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Forget the FAL, that man possesses the true right arm of the free world.


I hope he can throw the ceremonial first pitch at the beginning of the next MLB season!


The first one was insanely accurate damn


Those russians were just casually walking around like they were at a supermarket, no tactical awareness at all.


And no drone on their site to tell them that there are Ukrainians throwing grenades at them. Shows you how important drones on the battlefield really are


Good chance they didn't even have a radio.


They probably had a radio but the thing is, they only had comms with their squad leader at best. They have no comms with the drone guys, no comms with the tank guys, no comms with the plane guys. Or arty. Or APC. Well you get the idea.


Two weeks training and straight to the front.


Nah, mostly: This is a gun, this is the dangerous end and this one the safe. Now of you go.


To be fair, there is no safe end of the gun for the Russians.


Yeah, it's relative...


They also didn’t notice that a grenade was thrown at them. It was like a comic ass scene, like ah I gonna pick it up and look what it is. But this also got to do with that most of the better regiments like paratroopers got filled up with consripts and the few special forces soldiers Russia has are letting the mobics do the assaults for them, while they are cowardly sitting in the command center and giving them orders.


Which again.. is handled lousy. You can transfer experience from a pro- to a mobik, with a button in ear and a good command structure + drones.


Well Shoigu promised Putin that Krynky was theirs again. And Russians are not liars, right?


This reminds me of so many accounts of WWI. Huge battles descended into small unit actions and individual accounts of bravery essentially lost to history.


I feel like most wars are this. Many individual acts of bravery overshadowed by tragedy


The frontline is so massive, wars of industrial scale……. Numbers too large. Each individual heroic action is just a fraction of a billion moving parts…… Hundreds of lives lost in small scale attacks to gain a negligible amount of Land


Crazy thing is, I can recall drone footage at least 15 incidents like this one. Hell, this isn’t even the first one this week. All of these videos of insane bravery really put things in a new perspective for me especially in comparison to the war media we consume for entertainment. Of course, something’s are exaggerated and inaccurate, but what’s even more surprising is how much real world combat is even crazier than movies! I remember one from earlier on in the war where there was one guy in a trench, standing up and firing back at a BMP that had its 30mm trained on him, and as I recall he came out on top. If I had seen that in a movie I’d have rolled my eyes. Wish I’d saved them up till now, it would make for a great compilation.


someone has them saved I'm sure, I don't take much pleasure in watching this stuff at all, but I am a hyper analytical person who can't turn his brain off so I watch these videos to see how the war is going. Equipment, training, morale, terrain, tactics, weather, etc. I have a ton of thoughts and really should do a podcast or something but I simply haven't I'm not sure anyone would listen it would be so random and I don't want to advertise it idk.


....do you think it's special to have thoughts about the videos you watch?


Well now we have drones to record everything. The only recording devices back then were other soldiers, and unfortunately those recorded instances likely died with them


I can only Imagine how many heroic battles were fought by small numbers against larger forces only to eventually loose. The winners report back to command it was 50+ men when really it was 5 and that's what history records.


Its strange to see the lack of urgency on the Russian side in most of these videos. Those 2 guys were just attacked and decide to turn around and WALK away? Once the one guy is hit his buddy doesnt even glance over, just keeps on walking away.


They're probably unsure if the nade was drone dropped or thrown. Doesn't look like they were taking small arms. It would be easy to assume a drone dropped one. I wouldn't like to break contact like that over that open ground with no cover or suppressing fire. But then again these guys might not be trained.


They're probably drunk and drugged up too


You don't need to be drunk or on drugs to behave that way. Just tired.


Would you be in a hurry to rush to your death?


No but I would be in a hurry to rush away from my death knowing that its really close


If there is anything this war has shown it is that death is everywhere with these drones. Runaway all you want, a drone is just going to chase you or you are going to be cut down by the blocking units stopping retreat. Take your pick.


> or you are going to be cut down by the blocking units stopping retreat. Does that actually exist? Seeing that Ukraine has no footage of that, how far away from the front are they? At the very least so far that those guys are in absolutely no danger.


The last hit/explosion might be something else, like an AGS or mortar? If not that's a pretty insane throw..


Definitely drone dropped


“How much you wanna bet I could throw a grenade over them Russians?”


If it was a mortar it would also be insane.


it’s so interesting seeing how we’ve made ISR capabilities even better now that someone on the ground with the attacking/defending element can control the platform without risk of it being pulled off site for other operations in the AO. GAHDAMN we live in a cool/crazy/scary ass time folks


I think we are only now starting to grasp how much of a difference it makes that the voice in the ear of whoever is being talked to on the ground is someone that belongs to the same unit, someone you know and have a relationship with. I think that on the company, platoon and even eventually the squad level, the resident drone operator is going to become as important a figure as the NCO in empowering and assisting whoever is in charge.


And imagine the advantages when it's no longer just a voice in your ear, but a direct image feed to AR glasses. With how unalert those Russians were and the lead guy looking in the wrong direction, an infantryman with such overview may have peeked and sprayed them right down. It would also make it relatively easy to coordinate a plan like combining this with a grenade aimed on the other two guys directly behind the building. The "final form" of this tech would be "X-ray glasses" where the camera footage is directly translated into 3D data that can transform and superimpose the footage of the enemies onto the soldiers' view and enables them to directly "see" the enemy even through walls and shrubbery as long as the drone sees them. This is an area where AI will actually be critical, since this sort of extrapolation (identifying an object inside raw video footage, then creating a different picture of them from a different point of view - some pieces of the image will be "guessed", but most of it can be fairly accurate) is exactly what it's good at.


Every Bradley(or whatever the next gen IFV is going to be named) driver and commander are going to have their RTS-style "minimap" derived from the drone integrated with the vehicle, following it wherever it goes.


That would be neat and they could land on the top to be recharged/battery swapped or charge while one with a fresh battery redeploys.


I think it's only a matter of time before a drone dock/launch bay that can be mounted on anything from tanks to JLTVs is developed. Keep three on deck, one in the air, one being charged, and one in reserve. Fully autonomous launch and docking/recharging. None of this is beyond current tech.


i think that’s definitely in order— it also takes a lot of the ‘red tape’ out of shit i’m sure


Great song! Meg myers


Any translation would be appreciated




It's that supportive and motivating leadership that makes all the difference!


wow that leader was fucking insulting them as they died...


Translation please?


It's what it sounds like


I don't believe the radio record is relevant. Doesn't make sense with this situation.


I think I heard that record before


I did not expect to hear a Meg Myers track in this sub.


Target practice


Russian radio intercept shows them being cursed for getting lost - going wrong direction - damn lucky even one got out of there. Ukrainian defender had his shit together and couple of accurate grenade throws took care of the problem. Nice hit by the drone operator too!


Great teamwork


MLB, sign that soldier! Soldier !


That music and sound editing is a war crime.


Terrible showing by the Russians. One dude eats a grenade, they barely take cover, and the survivors mosey back to their lines when the Ukrainians are clearly aware of their position. No tactics at all.


Note that no attempt is made to recover the casualties.


Any one else think it would be cool if some one produced a modular hand grenade system, where multiple grenades could be screwed together or attached, where a handle/stick could be attached to make a modern stick grenade increasing the range it could be thrown, where fragmentation sleeves could be put on or taken off depending on weather one wants an offensive or defensive grenade and different fuses could be used one with a standard few second delay, and one that detonates on impact, ahh I guess a man can dream can't he


>fragmentation sleeves could be put on or taken off depending on weather one wants an offensive or defensive grenade this is exactly what the german DM51 does, they have those in Ukraine


Yea I've seen a valgear video about them they are pretty interesting, and Nammo is already producing a modular grenade that has a threaded hole on both ends so you can use just one, or screw multiple together, it has about 4oz of comp-b and was designed primarily to cause casualties through blast and overpressure, but nammo does actually produce a fragmentation sleeve that can be attached, they don't produce a stick handle for it and I doubt they ever would, and I get what you are saying about complexity under highly stressful situations but the whole point of the modular design isn't to swap shit out mid firefight, it's to change aspects of the weapon before going into combat depending on the mission at hand, if you are kicking doors you probably don't need the fragmentation sleeve, if you are defending a trenchline where you can throw from cover then you probably want the extra lethality that the fragmentation sleeve gives you Here's the nammo grenade if you want to check it out https://www.nammo.com/product/our-products/grenades-warheads-energetics/scalable-offensive-hand-grenade/ And the frag sleeve https://www.nammo.com/product/our-products/grenades-warheads-energetics/fragmentation-increment-sleeve-for-offensive-hand-grenades/


Complexity is not encouraged in CQB


So what your saying is if I brought the grenade on shark tank I probably wouldn't get an investment?


I'm saying why would you want to bring all these moving parts that can fail instead of just bringing more grenades?


You wouldn't, think of it like this the ar15 is highly modular, you wouldn't go into combat running a 12in suppressed 300blk upper with half your magazines carrying 220gr subs, then have a 14.5 or 16 inch 556 upper in your backpack with the other half of your magazines filled with m855 or m855a1 that you would then swap out in the middle of combat, you would decide which of those tools you have access to would be the most advantageous to you in whatever scenario you are planning for and only bring the one, but that doesn't make the AR15 platform too complex for use in combat, it just makes it a highly adaptable platform


Right but what I'm saying is your idea, though it would be cool to implement in Arma or CoD, turns a simple machine with 2 moving parts into a complex machine that needs to be assembled in a high stress environment, to replace the current solution of: carrying two things. Edit: also, i think your combat load is ridiculous larper bullshit and when the shtf i'ma laugh my ass off when bubba and his 12ga domes you in the middle of a barrel/ caliber change


Fair enough man, even though we disagree I appreciate you being civil, anyways you have a nice day


You don't run around swapping uppers or optics under fire or going on attack through. Analysis paralysis could get you killed, not to mention stress induced mix ups on equipment.


Dude did you not read my comment fully or something? I said you WOULDN'T do that, you WOULD plan ahead and just bring one setup and NOT have a second upper in your backpack, my point being just because the ar15 has a shit ton of different configurations that DOES NOT mean you bring a backpack with 3 uppers, multiple optics, multiple suppressors, multipe vertical grips, and a bipod for good measure with you and swap them out mid combat, you plan ahead, while not in combat and set your rifle up the way that fits you and your situation best


Yea I misunderstood, I thought you were saying you WOULD want to do that, sounds like a clusterfuck in action to me 🤣 Bringing grenade bits and pieces to swap around seems like a similar type of deal to me though, instead of bringing whatever grenade you thought you needed as one piece, like 2 of one type 2 of another. Instead of fiddling with lego grenades. FWIW wasn't me downvoting


Yea dude your all good I do that shit from time to time too, and it's all good I appreciate it, Nammo is actually making something pretty similar and the marine corps is actually adopting it, just no stick or impact fuze and I doubt they would ever make that shit anyways Here's the link to nammos site https://www.nammo.com/product/our-products/grenades-warheads-energetics/scalable-offensive-hand-grenade/ And here's the separate fragmentation sleeve https://www.nammo.com/product/our-products/grenades-warheads-energetics/fragmentation-increment-sleeve-for-offensive-hand-grenades/




Lol it's just a pipe dream, and I'm not trying to get on the ATF's naughty list


I thought the latest was that ukraine got slaughtered in krynky?? What's the go nowadays??


Ukraine still holds the bridgehead. They're unable to transfer any heavy equipment across the Dnieper, so are stuck fighting a grinding defensive battle with man portable systems. This has led to high casualties on the Ukrainian side, but also the most disproportionate equipment losses in the war; the Ukrainians are destroying 20+ tanks and APCs for every one they lose (pretty much cause they don't have any to lose).


Was that an op/lp??? I wonder what are they doing duo and alone




I got matches with these songs: • [**Desire** by Meg Myers](https://lis.tn/EXtQfs?t=50) (00:50; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2013-09-10. • [**I Want It All (Clean)** by Cameron Grey](https://lis.tn/IWantItAllClean?t=107) (01:47; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2014-08-06. • [**Parked Car Conversation** by Miss. Rice](https://lis.tn/cOuhh?t=107) (01:47; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2019-02-12. • [**Desire** by Bottom Shelf All-Stars](https://lis.tn/xjbekg?t=117) (01:57; matched: `80%`) **Album**: Shelf Life. **Released on** 2016-03-27. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


What's the song?


Desire by Meg Myers




Track id?


Desire by Meg Myers


Just a boy and his box of grenades


What's this song?


I got matches with these songs: • **Desire** by Meg Myers (00:50; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2013-09-10. • **I Want It All (Clean)** by Cameron Grey (01:47; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2014-08-06. • **Parked Car Conversation** by Miss. Rice (01:47; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2019-02-12. • **Desire** by Bottom Shelf All-Stars (01:57; matched: `80%`) **Album**: Shelf Life. **Released on** 2016-03-27.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Desire** by Meg Myers](https://lis.tn/EXtQfs?t=50) • [**I Want It All (Clean)** by Cameron Grey](https://lis.tn/IWantItAllClean?t=107) • [**Parked Car Conversation** by Miss. Rice](https://lis.tn/cOuhh?t=107) • [**Desire** by Bottom Shelf All-Stars](https://lis.tn/xjbekg?t=117) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


What song is this?


I got matches with these songs: • **Desire** by Meg Myers (00:50; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2013-09-10. • **I Want It All (Clean)** by Cameron Grey (01:47; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2014-08-06. • **Parked Car Conversation** by Miss. Rice (01:47; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2019-02-12. • **Desire** by Bottom Shelf All-Stars (01:57; matched: `80%`) **Album**: Shelf Life. **Released on** 2016-03-27.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Desire** by Meg Myers](https://lis.tn/EXtQfs?t=50) • [**I Want It All (Clean)** by Cameron Grey](https://lis.tn/IWantItAllClean?t=107) • [**Parked Car Conversation** by Miss. Rice](https://lis.tn/cOuhh?t=107) • [**Desire** by Bottom Shelf All-Stars](https://lis.tn/xjbekg?t=117) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Can we sign that kid to a minor league contract when the war is over? I bet he can throw strikes.