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I remember watching this and the bit where the Russian runs into the Americans and everyone is shocked. Just shows you how chaotic and challenging war can be. This is by far one of the most intense video I've seen from Ukraine. Honestly can't understand how these guys can do this


I remeber in the Marines they told us to not get bogged down by the rounds snapping around you - because you never hear the shot that kills you anyway. Or something to that effect - it was a while ago.


Yeah if you bogged down you will be dead soon. So just get unbogged and get to it


really insane but true point. i always wonder how those guys can just run right at death flying back at them


You have no choice really at all. You either have certain death or a slim chance.




I remember reading about WW1 shelling survivors, and how many eventually they became desensitized to the shells because they knew they'd probably die before they heard the shell fall anyways. I can't even imagine


Dude sounds like Seth Rogan "what the FUCK!?"


Fact is, all Canadians sounds like this.


Afternoon folks, I'm Mossy. The guy that got shot in the neck in this video. I understand it looks as though I peaked a corner and got capped but that isn't actually the case 😅 If you're interested in reading what actually happened from my perspective, click this link and you'll know what really went down in that trench. https://www.reddit.com/u/Alex3mercian/s/zhxcguA9Z9 Also happy to answer any questions you may have 👍🏼


Hey Mossy, hope you‘re better and kicking them again!


I'm all good thanks dude, recovered pretty quickly thanks to some great medical professionals and physiotherapists. Been back in the fight since early December 🤙🏼


That’s great to hear you’re ok Mossy. You’re a fucking bad ass man. I’ve nothing but respect for all the guys that took the risk and had the balls to do what’s right and fight evil.


Thank you mate, really appreciate the kind words! They mean a lot, honestly!


Just adding to the supportive words. Glad to see you up and kicking! I have a question too: do you think shotguns are actually effective weapons in this conflict or no?


Thanks mate! Yeah, absolutely they are! Mainly against dropper drones. You've gotta be a good shot to hit an FPV with one as they're fast as shit but a seasoned shotty shooter will hit one. Haven't seen or heard of them in use against infantry targets but I can see how they'd be beneficial in a trench with buck or slugs.


Dude that whole battle was so intense. I'm glad you're ok. Once the trench is under Ukrainian control did the Russians hit it with artillery? Did the Ukrainians hit it with artillery before the raid? I just don't understand how any territory is held because the artillery threat must be massive.


The russians hit their own positions even before we've taken them. They don't care if they kill their own people, as long as they kill us too. Our guys do what they can in the buildup to an assault but munition shortages due to western support stalling means we don't get a lot of artillery help. Plus the russians dig their bunkers deeeeep which makes it hard to hit them with IDF. All our kills on this op came through small arms fire and grenades


Is there someone in the squad talking to the drone operator?


If the drone operators can speak English or one of us can speak Ukrainian, yeah. Otherwise we have a middleman on the net to coordinate


It seems as if this is the case  for most storm/assault raids on the trenches or fortified  Russian positions. However I am very curious to see if it is a requirement as in if they do not have a continuous feed on the position they are assaulting, do they not attack that location?  Obviously if they lose the drone and they’re a mile out tough titty, but let’s say the Russians have jammers up and they have not been able to get continuous video feed of the location they’re about to hit they call it off? 


So what’s the morale over there now? Thank you for doing this. You are braver than I could ever dream to be.


Morales always high if you're surrounded by like-minded people going through the same triumphs and tribulations. People often forget how motivated we and everyone else on Ukraines side is. We're fighting for the free world, fighting against tyranny and evil, thieves and occupants, rapists and murderers. Fighting for the freedom of my continent so our sons and daughters never have to. Fighting against literal Nazis! The russians don't know what they're fighting for other than to die for the greed of their dictator. That alone keeps morale sky high, no matter what we go through! 💪🏼😁 And thank you. We don't think it's necessarily brave. We just see the implications of losing this war and know what must be done to prevent it :)


give them hell Mossy 🙏




Yeah just one question, when you were born, did anyone in the emergency room panic when they noticed you had giant balls of steel?


Hahaha! Cheers mate 😂


Glad you’re ok man! This is some of the craziest combat footage I’ve ever seen. Don’t know if you’re allowed to answer this, but did you guys have some sort of EW up to counter those suicide drones? I thought it was interesting how inaccurate they were for the most part, and I think last time I saw part of this footage someone noticed one of you guys saying to get the EW up or something like that.


Cheers mate! Yeah, EW comes in many forms. From backpacks, to guns, to stationary units hidden in woodlines. I won't say what exactly we use or what was used on that op but yeah, we had EW. That stuffs a real lifesaver but it's pretty hard to get as it's not cheap and it takes a while to make. If it gets damaged or defeated which it often does, we have to go without which unfortunately costs lives. Western countries stalling aide has also cost us dearly on the EW front. I always encourage people to donate to the cause so we can fill this huge void in the Ukrainian armoury and get our dudes the protection bubbles they so desperately need


What's the best way to donate in a way to make sure it gets to guys like you?


Protect A Volunteer & Ukraine Frontline are the 2 best Non-profit NGO's to donate to as they literally are non-profit. You can sponsor an individual like me through PAV's website or you can help buy medical aid or just set up a monthly donation :)


Here’s some info about donating that was posted on an AMA that Chosen Company (the guys in this footage) did a few weeks ago. Protect A Volunteer directly provides needed supplies to Chosen & other units in Ukraine. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/b5EiXtqNlQ


Wild to be able to just interact with someone on the front lines of a war so casually.... best of luck to you mate. Really brave what you're all doing.


Seriously. It’s so surreal. There was a lot of coverage of the invasion in the early days but it’s waned significantly over time (at least where I live). Finding these subs with combat footage and legit soldiers interacting and providing perspective has opened my eyes. I hope the footage coming out of Ukraine is motivating people to provide support.


I was recently introduced to reddit as a form of interacting with people that like talking to us. I've found it really productive and I'm really happy I can speak to people and give them more insight into things about Ukraine that are often missed or just not known to the outside world. And I hope so too mate. Supports dithered a lot the past year or so and it's cost a lot of lives unfortunately. I wish people could see how far their couple of quid a month really goes to helping people out here. If it buys a tourniquet or a few chest seals, that's a life potentially saved. That's priceless to me


Haha sound mate, I appreciate it. We're all just pretty normal people with relatively normal lives outside of this war. Keeping in touch with the outside world also reminds people we're human beings with thoughts and feelings and emotions. This is good for keeping support for Ukraine going as people can see they're helping other people rather than just "helping the war effort", which doesn't give you that personal connection, something people can truly empathise with.


Bottom of my heart, thank you for helping the Ukrainians. It's insane seeing combat like this, especially to an Air Force schlub like me.


Thanks for the kind words mate! Have a word with your pals will ya, see if you can get some western jets sent over bud 😂


Mate, you're such a legend. Thanks so much for everything you're doing for Ukraine.


I'm flattered mate, honestly. You're a legend for supporting the cause in a world that's forgetting about it


Hi mossy. How can you move around with those balls of steel you've got? All my support!! You're a hero


Hahaha cheers dude! 😂 Really appreciate the kind words! I'm no hero though. Just a regular dude who really doesn't like what russia are doing to the free world!


what branch were you in before?


Da Vinci Wolves and British Army


Glad you’re still with us, bud! Cheers.


Is Mossy a reference to “mosquito”?


Hahaha it's not thankfully! I hate mosquitoes 😂🦟


Much respect for yalls courage, thank you.


Thank you dude 🙏🏼


Damn man good fight. Glad you made it


I honestly find it hilarious you’re bothered by the optics of this. You’re the one assaulting a Russian trench. Mad unworldly respect for you. This shows the degree of professionalism you approach this.


Unreal footage mate. Really glad you’re doing ok - you and your mates all are incredibly brave! Question - how do you psychologically deal with suicide drones? No training helps you dodge a drone so how do you deal with going up against them?


Cheers dude, appreciate the kind words! Training can definitely help you be more aware of them. And the fitter and more agile you are, the better chance you have of out-manoeuvring it once it's spotted you. It takes a very skilled drone pilot to score a good hit on moving infantry. Those things are way harder to control than you may think. If you're quick and nimble enough you may be able to dupe a pilot into crashing his drone prematurely or just missing completely. As for the psychological thing. We treat them like every other threat on the battlefield. Just suck it up and fucking deal with it. Panicking and being inherently scared of stuff won't serve you well at all. Exercise caution and stay alert but ultimately you just have to get on with the job 🤙🏼


Cheers to you man.


I’m a few days late to this and saying the same as everyone else but, mate, huge respect to you and the lads out there. It might seem that the world is forgetting Ukraine from those trenches, but honestly a lot of us think about the brave defenders and their brothers in arms every single day. Guys like you get up, crack on and do this shit to fight tyranny so millions of us back home can sit at home on the sofa with our families and a TV dinner with one hand holding a phone and the other on their balls with no concept of terror or threat to life. I just want to say it is not taken for granted.


Thank you mate. We really do appreciate that. To be honest though bud, it's not the little people forgetting that we worry about. We know there's still millions at the bottom that still care and want the best for us. It's the politicians and the governments, the people that actually have the power to make a difference that cause the biggest problems when they abandon us. When the republicans in the US stalled that aid package late last year and earlier this year, I can hand on heart tell you that decision killed more Americans in this country than at any other point in this war. We were literally fighting with both hands tied behind our backs. We're so grateful you guys don't forget though! Thank you!




Shows you can never have enough grenades during a trench raid. Crazy footage.


Looting bodies for the nades that eventually killed their (the russians) friends is pretty insane to see actually happen.




And immediately afterwards he says in a v aussie accent "Bad day at the office mate"


Yes, as he's actively searching him for the grenades... It was such a good moment. Unreal footage.


This part got me. I loled. I'm sorry


I think it was written by the battlefield bad company guys


WW1 German stosstruppen would agree with that statement. That’s why they carried bags filled with the damn things.


I'll always remember a passage in "All Quiet on the Western Front" where the main character defending his trench by throwing grenades at the charging French.


"Bad day at the office mate" If I ever find myself in a trench, I hope to God it's with some Australians. If anything, just to keep moral up.


A friend of mine served for most of a decade and did a few deployments during that time.  According to him Aussies and Brits are pretty awesome trench companions.  Canadians are competent but boring and anyone from Scandinavian countries are pure nuts.


Scandinavian trench mates being nuts like taking deadly risks for lolz or being insanely brave like Viking berserkers?


If you are born in Scandinavia it's like winning the lottery of life, it's easy mode. If you join the military and opt for deployment you are probably a little crazy ;). At least those vets i know are a bit, lots of fun, but little crazy as well.


Anyone who joins the infantry is a little crazy. Period. lol


My grandfather was a B-24 pilot, he thought his cousin that was in the army was crazy, who wants to be on the ground like that? Cousin thought he was crazy, who wants to be in the sky like that? I guess in combat related service, you pick the crazy that makes the most sense to you?


Yep. Or let ignorance be your guide. Thousands of people signed up to be truck drivers without stopping to think they were possibly the biggest targets.


Lil of both?


I didn’t ask him to elaborate as the statement seemed to make sense.  He had a lot of cool stories about his deployments.  I should catch up with him and ask.  Whether true or not, I always sort of assume people who spend that much time in proximity to Russians, crazy winter and half a year of darkness are likely to be a bit bent.


https://youtu.be/B7LyyCHnH3Q?si=fVEptf56JssYupiv I just love the comedic timing of the "Hey Dave!""


This is cinema.


Morale but yea


Personally think the sof killing 4 dudes at 3 meters is a bit crazier but yeah nuts


Yeah, that was probably the most hardcore shit I’ve ever seen on the internet.






That to me is tops for the most up close engagement.


Definitely one of the most infamous videos of the war so far. Don’t know if you were around when it was released but the pro Russian world had the most ridiculous feedback/comments about the video and how it was clearly fake. As if during this giant war there are crews going around go proing trench raids and assaults with squibs, pro Hollywood FX, etc. As I take that out I do realize that there are dedicated propaganda teams particularly on the Russian side that take footage and pump out moving documentaries/propaganda videos to show to villages throughout Russia in order to garner support/troops sign up/expos( the film shown  in a theater followed by actors in uniform reenacting the film and beibg “living models” for the poor villagers in attendance.)


Thanks! That was amazing


For reference, Russians took a video of this trench like 3 months later, and the bodies were still there. (The Ukrainian SOF raided a Russian trench, then left, the video here is the raid itself.)


Still the craziest footage I seen besides the boat drive by video of Russians in water. In that trench clear out you can immediately see the bullet holes appear in the helmet of the big bearded guy at the end


Wondering what footage this was annd instantly remembering it the first frame, this footage is crazy


I think that video and this one are both insane. They killed a lot more guys in this one and captured a whole trench system with textbook execution.


I remember there was a podcast with one of the dudes in this foreign legion. I think the video i saw was 30mins long? Explaining what was going on in his POV. Ill try to find it, thought it was very interesting. Edit: Chosen company. Thank you dudes.


It was with ronnie from funker530 the camera man is from easy company


They’re from Chosen Company, but I love the idea of an Easy Company.


My bad I thought it looked strange it's quite late thanks for the clarification


I like the UX, click link of top search “funker530” and instant auto play of some tween sniper ad transitioning to a FPV of a kamikaze temu-drone striking the back of a packed non-armored personnel carrier. 11/10




Yeah I used to work with that guy! 2VP tell your friends


I'm really glad you mentioned that. I was going down the rabbit hole of chosen company after this video came out and I watched that podcast it was really good actually. Another thing to mention is a couple of the chosen guys Including Wayne Hallat (from the interview) are really active on this subreddit so that's pretty cool too. They were commenting on one of the original threads to clear some stuff up


"Bad day at the office mate" to the dead Russian 🫡🫡 @13:00


moral is high


Keep in mind this was 9 months ago. Unfortunately the war has become a lot more tough for Ukrainians now in the face of the Western supply of aid being shortened


Had to go back because I missed it the first time. Morale is definitely good among this group. Edit: spelling


\*Morale, but their morals are also in the right place.


I felt bad that was such a good line it made me laugh hard, poor guy.


Yeah this one was wild. I still think the raid on a Russian trench, and the dude with the "squire" were really haunting as well. War is hell for sure.


The guy who got shell shocked is so visceral. No damage, but his entire body just shut down completely. Fuck war, man.


Probably concussed. Looked like he was close to a suicide drone blast or grenade.


Suffered leg injuries. Also apparently was just hit minutes before that


That is a phenomenal account of bravery and determination.


Canadian dude with the PKM got his bell rung


You can see an interview with him where he breaks down this entire trench assault. It’s on the Funker530 youtube channel. Super interesting.


I’ll have to check it out!


> Funker530 youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7kh1tPAa20 missed it, didnt even know i was subbed, youtube does give me my daily dose of brrrr cant complain.


Oh good he lived jfc. My stomach dropped and thought he got very unlucky. Goes to show what good war gear can do to keep you alive.


Yeah he just had a leg injury from the tree falling on his leg


Did you happen to see what happened to the one guy poking his head around the corner? I had a sick feeling he got domed when his partner called man down.


At the end of this video the commentator says he survived. 22 Russians killed, 2 captured. 2 recon company fighters received major injuries, 1 humvee was destroyed, a few concussions, zero fatalities.


Yeah the way he fell looked like he died. Looks like caught one in the shoulder luckily


He was hit in the neck, but did survive


The way he dropped like a sack of potatoes, it looked like he was hit in the spine or something. I hope his injury wasn't that serious. I was getting serious *Born On The Fourth of July* vibes.


I think it was mentioned in a post somewhere, or maybe he posted here himself. But he's good now, back to duty.


Really appreciate the insight. I honestly have an unreasonable amount of respect for these guys, may they all stay safe




Hahaha thank you for pointing that out. I completely overlooked the comment chain xD


On the first watch through I thought he was KIA 😬


Fuck that was hardcore, it really does show the reality of war all in 4K


I always remember this one because it has the guy that sounds like Seth Rogan lol


I love the dude who sounds like he's in a movie "We need more people here!!!"


one moment the camera panning up and you just see "kamikaze drone" is nightmare fuel.


Can someone please post another link so I can watch it. It’s age restricted and the link is dead that allows me to watch it on YouTube. If someone could please post a link that would be great. Edit: figured it out.


I see you figured it out already, but if anyone else has trouble 14 minutes of the same video has already been uploaded here. [Foreign Legion trench assault](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/LzbG0o1nSN) It’s insane footage.


It's Chosen Company actually


Ah yeah, didn’t they start at the international legion but they got tired of not being used so they just formed their own unit basically and started doing their own missions?


Yeah I think the leader, or at least one of the more seasoned guys comments here on Reddit. When this video blew up he was answering a bunch of questions. I think he said pretty much that, that they felt they weren't being used well and there was some drama and shit in the Legion so they formed Chosen. They're heavy hitters for sure.




Press and hold on the “watch on YouTube” link and it will allow you to open the link.


Years of getting pissed about that link not working on Reddit mobile and I never tried to just hold it down… thank you


Link ain’t dead. Just watched it.


At [2:13](https://youtu.be/rp_p6Rb7pqk?t=133), you can see and hear a rocket flying just a few feet above the POV man's head.


Yeah, I caught that too: https://i.imgur.com/PNYkJsR.jpeg


The Canuck that thought he got hit sounded like Sterling Archer when he asked, “Can I change positions please?”


"All right Mossy, I'm gonna molest you a little bit so I can get these grenades off you." I love how they can do these types of banter in the middle of a firefight.


holy fuck that was intense


Everything "graphic" was blurred


If you’re an international legion person and you get a life altering injury — who pays for your physical rehab and financial support etc


The Ukies will keep you in their country until you recover. You don't pay anything. Americans can get evac'd to Germany and the U.S. hospital at Landstuhl.


Yes. Injured soldiers get free medical treatment and a special payout in a case of disability. Families of the fallen soldiers receive a 15 mil UAH compensation. What their website states


Repost with a mix. Its alpha company executing a perfect trench assault under fire. "Am i dead?" (One way to ask how badly you got shot in the head) "Can i please move position now" (held till hit by fpv drone)


There's an interview with that guy on some podcast where he explains he was hit with artillery not an fpv after the combat, for some reason the footage was spliced together out of time.


He says his gopro was knocked offline and this is what the footage was when it started recording again. Could have lost the interim footage and explains the odd splice of this later event into the combat footage.


This is 3 months old but this is the difference between western and eastern troops. Fire and maneuver, base of fire, bounding, non stop communication, and assaulting THROUGH the enemy instead of just sitting on your ass letting the enemy come to you. The humvee got hit and they still knew what to do. Obvious planning was well done here. Guys getting hit, nobody quitting, still fighting. Excellent assault. I’m convinced the US Marine Corps and Navy could defeat the entire Russian Army alone lol Russians are a pathetic fighting force and en embarrassment to their nation. The damn Taliban fought with more fervor than this rabble.


10 months old if you're referring to the video!


No fighters will fight with more fervor than talibans, they literally wish to die lol


I feel like SOFs from America, UK, Australia, combined with Ukrainian SOFs is one of the scariest combinations of combat prowess and experience in modern warfare today.


Watching the homie get hit tweaked my brain pretty good. Glad he seemed "okay"


At [14:38](https://youtu.be/rp_p6Rb7pqk?si=ne8TBijoLc1_MSR8&t=878) Did an unarmed russian run towards the guys shooting at him ? It seems like he comes next to the shooter, has a look at him and then runs away again? EDIT: Situation is explained later at 22:45...


This is solid tactical shit, bless everyone involved


Link doesn’t work for me, where can I find it on yt


Video is not visible


Wild ass shit. Text book


"Bad day at the office, mate" has become part of my lexicon (I saw this footage about a month ago, elsewhere.) I think I dropped it in some (classy) comment I left here yesterday or the day before, actually. I've seen lots of gallows humor throughout this conflict. "Bad day at the office, mate" = Ukraine Gallows Humor Fucking Perfected.


“Most graphic” shares YouTube link lol


What’s up with Russian kamikaze drones missing so hard? Apparently they didn’t cause any casualties


It’s possible Ukraine misses just as much, but there’s no reason to post a miss. Or maybe Russia sucks at that too.


The trench really helps in this situation as near FPV misses are far less effective than on open ground. I think it’s also easy to get a skewed perception of how accurate FPV drones are when you’re almost always looking at success footage.


The Kamikaze drones are really dependent on the skill of the operator. There was an interview I watched with a drone team and they explained that flying out to the target the signal is good as the drone is up in the air. In the terminal approach as the drone gets lower and lower, the feed and controls get worse, this is due to the fact that 100m in the air there is nothing between the drone and the operator, as you get lower powerlines, houses, treelines, hills, wrecked tanks, cars, the metric fucktonne of metal from brass casings, metal fragments, lead all over the ground, wire around trenches etc etc etc block the signal. This is why you will often see a kamikaze drone fly over to a tank and dive and as the picture starts to become static the operator loops back up and the feed returns to try again. I know for example my cheap Chinese drone if it loses signal has an auto land setting. So, the operator might try to dive into a trench and instead of hitting at the last moment the drone loses connection and goes into "hover and land mode" throwing it off course. Russian drone operators aren't any worse than the Ukrainian ones - it's just that we see a censored version of the internet. Like... ever notice that Youtube was very strict on blood and gore, watchpeople die got censored... but now we are fighting "the enemy" so it is quietly allowed. Plus, where's all the Russian GoPro footage? I doubt it for a lack of such things existing, they're just bad for morale.


Crazy stuff. Shame they censor it though. I am doing medic training and I think its good to be desensitivised to this kind of combat and the injuries that follow! Anyone got a non blurred version ?


There are websites that will do a way better job of desensitizing then combat footage if that's your goal


Im not chasing gore. I just want to see the injuries so I can figure out how to best help it out


There is plenty specific subs to the conflict, "UkraineWarVideoReport" for example. Go to a sub of your liking, type "medic" in the search bar and you will find plenty uncensored stuff. Just for clarification, you're doing combat medic school? There will be plenty material that takes its toll, limbs don't come off clean so take it easy, there will be plenty that can not be unseen. Very haunting footage can be found related to the siege of the Azovstal plant at Mariupol, due to the encirclement evacuation of military personnel was not possible for quite some time, so depending on what you are looking for this might be worth checking or avoiding.




It’s because of the optical illusion of the GoPro footage It was less a corner and more a bend, similar to a race track He got hit through the dirt, not in the open only know this cuz he answered in an earlier thread


might have just been an off day. can't have too many of those


holy shit, that guy that I thought got slept with a headshot survived? Amazing!


Titanium testicles. 


Can anyone explain the reason for the use of silencers in this situation ?


There are a few good reasons. They allow better communication by not obscuring voices, they keep the shooter and ally's hearing from getting fried quickly, and they are able to obscure the shooter's signature (sound and muzzle flash). This is important because oftentimes in combat, soldiers are shooting at signatures as they can't see people because of distance and effective camouflage (and this is exponentially so at night but does apply to daytime encounters).


There’s really no reason to not use a suppressor if you have access to one aside from the size/weight aspect, which is really only a problem in extreme CQB/getting in and out of vehicles rapidly and often kind of work The benefits to not blowing out your and your teammates hearing as often while trying to talk in combat almost always outweighs the cons


Guy in that raid breaking it down on funker530 podcast https://youtu.be/r7kh1tPAa20?si=cUGJRwsYpPTu9WkF


There's a lot to be said about 20 years of GWOT. But one thing it did do is create an entire generation of battle-hardened Western soldiers who are very good at warfighting. A lot of those soldiers are helping Ukraine right now and it shows.


I mean its not really graphic at all. The various russian spetsnaz compilations that came out are gruesomely graphic. This is crazy footage, but all the graphic stuff is blurred and there’s also many videos alike it. The ab3 youtube has been posting similar high qual videos since the start of the invasion.


Oh yeah this one’s going on the tv lol


I may be biased since I’m from the UK, but one thing I have to say is that the way Brits and Aussies sound in combat is pretty badass. Our rugged cockney really comes out and makes things sound gritty.


I was part of a NATO exercise in the 90s. Met some brits out there. I'd fight along side them any day. Much respect.


Yeah I trained with them in 80's REFORGER and would be glad to go at it with them and I know they enjoyed getting at it with a crazy Texan.


It's ironic because they would have sounded the same and done much of the same things in the trenches of WW1. Anzac, Indian and African troops from across the Empire dying in the mud of Belgium and France.


I can‘t access the youtube link, but is this the OP of u/Alex3merican u/ChosenDirtyP & co? /edit: if yes, you can support these folks through protectavolunteer and u/tallalittlebit


Yea this do be us. Dave (bad day at the office guy, is on here aswell somewheres)


Dude sounds like Seth Rogan.


new to the sub eh?


it's crazy how the only cover is thin ass trees and the ground


No mention of the Australians? There's definitely more than one of my compatriots in there keeping it unreal.


Is there a mirror of this somewhere? Youtube requires age verification.


That bullet whizzing by at around 4:27 was knarly


anyone able to link the url here? won’t let me click on it and watch youtube


YouTube 🙄


This video is an excellent showcase of how well NATO troops are trained in infantry tactics, compared to the RU style „throw every man at them randomly“ style.


Chosen company are heroes


Wtf I can't watch it. Says "age restricted and can only be watched on YouTube"


"can I change positions, please?" ah, Canadians. so polite. lol.