thing anyone could do.


That isn't an argument or proof this is fake. I've seen some of the videos you are talking about that are definitely fake, and I'm gonna be honest, some of you are not very bright people, who can't tell the difference between something fake being presented as real for propaganda purposes and something being fake and presented as such for propaganda purposes. Why is it suspect that the guy coughed after an artillery shell landed near him? Maybe the sulfur compounds released on detonation and spread at supersonic speeds are an irritant to his lungs? Maybe it was a gas attack? Being suspect is not the problem.


Good to doubt things you see on here and question them, but as long as it's applied to both sides, the amount of people on here who blindly believe the "intercepted Russian phone calls" and use them as their main source of evidence for the mindset of Russian soldiers is utterly staggering. This is an information war more than any other before and as the old adage goes "the first casualty of war is always the truth", Ukraine spreads misinformation for a worthy cause though so I'm not knocking them for it, it's necessary, just remember both sides are frequently full of shit (though Russia significantly more so of course).


The fact your reply isn't higher voted shows to me this is a psyops. Russia is going full propaganda with fake videos lately.


Found the guy who thinks that no Ukrainians ever die. He wrote a whole book about it.


Information literacy is important. I'm sorry that's your takeaway from what I wrote but it sounds like you didn't bother reading anyway.


Oh cellblock. How can you even think that! Obviously this video is fake, there’s no rips in his pants! He’s injured and fumbling around with his medical equipment while under artillery fire?? Totally unbelievable. Everybody’s training (even if it’s basic at best) always kicks in during a life and death situation and they always make the correct decisions. I get it. It sucks. We don’t like seeing the good guy die. But it happens more often than we’d like. Hiding from that fact doesn’t help anybody involved. Honor their sacrifice. Remember them. Don’t question the entirety of what is potentially a hero’s last moments alive. The dude you were replying to summed it up - y’all who are questioning every piece of negative coverage of Ukrainians are the illogical ones




He never said that. I watch vids from both sides and I think this video is fake. It matches perfectly with other fake videos Russia puts out. It doesn't match with other videos of Ukrainians eating it. Theres no dust or shockwave when the round hits is the biggest factor. Found the guy that thinks Russia never releases fake videos :)


No. And I don’t care if it’s fake or not. There’s some Ukrainian dying in a trench like this right now while we discuss whether this video is fake or not. I lament that


Then why do you bother replying? You wrote a whole book to that other guy about a topic he isnt even discussing..




Its actually crazy. Like some people talk like Ukraine had only lost few man in this battle, like if it was Afghanistan or something. Most of the videos showing dying Ukrainians have so many of these "this seems fake" comments. Like do they seriously think Ukrainians aren't dying in large numbers as well? You could replace every single "Russian getting blown up" video on this site with Ukrainian one and that would still only be small % of the overall casulties. Sometimes I feel some people don't understand the scale and brutality of this war. Soldiers from both sides are getting eaten by artillery daily.


> But then again i'm realistic, don't care who is dying or winning That's not what being realistic means. The word you're looking for is apathetic or nihilistic. Sorry you don't care about people dying by the 100s of thousands for their cause. Or maybe you support Russia but don't want the heat that comes with expressing that.


based take


Strange how it's always Russian sympathizers who claim they "don't care who dies or wins." You have to be genuinely fucked in the head.


Yeah that's a wild statement. There is a clear moral question in this war and ignoring it is not enlightened, it is evil


i forgot to specify with what i agree with, i dont agree with the “don’t care who dies or wins” but the rest is understandable. my mistake for not specifying


I agree with everything you say except that this particular video looks fake. There are tons of vids of Ukrainians dying on the pro ru subreddit, and yes the people here will just downvote them anytime they get posted here. And then downvote anyone who bring it up in the main discussion thread. But this video in particular looks very fake. The lack of dust, the clean camera, the bloody bandages that haven't even been applied yet. The lack of blood on the ground or on his uniform, uniform looks clean, the way it's edited etc .... It matches very well with other fake videos released by Russia.


I agree if he’s bleeding out he definitely didn’t tighten that tourniquet nearly enough. RIP


judging by how close those shells are landing to him the tourniquet ain't going to do shit when he's just getting tapped by another one soon after.


Mental issue? Weird stuff? What’s mental is that you are so emotionally unattached. You sound like you are completely desensitized. Everyone knows Ukrainians and Russians are dying, and most people understand the human suffering that Putin and his underlings created. This is video evidence of it. Nothing weird about having strong emotions against this genocide.


> But then again i'm realistic, don't care who is dying or winning You can be realistic and still care about who's winning or losing. They aren't contradictory. All you're saying here really is "I don't mind if fascists win, I'm just here for the cool videos".


Not sure why I get down voted to hell when I have this take. This is a combat footage thread, look at the footage and take it at face value. Why people have a dog in this is weird to me.


Because it is a wild guess? No any supporting evidence? Take your pick. It's an opinion, and people who think differently down vote it


no doubt you’re a russian sympathizer. Takes pleasure in watching people die but doesn’t care for reasons why. Crazy


> tbh it seems like some sort of mental issue or denial that Ukrainians are not dying There's a good chance it's literal children who haven't developed coping mechanisms. I'm not sure why, after almost two years, there are still people who are struggling to cope with the fact that there are people struggling to cope with the reality of war, watching footage in here. It's been 22 months since the influx of new users. They're mostly all the same type. They're here. We all understand they're here. It's ok.


>don't care who is dying or winning Tough guy over here


Cuz propaganda footage doesn't exist right?


most likely you're right "the wrong side" is the russian source


>There is good chance the gopro footage was recovered from the corpse by Russians and uploaded by them, No, its a cringe Russian fake.


I love the contrast between this sub and another ukraine war combat footage sub, here any viewpoint that does not align with the Disney news narrative on Ukraine is downvoted and people literally shit themselves in anger but on that one there you'll see 2 people arguing (UA and RU POV) and both have upvotes. Both sides think they are saints, in reality both countries are nazi infested, corrupt regimes. UA just has this air of western ignorance around it.


But isn't it more down to the fact that only one side invaded the other, we all know this isn't Zalensky's war but it is putin's vanity war? Added to the fact that russia has more than 5 times the number of people, per capita, that are align or identify as Nazis than Ukraine. So both sides have Nazis but ruSSia is a magnitude worse than Ukraine. Also russia is consistently many place (21 Countries lower in 2022) more corrupt and every year getting more corrupt than Ukraine (that is actually making progress in ridding themselves of Soviet style corruption). Finally who doesn't love the plucky innocent underdog that despite every disadvantage holds off the rabid old bear?


Im still waiting for these Nazi's to show up on both sides.


Well I mean there is plenty of proof of nazi ish groups fighting on both sides.


I mean saying Ukraine doesn't have a Nazi issue is like saying Russia doesn't have a throwing hissy fits when a foreign country isn't theirs anymore problem. It's absolutely an issue, but it absolutely doesn't condone an invasion. Just something Ukraine needs to work over themselves.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/eWtKYbfhcD https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/Aa0SmELTy4 Just a few examples from a sea of images. These are specifically UA side, but there are plenty of Russian tankies as well. Both sides are lying out of their ass to gain support.


this isnt demoralizing, this is inspiring..... he is FIGHTING for his life ... preparing himself to keep fighting as his life is in danger if he doesnt.... even when sobbing and in agony he continues to work hard


Doesn't look like it considering the original uploader.


he very likely didn´t, pro RU telegram channel


Please tell me the cameraman rule was applied here


what is that?


Cameraman cant die


Also shoes are on


i hope not, i don't think he died after the cam is shutting, he coughing because of dust and pain probably


Cameraman NEVER dies


seems fake, when the last shell lands u can hear debris falling on and around the camera, yet u don't see dust or crap falling around him in the trench. it feels off to me


Looks like there is a dead soldier at the entrance 😔


Good catch, had to pause it when he turned for the last shell.


Too bad the video is fake. No debris after artillery impact, bg sounds and artillery landing is too crisp to be a go pro recording. No distortion or echo profile on the sounds.


You can't possibly be this dense. Edit - You know what? I might actually be the dense one here


Linking you to a comment above just to better explain what we notice in these kind of videos https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/au1yYxTFyD


edited my comment after rewatching on a monitor and with better sound. Looks fine on a small phone screen but when put on a decent monitor with good headphones you're right. Something seems off with it and this is one we can probably just chuck into the "needs more data" bin.


A+ for admitting to possibly being incorrect. Needs to happen more.


Agreed. I jumped to a conclusion because I've seen a lot of real videos that people are trying to say are fake or spliced or whatever. So I made the mistake of assumption and turned myself into an ass. I feel stupid and embarrassed, but as you stated, it's important to show and admit our mistakes.


All good man, hopefully those that downvoted me initially can see what I am talking about (pretty sure some of those are bots that maintains the narrative).


My god that is the shitest bandage I've ever seen, I know you can't be picky when you got nothing but donated aid but shit man who ever authorised and provided these for front line combat troops are responsible for the deaths of their users . No wound compression, it looks massively complicated for self aid, especially when the casualty starts panicking like this poor warrior did and small absorption pad. I did see what looked like a CAT T so at least they got some good mil spec tourniquets


Step 1 when applying a tourniquet: expose the wound. Or do it you're own way and die.


No need to expose the wound, a CAT T is to be applied no less than 2 inches heart side of the wound


2 inches above viable tissue. No way to see where that begins without exposing the wound. If he's doing it under fire, it should be high and tight over the clothing.


It’s fake


Heartbreaking hearing him almost cry, and the clear pain he's in... Strong person, hope he made it out safe.. Stupid old men and their stupid wars, I hope someday we can be a war free planet. 🙏


So many people questioning the authenticity of this footage because it's a Ukrainian soldier in trouble. Like this shit doesn't happen every day. And for those who say it's a Russian TQ because they see the color red, he literally finishes strapping a modern windlass TQ in the first seconds of the video.. You guys do realize that for every 2 (maybe 2-3) Russian soldiers going down, at least 1 Ukrainian soldier goes down on the other side right?


Nah, dude, people understand that ukrainian soldiers die as well, get injured, lose their arms and legs, surrender and so on. There are dozens of videos as well. People are questioning this specific video probably for one reason - source. Just go check that tg channel that uploaded this video. One of their recent posts is "look at this ukrainian elevator, they don't even know what good elevator is cuz it is old..." another example "Zelenskiy wants to legalize drugs so he can freely buy them""brave russians constantly kill hordes of ukrainian terrorists, victory is near" So yeah there are reasons to believe that anything coming from such a source is fake, and russians are known for investing in psyops and launching videos and news for them to become viral and raise tensions, etc.


This right here. I don't think anyone for sure knows, or even that we'll ever know, but the *source* certainly is not a point in it's favor.


You missed some bangers on that TG like: >"**Servicemen of the Dnipro** group of troops continue to destroy military equipment of the **Armed Forces of Ukraine** on the right bank of the Kherson regionThe footage shows the destruction of the Mi-8 helicopter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the village of TyahinkaWe remind you of an important rule: **the most necessary Armed Forces soldier is a dead Armed Forces soldier**👹👹👹" Russian forces are apparently servicemen while Ukraine forces are "Armed Forces" and the only good Armed Forces soldier is a dead one.... Yea, no bias there at all.


There is also a distinct lack of debris falling from the shell impact. As others have pointed out you can generally see smoke/dust/falling bits of earth but this is devoid of anything. I guess the shelling could be further off maybe.


Nah you can see a tiny bit near the door get kicked up as soon as it lands. Like, near the dead guy also by the door.


And the sad reality is that Ukrainians need to sell their lives even higher with the sheer ammount of meat being thrown at them.


There is a sub that's quite the opposite of this one here. I don't remember the name but it's mostly videos from the Russian side. I think your 2-3 / 1 ratio seems right.


Very loud bang with the sound of debris raining down..Yet there is no dust, no debris, or even wind in the dugout. Go look at 100's of other impacts and tell me this isn't sus.


and the sound of the "impact" as well. It dosent distort the camera mic, its sounds like it was added in post.


No, we arent questioning its authenticity because its a "Ukrainian in trouble". We question its authenticity because it looks and sounds fake as fuck. It's on the same level of acting and production as that fake russian video attempting to show a Ukrainian dying in a trench.


This is a fake video. Russians are doing a massive propaganda and psy ops campaign lately. Last week they released 2 videos from Avdiivka from UA pov where they were shelled by cluster munitions, both are obviously fake, especially the one where they were dragging UA KIA after those cluster shellings. And this video is extremely similar to those two, so I'm 100% sure this one is fake too.


I suggested the same in another thread and some people got their panties so tight that they had their balls for tonsils


God Bless them Russian Evil must be stopped


Tbh, I have a hard time believing that Russia would upload a dead Ukrainian go pro without showing the wounding. There's no reason to edit out this guy getting shot or whatever. I'm just saying it's very suspect.


A shell hits close to him, doesn't shake him or the camera, doesn't blow any dust in up into the air and the video implies it injured him? It reminds of the video form last week where Ukrainian were hiding in a building during shelling. And explosion sounds were edited in. Especially considering this comes from a Russian channel that posts exclusively bad news about Ukraine without verifying them.


yeah I'm pretty sure this video is fake. Yes there's tons of footage of Ukrainians dying on that other subreddit, but this particular video seems fake. The lack of dust, the way all the bandages are supposed to look bloody when he hasn't even put them on yet, they way the camera lens is perfectly clean..


Why is he caughing and gagging when the shell hits close.. when there is no debris in the air?? Nothing?? Why is there an intentional view of a 'dead' defender at around the 8 second mark?? Why is this such bad acting, even not understanding the language it's comical?? What is he trying to do if this was real? I have to call BS on this one.


I think it's fake as well...no concussion or dust when the shells are hitting. Also the exaggerated hand movements are for show.


Yea I don't hear that tremble in his voice, like you do with real combat videosz


This looks (and sounds) fake... reminds me of that video some Russians made trying to show a Ukrainian getting shot in a trench. Same level of acting.


Because Ukrainians can't die right?


Who said that? That has nothing to do with the fact that this video is fake.


This seems fake, that impact sounds like it’s from a video game.


Both impacts also use the same "debris falling" sound. I replayed it a few times to compare and it sounds identical both times, combined with a hit that close with no camera shake...this one doesn't feel as real. I'm not delusional about UA losses either, I know it's happening in droves, this particular video however...


People aren’t questioning the video because it’s a Ukrainian “dying”, they’re questioning it because whoever it is looks like they’re acting and the explosion sounds are piped in. Also Ukr has proper tourniquets


To you that wonders if he died or survived, he most likely died. Why? The tourniqué, the did not twist it good enough because of panic and shock, he started to grab the bandage instead, so he did not seem to manage to stop the bloodflow good enough. Now, we have not seen the entire video, so maybe he did it later. But you have to twist it MANY times, so it almost feels like your leg will fall off from it. And then you attend the wound by tampooing it and then put a pressured bandage over it. Hopefully he made it, but I do not think he did to be honest. Legs bleeds faster than what we imagine.


War is horrible. It needs to end


Yeah this looks like russian propaganda. I do follow russian telegram channels, and I am aware that ukrainians do take huge casualties. But there is just something about this video that just seems... off


It’s funny how you HEAR an arty round fall and debris falling, but the camera doesn’t catch ANY debris falling when the shell lands? It’s just weeeeird


i agree


If there's a longer unedited version out there it'd likely mean its real.. otherwise, fake. But.. they're getting better.


this video seems very... suspect


very true


If you look in the background, there is zero dust/stones falling or being shaken from the ground. Usually the dust rises up after a close strike.


There is literally a stone flying past him @ [0:25](https://imgur.com/a/8fEBWCB), stop coping - Ukrainians are dying just like Russians do.


Usually I'm the one writing your comment on all the cope when people do this, but this video indeed looks weird to me


Looks staged as F.


this gives massive fake shit vibe the camera angles, the length, the dialogue, the clear 'message' of the vid, all too perfectly propagandistic




Explosions are 100% SFX, just take a listen and hear how it suddenly cuts off at 0:12. Really can't believe so many fall for these cheap fakes.


Lol, right! the sound just dissapears.


Wheres the explosion smoke and dirt no sign at all that lands anywhere near him this is clearly a altered video


you can see this guy is in a pretty deep trench.. tending to a shrapnel wound on his leg, then another apparently kills him. The odds of being hit whilst INSIDE a trench, with artillery shrapnel, TWICE.. gotta be crazy high.


The audio just makes no sense with the video not at all it just doesn’t even move at all


Sure its a ukrainian soldier? I've only see the russians use these red bands as a turnakit. Source?


The Esmarch tourniquet is of Soviet origin and was in wide use amongst Ukrainians before they got all the western supplied tourniquets. Looking back over the video it seems to be cloth going off how the ends of it are frayed the way they are. I'm pretty sure it isn't a tourniquet but rather just a red cloth, with one being a normal bandage soaked in blood by the looks of it.


He's using a CAT (Combat Application Tourniquet). Western design used heavily now but made it's way to the forefront via Afghan/Iraq. The red is just a bandage, a terribly wrapped bandage he'd be aswell just cutting off. Poor guy.


Ofcourse, Russia may well be equipping some forces with these/ knock off of these too.


That is gauze soaked in blood. Not a russian tourniquet.


A lot of the commentors showed lack of common sense in their post. Surprising they couldn't make out blood versus it being just red.


Those aren't esmarch, those are bands of fabric soaked in blood.


[There's an ukrainian soldier lying next to him](https://i.ibb.co/nsqDHz8/image.png) (left of the screen), [and maybe yellow tape at the bottom of the screen](https://i.ibb.co/r0Fds7n/image.png), seems like ukrainian dude to me.


??? you can clearly see he already has a modern/western windlass type TQ on his right leg at the beginning of the video


I was going to say this.


The person at the entrance has a yellow arm band. The implication is that he is also a Ukrainian.


Yeah, i was gonna ask if we are sure this isnt a Russian, cause i only saw then with red bands used like this


This isn't directly related to the video, but I was listening to some youtube video (great source, huh?), who said firstly that Ukraine need donations of ungodly amounts of tourniquets, because they go through so many, and secondly that it's absolutely crucial to manage how long these things are on, because of course you've tied off a limb from blood supply, and it might lead to amputation because the limb dies if you leave it on too long. He also said that soldiers in vehicles are known to apply tourniquets loosely in advance when on dangerous missions, so they can tie them off quickly if they are struck or hit a mine. You know we watch a lot of videos from this war but I don't know we can really understand how awful it is on the front.


There are a few things that strike me as odd in this video. First of all the way he is applying the tourniquet. We see him clearly applying the tourniquet, but he doesnt twist the lever? (Not sure how to call it) once it is fastened and instead opts to use the loose pieces of red band on his legs. You could argue the soldier was disoriented and panicking but it is something to note. Next was the apparent lack of camera shake and dust kickup after the artillery which hit was a bit odd. The round sounded like it landed just a couple of meters away from the trench at 0:24. And there has been no dust/debris or camera shake from the blast. Next, what struck me as odd is the movement of the soldier. After the last blast in the video, the soldier just sort of lays down. Its not the kind of sudden movement we see that you would normally make during a close call artillery strike. Welp, thats my barebones analysis. If the video turns out to be real i wouldnt loose to much sleep over it (oh no i would be wrong on the internet, the horror!). However the tiny things in the video bother me and i wanted to see if anyone else shares the same feelings as me.


That artillery noise sounds added into the clip.


Hello all that may read this at this point, friendly reminder that if you do happen upon combat footage where medical things may be shown, we'd appreciate the help in crossposting to r/CombatCasualtyCare in order to help out in finding good material for learning. That aside though, I do have my doubts about the authenticity of this video as well. Not including everything others have said, just speaking from a medic's standpoint - I don't get his TQ application process, it's definitely not quite up to speed with proper self application of the TQ. I get that in a situation where you just got potentially very badly injured, you're not likely to be perfect at self application of anything, tourniquets included. However, the way he tightens the Velcro, secures the strap first, then begins to twist the rod - only to hunker down after that weird explosion - and then completely forget to finish tightening the windlass rod and secure it...well, it's missing at least one vital TQ application step with the windlass rod there. Again, I get that one can be panicking and not doing the best self application, but he basically seems to not tighten this TQ at all. Anyone taught even halfway properly should hopefully know the importance of getting those things tight, and here he seems to just half ass it and move on to an even more half ass bandage job, which also doesn't make sense with this context. It feels like that at best, this guy was taught little to nothing about self application of TQs or any combat care, and at worst this is staged and not a true self application in a real situation.


This video feels SO off; theres barely any blood on his hands despite the blood soak gauze. Why did he take off his bloody gauze and is now trying to reapply it? His clothing looks pristine; no significant blood stain or dirt or shredding. There is no visible open wound or active bleeding; not even a drip on the ground. The whole area looks clean; no debris, shell casing, weapon, trash, etc. I dont know, this video is suspicious.


Russia destroyed ofver 90 preschools in Mariupol including some occupied ones. Russia IS MURDER. Russia IS MURDER. Russia IS MURDER. Russia IS MURDER. Russia IS MURDER. Russia IS MURDER. Russia IS MURDER. Russia IS MURDER. Russia IS MURDER. Russia IS MURDER.


This is fake, sorry Russian stasi, maybe next time.


This is so fake lol. Not coping just an obviously fake video


How was he doing thereafter? Was he survived?


Not a nice way to start my day. Shit. At first I thought it was a Russian, then realized they were most likely Ukranian (I think?) Then my mind went to a thought (because I know nothing about this stuff.) I know they get a little medical package each. Do they get a little morphine shot in there? Would sure as hell make a difference if you “ain’t doing so good.” Or is there one medic that would be in charge of giving that out? I’m seriously wondering.


That’s a situation I never want to be in.


I hold a deep respect for the bravery and grit in these Ukrainian defenders. Epic soldiers


Poor guy god bless you


Absolute badass right here. Patching himself up through the pain, fear, and oncoming fire. Though this guy unfortunately probably didn’t make it, if he didn’t he died like a warrior


Something ain´t right here folks!The explosion sounds a LOT like an SFX that I´ve heard before, more than once ! Could this be FABRICATED content, from RU side?Also, those bandages are not used to stop bleedings by UA.


Yeah, you can hear its SFX simply based on how it suddenly cuts off at 0:12


I just dont see the point of faking something like this


Not saying it’s fabricated but the Russians have made very similar fake snuff films to make the Ukrainians look bad.


Still there isnt any point in faking this


There is though, why would they have done it multiple times if there wasn’t?


Looks like propaganda material to me.


Never seen ukraine infantry use red tourniquets, this is a russian soldier


Thats not a tourniquet, that's a bandage, he has a windlass higher up.


You might find it hard to believe, probably because the information you get is fed to you in a very filtered way, and you probably self filter whatever makes it through with rationalizations like this, but terrible things are happening to Ukrainian soldiers every single day, often times at more or less the same rate as are happening to the Russians.


Its black, the red is just some bandaid


[There's an ukrainian soldier lying next to him](https://i.ibb.co/nsqDHz8/image.png) (left of the screen), [And maybe yellow tape at the bottom of the screen](https://i.ibb.co/r0Fds7n/image.png), seems like ukrainian dude to me.


So crazy to me that in war you just accept you've been shredded by metal and you gotta tie yourself up or you spill all over and fucking die in a hole. Going to war is a crazy thing to have to do, absolutely horrific.


That a fuckin esmarch?


Does anyone know the location of the 3 men 1 hammer maniacs? Are they still in prison or have those prisons been taken over or destroyed by putin?


Man, the whimpers. Go pro footage is so visceral. Puts you right into their perspective


Dead Ukie in the trench to the left...