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They damn near got this down to a science. FPVs to disrupt the assault and top down drone drops to pick out the stragglers.


The Ukrainian defense industry czar(feels slightly wrong to use that term in an Eastern European context doesn't it?) that's in charge of the domestic drone development and production program is obsessed with one metric - "cost to kill". Ukraine realized a long time ago that they would probably need to fight, and win, a war of attrition. No easy feat for a smaller nation with a smaller economy and population base. Even as they were getting western tanks and trying to do NATO-style grand offensives, they were also preparing for this type of warfare. And no wonder they shut down the southern maneuver warfare offensives real fast as soon as it became apparent how costly they were. Now it's all about driving down the material cost of killing each individual Russian soldier. They calculate those metrics constantly and adjust their drone designs, payloads and tactics accordingly. They need to stretch their budget as much as possible rather than cause decisive carnage with US-style "overmatch". That's luxury warfare that you can do if you have essentially unlimited firepower at your disposal.


Yeah I saw an interview with that guy, and I also saw a video with one of the FPV Drone operators, and it definitely seems like their production has ramped up a lot. I feel like we see a lot more FPVs being used to target soldiers and not just vehicles/armor/other high value targets. It's a really interesting and adaptive strategy. These young kids operating these drones are energy drinked up and just scoring hit after hit all day long in a bunker near the front, it's wild.


AFAIK it's the one area where Ukraine has usually been ahead of Russia in production. They just don't have the industrial capacity to make a lot of vehicles, tanks and APCs, let alone any fighter jets. This whole war is being fought, unlike WW2, between two deindustrialised parts of the former USSR with the scraps of leftover Soviet industry which survived. The reason why Russia has managed to hold on until now is they also got most of the Soviet army stockpiles. But their production is pretty miserable too.


Could you link where you learned about this 'cost to kill' concept? Really curious to watch the interview or whatever with the Ukraine defense industry czar.






10 seconds after the first guy fell off, he was hit by a drone. Crazy efficient.


Seriously. And it was a bullseye shot. He was barely done reacting to the fact that the BMP was hit...


Man when they started this I thought "that's cool and all but no way it'll be effective long term." I have been quite impressed with their skill at this strategy.


If they keep the supply of them coming, it's truly a game changer in a lot of ways. Slow moving missile/explosive with a conscious mind attached to it. Really effective in the right spaces.


from my understanding, most of these drones are hobbyist kits using 3D-printed parts with modified surplus munitions, which have been wildly effective and super cheap, like used-car cheap


The accuracy and timing is incredible. The bomber was waiting all the time and after the last Russian (bald guy) comes to a halt it takes mere seconds to fly to the position, drop the payload and hit the target. Certainly there is some coincidence, but it's also skill and tactics.


Beautiful how fast the drone drop operator reacted to the one straggler then immediately started working on the others. What a job.


That's why we are seeing more and more "snuff like" video where they take their time to zoom in


I had the same thought. Clinical.


Bald guy in front did not have a good day.


He was scrolling the gram when he got it.




Probably watching drone footage


It's visible how clothes and backpack raise first in the blow


You know, that dude riding on the front of the BMP? The blast practically knocked his vest off. A bad way to go, robbed of your meger protection before also losing your leg 10 seonds later.


He got hit with the first grenade, had the hood slam back down on him, rolled off a moving vehicle and whiplashed onto his head, then got a second grenade, all within about 5 seconds.


gracefully absorbed the entire kill-chain


And then at the end he'd obviously shot himself in the head.


Well, knowing evac is on the way but it's going to be a minute is one thing; knowing there is no evac is quite another.


Ah. Thats suicide, his family won’t see a dime.


His family will get 15kg of fish or potato.


Not if they investigate and find he shot himself. Suicides don't get compensation, or at least that's a rumour that has made some rounds.


If you think logically, then the decision to go and fight in Ukraine is definitely a suicidal decision, and accordingly, if you were killed In Ukraine, it is suicide and you do not need to pay money. That is, if you didn't want to be killed in Ukraine, you wouldn't be in Ukraine, and if you're in Ukraine, then you wanted to be killed and that means it's suicide. Catch-22


That's the actual definition from where the phrase was coined in the book. Here's the passage: >"You mean there's a catch?" > >"Sure there's a catch," Doc Daneeka replied. "Catch-22. Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn't really crazy." > >There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane, he had to fly them. If he flew them, he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to, he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle. One of my favorite quotes in any book.


Wouldn't be surprised if the families of the ones who were killed by opposing forces weren't compensated either.


Probably run out of circus tickets by now


I don’t think he realized how messed up he was until he tried getting up off the ground.


How the hell does he manage to get that hood off of him, then somehow get himself out of the BMP after taking a near direct hit to the head? There's a few frames you can see pieces of head flying off!


Wasn’t even a break in filming


God hated that guy


Ukraine hated that guy.


He didn’t get priest’s blessing before going in.


Definitely not is best day


He probably thought he's going on a ride. He wears just a cap to protect him from the sun.


I think the initial drone blast might have even broken both of his legs. When you go frame by frame, the speed of the hatch being blown open might very well have absolutely destroyed his legs. From that point on he certainly doesn't seem to be able to use his legs, even less so when one of them got blown off a few seconds later.


Who is Zed? Zed's dead baby... Zed's dead.


A single lightly armored vehicle advancing across an open field in broad daylight with absolutely no support.   Just fucking insane.  You could learn better unit tactics in video game.


Remember when the world thought Russia had the 2nd strongest army? I dont even think they have top 15 anymore. The only reason they are keeping up, is because the meatgrinder nation has 66 million men to spare


Quantity has a quality of it's own


"safety in number!" "Now tell THAT to 6 million Jews" - Jimmy Carr 😉


Imagine how fast they could overthrow Putin, if they wanted to.


Hive mind capability is not what humans known for, you need coordination for that and that's where putin cracks down with his "law" enforcement army , a hydra of many heads


You also need to have a certain attitude. Most Russians are so used to being ruled by corrupt gangsters they can't even imagine it being any other way.


If we look at individual countries outside of the US, most of them either don't have enough military hardware and troops (like Germany or the UK), have a very small population (like Sweden and Finland) or are likely similar or even worse in training and leadership (like most Arab and south Asian countries). I have no doubt that either European NATO partners or the EU would defeat Russia in a combined effort, but it's different for individual countries. Ukraine also has only been able to fend Russia off thanks to massively unequal international support. In terms of having the full package of equipment, sufficient troop numbers, competency, and sufficient domestic defense industry, I think only China, South Korea, India, and maybe France would be in any position to win more or less on their own (plus some continued imports from close partners). Even Israel is probably just too geographically small to withstand the amount of firepower that Russia can bring to bear, and has a force design for a very different kind of threat. Ukraine has 5x the population of Israel and had to yield many times the landmass of Israel to withstand, while also having far more options to hide their aircraft and strategic air defenses.


Strange that you include france but not the UK. Their military power is pretty much identical in real terms and the UK has a greater advantage with regard to invasion.


France has like twice the active number of troops as the UK, and iirc also substantially larger numbers in some vehicle categories like APCs and artillery. I believe they're also more self-sufficient in terms of overall production. And viewing their power balance as "what if Russia magically appeared on the French border" just strikes me as too irrelevant.


Honestly I'd put them at 14th based on Business Insider. USA China Japan India France South Korea Italy UK Turkey Pakistan Egypt Taiwan Israel *RUSSIA*


I thought I missed something. They look like they are going on holidays


No clear indication it was actually advancing (no incoming fire for example). It could just be moving between trench lines and got caught.


Ukrainian text in the first few seconds says it's an enemy attack near Ivanivka.


Think about this.  Think about how war is fought now.  Alll those lives and equipment.  Taken out by a single drone with some grenades.   It’s scary.  Like who gives a shit about your 2 million dollar tank, our 500 dollar drone just fucking rekt your shit, boy.  Fucking REKTED IT.   Actual mythical hobgoblins straight from Putin’s taint does not stand a chance against our drones.  


That’s exactly how I played battlefield though


Armchair comment. This war isnt like WW1 or WW2 where you have massive decisive battles. Its all about spreading forces and attacking in every direction to force Ukraine to spread super thin. Russia easily outnumbers Ukrainians on the 99.999% of the front by the very least x3, but we all know its much more. These guys are attacking a small position/trench with about 3 Ukrainians. 9 & IVF vs 3 guys, is not as an easy fight as the comment makes it out to be. Most likely they dont have javeling and all the fancy weapons that you think everyone magically has. Hitting a moving BMP with RPG or drone-drop is still very hard. Also they could be expendable Z-unit to reveal the Ukrainian positions. The drone scout group really saved the defenders here. Of course theyre not magically omnipresent, the front line is extremely long.


This is tactic... they want the UA shoot with howitzers to reveal themselves


Why would Ukraine use howitzers when taking them out with drones is probably quite a bit cheaper? An Excalibur shell costs around a 100.000 dollars. Even a single unguided 155mm shell(which probably wouldn't have been enough to take out that vehicle and everyone inside it) costs around 3000 bucks. Total cost of an FPV drone and the associated grenades, plus accounting for drone losses during the operation? Hard to tell, but probably on par with or less than than unguided shell.


Russian logic is that if you drive fast enough the enemy will always miss. They really love blitz tactics without even properly using it.


Might not have been advancing. Drone strikes now can reach past the front lines.


Hows your 3 day special operation going?


Imagine, they haven't seen any enemy and haven't done a single shot. And their assault group is wiped. I can't imagine how demoralizing it is.


Gotta survive to be demoralised


They are already demotivated from the recruitment level, or right after they talk to someone and it turns out that they are being sent like these here. They have their 100,000 rubles.


That’s $5k these days, of currency quickly devaluing


It was $1k, and now it will go even lower!


“Steiner” moment is approaching.


Imagine the guy in the motor pool sending these things out into 'the Field's and never seeing them again and the number that remain keeps getting smaller.


I imagine his turn will come soon enough. Lose 10 vehicles, you’re on the 11th one.


Is this actually an assault group or are they just ferrying troops to the front? I see a lot of these videos and have a hard time believing they are attacking anything with just one BMP and like 6 guys across an open field.


Mom’s will be receiving sacks of carrots in return for their son’s sacrifice


Majority of those who started that three day ops probably isn’t even alive right now.


I counted 7 persons disembarked from the BMP - the caption at the end says 5 of them are dead that gives you 28.5% survivability rate in this attack. Insane.


Historically speaking, they would have better odds marching on the Kremlin.


Ain't this the sad truth


They made their choice.  This video isn’t sad one bit to me.  Not one.  Fucking. BIT.  


And it only takes 1/3 losses for a unit or formation to become combat ineffective. Wiping out around 3/4 of a unit is basically destroying them. All from one vehicle. All done by 2 drones. Insane.


Combat ineffective is a term that does not exist for the russian army. As long as there is a single mobik with a gun moving forward and able to shoot, he will be ordered forward




U're not counting the driver/gunner from the BMP


Let's call my evaluation very optimistic then


At best. 2 were just unaccounted for.


Wouldnt you take your chances for a lada?


More like a sack of potatos if you're lucky lol


Not so different than a lada if u are fucking dead. LOL


Not sure this is an attack. Could be moving between russian lines not at the literal front. Not a full load, looks like most of the guys were riding in the vehicle and all seem to bail without weapons. Hopefully not an assault, because they could be higher value troops vs being meat.


Makes me want to donate to a fundraiser for more drones ;-) Brutal footage but unfortunately necessary if you want to defend your country


LibertyUkraine dot org Takes donations to fund drones for the UA.


I used NAFO/help99 dot com in the past but i will have a look at that one. Thx!


I've donated to LibertyUkraine, they were the guys that collected the downed SU-34 Fastback "Red 31" NW of Kyiv and made Keychains out of the skin. Pretty wild.


Be careful there are a lot of scam fundraisers. The reputable ones tend to have an official telegram channel and large following.


Here in DroneCombat thread you can find google spreadsheet with official telegram channels of Ukrainian drone units so you can donate tho them directly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1bio0nu/created\_a\_google\_spreadsheet\_with\_direct\_links/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1bio0nu/created_a_google_spreadsheet_with_direct_links/) But look like this exact unit "Hora Group" channel was banned. UPD. List fixed, actual link to "Hora group" channel added.


Any idea why they were banned?


It is only my assumption. Possible that drone unit decided to create new channel and delete old. Link to new channel is fixed.


1+ year ago they needed more 3d printers right now they have quite a lot so much they told me to keep mine as they had a farm with like 15+ creality K1s working all day every day just in 1 unit I offered to donate. So I then looked to help with FPV drones and they also have a surplus. Especially the explosive pellets which are made in Ukraine from fertilizer. What we should be doing a fundraiser for TRUCKS, vehicles of every kind are needed, many units need anything really doesn't even have to be 4x4 a pickup or suv would work


Fucking prigozins stunt double got his absolute shit rocked on the bonnet hahahaha


Got sucked into that frunk and left out a nazi salute


Dr. Strangelove moment.


What kind of assault is that? No helmets, single BMP... they thought it's a fucking game?


recon / advance to contact. likely could be a lateral or retrograde move. redeploy down the line, etc. no reason to zip up tight and wear full gear if you're just swapping positions with another unit. with drones and modern satellites and EW you're a target anywhere.


How do these people look around at each other and decide they are capable of attacking a position? It is like me watching around my fat friends in the garage eating mcd at a LAN party and coming to the conclusion we could run a marathon.


Because most of them have only been there for a few hours and have been told they are winning


Just for the money. A big amount of russian men are unemployed without education. There is a poster telling you to help russia and earn 500.000 rubel a month (average income is russia is 64.159 Rubel a month) You get a 3 week basic training, an ak with 3 magazines, 1 grenade. Good luck. They don't know until they know.


Excellent audio editing.


The squeaky tread they use for a bmp gets me every time.


Sun Tzu’s often overlooked rule for warfare; “Never pass an opportunity to dunk upon your enemy. Mockery has greater range than an arrow and cuts deeper than a sword”


"When the enemy advances, clown on those hoes." -Sun Tzu


Humiliation is number one goal when fighting your enemy.


"Glory for the winner, humiliation for the loser" -Kenny Vs Spenny


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYRHFOu9xlc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYRHFOu9xlc) To me, it sounds like it might be the tread sound from Saving Private Ryan.


So much better than loud shitty music


What munitions are they using? Mortars? Explosions seem bigger than greanades.


Honestly I found the added sound effects a bit tacky, if anything go with something ambient and ominous, but that's my personal taste. I also don't mind the footage being set to music, I've found some good stuff from those.


K-2 battalion is king with the sound editing


5th SABr (Separate Assault Brigade) also had a great video with drops this winter


I recently rewatched Band of Brothers due to the D-Day anniversary. It is so wild to me we are seeing similar footage in high resolution. War is hell.


Enemy assault near Ivanivka Part 3. FPV and extermination of infantry 0:12: BMP-2 is hit by FPV drone of 43 Separate Mechanized Brigade 0:30: We immediately begin to hunt the infantry which is trying to run away 0:48: Discovering where are remnants of the group and finishing them 1:26: In the mean time 43 SMB(ОМБр) is finishing BMP 1:47: Well and We are finishing all enemy infantry reconnaissance and strike group: HORA (Гора)


Textbook use of FPVs & drone dropped munitions! 🫡 (Uhmm, well...when the Ukrainians get the time to write the book, of course 🤔)


ukraine is unconsciously writing so many books for history right now, it's crazy.


Damn - obliterated by a few drones. Scary shit!


Nowhere to hide. Death from above. What a terrifying situation.


Remember to get a passport before you travel in Ukraine


Fuck that tree in particular


Surely they have better chances by just running, hiding from something with aerial view is pretty pointless especially with the all thermals/NV used nowadays and you’re more likely to survive when the drone doesn’t score a direct hit on your leg cuz you weren’t moving…


Just a guess, but, guessing any who could run probably did. It's not like they were asked to please kindly dismount.


They might not have had a choice. If they were wounded by the initial attack, they might have a leg full of shrapnel. But even if they are healthy, i isn't the worst idea. They are on a big open and flat plane. They know that other drones are coming if they are not already there. Everyone starts running, and people start dying. You see a place that has some cover you think you might be able to hide in. If you successfully hide and are able to wait it out for an hour or two for the mop up anti-personnel drones to give up, your chances of getting back are much better than running out in the open while they are actively hunting down the crew of the APC they just killed. Granted, hiding is no good if you are already spotted, but there is no way to tell if a drone operator is carefully looking at you or not. Running isn't a bad idea either. If you just go for it, you might outrun someone slower. They might yet have enough anti-personal drones gathered to get you yet. You might get far enough to get under drone jamming. I suspect that there is no good answer. It's probably just a roll of the dice which strategy will work on one day and not another. That said, I suspect that no-mans is quickly getting more and more hostile. Thermal vision in particular is rapidly dropping in price, and once that is everywhere, soldiers are screwed.


Dang. One dude was tossed UNDER the engine deck after that strike. And seriously, what is up with these individual attacks across open ground?


In most of the areas being fought there's mostly open ground. Cleared farmland. the only cover are trees planted at the edges of fields as windbreaks, but those are only a few 10s of meters wide. the ground is plowed and leveled - the only cover are trenches dug or craters, but here there aren't any craters and only a couple of bushes. Maybe they were repositioning between areas with more cover and a drone caught them is the only thing I can think. At this point in the war, if this is the type of attack the russians are doing there's no wonder they've lost 500,000 troops so far.


Guy riding shotgun with shades on and a baseball cap backwards instead of a helmet, like he's a fucking Rambo or something. Hilarious.


Last one looks like a suicide. Enough to put him on the list?


Someone call FalseGod


Dude sitting on the front of the bmp, no helmet on.. Bet he was really feeling himself that day.


Suicide at 2:41?


Highly likely, with the gun position, blood running from nose indicating brain damage and obviously the blood puddle behind the head.


I think that was the guy that got swallowed by the front at the start.


When i see OMBr in the tittle i know its going to be devastating. They know how to put in work. Oof These guys on the BMP looked like they thought they where on some joy ride on the country side.


Holy fuck the sounds... Guys I know you want to make every kill montage into a Michael Bay movie...


The problem is every drone video will just sound like "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" so it will always be replaced with music or something else.


I'm still waiting for a drone video thats is nothing but that brrrrr sound.


Meat sponges absorbing pain and punishment.  They achieved nothing but their own pointless demise.  


is the guy on top in the front on the phone? is he filming himself?


When the drone panned up and there was already several drones chasing the Ruskis on foot LMAO


Combined drone warfare, great to have the grenades on standby to mop up as with the mine video above as well


That poor shrub though.


It was harboring nazis tho


And the 200s take the game with a score of 5-nil. The 300s are really having trouble this season. Not alot of support from their coaches and too many player defections to the 200s. I really don't see them taking the playoffs this year Cotton.


The HD videos of these drones are insane


Is this really a professional modern army?... I suppose not. Who sends a single solitary ifv over unvetted open ground, seemingly without any support?


You die without ever seeing the enemy never mind fighting the enemy. Good for Ukraine!


[Mr. E. W. Lambert, of Homeleigh, The Burrows, Oswestry, has presented us with a poser. We do not know which bush he is behind. But… we can soon find out…](https://youtu.be/VokGd5zhGJ4?si=YwNMFX9JSYmQVZLn&start=83)


One of them was wearing lowa zephyrs and its crazy that I can see that. What an age of tech. Can you imagine 50 years from now


Fuck the Russian invaders and fuck the American GOP traitors who support Putin.


... the chump on the front is getting ready to film a selfie. That was all over in a flash


Drones have become a mainstay in warfare now. They are just so godamn cheap and useful. Literally a poor man's close air support and it fucking works.


I think you will see drones be a part of every infantry unit in every army from now on. Surveillance, reconnaissance, close air support, artillery spotting... they are just too useful not to become a major component. and they are cheap. Ukraine is said to be making 2 million drones a year now.


Have you seen the blond Rambo on top of the vechicle ? No helmet , sun glasses.... No more confidence after the 1\`rst strike...


He was probably there to spot mines and drones and guide the driver. No helmet for better situational awareness, and possibly the sunglasses to help pick out drones against the sky. I'm surprised his legs weren't smashed by the engine plate going up; he seemed able to walk after hitting the ground.


So not worth the contract for a fist full of rubles.


What a massacre. Well done Ukraine!


Notice how they all ran for the trees and thought that they could hide... These dudes knew they were dead and were just trying to delay the inevitable


300 for wounding, but only 200 for killing? What am I missing here? A higher score to make them bleed out?


These are military codes, not scores. Cargo 300 is wounded, 200 is dead bodies.


The production quality on this is amazing. One of the most truly terrifying drone videos I have ever seen.


Asymmetric warfare at its finest and most deadly. Ukrainian drone operators are miles away in relative safety and they have plenty more drones to deploy against Russian troops, while those Russian troops are facing death and dismemberment every time they head out.


These cocksuckers will just keep coming unless you cut the head off the snake.


They must be watching ["How Not To Be Seen"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-M2hs3sXGo) during training to learn how not to be seen... I swear every time I've seen them get forcibly dismounted, they run off for the really obvious copse of trees right over there, or this bush in the middle of nowhere...


Wonder if they were praising Putin in their final moments and thanking him for this opportunity to die for their country? Also wonder why they just hid in a bush and didn't start falling back... Probably wouda been shot and killed i guess.


They don’t praise Putin in most cases they hate him for his corruption, they would like to have someone like Stalin with less corruption and more blood on hands. Stalin killed dozens millions of ukrainians, tatars and other nations and gave their land to russians. 


Timing is everything. They probably would have fallen back but they got scattered and slowly whittled down. But here yeah you just want to drop your gear and run assuming you can. Drones will go for the easy target hiding in a bush over the guy high tailing it any day.


how do RU smucks keep signing up for these outings?


They’re dead, Jim.




It is like they found a Tree of Russian soldiers




What a waste of a tree!


What I don’t understand is, why is nobody trying to shoot down the drone? It’s a very small target, yes, but if there’s 5 people shooting a whole mag of their machine guns at the drone, I think chances are that at least one bullet will hit it. Like, what’s your other option? Hide and wait till you get blown up? Or is there something obvious I’m missing?


I’m not an expert but it seems that last guy offed himself.


Holly shit this is peak cinematography. Just love the way it was shot from, each crew individual fate to the end fate of the bmp and mission.


Ye Gods! That poor bush!


Every time I see them being hunted in the bush I'm reminded of Monty Python "how not to be seen": https://youtu.be/ZGv8oAHxekU?t=1m


I get the feeling better camouflage would accomplish more than these cages.


All I see is the Monty Python skit 'How not to be seen'  "Mr Nesbitt has learnt the first lesson of not being seen... not to stand up.  However, he has chosen a very obvious piece of cover."  BOOM!


Terminated with extreme prejudice. It’s the only way.


Are those points on the left side? 300 for an injury, 200 for a kill?


[They're 'cargo' codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_200_\(code_name\)). Like, they're for transporting cargo of type 200, (dead bodies), type 300 (wounded), and the quantity. You can see further down the article for other codes that are used. Like 100 for ammunition. Nowadays, cargo 200 and 300 are common euphemisms for any battlefield wounded and dead.


That last guy blew his own brains out with his rifle


3 minute video ? Whoa lemme roll a doobie first.


good rounds


That's how u get ur ass clapped in Ukraine 🇺🇦


What kind of tactics was that? Riding in all Lone Wolf McQuade like nothing is going to happen. Hello, this is a war zone. I learned better tactics playing Command and Conquer.Then hiding from the drones under a little shitty trees in the middle of nowhere knowing that if you run, you die, and if you stay under the trees you die. That would suck.


Level cleared


Invader’s fate


A few survived - the ones that kept running and didn't hide. Tomorrow they will be loaded onto another BMP and sent on the same journey they just survived.


Nothing i love more than watching Russian soldiers die.