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From I'm dying to definitely dead


Looked like he was agonal breathing too


Are the Russian volunteers going to fight in Ukraine not able to see these clips due to some internet firewall or something? There are countless videos like this out there and how can you even imagine signing up to be on the receiving end after seeing what is very possible to happen?


Russian culture is fatalistic and materialistic. A perfect combination for fighting attritional wars devoid of merit. We can't project our values on them. 


How often do you personally watch videos of ukrainians getting blown up like this? Not very often? They usually dont get posted here and if they do they get super downvoted and arent published by almost any english language accounts on any social media. You can very easly get an idea that this sort of thing only happens to the russians and if you were to fight for ukraine you would do cool stuff, defeat enemy columns and generally do great then go home fine. (This is a very false perception and there are while not as many as the ukrainian videos, theres a shit ton of videos from russian drones doing the same and being a soldier on any side sucks ass and is a horror) Ok now imagine being on russian social media, on VK, telegram or whatever else, where everything is reverse: footage from ukrainian sources gets super downvoted if posted at all and all the feed is filled with the russian videos, the same ones which you dont often see here in western spaces, you could very easly get an analogous impression that dying horribly in a field with no help is only something that happens to ukrainians and if you enlist in the russian army youre gonna do cool stuff, take ukrainian cities and earn a ton of money and not get hurt. Both sides watch 100% real videos from the war but due to personal biases and not looking outside of their bubble they dont see the full picture and only see what they wish to see. You and me are also voulnreable to this.


right, I am British and even I realise the Reddit bias. But when I search by new I get some of the Russian pov. If I was planning to enlist I would be researching both sides to figure out what was happening, this should be even more obvious to Russians since they openly know their news is biased and accept it.


I don’t think it’s a Reddit bias, from my perspective it’s a Me bias. I don’t sub to Russian subs because I don’t want to see Ukrainians suffer, but I know the subs are there.






Absolutely true and that's why the population of west should get the true picture. Society as a whole would be a lot better off. Take decisions based on facts not on some subjectives veils. 


Telegram is not blocked in russia, they have access to all combat footage there.


It's available - but how many people actually watch it or even know it's available? 1 in a 100 maybe?


It’d be nice to be able to watch the war from both side honeslty, i have no idea who is really winning this thing.


You won’t really know who is “winning” from Reddit. I recommend Ukraine: The Latest podcast and the Institute for the Study of War website as two fairly objective daily news sources. They both are effectively pro-Ukraine but also starkly objective in their reporting. ISW is more focused on just the combat side, Ukraine The Latest covers the political side of the conflict as well.


r/ukrainerussiareport is a sub that has a lot more RU-POV stuff, but just be advised of the *heavy* Russian bias over there. I started following because I needed a break from the pro-Ukrainian stance of "everything is peachy, Russia will run out of ammo and collapse any day now" but stopped going over there because it's just "everything is peachy, Ukraine will run out of ammo and collapse any day now". Still, good to get multiple perspectives


Yep. Take example this tiktok idiot https://www.tiktok.com/@7.62x39ap?_t=8nGoPd3efTD&_r=1 He believes in freeing donbass from the Ukrainians. Instead of separating those who want Russia and those who don't. Sigh


They are mostly following their own z-bloggers and other propagandists, who tell them that they are winning.


No disrepect but of course they don't see them. Or very few of them do at least. And "Never underestimate the power of denial" (*American Beauty*) I remember a Russian being shown actual footage from a bombed hospital in Mariopal showing - well - just what you would expect to see in a hospital full of patients that has just been hit by cruise missiles. His response was that everyone of the hundred or so blood spattered people and body parts were all paid actors producing a propaganda film.


Most places are censored. Ask many Americans… not many will even realize this type of footage is out there and many will actively avoid it if they did. Russia is that but also on another whole level of censorship on top of it . They don’t see anything.


Imagine cutting together an hours-long compilation of these most graphic (and grotesquely intimate) Russian soldiers deaths and projecting it onto a building in Moscow. You could put a little Russian flag over their heads to make it abundantly clear what’s happening and to whom.


It would get shut down with mins and any person found responsible would be imprisoned or put to death, and the footage claimed as fake. Russia isn’t like the free world. It is strictly censored and ruled with an iron fist… and the Russians wouldn’t believe the footage either. Most are brainwashed from continuous propaganda.


What about all the people who sign up and are never heard from again? Surely they must suspect it isn't going great when they're offered 3 times a normal pay to be a soldier 2 years in?


This is a concept most Westerners do not get. The vast majority of Russian soldiers come from poor regions that have limited access to media and internet. They believe everything the state-run media tells them and when they lose sons/husbands it is for "the greater good". Meanwhile the people in Moscow and St Petersburg couldn't care less about peasants from backwards regions dying in the tens of thousands but it might annoy them McDonalds had to be rebranded to Vkusno i tochka (tasty, period) and that they have to go on holiday to Egypt again when they would rather go to Spain.


If you are thinking of a that's-our-boys-getting-slaughtered-there-let's-bring-em-home-kind-of reaction, Russians would happily disappoint you. The ruthless crime-capitalist society that they have been molded by, has desensitized most of them from caring about anyone outside of their closest circle.


Balloons with USB sticks?


Most people anywhere don't want to see it. They don't even want to be told about it. Ignorance is bliss, they say. Exposure is definitely not good for mental health, however, ignoring the atrocities of this war and then even saying that this is not an issue, as some politicians are wont to do, is on a whole other level of willful ignorance.


The 47th are notoriously brutal. I feel as though their payloads are bigger. Definitely make examples out of their victims.


Imagine dying for Putin at this stage of the war lol


don't think he had much of a choice tbh


I don't know the breakdown in numbers, but there seem to be a lot of Russian soldiers on contract lately. I'm just basing that on POW interviews though so it's a small sample size. I'm sure many are mobilized too.


In contrast to common misbelief in the west, Russia to this day does not force-draft people to fight in Ukraine. The ones taking part in the initial invasion - and only few of them are left - were the only ones who couldn't know that they were going to end up in Ukraine back at the time they signed the contracts.


What's the draw then? Just service to nation? Even with the Russian government's grip on their media and information, the populace has to be aware that the front is a meat grinder.


Money of course. Russia have upped the pay four fold and also now offer a huge signing on bonus. Well huge for a Russian slave or serf that is. I make six times their wages running a little business here in NZ. They almost certainly get lied to as well - "100 miles behind the front line - cushy job just loading the trucks with caviar for the guys at the front". And from what Ive seen of Russians speaking to camera most of them seem to genuinely believe they are the good guys. It will take at least a century to rehabilitate Russia affter this - if it survives as an entity at all.


Apparently they are sensing how the war is going and notice the many KIA, WIA and the government needs to massively increase the compensation to keep the numbers of new joiners barely up to replenish their losses. There is no indication though that Russia is going to achieve a multiple in boots on the ground in Ukraine that would enable a decisive victory. People argued that a lack of armoured vehicles explains why Russia is sending teams of 2-4 grunts on motorcycles and desertcross buggies, but most likely Russia now also lacks men to send more than an occasional BTR/BMP with 1-2 crew inside and all passengers atop.


For a career, education, the money or adventure, a mixture off all that with some who are hardcore nationalists. Ask why anyone in the west joins their own army and most answers tend to be a mix of the above. I think when a war starts a lot of younger people get romantic about it and want to participate (this happens to almost every country if the war seems justified), but it might be different for Russians.




It’s not about manpower it’s about technology in this war. A few skilled drone operator is worth a thousand soldiers in terms of stopping power. You can take out an armored column with FPV-drones costing a few thousand dollars today. We have not given Ukraine our best weapons and Russia has seldom faced western technology full force (last time around 300 Russians died in Syria). So Russia has a lot of people and a lot of armor but lacks technology and that’s why they are dying by the hundreds each day and losing armor like they are RPG rounds. Russia isn’t getting anywhere without sacrificing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. So far they’ve lost hundreds of thousands.




Why should it scare me that Russia wastes its resources? What would scare me would be Russia rolling through Ukraine like USA did Iraq and Afghanistan, that would be terrifying. Russia is well on the way to lose 1% of its male population to this war, imagine that. They’ve lost 1/3 of its Black Sea fleet, around 1/2 of its armor and 1/20 of its Air Force. I get that you’re advocating for Russia and you’re using the Russian mentality of quantity over quality but clearly that’s not working out for Russia. If we evaluate this war since day three, (when the war should have been over according to Kremlin) we see that Ukraine has actually gained ground and killed/injured every initial Russian soldier twice. This is without the level of support that Russia has gotten from its allies (Iran, NK and China). So with that in mind, do you really think Ukraine should lay down its arms?


Yeah - quantity only works if the other side have roughly the same weapons as you do. When a huge force of Matabele attacked a British force in a hastily formed lagaar the British opened up with only six Maxims. The final score after 5 minutes was 1500 dead Matabele and 4 dead British.


They care, every soldier is a worker less.


They don't take the positions because it doesn't make sense to do so. They dislodge the Russians, and then typically abandon the position before it gets bombarded to hell by artillery and drones. You're really just ***assuming*** that they should leave soldiers there to secure it. And that's just not really a smart way to fight this war.


Wars are not won on 'manpower' alone (there are also foreign volunteers fighting for Ukraine against the Russians). Nor is all manpower equal, some are trained better, some have better morale, better equipment, etc... Russia is very weakened right now. How much more weak does it allow itself to become for Putin's land-grab? How many widows does Putin intend to create in Russia?


Winnie, the Poo in China, is watching ppresident Shitcan's single use soldiers get slaughtered and is waiting to walk into some useful parts of russian territory. At the cost of golf carts, weapons, and whatever else he gives to ppresident Shitcan.


What happened to his legs dude


Lt Dan 


Ice cream


Gawwdamnit forrest!


Some assembly is required.


I thought that flip had snapped his spine lights out. But then he started breathing!


Different sections of the spine control different body systems. You could sever your spine at the upper thoracic level and still die very very slowly. Breathing is controlled between C1 and C4. That's at your neck.


I've learned a lot about agonal breathing from this war


At least he'll get his 200k roubles Oh wait


The longer version is on the drone combat sub here [https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1dhq45q/a\_russian\_soldier\_accepted\_his\_fate\_as\_he\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1dhq45q/a_russian_soldier_accepted_his_fate_as_he_is/)


Thank you for providing better sources.


Just how many videos have 47 Brigade stocked up? There’s one everyday.


Ah another 47th Video cut short. This one isn't that gory tho. Just smoking alot.


Put some ice on it


Pretzel, shit way to go.


Bro was assigned as ragdoll


Strike Drone Company as always delivers most brutal drone footage.


he isnt wearing sneaker or? OR?!


that leaves a scar


Don’t they have jammers?




1) If they had better target they would hit that. These drones are single use, they aren't combing back. 2) They often pretend to be injured. 3) Injured soldiers come back. Russia is sending back wounded soldiers a lot. They often complain about it, but it makes sense, if they acknowledge the injury, there is extra payments, you also need to find replacement, you want to utilize the meat to the fullest.


As much as I want Ukrained to win, there are videos of Russian soldiers losing limbs after an initial drone attack, then finished off (specifically, ripped apart) by a second drone. Is the latter not a war crime? [Example (NSFL)](https://twitter.com/anno1540/status/1802191750456324372).


Some of them are pretending. Every Russian soldier alive poses a threat to Ukrainians.


A soldier is able to fight until he's incapacitated or dead. Russians have a LONG history of pretending to be dead just to ambush Ukrainians in the War in Ukraine. Most likely the surveillance drone we are watching from caught this guy walking around and then laying down to pretend to be dead when he heard the drone. That gave the surveillance drone enough time to walk the FPV attack drone onto the target,


Can the OP just remove the music?


just mute bro








Don't joke about war. Nothing about it is funny.


why he look like a mannequin? so lifeless and passive.


He’s gravely wounded


use drones to hit wounded and incapable soldiers and then come back to US to ask for money to buy more weapons cz u don't have enough to beat RU