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It definitely looked like he asked for that shot.


There was a video where badly wounded ukrainian solder was asking to finish him. The other ukrainian refused and helped him. Then visited him at the hospital.


For those, who are interested [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/140lgbt/the\_video\_is\_18\_a\_ukrainian\_combat\_medic\_provides/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/140lgbt/the_video_is_18_a_ukrainian_combat_medic_provides/)   [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/141kc0g/part\_2\_of\_ukrainan\_combat\_medic\_helping\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/141kc0g/part_2_of_ukrainan_combat_medic_helping_two/) Hospital:  [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14kahew/remember\_graphic\_video\_of\_uaf\_medic\_helping\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14kahew/remember_graphic_video_of_uaf_medic_helping_two/) Rehabilitation of a soldier with a wounded chin [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/142dleg/update\_on\_the\_afu\_soldier\_with\_a\_wounded\_chin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/142dleg/update_on_the_afu_soldier_with_a_wounded_chin/) upd: There is a later video of him on a wheelchair. You can see both legs and both hands. [https://imgur.com/a/GfPzSbN](https://imgur.com/a/GfPzSbN) And here is a video of him eating shrimps with both hands [https://imgur.com/a/RoCZEjO](https://imgur.com/a/RoCZEjO) Translation of wheelchair video * Hello. I'm on the street already. Everything is good. I already can go to smoke by myself. * How is your leg? * The leg is fine. They patched it up. I can reach the ground with this leg already from my wheelchair. I can move my hand. I can put the wheelchair on a brake, I have strength in my hands. * Say hello to subscribers of "CombatCanabis" (TG channel of the medic. "t .me/combat_hemp") * Hello everyone, I'm getting better. Soon you will no be coming to visit me, but instead I will come to visit you.


Holy shit they saved both legs and an arm  I’m fucking speechless. 


There is a Ukrainian surgeon who saved a Ukrainian soldier who was shot in the heart https://metro.co.uk/2023/12/22/moment-surgeon-removes-bullet-beating-heart-soldier-20015979/


Holy shit that was an entire slug he yanked out of there! I was thinking it'd be a fragment, not a whole ass bullet!!


Damn, Ukrainian surgeons are on a whole other level of built different


Both legs and both hands - you can see his fingers on his left arm i think


Hooooly shit you’re right I didnt have full screen and just figured it’s a bandaged stump Bruh that’s beyond insane.. I’m guessing they were relatively close to a medic center/hospital or something to get under that two hour window Damn.. every limb either hit or shredded and not one lost jeez 


There is a later video of him on a wheelchair. You can see both legs and both hands. [https://imgur.com/a/GfPzSbN](https://imgur.com/a/GfPzSbN) And here is a video of him eating shrimps with both hands [https://imgur.com/a/RoCZEjO](https://imgur.com/a/RoCZEjO)


Damn man thank you


Thank you for the links


I loved this compilation, indeed the war is an incredibly messy place to be in, bless you.


Well, If you have medevak at Hand and its possible. Yeah good. But in this Situation, under fire from fpv drones and Artillerie. No medevak possible. And even If, the Chance to survive arent Not that high If you have a hole where you expect your Organs. So the only possible Thing to reduce the suffering was to end it. That was a act of Mercy. And even to Stop was Dangerous as hell.


Still it takes a lot to just kill a comrade that was completely healthy just seconds before within the blink of an eye. Shows you what war does to people


No medevak for mr. mobik.


Also the Russians aren’t known for helping their wounded.


Russians are becoming increasingly well known for helping their wounded in this one, specific, way :/


Yeah, I think.he felt a gaping hole that had smokeninstead of organs and realized what was best. You can see he grabs his stomach and has smoke coming out/off of him.


Probably felt for his junk and realized it got torn to pieces. Then asked for the bullet.


Can't say that I blame him if that's what happened. It does look like he grabs his crotch before asking for the shot. Insane these guys willingly walk into the meat grinder to atrack another country for Putin.


Is it willingly? I thought most of them were conscripted 


Most of them are paid. But when you're living in abject poverty and are suddenly offered enough cash to buy a decent house outright, what's really the difference.


He did but the shooter didn’t even fucking flinch, didn’t even check to see how wounded he even was. Just done him and trotted off. Russians are whack.


They probably discussed this before.


yes, looks like they had an agreement. he was flinching away from his buddies gunshot the second he saw him




“The most basic, most rudimentary spiritual need of the Russian people is the need for suffering, ever-present and unquenchable, everywhere and in everything.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Schopenhauer's ideal people lmao.




Not really, it's more about sacrifice (to the country/dictator Putin, basically you don't matter as an individual, only your contribution to the state does) and enduring despair (because they live in Russia, and you see how they live). I understand it seems that way, but I don't think Westerners really understand their mindset or culture. I am unfortunate to live right by them so I'm familiar with their thinking, and I constantly see both sides not understanding each other.


Well less than a dozen words to describe any culture is absurd, yes.  Personally, I grew up near a large Ukrainian/Russia expat community in the US, and while humiliation may be a strong word for it, the desire to appear in control and not be beholden to anything was so tedious to be around, mainly in groups. All kids/teens can be so, but it was so much sharper with those kids. Individually I liked almost all of them. It’s kind put me on a life long fascination of Slavic/Russian culture.  It’s hard to read solzhenitsyn or  dostoevsky and not see that culture be ingrained, but it may just be more or an [institutional](https://genevasolutions.news/ukraine-stories/humiliation-the-root-of-russia-s-systemic-violence) issue though. You are right though, I’m from the outside looking in. I’d love to visit Russia especially see places from the revolution and their history, but who knows when that could happen. 


You fasten all the triggers For the others to fire Then you sit back and watch When the death count gets higher You hide in your mansion While the young people's blood Flows out of their bodies And is buried in the mud -Bob Dylan


Are all Russians crazy?” “Yes,” he said with a smile. “It is the only way to be Russian and happy at the same time.” “That’s…dark.” “That’s Russian! -project Hail Mary https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10869632-are-all-russians-crazy-yes-he-said-with-a-smile


Putin and his gang are merely symptoms of the 'Russian problem' not the cause of it.


I think this is very simply a "war is hell" moment we're watching. Looks like they instantly both knew there was no surviving this. They look absolutely exhausted, probably the last remaining men of another desperate failed assault. I think all three of those guys were beyond emotion at this point. I feel horrible for them, but what else can be done? They won't fucking leave, and won't turn on their officers marching them to certain death. So death it is.


You don't have time for mourning, hesitation, or deep last words when drones and artillery are zeroing in on your ass. The instant he went down and couldn't keep moving at speed he was a goner.


After watching war vids from Ukraine going on 3 years now almost nothing IVAN does surprises me anymore, but offing you buddy 12 seconds after the explosion is cold


I watched an interview of a Chinese mercenary fighting for Russia and he said he is constantly put into squads with guys he’s never met and don’t even speak the same language. It’s possible these guys met that day and aren’t exactly close.


He clearly asked him too


They know medevac is not possible, especially if there are drones loitering. Medevacs are ofter targeted by fpvs and dropped ammunition, killing or wounding the whole equipe


I would imagine it’s discussed before hand. They can try evac him and then you have one or two more casualties. They can leave him there to die in anguish or for another FPV drone to slowly finish him off. I would try to save the man but who knows how a battlefield changes a person. Regardless it’s just a waste of life for absolutely no good reason…


He didnt even flinch when he saw his comrade get hit in front of him. Wild moment.


I mean for all I know the dudes stomach was blown open and we couldn't see but did seem quick to oblige. But also maybe scared of follow up drones. They don't typically come in just one. And that dude could see the shadow of the recon drone that we are watching the film from. I do think the Russians seem very cold and uncaring in many video but I'm not 100% sure that's the case here


It looked like he checked his groin area, saw the damage and immediately noped out. I have to imagine it was bad enough for him to immediately want no part of anything beyond that. 


He knew there is no help coming, so better to make it quick.


I first thought he was just shivering with adrenaline but after a few watches I think he was actually pointing to his head. Still, no hesitation. Yikes.


Yeah he was definitely saying put one in my head. No hesitation.




As opposed to .....what war?


Emu War as always


We DONT mention that war around here....




Found the Aussie


How does Emu taste?


Pretty good, honestly. It is a lot like ostrich, which is also good and is considering red meat just like duck.


No wars are good, but some are definitely worse than others. Ukraine is objectively pretty miserable. I’d rather be in Operation Iraqi Freedom than Ukraine, but I’d rather be in Ukraine than WWI.


>I’d rather be in Operation Iraqi Freedom than Ukraine Well, that depends on which side of Operation Iraqi Freedom you were on.


Soldiers were routinely take off trench duty for most of WW1. Serving a full week in a trench was generally rare. Usually they went in rotations if a few days at a time with almost a few weeks off after. These Ukrainians are barely getting rotated. The Russians rotate but mostly due to deaths than R&R


Tickle war


Itself the aftermath of pillow war


This leads directly to pelvic wars


This is actual fucking hell. There are shadows of drones on the ground. An endless road with zero safety even if you get to whatever shell hole you've been told to go and sit in. The guy saw that drone coming, didn't flinch when it hit, and didn't flinch when asked to fucking kill his battle buddy. He's been living in hell for so long that this probably felt like the best thing he's done in some time.


Quick death vs bleeding out for potentially hours with no hope of being saved. Absolutely ruthless but the right thing to do. As a side note, Ukraine needs to be spamming this shit in as much Russian media as possible. Let them all know what the likely outcome is if they carry on this war.


Yeah I 100% agree on both counts! I hope Putin goes out of this world via a Russian flown FPV drone


Slowly, though.


Something something Starship Troopers *you know what to do Rico*


*Id Expect Anyone Of You To Do the Same For Me*


Don't forget, slowing down your buddies who are trying to get you out of there while flying death hovers above.


I don't feel like a culture that is so chill with dying really cares about videos of people dying. Clearly loss of life doesn't really impact them much. 


Facts Human life means NOTHING in russian culture beyond what you can squeeze out of the people weaker than you.


Wow this is +8 at the time I read this. I say that as someone that is in full agreement with you and /u/Jackbuddy78, but somehow every time I've ever posted a message like that nobody seems to want to hear it. Even after two years of watching these shit heads.


Pretty sure its all these on telegram


I was wondering if that was something on the camera or my monitor, the fact you can see multiple drone shadows is crazy, I don't think even the future setting Call of Duty games can prepare you for that insanity of floating random killbots


The only shadow i see is from the one recording


You can momentarily see the shadow of the drone that delivered the explosive as well. Other than those two shadows I didn’t see any others. While looking for shadows I did notice multiple dead soldiers in the craters on either side of the road.


My god, this video will stick with me. The shadows, the line between life and death. Yeh, this was discussed beforehand, and the wounded guy made it very clear. I don't blame his comrade for being quick about it. No mercy in delay.


The only way out. If wounded, will be sent back after recovery. Captured? Will be sent back after prisoner exchange.


That dude barely broke his stride to finish off his injured comrade. Might've been the right thing to do, but the casualness of it all is pretty bone-chilling.


Unit cohesion is fantastic when you only met your squadmates 3 weeks before going in the assault


Yeah, I was thinking about that, and I figured the same: these guys are probably still pretty much strangers to one another, and in this context I can imagine offing a colleague is much simpler than mercy-killing a brother in arms. But still, watching it happen is horrifying.


Just a shell of a human being at this point. This is wild. 




>the casualness of it all is pretty bone-chilling There is something called the *10 for 10 principle*: In an emergency situation (like arriving at the scene of a vehicle accident) you take *10 seconds* of time to take in the situation and make a plan how to respond *for the next 10 minutes*, then you act. This exemplifies in what short a time its possible to collect yourself and then respond coherently to a dramatic situation. Here he maybe saw the FPV coming, definitely knew it was around and definitely saw it hit his comrade. From that point on it takes him another 10 seconds to arrive at his side and he then takes about 2 seconds to aim and shoot him. Everything *might* have been clear when he arrived at the side of his comrade: No question what happened, no chance to aid or evacuate, likely certainty of horrible death if left there, you might have discussed this situation or at least might have considered it yourself, he might be gesturing (seems like) or even ask to be killed. There need not be anything casual about this, 10 seconds can be one hell of a long time to commit to something drastic. We don't know what exactly the situation and mindset of that soldier was. But anything between casual murder and an act of compassion in the worst possible circumstances is possible, I lean toward the latter being more likely.


For our sanity I assume this is a pact they had which they've discussed extensively beforehand.


The fact that the he also is not in a hurry, just walking in a war zone, he doesn’t care about anything


People are constantly commenting on soldiers behavior in footage like this but you have no idea how long it’s been since he ate, drank water, slept, if he’s wounded, if this is mile nine of their march or any details that could lead to this.


Exactly. Things are awful on the Ukrainian side -- long rotations, lack of personnel, horrible conditions, etc -- but I have to imagine it's even worse on the Russia side. These guys probably haven't had a decent meal or a full night's sleep in ages. Anyone that's struggled with insomnia can tell you at a certain point, you just stop caring about anything.


We don't know how much distance they have been covering. One can only sprint for so long. Add that to a mentally fatigued state, you get what you get.


The culture the Russian army has basically says these soldiers died the day they were conscripted or signed their contracts. They emphasize soldiers accepting they will die and moving on to work for as long as possible. This isn't even the first video of a Russian soldier doing this to a wounded Russian, this shit is very likely a daily occurrence for them. 


For me it's obvious they discussed this before to do for each other. The guy on the ground clearly signals to get shot in the head and the other does it without asking/looking/hesitation.


Agree. I think they all know that there isn’t any medivac - no one from their side is coming to save them. So the choice is pretty bleak. If the first drone doesn’t kill you, you can sit there and suffer waiting for another drone to try… How many vids have we seen of guys pulling pins on grenades and holding them to their heads while a drone circles.


He was absolutely asking for it! Kinda feel like this belongs in the suicide archive that one person's got going.


This is a common practice among infantry, everyone in my unit had pacts


Doesn't make it any less crazy to watch for us who weren't in the military. It really drives home the hell that is warfare.


Wow. So quickly from traveling on the road to begging for a shot to the head from your comrade. War is hell.


There’s no way any of them even processed his injuries, he just thought he was getting left behind and impulsively asked to end it. How is this possibly the state of the Russian military? Bro just immediately executed his buddy without thinking about it


He knows 10 minutes from that hit that another drone would be there to drop a grenade.


Or worse he would be left to bleed out on his own.


Yep, two survivors need to haul ass to their nearest line asap, they try to extract their buddy they all die.


One thing people aren't bringing up is that most of the Russian soldiers are rural people, and orthodoxy is very popular in rural Russian society. If he offed himself, he would be condemned and not make it into heaven. So getting his buddy to do it is the preferred way. Sad but true.


If it hit artery in his leg, that would be a very quick assessment that a quick death would be better.


I could be wrong. But to me it looks like he’s feeling for his gentlemen’s area, realises *something* is gone or at least very damaged and then begs for the shot


To me it looked like he was checking his thigh/calf. Which would make sense since the brunt of the explosion was by his feet/legs.


Imagine US Troops doing this on video.


Casevac is a luxury in russian army. Available only to commanders.


Not even for the commanders today. <3


Both sides spent a lot of effort to make general logistics and casevac for enemy troops on the frontline impossible. But Russians have problems with IFAKs, tourniquets, first aid training for regular soldiers.


100%. I know a former PMC that has friends that are volunteers in Ukraine (mostly medics) and since Ukraines defense isn't all soldiers but also Ukranians that volunteer for the front most have to under go training with the most basic of first aid. I have been told that 99% of the Ukranians they train learn fast but sadly alot have needed to use the traning in the front. They also are telling the students that they should never pick up first aid from dropped russians since the quality can be poor and to only pick up dropped gear if it is the only option at the time. We have seen on this sub since the first days that both sides use mercy killings in dire situations but i hope it's rare since i can't even understand how i would live my life knowing i have killed a ally. Welcome to Europe, where border disagreement turn into 10 pages in a history book every 20 years.


>Welcome to Europe, where border disagreement turns into 10 pages in a history book every 20 years. couldn’t have put it any other way


With a desertcross. That gets hunted down with a FPV drone.


It's unsettling just how mentally prepared so many Russians are to killing themselves. Footage might be edited in some of these but I've seen several videos of Russians offing themselves seemingly within seconds of being hit


They are being indoctrinated into believing that Ukrainians will torture them. So in their minds captivity would be the worst thing.


Pretty sure going into captivity wasn’t on this guy’s menu, it’s either “die fast” or “die slow”.


This. They've seen dozens of their fellow soldiers die slowly and horribly. They know there's no help coming for them. They've probably been mentally preparing for this scenario for weeks


This is the kind of shit that caused veterans from wars like WW2 to come back as completely different people. They watched fellow men that they’d known for maybe months get unceremoniously gunned down or blown up, and either die in agony or just cease to exist right in front of them. You can’t experience something like that and not come home a deeply traumatized and changed person.


>They are being indoctrinated into believing that Ukrainians will torture them. So in their minds captivity would be the worst thing. Captivity is unlikely in their situation. Ukrainians would just drop another drone to finisg them.


Fucking hell. No hesitation from both of them. It’s like they both are trained for this. The wounded one as soon as some initial blast and dizziness settled was “put one here”, other guy complied instantly. What in the ever loving fuck.


It seems like they discussed this exact scenario before and all agreed on what they’d want each other to do.


war turns humans into fkn robots… didn‘t hesitate to ask for a headshot… didn‘t hesitate to fulfill…


He'll be messes up later, if he makes it through the war. So much PTSD in the making. Really hardcore whats happening over there.


He’ll be messed up later… by another drone.


Any slight buzzing noise above them will trigger insane ptsd is sssoooo many of these guys


#NC The list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you. This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide. There are 68 recorded instances of Russian soldiers killing themselves on the battlefield, 12 not counted (NC’s, in this status because the video evidence was inconclusive or the self wound isn’t obviously mortal), and 3 after action photos insinuating what happened. We went 1 days since the last confirmed instance. The list has gotten too long to be a comment, it was on its third comment due to character caps. The list can now be found at this [wiki link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/NMR9QWNw4H).


> We went 1 days since the last confirmed instance This is the most amazing part to me.


What I find most interesting is the dates. Over half are in 2024 and 7 are in December 2023 as opposed to 18 in the entire span between the start and December 2023. It might just be because there’s more footage made but it’s clear somethings happening.


Wonder if it is from increased FPV usage during these times. Seems like FPV drones are causing larger more devastating center of mass injuries compared to the mangled lower extremity injuries of drone dropped grandes


I really appreciate the amount of time and effort you put into this stuff. It gets more grip every time I see your name pop up in a comment


I have no doubt that your work is going to be referenced in history texts in the future.


right on time


Wow quite a hobby you got there


Wonder why the guy didn't have a rifle? Seems even more insane to be moving in a combat zone with no weapon.


He's also just wearing normal addidas (?) sneakers.


In Afghanistan Soviet spetsnaz wore Adidas sneakers because their standard issue boots were terrible


Knockoff Adidas "Moskvas." 


Cheap merc for a Sturm-Z suicide squad, you think they'll consider him worth even two proper boots?


It’s interesting too that the drone operators decided to target the guy without a weapon instead of the armed combatants. In the US military officers carry side arms (pistols) and while in combat zones where you might be in a perceived safer place, they would only carry the sidearm. We’d still carry a rifle when out on mission, but while on the FOB we were allowed to keep the rifle locked up in our vehicle or personal pad, and only have our pistol on us. Maybe the guy was an officer?


No chance. These guys are probably retreating after a failed assault. It's the only reason why they're out in the open, and why there's only three of them. Like you said, even if he was an officer he would have a weapon since he's so close to the front. They also look exhausted with how they're carrying themselves.


God damn that's really fucking grim. Guy had zero hesitation.


Zero hesitation to ask for it is crazy, I couldn't.


Same… I can’t help but think that all of these guys think about this scenario each night in their bunks, and what they’d do or want done. Like fuck… It’s the kind of thing you and your buddies philosophize about while playing your milsims. I don’t think any of us can really comprehend that being a daily serious possible reality you need to consider.


I could be wrong but I'm trying to figure out why so quickly he determined the bullet was a better choice, he moves his legs a bit before he gets shot so he can't be paralysed, maybe they aren't working properly but surely it's too quick to tell, everything looks intact to an extent. But then you see him possibly reach for his manhood and have a feel around, then he's suddenly quick to ask for the bullet, only a theory but i think the poor guys dangly bits took damage.


even if his dangly bits were still there, if he looked down and saw his femorals/pelvis was fucked he knew he was gonna bleed out shortly regardless of field medical care/ be unable to walk. i'd rather take the quick way out vs laying in pain for the next few mins and dying anyway, and i wouldn't want my homies to get killed by follow up strikes trying to hopelessly waste their IFAKs on me. war is fucked.


The last guy was a Russian medic


With the Tylenol rifle?


Instant pain relief though


** Morphine Rifle


Russians acting like they're just gonna respawn holy hell.


The fact that he instantly points to his head and his buddy just instantly dispatched him is insane. I still stand by the fact that this isn’t a military it’s a gangland turf war to these people. Seeing so many videos of how many Russians kill themselves, shoot their buddies and doing the dumbest most evil shit imaginable it’s clear being a Russian is a miserable existence.


Gangland turf war with military tech is definitely a better way of characterizing this conflict


Those shoes and socks… I do not see a rifle on that guy. Who would send someone to battle with that kit?


If the man with the rifle gets shot....


Again, I actually find myself surprised that a "modern" military can continue to operate in these types of conditions with this level of pervasive low morale/hopelessness endemic throughout their forces. Fighting for what? A war Russia started, unprovoked, on someone else's soil. I can remember when this sub had just over 100k subs... I've seen ALOT of fucked up imagery here over the years but these drone POV suicides are some of the toughest shit I've watched. Not the most graphic, but its a level of hopelessness that's hard to truly comprehend. At some point Russia will run out of convicts or migrants... whatever social groups they are exploiting. I don't know how they keep this up once they do. One would imagine that the will to live only increases as Putin looks throughout Russia society at other potential recruiting populations. And how deep and sustained the damage to military tradition and culture in Russia will be for decades to comes. Russia already looks like a bitch on the world independent of this conflict's outcome imo. I wonder if Putin likes being cuk'd in the bedroom too because I just watched dude awkwardly looking out a plane window, squinting into the darkness to wave at Kim Jong Un like he was on the bus heading home from elementary school. I don't even remember what I used to think about Putin or Russia's standing w/ respect to other world powers pre-ukraine war. That seems so far away from today's reality. Putin decided to roll the dice on his legacy and lost the bet almost instantaneously when his military didn't knock Kiev out in that first push. I wish I could hear the internal dialogue that happens when he's looking at his mirror in the morning and contemplating progress towards his deeply held belief of "russian unification" lmao. Also, I can't be the only one that's been watching these drone videos and realizing we REALLY need to get AI right. Say what you will about the terrain, battlefield conditions, etc. - this drone shit is a PROBLEM. We've got people floating in space and a multi-decade global military industrial complex and yet I'm watching videos of guys literally trying to use sticks and stones against "little, slow moving robot birds" and losing every time. A not to distant future involving a rouge AI that decides to fuck up the fleshy furries by mass producing flying death bombs at those nice 100% autonomous factories that we all know are coming....? Idk, doesn't seem as beyond the realm of possibility as it feels like it should when I write it out.


I agree overall with this comment. One thing I'd like to point out is that it's important people remember that the AI we currently have is just machine learning from vast amounts of data. It's not like the self aware and thinking AI you see in the movies and it would take a significant technological jump to reach that point. Though when and if it does happen we should proceed with caution.




While I agree to a certain extent, mercy killings are something that soldiers from many nations have done over the centuries. [Here’s an example from an English soldier in World War I](https://youtu.be/NElGifro40k?si=jqVF5_846E5GG4Y2)


Fuck. What we're seeing I'm damn near real time needs to be played on billboards in Russia, let them see what's going on in their Vietnam. Maybe, just maybe then they would protest.


i get the feeling middle guy is not the same as the other two, no gun, no bag, short sleeves... meanwhile the guy at back is a little too spaced out and looks a bit like he's keeping an eye on the dude in front. He could be one of the very disposable human meat units (ex prisoner, caught deserter, sick, coerced POW...) i dunno it looks weird.


I dont understand either, the drone is hovering above the fully kitted guy who is confidently walking and the FPV operator decides to go for the stripped down guy who is running in a panic.


While Putin was taking Kim Jong Un for a drive in Russian luxury car ...


Looked like he was feelin for his dick and it was no longer there so he went "Fuck this gay earth" and was out.


well if his dick got shredded then chances are he noticed his femoral was hit also and was gonna bleed out anyhow.


What shrapnel lodged in your testicles does to a mofo


Yes he asked for the headshot, but I recall a specific Ukrainian begging to be let go and a medic saying fuck you, you have to live. Or the Ukrainian dragging his ally to a berm trying to fight for both of them before dying, never even looking to abandon his mate. That is the difference in mentality that matters to me.


from a post above, but this is what your explaining For those, who are interested [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/140lgbt/the\_video\_is\_18\_a\_ukrainian\_combat\_medic\_provides/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/140lgbt/the_video_is_18_a_ukrainian_combat_medic_provides/)   [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/141kc0g/part\_2\_of\_ukrainan\_combat\_medic\_helping\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/141kc0g/part_2_of_ukrainan_combat_medic_helping_two/) Hospital:  [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14kahew/remember\_graphic\_video\_of\_uaf\_medic\_helping\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14kahew/remember_graphic_video_of_uaf_medic_helping_two/) Rehabilitation of a soldier with a wounded chin [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/142dleg/update\_on\_the\_afu\_soldier\_with\_a\_wounded\_chin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/142dleg/update_on_the_afu_soldier_with_a_wounded_chin/)


It's insane to think this is real life. This isn't a video game. A mother carried that child in her body for nine months all for Putin to send this poor kid to the middle of nowhere and get killed for no reason at all.


No gun?


You can easily lose your gun in a failed assault.


I don't find this to be a cold and lifeless, just a fight or flight style mercy killing. Help isn't coming. Guy is pointing to his head repeatedly. If you stick around you're giving drone operators a chance at a 2 for 1 special. The kit the guy has is what is really throwing me for a loop.


Well he was asking for it.


Doesn't look like this was his first time doing that. Dint even hesitate to try and help even though the injured soldier was asking for it. Cold....


the guy on the ground clearly points to his head for a round and hunches over to brace himself for it


I think it's quite the opposite. If he was cold, he would have left him. He mercy killed his friend. You probably wouldn't waste a second either if you had the opportunity to end someone's suffering, let alone someone you care about


Stop for a minute to help him and you will see a swarm of drones behind you


Wow, he asked for it and comrade did not hesitate in obliging. That was fucking nuts.


Damnnnnnn didn't even hesitate like he was shooting an animal. 😱 It looks like he was asking to be shot in the head btw.


my grandmother, who survived WWII, said that the Russians were worse than the Germans.


What's our casevac? 5.45


Heartbreaking to watch. May the leaders who pursue these wars at the expense of their populace be accursed.


From walking through the world to asking someone to shoot you in the head in 10sec. That entire country is suicidal


Where are these three dudes even going? Running down a road in the open, getting chased by multiple drones?


Russian THE WORLD MOST SHAMEFUL, WORST ARMY OF ALL TIME! Life expectancy of russian cannon fodder is 36 hours, meat wave after meat wave.  Death is better than life as Russian soldier again and again.


What is absolutely crazy to me is that they seem to understand that getting wounded is a death sentence. Literally no pause from either of them. And add the many other suicide videos where it is only seconds between getting wounded and then killing yourself. Morale must be absolutely shit for the Russian soldier


Casualties do not act rationally, if a casualty asks you to shoot them in the head you probably shouldn't listen to them Most people who end up permanently crippled are also glad they didn't kill themselves too btw


The shooter had a front row seat for that detonation on his comrade. Probably helped with the relatively instantaneous decision making. The body language seems that of people who have already planned and discussed this eventuality. Strange to witness a murder on video and pretty much agree with the decision. This is some dark humanity we're witnessing.


Ugh. Brutal. Why is that so… rough? To watch. Neither of them hesitated. Almost 99% chance these guys thought about and talked about this kind of exact scenario all the time. But still… so fast. Guy pointed to his head as soon as he saw his buddy was still there. The guy immediately walks over and aims. It’s just-… I guess it drives home just how real and how fucked this whole thing is. Neither of them really had time to process their decision by the time they made it.


Out of all the shit I've seen these last two years this one hits the hardest


dude walk casually after shooting the other. doesnt even run or look up, just careless


Probably just exhausted, just a guess. Running for a couple kilometers in full battle rattle non-stop would wear anyone out.


Combat fatigue is carelessness. You'd be a zombie, too .. Adrenaline dumps only last so long , it's not even about being on the Frontline for days , months , years ..Fear brings adrenaline, adrenaline consumes calories at astronomical rates and isn't biologically maintable so naturally after the Adrenaline dump your brain and body conserves calories by you guessed it , neutralizing your fear ... Training and experience neutralize this effect to a degree , adrenaline dumps become more controlled, ideally allowing you to function at a higher level of alertness without becoming fatigued or fearless .. This guy reacted exactly as you would want a soldier to react . The kill is debatable, but his calmness is on point from what you'd want from one of your soldiers..


Whenever I see stuff like this, I always think that you would never see US soldiers doing this. Can you imagine a US Marine getting injured and immediately asking his buddy to shoot him in the head, who then complies with no hesitation?


That would absolutely happen in high casualty peer to peer war. Suicides/assisted suicides and mercy kills have been a thing on every major war. Drones have made it even worse because the potential of survival in these situations is really low. You could swap these 3 guys to soldiers of any nationality and the outcome would be somewhat similar, some would do the same, some would leave their injured guy and some would try to desperately help just to get themselves killed by next drone(and this would depend on the individuals, not the nationality). Which is the right option then? Thinking that the idea of "leaving no man behind" is somewhat unique is silly. Reality just is that there's hopeless situations where no one would follow with it.


A burn victim, chemical weapons attacks in WW1 prolly had soldiers doing that exact thing


Wow he didn’t even hesitate to kill his comrade..


Looks paralyzed from waist down. Also looks like there’s puffs of smoke coming out of him. Probably had hot shrapnel burning his insides. Can’t blame him too much for asking for a quick end.


He asked him to, and they all had probably talked about doing this for one another should the occasion arise....or should I say WHEN the occasion arose.


You become highly desensitized in war, death is just something you deal with on regular basis. You just learn to cope with it, push it to the back of your mind, override and continue on. Basically bottling all the shit up and closing off the lid, then grabbing another empty bottle and doing the same. It usually becomes an issue after deployment or out of service, some manage to stop the pile of bottles falling and breaking, others miss one too many and struggle with PTS/PTSD. The Russian guys most likely don't have some real bond or sense of attachment and comradery with their guys, a lot of them are just random conscripts with drug and alcohol problems. On the flip side, this was also a dire situation, being target by drones, no chance of saving your bud, and the kindest thing you an do is mercy kill. Don't hesitate, just do it, move on and try to survive, then deal with it mentally later(the whole bottling up thing).


It looked like he was pointing to his head, probably asking for mercy.