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The translation to what he yelled out was "Long live your hand" usually said when someone makes a nice meal for you, chooses a good outfit to wear, or.. hit a VBIED and save your life


Awesome , thanks for the translation and the translation! Stuff like that is really important. 


That's fuckin metal


Twisted metal




ngl a suicide vehicle with a passenger made me laugh


they do not view death the same way that we do or another way to look at it would be that they actually believe in their religion. I realized catholicism was bullshit when my uncle died young of a heart attack and everyone was devastated instead of being happy that he was in heaven with jesus. I was like 12. They know the whole jesus thing is probably bullshit but it's more comfortable to believe. These guys actually believe in their religion. passenger in that vehicle is a fast track to paradise




Idk I’ve been watching a lot of vids on Near Death Experiences. Dying sounds like it’s fuckin sweet.




Oh I’m not suicidal & would never un-alive myself. It’s just every person has essentially the same story & it sound like pure bliss. What makes it even more interesting is these people telling their NDE’s aren’t some random crackheads. They’re doctors, scientists, cops, military members, lawyers, teachers, all walks of life. They say it’s the most loved they ever felt & just pure happiness. It doesn’t make me want to die, but it makes me way less afraid of death & more curious about it.


Getting blown to bits doesn't have a near death moment, no "bliss" sensation. One moment you are driving the car, the next one you no longer exist


Well all the NDEs I’ve watched were from people that were literally dead. They didn’t have a heart beat & then were brought back to life. So obviously the people that get blown to pieces aren’t able to come back to life to tell what they experienced after they were blown to pieces.. because they were blown to pieces.


>They didn’t have a heart beat That's actually the important part. A moment where you are dying, more specifically the brain is slowly dying, releasing DMT and other fun chemicals. If you die in a way that allows this process, even if you don't come back to tell the tale, you will experience the "bliss". However, if your brain explodes in a fraction of a second, there's no fun chemicals, there isn't anything. Afterlife discussions aside, your body is just gone, it doesn't have structure to feel anything.


Let's think about this logically. The reason they had near death experiences and were able to come back is that there was brain function all the time. The clue is in the name, they were nearly dead. They weren't dead enough for the brain to stop working completely. Having your parts spread over a large distance very quickly means there is almost instant loss of brain function. There is no near death experience here as death is quick and the organ that processes experiences, the brain, is splattered across the nearest peice of brickwork in less than a second.


No one knows what’s after death. Maybe that’s the logical answer. Or maybe there is something after death. I like to imagine there is. I mean none of this shit makes sense anyways. Why does anything even exist. It’s not a popular opinion in these subreddits of course because you all are dead inside & don’t like to imagine. You don’t know 100% what’s after death


Ehh there are Christian’s that do in fact celebrate that their loved ones are with their god now, while also mourning their loss. Not that I disagree with you, I realized for somewhat similar reasons.


> I realized catholicism was bullshit when my uncle died young of a heart attack and everyone was devastated instead of being happy that he was in heaven with jesus. Not looking to start a religious debate here, but didn't you ever consider they might be sad that he won't be around anymore for this life and they'd miss him?


um I don't really think you understand much about catholicism


I know a guy who was there who saw a suicide vehicle blow up, the guy actually gets out of the car, still alive on adrenaline or something, and goes to his knees as every soldier took a shot at him.


Worst mission on Six Days in Fallujah fr fr


Fantastic game


The day they add AI teammates is the day I finally try it :(


Same dude. Have you tried Insurgency Sandstorm?


Great game


Rip to those guys ear drums…


Better than RIP to their lives...


The secondary explosion is very Hollywood.


Big boom = people around dead, thank god the 120mm boom stopped it


First world armor vs third world attack vehicle.


Never underestimate the dreaded TOYOTA


I got dis. -BOOM-


Never understood how someone can be convinced to become a suicide bomber


They’re groomed at a young age where their minds are most easily able to be [manipulated](https://youtu.be/UYZ-Xd0-cjY?si=4XkAcrGEAPboKi0J).


So the kids name is Saad Maan, but so is the brigadier spokesman


great video. I don't even blame kids who are homeless at 17 in a third world country, earth has failed them entirely. Death is probably their most rational option, even without all that 72 virgin nonsense


Oh man, you can see one of those bogus explosives detectors that one grifter sold iraq in that video!


Religion is a powerful motivator.


They think its a ticket to eternal paradise


If you believe that you are going to be better place, why not become a suicide bomber?


These people are brought up thinking that this stage of their life is just a test to get into heaven, an eternal paradise. Them sacrificing their life for their religion is like a golden ticket to get into heaven. There is 0 doubt in their mind that this heaven exists.


I call posting this next month


I call next


Wrong turn? 😂


Fuck me


Get you a case of beer for that one, son.


*yawn segway to trigger button tap*


Was going to complain about this being reposted too much, but then I realized I've been browsing since the war in Ukraine started, and it has been two years already. Damn.


Toyota Corolla vs the migth of American freedom


Why are shells bouncing so damn visually awesome?


random question is the save video bot and rapidsave for sure safe to use




200 pumped


God dayum


Serves you right for bringing a car to a tank fight


this is us operated? wouldnt expect them to risk sending troops somewhere this fucked, also with these rebels filming brhind


I don’t believe so, I believe it’s Iraqi Army operated due to the fact I don’t see any U.S tactics being used here such as American infantrymen supporting the tank on the sides/rear, which also explains the rebels filming


It's operated by Iraqis themselves they received bunch of abrams, humvees, apcs, trucks and other us equipment after the US reformed the Iraqi army.


I wanna see the pro Palestinians in Europe do the same explosion

