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One thing that I have noticed when Ukraine drone teams share footage is they are generally underground in small rooms that look well fortified, not massive open buildings with multiple floors that are easy to hit. But because the video does not show anything other than it landing somewhere, hard to say I guess.


my thoughts: Russian commander says hey that building is still standing, lets call it a UAV control centre so we can send a bomb on it and make some good propaganda for our efforts! lol


Russian army so ineffective 


Didn't Russia admit that since they were not going to win in three days. They are going to be attempting to level most of Ukraine? Russians don't fight wars to 'win' them as much as they do to destroy a lot, so they can build over it and the power elite will siphon billions of dollars for themselves during the process. They need to learn from the Americans. You don't need to destroy things to make money illicitly. Just pave over and something that cost 10 euros, charge 400.000 euros for it.


Yeah I would place my control centre in the biggest building in town.


+ its directly at the river that would mean they would have seen them long time ago such bs


Would Ukraine really set up a control center in the biggest, most obvious target available?


Maybe place antennas on the top of the building, assuming it gives a good LOS to drones, but actual operations'd not be handled in the building


Trying to work out how one would pronounce “operations’d” and nothing rolls off the tongue




Dont counter them with logic, it scares them…


Well both sides have shown their are a significant amount of incompetent commanders, hopefully not


Is every large building a control center?


In my extensive experience with late 90s/early 00s RTS games, yes. Most definitely.


Whatever the context this is incredible footage; shame it will be buried. Drone is lined up right with the path of the bomb and you see it all the way in and the damage afterwards.


Yeah. This sub is super disappointing with that. I feel like it wasn’t always so partisan with the upvotes.


The title is a joke. In every piece of footage that you see of Ukrainian drone operators they are sitting in basements or some tiny holes underground, which makes sense because it’s enough to operate FPV drones from and it’s hard to spot. Hitting a random large building and claiming that it was a “UAV control center” is obvious propaganda. UAV teams are small, mobile and decentralized. They have no “control centers”. The footage is visually impressive but it screams “we bombed the biggest building in town for good footage and then made up a purpose for it”.


I fought in Bahkmut as a combat medic & drone operator under the International Legion. You are clearly smart because you know how any military should effectively command drone pilots during war time, but the title is not a "Joke". What you witnessed with the title is russian propaganda at its best.


Yeah I meant “joke” in a condescending way as in “it should be taken seriously”. I want trying to say that the Russians posted it as a genuine joke. My bad, easy to misinterpret. Thank you for your service btw.


Thank you, but sir, you still missed the "Joke." This is the reality of russian propaganda. They say they hit an important building and try to make their own citizens to think that Ukrainians are so dumb to operate out of a location like that. No hate, just trying to educate you. Sad thing is that most russians believe this shit.


Russian military need to show new recruits something positive before they see reality. If they showed front line Russian troops, twitching and looking panicked and shooting themselves at any sound of a drone… they’d run. Ukraine should set up large drones with speakers playing drone sounds and just run it 24/7.


Ukraine did send a drone over Russia playing some type of song very loud, so I guess it's possible. Lol https://x.com/war_monitor_ua/status/1776029349864497590


Not trying to be a pedantic ass, but wouldn't a large drone make drone sounds? I guess they could just put a plastic sports bugle on it to amplify the sound lol


Think a faint noise every once in a while often hard to hear because of the height. Then imagine a loud drone noise everyone can hear, at night while trying to sleep, while out taking a dump, when walking or hiding. The psychological torture of drones will live with all combatants on the battlefield and in their minds until they die I suspect. I can’t imagine how horrible drones are to live with. However Ukraine can make it worse for the Russians. They won’t know if it’s an attack or just noise until it’s too late.


By now I think both UA and RU stay clear of the biggest buildings in a certain area.


This control centers you were talking about, they are here in the room with us right now?


"Point to the place on this doll where the control center hurt you."


This is good footage, despite being from the side I strongly disagree with to say the least. Got to be the most clear impact of a glide bomb I've seen. I can't imagine setting up shop above ground in what looks to be the most prominent building around.


Exactly why this is propaganda.


By a neo nazi Russian group lol


Are the control centres in the room with us now?


ah, rusich, the russians favourite neo nazi battallion.


I believe it just made a bigger hole in an already bombed out building. Good show!


Russia attacking random building then full in the blanks later. 


Yes because they would definitely be holding up in the largest building in the area, y'know, hide where they'd think you'd be type deal. Reverse psychology.


What makes you think this is a what you claim it is ?


Cmon guys, its obvious that the nazis will hide in the most pentagon-looking building! /s


I'm sure that Ukraine would set the UAV control centre in a big white building that stands out. /s


Ehh what to think off it Nothing really.. Also the thermobaric flopped (all the fuel burning up in the Smokecloud is a great indicator of that) they did a little damage to the corner of the building if it was true thermobaric it would definitely destroyed half of the building


The thermobaric worked perfectly fine


Anyone else think this was Drake’s house?!


Doubt it. I don't think you'll find many underage girls on the front line of a warzone.


Girl und panzers moment


As somebody who thought that Drake is whack as fuck since the moment he blew up, I'm happy to see him getting dunked on. I'm still pissed the whackest rapper in Canada is the most well known from here.


My question is if it’s so effective why has Ukraine not tried this? I’m guessing it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be.


Lol that's a stupid take. Ever thought that Ukrainians just don't use those glide bombs, because they don't have them? The FAB/ODAB glide kits are fairly new and only used by Russia. Russia also has far more planes to drop them compared to Ukraine. Ukrainians also reported pretty frequently about the effectiveness of those bombs. Those glide bombs were one of the main reasons why Russia was able to take Avdiivka as quickly as they did in the end. Just imagine 1500 or even 3000 kg (not lbs) of explosives exploding even near you. The ODAB version is even a thermobaric version.


The US has had and been using glide bombs for years. They even gave some of a smaller ground-launched version to Ukraine last year or early this year I believe it was. The problem is that Ukraine doesn't have as good or plentiful EW systems that Russia has, and can't defend against them. They're fairly easy to stop with jamming.


You make it seem like it’s some top-secret high-level thing to acquire. It’s just slapping wings in GPS guidance on the bombs. Ukrainians have been hitting shit inside Russia with their drones hundreds of kilometers away. You don’t think if Ukrainians wanted to they couldn’t build a big ass bomb with wings?


Other guy has a point. If it's that easy they would've done it. There are alot of variables to consider here


And you make it seem like a walk in the park. There are many more things to consider, with the main one being creating production lines. It's one thing to build a single bomb, but it's a completely different story if you want to constantly build new ones. And since Ukraine never build those kind of bombs before they would need to start from scratch. Drones on the other end can be assembled far more easily, some even at home by volunteers. Also it's not just "slapping wings in GPS guidance on the bombs". One of the main reasons why Russia wasn't using those bombs more often in the beginning of the war, was missing accuracy. They now have improved and worked ob the gluide kit for a long time. Now the bombs seem quite accurate, although there are still improvements possible. Also like I already told you in the beginning...those bombs need to be dropped by aircraft and Ukraine simply doesn't have the quantity to create a new bomb for it. With F-16 soon to come, maybe Western style bombs will beore present as well. This being said both side are limited in their usage of aircraft, because air defences being quite powerful on both sides.


Ukrainians are using American and French guided bombs(JDAM-ER and AASM Hammer). But Russia has many times more planes and bombs.