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That one is weird look IFV, Frankenstein looking contraption.


Looks like a mini KV turret lol


Pretty sure it's a BTR-50 which are 70 years old. That's the level of desperation we are seeing out of Russia at this point. Saw a couple stories recently about them popping up. One got destroyed near Avdiivka. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/armed-forces-of-ukraine-destroyed-the-first-russian-btr-50-near-avdiyivka/


Its not BTR-50 shaped (it lacks the superstructure), and it has rear doors with fuel tanks inside them, as conveniently demonstrated by the drone, Rear doors are not a feature of the BTR-50. Its a BMP.


Youre probably right. Looking closer I can see the doors in the back. I had it kind of flipped and thought the exposed track was part of the front having been blown off.


O-I experimental tank :)


That seems too large of an explosion for RAAMS mine...? They are 2.3kg each so just enough to cut the track or destroy small car but that fireball was something else. The typical antitank mine would fit better as they have some 7-9kg of explosive (depending on model).


Maybe hit the ammo or something. It took a few seconds till the big explosion occurred.


I thought same. Yes, the 2.3 kg sounds about right, ... and there is only 1.26 lbs of PBX. But it is a shaped charge with 70 mm penetration, and I imagine that the magnetic fuze has some smarts, and can detonate the mine at optimal time. If this is indeed an M718, it likely set off a secondary by hitting ammo stores. I wonder if Ukraine has access to these mines so they can drop them from drones rather than the traditional artillery method. Also would be nice to have much longer time periods before de-activation. A vampire drone could carry at least 3 of these per mission. Even the the smaller quads could carry one.


Well, this looks like there is an explosion inside the vehicle.


You can see the FPV drone hit the rear doors and causing a Fireball. It's because the rear doors are hollow and are used as an auxiliary fuel storage.


Is that a KV turret lol?


I think it's the next evolution of the turtle tank/cope cage. No one in Russia got the memo though that all of the bmp is actually pretty vulnerable to anti tank weapons.


The drone finished it of indirectly. It hit the open door and didn\`t really do any significant damage to the IFV, but it ignited the fuel that was leaking out from the previous mine, which then burned down the IFV. So it was a crappy aim from the drone operator but still got the job done in the end.


I love that Russia is bleeding themselves dry and weakening their power.  $500 mine and $500 drone taking out multi million dollar tanks daily.  


mines laid vs kills is not 1:1 though. But yeah still likely a good return on investment.


Always wondered….what actually is burning in a tank? Petrol? What other burning materials are inside?


Ammo, padded seats, electrical wiring, hidraulic lines, screens and electronics (optics, radios, etc), plastic parts, etc. There's a lot of stuff that can burn.


Interesting, why the mines don't contain some kind of ignition agent then?


What do you mean? Mines have detonation fuzes.


The rear doors on the BMP are where the fuel tanks are positioned. This thing was designed during the Cold War and diesel happens (like all hydrocarbons) to be good at slowing down neutrons from nuclear bombs.


propellant if its flames, ammo if it explodes


There must be thousands of these hulks scattered across the Donbas region at this point. So much destruction in a relatively concentrated area.


How many Russians does it take? - putfyckin


Nuts clip also absolute tune! Anyone got an id for it?


Was the fpv necessary here? I don’t see any infantry around. I spose once you launch an FPV you can’t really get it back.


Anyone else learning how to operate a few types of drones efficiently, just in case?


When an armored vehicle is burning like that, what is it that is burning? Fuel? Or ammunition? Seems like it has to be fuel as it looks like a steady flame. But it's everywhere... maybe the fuel tank ruptures and then it goes everywhere  Or is there also a lot of plastic on the inside? I'd think not but I know nothing about this stuff.


Why not start issuing "shit music warning" in the title just like NSFW that willl be helpful in delaying headphone users become deaf


That's not a mine. You can see something (RPG?) flash in from the bottom right of the screen.


I don't see it. I'm thinking mine.


I think RAAMS mines are conical and form either a shaped charge or an EFP, could be we see a bit of that?


What I only can see is a shot at 9 seconds. This seems to be a very heavy modified BMP1 with the 7,5 cm gun, this was a shot from the tankgun, which has hit the ground as dud and bouncing around to the lower left. At 12 sec, the heavy modified BMP1 has just cleared Ukraine from one AT mine with the right track; later we can see the destroyed right track. So again just a regular AT mine.


its an anti tank mine that fires from a distance


There’s no visible trail indicating it’s any kind of shoulder fired rocket or ATGM