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Wiki: "The Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant (Russian: Новолипецкий металлургический комбинат) is a Soviet and Russian metallurgical plant located in the Left Bank district of Lipetsk. The largest steel plant in Russia and the 17th in the world in terms of production in 2018." \+/- 300km from frontline


The video was taken about an hour ago / 24.02.2024 The drone was captured at 0:29


Are you kidding me with the clown horn. Wtf is reality


I don't get it. Who made that noise?? Is that their notification noise? Or a dog playing a toy? Lol


Guy with the bike.


"On your left, just trying to get through here!" squeak squeak


They censored a particularly naughty cyka blyat


Background sound is still being heard.


I thought that was my dog next to me. I looked at him annoyed, and he was puzzled.


I reckon this was someone out walking their dog when the first drones hit, you can see the back of what looks like an Alsatian at 23 seconds just after they squeak the ball or toy.


I’m guessing it was to block out someone’s name, so they wouldn’t get vanished for sharing the video.


It was probably a notification.


Just like in Ukraine? EDIT: Since everyone seems to think Ukraine can do no wrong and hasn't borrowed similar tactics from Russia. >[Ukraine Cracking Down on Civilians Who Share Videos of Russian Strikes](https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-cracking-down-civilians-who-share-videos-russian-strikes-1753360) ----- >[Four female bloggers under house arrest after filming air defense work during Russia’s latest strike at Kyiv](https://english.nv.ua/nation/four-bloggers-under-house-arrest-for-filming-air-defense-work-during-russia-s-latest-air-strike-50329130.html) ----- >[Kyiv residents who illegally published footage of air defense facing charges, says SBU](https://english.nv.ua/nation/sbu-charged-six-kyiv-residents-with-illegal-spread-of-information-for-recording-air-defense-ukraine-50325100.html) ----- >[СБУ повідомила про підозру чотирьом блогеркам, які «засвітили» роботу ППО під час російського удару по Києву 16 травня/SSU serves suspicion notices to four bloggers who 'exposed' the work of air defence during the Russian attack on Kyiv on May 16](https://ssu.gov.ua/novyny/sbu-povidomyla-pro-pidozru-chotyrom-bloherkam-yaki-zasvityly-robotu-ppo-pid-chas-rosiiskoho-udaru-po-kyievu-16-travnia) ----- >[Zelenskiy Signs Law Restricting Distribution Of Ukrainian Military Information ](https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-law-military-information-zelenskiy/31773915.html) ----- >[Ukraine bans some Russian music and books.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/19/world/europe/ukraine-bans-russian-music-books.html)


What’s your problem, bot?


Probably misunderstood context and dumped unrelated info. Looks like we're witnessing script malfunction here


Literally all of these seem completely fair for a country being *invaded by a foreign power*


Are you saying that people vanishing without a trial is the same things as people being convicted in actual courts of law?


This is just stupid.


Doggie toy, my dogs have way too many, can be very annoying at the worst times. It lightens the mood when the industrial complex next door gets attacked though.


Dog squeaking a toy at 0:23 running past


Or a chimpanzee wearing a double breasted overcoat while riding a bicycle and honking its horn in fury. Reality really has become that weird.


He's the supervisor of the plant.


Seems perfectly normal to me…


You actually died in 2012 and woke up in hell. What's scary is this war could very well just be a prelude to a NATO intervention in Russia.


Don’t make me hard this late in the night.




Hopefully they attack a US military base. There's going to be zero casualties thanks to advanced head ups but the destruction of uncle sams toys on home turf is a big fat spanking just waiting to happen. We'll let the F22 off the leash and it will absolutel hunt. Then conventional carpet bomb Moscow with an advanced warning for people to flee. Bomb for a week then invasion force. China invades but is met with nato resistance so lines in the dirt get drawn up quickly. China gains far less than they hoped. All of current Russia becomes Ukraine and is absorbed into Nato. Russian citizens are held to a higher standard of . China asks to join Nato but we laugh. They're the next Russia in 80 years...




The next Tom Clancy!


Put your dick away


You left out the part where there is a nuclear exchange and the whole world ends. Edit: typo.


With the population disparity I'm pretty sure that would be defacto annexing Ukraine into Russia.


“Oh no, blyat, it’s not fun when i’m the one getting bombed 😭”


"We just wanted to destroy Ukraine in peace"


"Stop trying to make war and everything political"


Poor guy's Lada just blew up. He was still making payments.


This Lada he got for his son rotting somwhere near Bakhmut?


Pretty sure it was. It also had his limited edition Starbucks Stanley cup. It's a darn shame.


Then you have to wait 20 years again. And the People at the dealerschap don't even ask if you want to pick it up in the morning or afternoon.


I don't think I've heard Russian sound quite so *whiny* before.


Isn't that their default? Bully, rape, steal, torture, murder then whine like little bitches they are when others fight back. Fuck the lot of them, cancerous culture for centuries.


Yes, if they attack you and you fight back, you're the russophobe and they're the victims.


Russophobe is such a funny term now. No-one's genuinely frightened of them, we're all just aware of what cancerous scum they are as a nation. Literally nothing positive to bring to the world, just spreading russian misery everywhere else and dragging others down to their level of shite.


Oh no, how did they bring nothing? What about Tolstoyevski? The great ballet? Kalinka malinka vodka balalaika? Lol


Pretty sure this was sarcasm. Who gives a shit about any of those things.


Yep, that's sarcasm. I often see such arguments on twitter from russophiles like elon mask and his friends who try to justify genocide by the presence of russian culture.


**That** is the great puzzle. How the same culture bring forth both Kapitsa, Lomonosov, etc. - and on the other hand, putin and all the other oxygen-wasters?


Just because there are millions of them.


Could be something like auto tune to disguise the voice , 23-24 sounds a little bit weird to me


"The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else and nobody was going to bomb them."


"How dare they attack targets deemed vital to our war-making capabilities"


She is literally confused about what's going on. Stupid fuck can't even get cause and effect.


sucks to suck.


"Oh poor you.... Aaaany way"


"Don't shoot, I'm apolitical!"


Of all the unexpected things I've seen or heard in these Russia/Ukraine war videos, the dog toy squeek tops the list. Just taking my dog for a picturesque walk around the metal factory.


The air pollution is so bad in Lipetsk, walking the dog is animal abuse.


180 miles 290km from the border. Between the himars strikes, the Abrams, the planes being shot down and now this Ukraine has been using some nice toys this week.


Just wish it translated to better results on the battlefield :( Still great to see Ukraine still has the ability to remind Russians that their country is at war.


I think you are measuring success on the battlefield in territory gained. That might not be the best metric to judge long term success. Like a boxer that charges his opponent might look like he is winning but if he repeatedly swings wildly and takes a counterpunch in the head repeatedly, eventually the dodging defender will gain the upper hand. Was the cost of the victories worth it for russia? Can Ukraine keep defending and making russia pay dearly. Time will tell, you can win all the battles and still loose the war. Russia is using T55’s in the offence. Ukraine is using Abrams in defence. Russia looses a half dozen front line jets and an Awacs in a week. Ukraine is fielding F16’s soon and Patriots. We need to send much more. With our help, Ukraine can win and grind russia back to T54’s and mig 29’s.


Oryx reported a t54 got destroyed, was in yesterday's update... https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html?m=1 We're at 2 T55A, 2 T54/T55 unknown type, and 1 T54 3M


Nope, not measuring territory, gained or lost, although it is indicative of the current status of the conflict. >Russia is using T55’s in the offence. Ukraine is using Abrams in defence. The rarity of both on the battlefield, at this time, makes this comment somewhat irrelevant, but I understand where you're trying to go with it. Russia is indeed scraping the bottom of the barrel for men and materiel, but that barrel has a mighty big base. Ukraine has no such depth of reserve materiel to fall back on, courtesy of some jackwads in the US that should be shot out of a cannon into the sun. Like it or not, Russia has regained the initiative along multiple points on the Front. My comment is specific to what we're experiencing/seeing now - not what I wish would happen.


Yes its a valid analysis and Ukraine is at a low point in morale and assistance. I believe we will see assistance ramp up from her allies. The strategic strikes into refineries, against russian air assets, surface to air radars and sea assets give some indication that Ukraine is hitting back. How far will russia go, that is the real question. Historically once russia is in motion they are hard to counter defensively, especially since they are so willing to take losses of men and materiel. How low into the stockpile will they go, we don’t know but its not infinite and that stockpile cannot be reasonably replaced. Whether its men, tanks or artillery. We used to run scenarios against russian army conveyor belt assaults. The only way to defend was in depth, eventually they would almost overwhelm the defences and the key was to flex to your strengths and hold until the waves culminated. It was very interesting and what Nato was ready for. The post war analysis will be wild.


>Historically once russia is in motion they are hard to counter defensively, especially since they are so willing to take losses of men and materiel. The more men and material Russia loses the shakier Putin's base becomes. Even the most authoritarian of dictatorships exist with the implicit support of the population and if they push the local population too far then that will overcome the apathy that most people have and result in unrest and eventually a revolution. In other words, most people really don't care that much about what their government does as long as it doesn't negatively affect them too much but if it does then there will be hell to pay for said government...


Unfortunately, even with combat losses, which have been heavy, Russian forces in Ukraine are now at 471,000 (up from 160,000 in September 2022), per RUSI. Putin's figured out that if he drafts the convicts, the ethnic minorities, and the farm boys, the people in the cities will stay content. And russia's got A LOT of men in those three categories.


I would pay to watch said jackwads shot into the sun.


I’m sure a lot more weaponry is going to Ukraine that isn’t being openly communicated to the defenders of Reddit


And I'm sure that it isn't... My position can at least be corroborated by what we're seeing in the conflict


Russia commonly uses MiG-29s, those aren't that old. Did you mean MiG-21s?


Personally, I want to see russian prop biplanes being dealt with by Ukrainian AA assets.


Yeah he has to have meant MIG-21s.


Could be the start of something big from the Ukrainians


They aren’t getting what they need to do anything to turn the tide. US aid is stalled out over Republican politics and the rest of the world’s aid is only enough to hang on by the skin of their teeth. Russia actually has a bit of momentum currently, purely because they don’t give the slightest shit about their enormous casualties and can continue to absorb and replenish them, while Ukraine can’t. Current outlook is grim for Ukraine. They can make Russia bleed for every half mile of dirt, but Russia doesn’t care about its rural hick mobiks getting mowed down by the thousand, and there is no political mechanism by which the opposition can alter Russian government decisionmaking or lobby for the end of the war. At this rate, Ukraine will end up taking an unfavorable peace deal after another year of absolutely brutal fighting. Russia won’t get everything they wanted and will have paid a very high price, but it won’t be a “good guys win” situation for Ukraine. The level of assistance needed to *take back* what’s lost just isn’t there. They need much more advanced weaponry than we can muster the political unity to give, or for major allies to directly enter the war.


> At this rate, Ukraine will end up taking an unfavorable peace deal after another year of absolutely brutal fighting. The Ukrainians won't be making any deal as long as they can keep the front lines more or less where they are. If they make a deal they know it just gives Russia time to rest, rearm and try again. They know this because that's exactly what Russia already did after 2014. Ukraine will go on fighting far longer than a year because they understand more than anyone any deal Russia signs is meaningless, they signed two after 2014 and Russia shat all over them for years leading up to 2022. I agree Ukraine isn't getting what they need to win but they can't stop fighting either. A rested, rearmed Russia just has a better chance of winning in a few years. Putin's goals are no different than when all this started, he wants all of Ukraine now or 5 or 10 years from now. So all Ukraine can do is keep fighting because the best chance to win is against a strained and depleted Russia which is who they are fighting now, that's their only chance to have anything called Ukraine at all. They have no other choice. I do not expect this conflict to end in a year, sadly I think that is wildly out of step with the reality of the situation.


You don't understand - it isn't about the political will of Ukraine, it's that they literally cannot continue forever, and Russia knows it. Russia is strained, but not depleted, and at the current pace will never be depleted before Ukraine is. All factors remaining the same - failing international support, population size, economic limitations, relative industrial capacity - Ukraine will lose if this goes on long enough, even if they inflict casualties 3 to 1. That's **exactly** what Russia is working towards and why they're satisfied with the losses they're taking. Ukraine doesn't have to give up, it can just plain *break.* Eventually, they WON'T be able to keep the battle lines. That is a reality that will become ever more clear to Ukrainians as time goes on, and it will change the conversation over the next year, slowly but surely. They need outside support sorely - more of it, rather. Or better yet, a real ally to intercede on their side of the war. But who would do that?


No, *you don't understand.* This is an existential fight for Ukraine. The loss of US aid is a huge blow but Europe and others has supplied military aid approximately equal to that of the US. Ukraine is nowhere near breaking at the moment, losing the 131st largest city pre 2022, which is what Adviika was, is not some ominous sign of further Russian success, it's a sign of a military that claimed it was the worlds 2nd best army taking 3 months to take a small city in Ukraine. And some European production is finally coming online. There is a 50 billion euro multi year economic aid package to make sure Ukraine's government can function. Russia is not fighting Ukraine's industrial capacity, they are fighting theirs and their allies. And European aid has actually increased, they also know letting Russia win is a disaster for their own security. Germany is talking about going *above the NATO 2% spending quideline.* Don't get carried away by headlines and the focus on the US. They are a huge factor but not the only ones. Do you think Poland, the Baltic states and the Scandinavian countries will stop supporting Ukraine? This is right on their borders, there is a reason they top the list of aid to Ukraine by percentage of their GDP. As for manpower at the current rate Ukraine still has ample manpower reserves. They might not be in the army yet but Ukraine can fight at this pace for years. Sadly they might have too. I hope we get them the weapons they need to win and not just tread water but Ukraine can keep up this pace for a long while. Hopefully US aid eventually comes through and Europe continues to step up its game but countries have continued to fight in far more dire circumstances than Ukraine is right now. Even with just European aid they can continue this for years. I really hope they don't have too but you are not factoring in the determination of Ukraine and it's neighbors. We'll see what happens but even without US aid it is highly unlikely that this war is over in a year.


I don't understand all this doomposting over Ukraine's inevitable loss that's taken hold of people recently. Like you mention in Avdiivka, which Russian sources have been parading as a horrible loss for Ukraine, the visually confirmed losses for equipment is something like a 13:1 ratio in favor of Ukraine. In exchange for a city that is a mile from the 2014 Ukrainian civil war battle lines, Russia has taken tens of thousands of casualties and lost vehicles at a rate that far exceeds its ability to effectively replace. They're fielding T-62's and T-55's, hell, we've seen them lose BTR-50's in the past few months! They are scraping the bottom of the barrel for operable cold war surplus stocks only two years into this war, and taking horrific losses to try and secure any claims to Donbas territories that they can. Without even discussing the massive blows to Russia's black sea fleet, air force, economy, geopolitical standing, etc. there is no path to victory for them. They are incapable of gaining back vast swathes of land that have been previously signed into law as Russian during occupation and subsequently lost, never mind anything resembling the territory at the initial stages of the invasion.


I think people look at lines on a map and go "oh no Ukraine is losing ground, that means it's really bad." And losing Adviika isn't good of course but Russia had wanted it since 2014, had made multiple large scale attacks since 2022 and for the last 3 months spent massive amounts of material and men to take it. Like I sarcastically joked in another subreddit I'm sure Zhukov would be proud it only took the Russian army 8 years to take a small city in Ukraine. It's Russia's only real success since Bakhmut, another place where it took months of constant attacks and massive amount of men and material to take it. And today Russia has barely taken any land beyond it and I bet they will barely advance beyond Adviika either. These are not breakthroughs but Ukraine eventually going "well if you want it that badly just take it." I think a lot of people are taken in by the media coverage that always goes for the most sensational angle. I noticed most media outlets called Adviika a "major success" and similar praise for the Russians. Meanwhile the Ukrainian counter offensive that took and held more land was a "failure" and a "disaster" and so on in the headlines. The truth is that neither the last Ukrainian summer counter offensive or the last 3 months of intense Russian assaults were particularly successful in overall terms of the war. But that kind of neutral reality won't generate clicks or get people watching your youtube channel. People don't see through the sensationalism. Then we have all the other great Ukrainian successes you mention which really are potential game changers. By pushing the Russian surface fleet out of Sevastopol which enabled Ukraine to open up the shipping route back to Odessa was massive win for Ukraine, but it isn't lines on a map that people can point at. The increasing losses of Russian landing ships, crucial cargo carrying capabilities that Russia cannot replace, might be massive if the Kerch bridge is taken out. Russia is also losing vital surveillance aircraft they can't replace. But once again you can't see it on a map. I just don't think most people look past a few sound bites or question *why* a piece of news might be presented like it is. So they are easily swayed. The media narrative has been Ukrainian failed counter offensive into successful Russian one and no more US aid, so they think it'll all be over soon for Ukraine. They just don't understand the reality of the situation. Things aren't looking fantastic for Ukraine at the moment but they are nowhere near breaking either. And like you say I don't see Russia suddenly making vast headway either. Sadly this war looks set to drag on for some time.


I really appreciated this sensible comment, thank you. But I want to add, news about this war are one part facts and a large part opinions by analysts and guesses about the future from people with military experience. They can be wrong, and they can be right but a good media outlet will let both pessimistic and optimistic voices get a channel as long as they are realistic.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraguayan_War It took Paraguay 6 years to lose that war. Paraguay was (and is) landlocked, had no external help IIRC, and had a much worse population disparity to counteract. It is going to take a while for Ukraine to break. Also, after all sorts of hybrid attacks, the west will sooner or later respond in kind. FAFO.


I think no one is giving Ukraine the credit they deserve and Russia way more than they deserve. Ukraine should have been list 2 years ago. It wasn't. Ukraine should be embroiled in a brutal gerillia war that claims 10 times more Ukrainian lives than Russian. They are not. Maybe we should just trust in their strength and help any way we can.


The worst part is it's all because trump has a feud with zelensky because he didn't dig up political dirt on Joe Biden. Republicans before 2016 would have jumped at the chance to stick it to Putin but now? Madness and stupidity.


I still don't understand how American politics managed to get turned into a traitor fest so quickly


Money+Corruption and Kompromat.


I’d love to stick Cadet Bonespurs in a Ukrainian trench for a day and listen to the whiney bitch plead for American war fighting supplies. And put Tuberville in there next to him.


Why can't republicans be normal?


For a very long time, Russian propaganda said that the West was mean to Russia. Western liberals only recently learned to see through this crap. So Russia modified it to, the liberal West is mean to Russia because we're traditional. Ensnared all the Western conservatives just like that.


They're dollar store hitler/mussolini wannabes, driven by insatiable greed and heavily paid off by the ruskis, propelled by a similarly greedy, hateful, insidious, polarised and sensationalist media. Throw in co-optong fanatical religion as a method of voter control and it's a perfect storm for divisiveness, immoral and downright destructive behaviour.




Also Trump: >North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/948355557022420992


Yep, simply put, their numbers are bigger. Russia is fighting an attritional war utilizing conscripts, convicts and cheap older equipment to simply push Ukrainian troops back inch by bloody inch.


Nah, they will never make a peace deal. You might as well speculate that Britain would have signed a peace deal with Hitler when we were absolutely on our knees, waiting for the USA to do the right thing. Things were a fuck tonne worse for the us, but the " backs to the wall " thing just makes you fight harder. You're a million miles from understanding.


ahh crap i was sick for a couple days. did i miss a video of an abrams in action?




Russian citizens are so delusional and uninformed. There is a war going on and when it hits home they all act like pikachu face.


I have been watching a lot of interviews of random people on the street in Moscow lately (1420 By Danil Orain, YouTube account). And the average Russian doesn't support this war at all and laughs in disbelief at some questions, like if they should start a second "special operation" or if they think NATO will attack. I recommend to watch. Especially the younger generations give me hope that Russia has a peaceful future.


The average Russian in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Go out in the country and people are rabid in their lust for blood.


Most of those people outside the big cities don't even have internet so the only information they get is the propaganda from the Kremlin.


I know, but it doesn't change the fact that the average Russian does support this war.


we have that here too in the US. those people love russia


Eh, SOME people in Russia will openly state they don't support the war. But lots more will state they do support it.


Judging off the voice this is just a kid, probably 12-14. What do you expect?


Kid is not 14 and his interviews are some of the best things coming out of Russia lately.


That’s one way of sanctioning an industry.


Although attacking a massive steel plant isn't nearly as damaging or hard to repair compared to the gas industry. Maybe Russia reinforced the refineries.


Every second that steel plant is offline a Ukrainian life is spared.


And they’ll be forced to divert even more AA to protect it going forward. So less AA available at the front, or less AA protecting other strategic targets.


Good point queefstation69


>Good point queefstation69 What an old time we live in that this sentence makes sense.


A big part of the German war machine falling apart in world War 2 was the millions of men and thousands of guns that had to be diverted from the eastern front to supply the AA in Germany to fight off the allied bombing raids. The more men and machines they have to pull back into Russia to stop things from blowing up, the better it gets for Ukraine.




Or electrical transformers a few km down the road


Tactical squeaky toy alarm at 0:11?


There's a dog at 0:23, I think it's the dog's squeaky toy.


I almost never upvoted. This is getting one for the squeaky toy, and I dont even care if it was edited in.


A dog ran across the bottom on the second video.


The dog is definetely a Special Force Operator by AFU. Squeaky toy is its secret code that means "Mission Accomplished". Truly a goodboy. /s


They doesn’t sound too patriotic when the battles on their land lol


Unfortunately it is a multiplier for their "patriotism" https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/89888 >Support for the “special operation” is actually higher in regions close to the front, according to polls conducted by the Khroniki (Chronicles) project. In the Belgorod, Kursk, and Bryansk regions, all of which border Ukraine, support is noticeably higher than the national average of 60 percent: 69 percent in the Belgorod region, 77 percent in the Kursk region, and 66 percent in the Bryansk region. >The obvious explanation is the psychology of the civilian population during a conflict: to back the side that appears stronger and is nearby. In addition, the more victims of shelling, the stronger the previously absent feeling of hatred for the “enemy,” i.e., the Ukrainian armed forces. Russians genuinely do see themselves as victims of Ukrainian aggression, there is never going to be a point where they "wake up" or whatever. I feel like after two years it is time to start accepting that. I do understand the hope that Russians are secretly better people than the present themselves though.


[One more view, at the beginning here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1ayhlav/ukrainian_drones_strike_russian_industrial_site/), which I also posted a minute or two ago. Very short, but still interesting (Edited to add the third clip, which just came out, and to change the title. No watermarks on these)


Is that a squeaky phone ringer? Russians sure do cry a lot. It ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun


Can someone translate?


"Waaa waaaaaa"  There you go.


Cry me a river... It's not so fun when someone is dropping bombs on you, is it?!


Cry-babies. Burn it down.


actually giggled at this guy crying. Good way to start the 2 year anniversary.


is that a home next to a industrial plant?


eastern european safety standards are a mix of victim blaming and ignorance, kinda along the lines of: if you were dumb enough to move next to an industrial plant you're at fault for anything that might happen to you I'm not even kidding unfortunately


It depends, if you look at Chemelot in the Netherlands that's an industrial site so big that there is a highway intersection in the middle of it, and it's encircled by towns because it just grew like that. Safety is of course far better than in the Russia but when a naptha distillation plant exploded a few decades ago a lot of new windows were needed for the surrounding towns


one thing russia doesnt lack is unoccupied land to build on, netherlands on the other hand...


Yes and their safety precautions are also non existing


Several hundreds of meters away from the plant. Steel plants are BIG, and that last shot is from further away than you probably think it is.


Probably cheap real estate


Ukraine knocked out their AD and fighters and then struck their plant. Russia isn’t having a good night 😂😂


Mel Brooks could not have written a better moment to throw that squeaky toy in


Let the smoke poison the subverted and perverted Russian populace .


Ukraine attacks russia's ability to wage war while russia attacks malls and civilian establishments in ukraine. Fuck whole of russia, may more destruction to their stupid motherland to come!


I love these videos where the war finds its way onto Russian territory and they sob uncontrollably.


"Burn it, Burn it all down." Wendell the Spec Ops Manatee said.


Welcome to the war!


What a crybaby


Donate to AFU


👍🇺🇦🇺🇦 ,, keep it up ,, fuck them up


Happy anniversary сука


The ramp up to the elections is continuing. I suspect the day or two before will be quite eventful.


Your Own Medicine How’s it taste?


Can someone translate pls


What happens to the workers at these plants? Is there a type of workers comp for this kind of thing or are they pretty much out of a job and destined to pick up their next paycheck from the Russian MOD?


If you complain you get a new job as a soldier…


Yea it’s called cyka bliat insurance




Well, look at that. A terrorist state that gets its own medicine.


I love to hear them whine! Buuhuu! Oh well and in other news president Biden.....




Its always _fun_ to see/hear russiand realiseing they're at war


Finally!! Ukrainians are hitting inside russian territory. Taste of their own medicine. The citizens of russia will understand this much better.


I’m picturing a guy with a little horn trying to make everyone feel better


Heavy industry is a pretty tough target to take out with drones. The allied bombing campaigns had little effect on German production, and they were much more intense.


And far less accurate... And as the other poster said, there was no computers. Plus no clean rooms, sensitive data centres etc that can be totalled with a total power outage, let a lone a near miss by a bomb.


Difference being that German industries did not have computers online during WWII. A lot of electronic stuff is fragile.


we celebrate 2 years anniversary with bangers bois


Ivan Abollockoff dropped a cigarette again?


It was his sister. Ivana Cutchucockoff.


anyone know what this factory or refinery or whatever actually is?


I asked the AI and it said it's the biggest metal plant in russia and about 18% of russian metal production, about 250 miles from Ukraine.


Nawww, not much fun when it's happening to you is it sweetheart.


Beautiful sight to see.


"It was just a controlled demolition test at an unoccupied part of the facility" -Russian propagandists


Looks like a Rammstein concert.


Haha stupid russian biatch screaming why oh why she is being bombed 😀🤢






Keep it coming.


The dog got his toy and was like: f*ck this, I'm out of here!


Anyone able to translate what he is actually saying?


A: "God, what's this, Sash(a)?" B: "Blyat, [unintelligible] fucked up." A: "[unintelligible], let's get the fuck out of here. Blyat, there's something landing there, Sash(a)!" B: "[unintelligible]" / C: [happy squeaking noises] A: "Let's go, blyat! [...] God [?], it's drones!" [cut] D: "Oh fuck, oh fuck."




Stop crying bitch!


Repeat after me “AH-HU-YET”, “AH-HU-YET”, “AH-HU-YET”. You mother effers will learn Russian! “Blayat” is like an amateur level Russian


"Calling in an eagle strike!"