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47th Mech Brigade is on a gory spree, jesus christ...


I watched an interview with the commander of 47th Brigade's Strike Drone Company. From October till May (the time of the interview) his company (about 100 men) eliminated 2500 men and 300 vehicles of RuAF. All hits are confirmed by videos. Insane efficiency.


thats about 1 kill per man every 10 days. seems like a kill is pretty rare. but i guess they dont lose anyone so its great efficiency.


The second Russian actually looked dead.




I can fully understand you, I've toned down watching and achieving videos from the front lines by the end of 2023. It surely improved a tad bit my mental health. Can't imagine what it has to be for Ukrainians that don't have the luxury of just turning it off for a while. But I also don't feel like I can fully stop it and ignore whats going on. It's good to get smacked back to reality from time to time and see the suffering Russia brings, so I'll never forget it.


"God help me I do love it so. I love it more than my own life" - Gen George Patton


Thank George Washington for the monroe doctrine…. I’m glad I live in the best hemisphere Edit: West hemisphere is best hemisphere


Not the South Hemisphere?


so which country is next after Ukraine is conquered?


Target rich environment.




Drowning in a Ukrainian field mid-summer. Crazy. Those last gasps sucking in swamp water and convulsions made it all the worse. Damn.


Terrifying to think of just how many soldiers bodies will never be found. Be it lying face down buried in the mud, or disintegrated from an explosion. Regardless of the outcome the land will likely be uninhabitable for regular life with the amount of unexploded ordnance, rifles and other arms laying around everywhere for children or civilians to find, corpses and mass amounts of tank and other vehicle wreckage.


hence the dog tags


You gonna go in that soup for 2 dog tags?


Someone will. Eventually.


They’re still digging up red army soldiers that’s in feet of mud from ww2 Ukraine has wetlands that will preserve body’s and equipment dry well


Not Russians. At least…not a second time


Hopefully not. But there will be peace eventually, however long Putin delays it, and there will be an accounting.


Probably archeologists in 50 years.


They definitely won’t, there is no chance of finding those.


Magnet fishing? Military grade roomba? Idk




Eventually, they will be metres below the ground. Waiting decades before being found. Never again, making sound. Uhhh...basset hound?


Dog tags are a simple way to identify relatively fresh remains. They don't usually stay on the corpse through decomposition. That's why modern militaries take DNA samples from soldiers on entry to service. Bodies don't typically stay all together in a warzone for very long either. Scavengers will be in the area, and the bodies will be predated upon by all manner of fauna. Also, if the head is removed, the dog tags can easily be lost. Many of these young Russians will, unfortunately, have their remains consumed or otherwise carried away by scavengers. It is unlikely that Russia has properly collected DNA on all of these soldiers, as a large number of them were conscripted, then rushed through a bare minimum of training before being thrown into the meat grinder.


When I was younger, finding a deer carcass in the back of the property, seeing how fast it would disappear was pretty cool. The bones that weren't dragged off with the limbs were last to go of course, but they quickly were hidden by plants that love the nutrients left behind by decomposing blood and flesh. But then you start seeing teeth marks on those, mice would nibble on them, they especially loved antlers. After two years, you'd have to do some detective work to find a few rib bones.


You keep tags on more than just your head. We often laced them into our boots.


That is the worst appendage to attach dog tags to. It's the most likely to be traumatically removed.


> It's the most likely to be traumatically removed. That's the point and why it was done.


What? That makes no sense, why would you put identification on a limb. I've been involved in a hundred or so wartime amputations, only once did we attempt to save a limb, and that was only possible due to the limb still having a partial blood supply, still being partially attached, a remarkably clean amputation, and getting into an OR within 6 hours of the injury. Dog tags are useful for identifying a mostly intact body. That's it. That's why most modern militaries have moved to DNA, fingerprint, iris, or dental ID. Dog tags are not reliable as a method of body identification in a warzone. KIA and MIA designations are not compiled from dog tags, they are compiled from unit rolls, and after action reports from engagements or operations. If you want to know more about why the switch to biometric ID was made and its history, I recommend the *Center for Army Lessons Learned* (CALL) as this is a good resource for analyzing war fighting effectiveness in regards to doctrine. Each branch of the US military has an equivalent organization.


Russians don't have them though, well any of the conscripts don't.


I used to watch a guy retrieve ww2 soldiers remains from the battlefield. I wondered how they got in those boggy peat swamps. Now I know.


An area considered uncrossable is often the least defended best area to attack through.


> Terrifying to think of just how many soldiers bodies will never be found. Be it lying face down buried in the mud, or disintegrated from an explosion. The trenches alone. There's footage out there where they walk through the trenches and the floor consists of dead bodies, slowly becoming one with the earth. > Regardless of the outcome the land will likely be uninhabitable for regular life with the amount of unexploded ordnance, rifles and other arms laying around everywhere for children or civilians to find, corpses and mass amounts of tank and other vehicle wreckage. Opportunity to find innovative solutions for this which will be good for Ukrainian economy, once Russia is defeated.


I've seen footage where corpses of Russian soldiers simply seemed to have become part of the trench walls. I found this super fascinating to see how you can see parts of camo, a piece of bone and dried out skin just stick out the side. Usually happens when arty scores a direct hit that also displaces a lot of dirt. Stuff just gets compacted together.


I don't recall which book it is, but in one written by a soldier in WWI he talks about digging trenches in previously lost ground and having to dig through bodies, rifles, helmets, etc. There's also a part where there's an arm and hand sticking out of a trench wall, and everyone in his squad shakes the dead hand as they enter the trench for good luck


Damn, I immediately believe you.. There was a Ukrainian video on here two weeks ago where they sat in a dugout next to a Russian corpse and they occasionally shook the corpse while saying things like 'wake up Ivan!' like making jokes about it. I guess seeing enough corpses makes you handle things differently. It changes you. I feel so bad for soldiers that come home after duty in a 'normal' world that they have to get used to again all the while they are slowly starting to work on their postponed trauma while everyone around them has no clue how it must've been for them.


My US Marine grandson spent 18 months attached to a forensic unit recovering bodies and evidence from MIA and KIA in WW I and II in France and Belgium and Poland. He told me there is an established unit of about 250 people from a coalition of governments that research MIA and KIA stories and anecdotal evidence searching for lost soldiers. He was honored to be attached to this effort. That was in 2019. There is a smaller group that works domestically in the USA for Civil War Soldiers as well.


I wouldnt be surprised to know that they are doccumenting all these cases and will later find and remove all the bodies when creating them is less of a priority.


they certainly have the opportunity,, with the GPS data already embedded


There are still hundreds of thousands (maybe millions Idr) of lost and unidentified soldiers from WW2 alone. WW1 is close to just as bad iirc


>Regardless of the outcome the land will likely be uninhabitable for regular life with the amount of unexploded ordnance, rifles and other arms laying around everywhere for children or civilians to find, corpses and mass amounts of tank and other vehicle wreckage. There will be massive efforts by NGOs once the war is over to help clean up all the UXO and other wartime debris. Hopefully it will be funded by seized Russian assets.


I had the same thought. I watch some you tubes channels of Russian and German WW2 soldiers being found and dug up to be returned home. 80 years later. Same will happen here in about 80 years.


In 100 years it will be cool for metal detectors enthusiasts like myself tho


I’m not sure with the amount of anti personnel mines


If you go to Çanakkale, Turkey and dig any ground for 30 seconds you either find a bullet or a dog tag probably belongs to Anzacs from WW1. Especially Fortress of Çanakkale. You still can spot bullets in walls.


they are stilling finding bodies from the first and second world wars man...


Man, having swamp water directly enter your body cavities surely might not be the most hygienic thing ever.


I think they got bigger problems then swamp infections lol


You know, that grammar error actually works either way.


Had to say it out loud a few times but yeah you’re right


If we are just going by health standards, the high speed metal and plastic fragments shredding apart their bodies and organs probably is equally unhealthy.


Nothing healthy about inhaling tank exhaust fumes.


What? Did a frog jump on his ass at 4 sec in?


I thought he farted.


These men could have been a shopowner in their hometown, a mechanic in a workshop, a father playing with his kid. Now they are dying in an Ukranian field for no reason. Even in death he is a looser. Hope that some day russians stay in russia.


I don't know about now because they are likely all dead, but I read descriptions that right when the war started men in Luhansk and Donetsk were taken from their actual workplaces and sent to fight in the seperatist battalions. Miners and teachers and bakers, just ordinary people in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were given all the worst gear too, like Mosin Nagants and WW2 helmets and used as cannon fodder early on. 


correct I have videos on my hard drive of men in uniform walking up to a man on a street in one of these "independent republics", hitting him in the stomach and beating him, while he is screaming "guys stop, please!". Think UK royal navy press gangs in XVII century, "man catchers".


Why for no reason? They're dying for money. In St.Petersburg any, who sign the military contact, will receive upfront one time payment of 13k USD and then up to 2.5k USD each month🤷


No way they will get 13k USD upfront. They don’t even give families a sack of veggies when their sons die


The people from Moscow and st Petersburg are getting paid, thats for certain. They can't risk upsetting those cities. It's the provincial people that don't get what they are owed. The figures IV seen are 5k upfront and 2.5k per month. That's probably the number for experienced troops from Moscow or spb, provincials likely get less.


Russia is rolling in oil money, they have no problems paying $13k up front and $2.5k for the few months they will be alive to get another person to the frontlines.


Yes but that means nothing because only lucky ones get to live more than a dozen hours on the frontlines. They know they wont have to pay most of them. If they did it wouldnt be sustainable.


How are you so shore this soldier came from St.Petersburg? 99.9% comes from asian minorities that only some roubles.


>99.9% comes from asian minorities that only some roubles. This is grossly untrue. Some even use same claims as to excuse ethnic russian of the atrocities they done and continue doing in Ukraine.


Hes giving you an example. Sign up bonuses are often dependent on location. 9/10 people signing up (for a long time now) do it for money.


Do they? A lot of the dead soldiers look like ethnic russians.


Indians tricked into going to Russia for work then 'press-ganged'


SP is just an example. Payments vary but the poorer is region the more lucrative $5-10k seems.


The Russians have recently started paying them more including different regions going up to 1.3 billion rubles


So he died for a handful of rubbles, what does it change?


He would have been better of if he stayed at home in Russia. This is what every would-be russian soldier should know.


and?? they are all dead in months! I bet my ass most aren't even receiving a single ruble while fighting


9/10 are going for money, rest are going for ideological reasons to genocide ukrainians AND money. Thats reality of maskovian invasion.


I thought a conscription was set up? Thas why some Russian teens are breaking their femurs


Conscription is ongoing but the last major "partial conscription" wave lead to some 700k Russians fleeing the country. From what I've read, off the top of my head, the Kremlin actually really upped the payments for enlisting. The monthly wage for a soldier is the equivalent of some 1500$. While the average Russian wage is 700$ or so, the minimum is just above 200$ per month. For the folks in the far away, poor regions, that is an enticing amount of money. But I always think of that one video of a Russian walking past the aftermath of a failed assault with dozens of dead men piled up behind a btr, saying *"You came here because you need money? These guys dont need money anymore."*


Loads of russians are joining the military for money


What a waste!


hiding in a swamp, def a waste man power


You are idealising russians living in remote villages. The alcoholism levels there are devastating. So working on a normal job without heavily drinking is no question: A study by Russian, British and French researchers published in The Lancet scrutinized deaths between 1990 and 2001 of residents of three Siberian industrial towns with typical mortality rates and determined that 52% of deaths of people between the ages of 15 and 54 were the result of complications of alcohol use disorder. In 2007, Gennadi Onishenko, the country's chief public health official, voiced his concern over the nearly threefold rise in alcohol consumption over the past 16 years. I would say the kids are far better of without these fathers. But there is a heavy drinking problems in Russian women as well.


There's a Russian guy I watch on YouTube, he does videos about grafting fruit trees, something I have been trying to learn more about, he is in Vladikavkaz, I think, beautiful region, he is such a chill guy, all he seems to care about is his fruit trees, I often wonder about him, could he get called up? Is he someone who would go? Do they even have a choice once they are signed up? It's all so pointless, and someone of his abilities to end up dying in a ditch for the sake of this pointless war, it makes no sense.


They could have been alcoholic shop owners, alcoholic mechanics, alcoholic fathers, alcoholic deputy chairmen of the Security Council... so many missed opportunities.


All of these are good guesses but wrong. What he was, was an invader. Now he dies like one.


They have the reason. In russian’s culture it is very honorable when you kill, rape and make money by doing these. 90% of these guys have contracts and good salary compare to russian standards of living. He can buy apartment, close his debts etc. and it doesn’t matter if he survive or not. Russian government gives enough money for widows.


All assholes loosen up upon death though.


Not unless it gets blown off.


Nah, these proud men are defending Russia against Nazi Ukraine. Thanks lads /s


Or they could have been guns for hire for some russian oligarch.


Dying in stinking ditch water, great life choices.


Seems so miserable I can't imagine


Imagine it seemed better to them than living in Russia.


You think this Russian boys chose to die like this? No, they did not. They would rather be playing PlayStation or out on the town with their girlfriends.


Their other choice was dying in Sibiria Gulag. Idk if this is much about choice


Your right, some of them would have had no real choice.


Realistically, the choice was a few years in prison or go to Ukraine and murder innocent people. They had a choice. There's always a choice. And they chose wrong.


Why is it always a single or pair of soldiers getting hunted down? Is Ukraine separating them then attacking or hunting down those that got separated from their groups?


This was taught to me way back in basic training in 1989 and remains true, remarkably so. US/NATO combat organization is at the platoon/squad level and the competency of the NCO is critical. If he is killed, someone else takes that role, and the unit functions until it physically can't. The mission is defined from above, but once things get moving, there's a lot of small unit autonomy to achieve the aims. Russian/Eastern Bloc militaries are top-down. Kill the general or even have regular combat chaos ensue, and the enlisted just sort of individualize and loiter and loot and become unprofessional and ineffective. No unit cohesion. No improvisation. No useful elaborating or innovation.


They pretend no more. Seriously though, you know you're being hunted. After that first hit you should have a decent idea you're being hunted successfully. Why not just try to surrender? (Though I know the propaganda machine is most likely playing successfully here. Stupidity+propaganda.)


Drone pilots don't really accept surrenders. No real way to take POWs. Maybe if you are really close to the front line or something but a lot of these strikes will be 10K deep or more.


They did for a while, then a 47th Brigade drone recorded Russian troops executing captured soldiers from their brigade. Since then they've gotten quite brutal.


You can't surrender to a drone. And as a drone operator, there is no point in sparing a "surrendering" Russian soldier. He could walk away and pick up a new weapon as soon as he gets back to camp. If you're out there and a drone is coming for you, there is nowhere to go but the afterlife.


These guys are clearly injured already, you can see the remnants of another FPV drone by the first guys legs


Masquerade is over.


This tech is terrifying.  You know we're going to see terrorist propaganda videos identical to this one day.


You're not samurai. It's OK to surrender.


What a way to die in a fuckn swamp.


Looks like the 47th is seeing plenty of action lately


I think it's the same action, just higher resolution.


They came to kill Ukraines including civilians. Stop going to murder people. Stay home this war is wrong and it’s not worth dying for.


Looks like the first guy survived a strike as the drone is right next to him.


At what point, if that's a certainty that you'll die, why not just drop all your equipment, military gear clothes, hands Up Walk naked and surrender. Of course there's a risk of being shot as a deserter but come on


Bruh he farts at 0:03 😂😂


Extreme stress does many things to your body and losing gastrointestinal control can be one of them so could have shit himself literally too.


I would be farting non stop in that situation as well.


When dreams become reality thanks to the enlightened leader Vlad the benevolent!


The slow movements they always make after being hit is so unnerving - sometimes they reach for the gaping holes where body parts used to be like scratching an itch. Are they there at all at that point, or unconscious for all intents and purposes?


They’re still conscious if they’re making coordinated movements. Localizing pain and being coordinated enough to move your hand to the injury requires quite a bit of brain power. For this guy, it’s really toss up if he’s conscious or not for the first clip after the first explosion. If you see them moving, they’re probably conscious unless they’re convulsing or posturing which would indicate some severe structural damage to the brain and death is seconds or minutes away. The other commenter is not correct in that if a person’s heart has stopped however, no it is not possible for them to be conscious for longer than a few seconds. It’s why people pass out so quickly during a blood choke.


There are a few different reasons why they sometimes still move even after being fatally hit, it could be that they are still "there" for a few seconds (the brain can survive about 5 minutes without blow flow before the first neutrons start to die) sometimes its just the Nervous system firing of signals and sometimes its literally just the wind / force from the impact.


This is the scariest part for me, are any of those five minutes perceivable? Even though it looks like everything has turned off, they may still have another five minutes or so to suffer in some kind of brain limbo.


Yes depending on how damaged the brain itself is there is still a amount of perception happening.


Damn they really upped their act after the drones hit


Just a kid dead in the mud, all for an oligarch psychopath’s jihad


Just a "kid" that would've stolen from, raped and murdered Ukrainian civilians if given the chance. Let me play the world's tiniest violin.


its hard to watch slow drowning death


I think he might have been slowly become a corpse and you just sped up the process lol


The Ukrainian civilians that got murdered during the invasion opening days were smart enough to know that if you’re going to play dead, you have to stay perfectly still. Possibly for hours. Did guy #1 even try?


Talk about a horrific fate. So brutally injured you can’t keep your head up and down


First drone didn't explode, 2nd did the job.


Is that blue cylinder the explosive payload from the first drone that isn't shown?


That\`s the battery pack on top, the payload is usually on the bottom, underwater here.


Thanks, didn't know that.


So first we had videos of Russians dying from drone hits in 2022. Then in 2023? we had the video of Russians drowning in knee-deep shallow water. Now in 2024 we have a video of Russians getting drone hits and *then* drowning in shallow water. The Russians say they're motivated to keep fighting. Can't wait for next year's releases where they keep outdoing their predecessors!




Trust but verify.


Why not just run to start wtf


It's hard to breathe underwater.


Cause of death- drowning lmao


Song: Bullet Train by Zigi SC


Again, the further Russia advances in Ukraine, less empathy I have for these meatshields.


Song IDs?


Well they’re not pretending anymore 😂


Hah, the drone had to do a double take after the second drone came in. Lost the guy in the explosion.


Best fertilizer


Nice try


They got their wishes


Interesting to see that there's a sunken drone visible at the very beginning.


If they survived, they drowned. Two cargo 200s.


Dont worry, the medic will be with you soon


do you think surrender is even an option at this point in a drone-invader interaction? like if he had just thrown his hands up, stripped naked and kneeled... you think they would allow him to "surrender to the drone" as I have seen in a prior video?


I guess they try to honor surrender requests if they can, depending on distance and if they have personnel able to apprehend them. That way they can trade POWs and maybe get some useful information.




I dig the first guys loot is kinda drippy tho


Play dead! Now stay!


Fake it till you make it


Fake it till you make it


Really good job by those drone spotters to always find these camouflaged enemies hiding in that terrain.


"Hmmm we didn't kill you earlier, how'd you get here"


AFAIK they're often hunting stragglers from earlier failed assaults


First dude let a lot of the no no water in his mouth. Piss poor planning.


Does anyone have a link to a close-up photo or description of these new drones that have blue on them, which I've seen a lot recently?


blue thing is 18650 battery cells (which you will find inside laptop battery) taped together in series for power . these are not new they are using this from the beginning


They are starting to be pretty good at pretending! It's almost like they are actually dead.


They might be found as bog men someday.


The second one is the first convincing play-death I've seen. The rest have all had the fidgets. Too bad for almost all of these, by the time they're playing death to the drone they detect, a loitering one has already been watching and seen the whole charade.


They're not pretending anymore.


Love the hi-rez vid.


Be careful what you wish for...

