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r/funnymemes went down the r/facepalm route, losing all meaning and becoming a place for random posts.


/r/funnymemes was founded for shitty chud memes from day one. It never went downhill— it started there.


Except it was meant to start there, so it’s not downhill to them, it’s just level.


There is a Japanese playable character are they stupid?




Basic guide on how to make a meme: A) Make the punchline be your political opinion on social issues. Bonus points if your opinion is rightist, the left has no taste in memes. B) Make the punchline be porn. Everyone loves pornographic references and they're funny af. C) Take a funny image/video and add a boring caption or a boring reaction. It'll add spice to the meme! If the meme is for Reddit, you can just post the image and write the caption in the title, even though the rules forbid it. D) Add some circles or deform the image so that nobody misses the punchline. E) "What ___ are you?" questions and any shit content that could remotely piss off the left are allowed F) Men in abusive relationships are the peak comedy of the 21^st century (I'm not lying I swear)


G) If your post got heavily criticised and failed to meet your expectations. You can just repost it to another "shit post" sub with an alt account and mention black humor


Just say that they're too "normie" to understand the joke and that "it's just a joke, bro! Perfectly excuses the misogynistic, racist and sexual deviancy I displayed in it"


There is a Japanese playable character in that game


She's a woman so doesn't count apparently.


This is the part about all this that pisses me off the most. You can play a vast majority of the game not as Yasuke. Dual protagonists for the different play styles a major selling point!


A woman? Why make it political?!


the best kunoichi as she remains unnoticed.




She’s a kunoichi (female ninja) which were definitely a real thing in history




Pretty sure ninjas are another form of samurai


Oh, my bad


Ninjas aren't a real thing, so no.


U fr?


Im fr ng ng


Think you might need to do some research there bud.


no. ninjas werent a real thing. there were stuff similar to it but straight up "ninjas didnt exist"




Kunoichi aren't literally ninjas dude. Think the poster included "female ninjas" in brackets to give people an idea of what they are.


Shinobi was a method, not an occupation. It included stuff like espionnage and assassinations. Ninjas weren't a category of people, you just practiced ninja if you used these methods.


The down votes speak volumes


It's Assassin's creed, nothing is historically accurate. Funny how it only matters now.


Only now when they decide to draw on an actual historical figure for an MC too. I wonder.


I hope they remake the 2nd game. But without the boring white Italian ezio. Take that racists!!


Talking about historical accuracy in an Assassin's Creed game lol


You literally fistfight the Pope and talk to ancient aliens and *now* they're worried about historical accuracy.


No one gave a shit about Nioh 1 having a white protagonist that was less real than Yasuke. We don't see this nerd rage against the protagonist in Shogun. It's only when Black people are involved do they start whining en masse.


The catchphrase of the title organisation is literally “Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.”, and yet people still miss the fact that it’s not fully accurate to history.


I've never played assassin's creed before so I wouldn't know. I was just stating theories about what the reason is for the uproar


And all the other Assassin's Creeds are historically accurate?


Tbf I found it funny because of how ridiculous it is


It's fucking hilarious actually, it's just the OOP doesn't get the joke, even when it is explicitly targeted at neckbeards like them.


Thats some obvious satire there, how can people not get this


In my opinion, Ubisoft doesn't have to do anything. People on internet needs to learn that they can't have whatever they want, just crying like babies


It’s a fake article


Paying any attention to these people's tantrums is barely productive, IMO. They crave validation.


This is it right here. That’s why they post this kind of stuff to r/Funnymemes , because that’s where it’ll be seen by the most people.


It is kind of comical that you can't just play as a normal ass samurai though. They are using the ONE instance of an African samurai to overshadow every other aspect of other samurai. Naoe is fine, but it feels like they're reaching pretty far to drag in Yasuke.


Agreed. It's been overdone at this point. And you can miss me with the racism card cause I'm black and I find it lame too. In terms of fitting today's criteria for diversity, slapping yasuke into medieval Japan is a lay-up. Or so they thought.


I don't think the people who start this type of ragebait actually expect to achieve anything like a game being pulled from shelves More like they just parrot specific opinions,trying to keep the general public angry They sorta think they're on some kind of righteous mission


Too bad this is the internet. People feel like they're entitled to whatever their heart desires


The worst part is, the game is over 100 dollars for some versions, so if it does poorly, nobody is going to point out it was an expensive mess that hindered it, they are going to be yelling "go woke go broke". And if it does do well, then publishers will think nothing of raising game prices again.


I don’t even get it because the African samurai they made is based on an actual African samurai


I think Yasuke would make a very interesting character to play as, and he served a pretty important role in a political upheaval in the short time he was there.


Exactly I see no reason why people are getting upset


People are saying idea is good, but not for Assassin's Creed. According to people saying it, it's against core of these games which is blending into crowd (Yasuke just stands out too much). But for anything other than AC there would be no problem. At least according to them, I'm just saying other people opinions.


I think the actual MC is a Japanese Kunoichi, which makes this utterly meta hilarious because Yasuke diverted almost all the attention to him, making her an actual unnoticeable ninja.


Okay I guess I can see people arguing that but idk I feel like he could blend in, specially when he has his armor on




Pretty much


The guy wasn't even a samouraï


Idk what you’re smoking brother, he was the only African samurai in history


“Funny”memes not even hiding the fact that it’s just one big circlejerk spewing the most lukewarm takes of all time.


I'm not familiar with what's going on. Is it that Ubisoft assumes the only people hating their game are white supremacists cause they can't fathom normal people disliking their game?


Well yeah Ubisoft sucks, but online gamer rage has been on fire since they saw a black samurai in a video game.


If they want a black AC character, why not just do one in South Africa during the Zulu-Anglo War? That shit would go hard. Yasuke was a glorified sword caddy for Nobunaga. He was in one recorded battle and they lost. Did he know sword techniques? Probably, yeah. But a samurai? No. He was hardly accepted in Japanese society, with Akechi Mitsuhide discriminating against him. His Wikipedia page is literally as thick as a summer ant.


A Zulu assassins creed game wouldn’t sell as much a samurai game will. All this outrage just generates engagement witch will translate to more sales


It only took them 17 years to


See the blonde hair blue eyed samurai in Nioh. A million times less controversy, same premise.


Incidentally, Yasuke also appears in both Nioh games.


Bud, both versions suck, lmfao. In no way am I advocating for the white samurai trope


No one said you were. I was just clearing up the situation, since that's what the original comment was inquiring about.


it's not ubisoft, but just the general opinion. none of the fans really cared about historical accuracy before, but now that's all they care about. even though there is historical evidence that a black retainer existed, which people who are angry at ubi don't care about or try to say that it's still not accurate as they aren't samurai. assassin's creed was never close to being historically accurate even when it came to race or nationality in some cases, but there was never an uproar about it, at least not at this scale. there is also the point that nioh, a game with a similar setting, has a white protagonist and again no uproar about that. i know that 2 fan bases don't have to overlap, but in this case it's likely that people that play AC also either like or have played nioh or they would've at least heard about it. at this point its not assuming that they are white supremacist, it's basically confirmed


You do make a good point but if they were white supremacists they'd also be annoyed about the Japanese character


i guess you are right, they might just be racist, not that that makes it any better, but they are actively ignoring the Japanese character, I've seen multiple Twitter posts about how they wanted to finally play as a Japanese character but since the guy protagonist is black they can't do that. i might be able to find some of the posts, but since i saw most of them on reddit as screenshots, i can't give any promises. but they are for sure ignoring her existence because they even use a picture with both if the protagonists in it and they still don't even mention her. edit: but it might just be because she's a woman, so your point is still very likely to be correct


I agree with you. I guess I didn't expect the majority of a game's demographic to be racist. It just doesn't sound real to me in today's society. I always assumed racist people were a minority (in the sense that out of 100 people, less than 20 would be racist). Which is why it surprised me a game would get so many bad reviews for a racist reason.


This headline is obviously fake


People are whining about how the assassins creed game that is coming out has a black samurai who is based off a real person who was the first Foreigner to become a samurai I've seen why too much racist shit because of it and there are so much worse things people should be talking about that Ubisoft is doing


Pretty sure everyone loves the guy in the nioh games


Don’t appeal to racists, they’re buy it regardless anyway the fucking pathetic fucks


>Assassin's Creed game about samurai in feudal Japan >they made the protagonist black Are they fucking with us?


As well as that, there were real white samurai in history


Any subreddit with the word meme in it is run by complete smooth brains istg. Genuinely that sub won't popping up in ny feed and 80% of the post isn't even a meme




Well you see, there is almost never outrage when white characters dominate roles they were arbitrarily inserted into. But let any non-white non male character exist in a game and suddenly it's woke. The people who are upset aren't racist. How dare you imply that having a meltdown anytime you see a minority is racist!!


Italian game - Italian man Colonial American game - Native American French game - Frenchman British game - Englishman Japanese game - non Japanese black guy One of these things is not like the other.


The story of Yasuke is fucking bad ass, let people have nice things


No it isn’t. He was basically a butler, if that, and looked at like a sideshow act. But of course you have a “reddit” opinion.


He was actually a samurai lol


Lol no he wasn’t


So I'm doing some research on this, it sounds as though he wasn't a samurai, but occupied a very important station in Nobunaga's court as a bodyguard, not a butler. Some accounts also show him as one of the bearers of Nobunaga's weapons. In other words, he occupied the rather fluid space of koosho and also had many roles and interactions outside of that particular title. He was not a butler. Find me evidence that he was a butler. Unless you're going by the very reductive definition of samurai and other related roles as being servants. You're not exactly beating the accusation of just being pissed off that a Japanese historical figure is being paid homage to in the latest biblical sci-fi assassin game


Well then maybe allow a figure similar to him to be an avenging force. As far as I can see you're just being pissy about a black man being in a video game about Japan "reddit opinion" oh fuck off


Standing out is not bad


In a game based on social stealth and blending in with a crowd, it sure is.


In assassins:revelations (the one I actually played) the protagonist is an Italian man in constantinople. Even worse for accurate representation, Ubisoft made a bunch of turks invade the place! Can’t believe they’d shoehorn in characters not native to the setting like that


“Hehe let me make a mongoloid-tier disingenuous comment, that’ll show him!” ^ You.


Do not expect Redditors to have genuine good faith discussions. Strawmanning, deflecting, and goalpost shifting are the tools of these fine gentlemen. Every single person who has replied to your comment has done that rather than address the substance of your point lmao. This AC is the first one to have a non-fictional main protagonist that simultaneously skews and warps accurate historical recordings. As you said, it can be argued that it is even the first to really have a non-native in their setting with a few exceptions for returning protagonists and the Golden Age of Piracy ofc. The source that the majority of these people use to back up the claim of "Yasuke was a samurai!!!" was fabricated by an author named Thomas Lockley to aid in the selling of his book. That is their "definitive, irrefutable source", full of speculation. Look no further than the Wikipedia edit warfare that took place the day this godforsaken discourse took place, revisionism is such a blessing! Fitting that such discourse takes part in "ComedyCemetery", where only the braindead themselves seem to gather. Circlejerk subreddit and a half now.


Finally, someone with sense – thank you! Trust me, I knew what I was getting into when I made my comment, I expected nothing less from Redditors, and they sure delivered. Thankfully, there’s still people like you to provide sanity. I had heard only a little bit about the fabrication in Thomas’ book, but I saw full-well the edit war on Wikipedia – so ridiculous, and of course these knobs take Wikipedia as irrefutable fact here because, why would Wikipedia lie, right? >Fitting that such discourse takes part in "ComedyCemetery", where only the braindead themselves seem to gather. Circlejerk subreddit and a half now. You said it better than I could! Buncha consoomers here.


They can fix this easily just by making a custom character


Maybe its a joke about people that complain that real non white people are in there vidya games, so they need a straight cis white guy to have any fun


Except that they’re complaining that a white dude is getting added so how does your logic make sense?


they better not that would just make the assholes feel superior or something


Obviously, that is fake.


apologies i am a complete moron


the assholes aren't asking for a white dude to begin with, thats the irony here


arent asians usually white