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Sure I can help you with that! The shallow a-hole section is right over here


That cracked me up! Thank you!


Bargain-bin Anne Hathaway here




I just saw this commercial & thought, “oh no! Summer is here & now we are going to see this a billion times a week!” Pure torture!


Oh, no. I had not even thought about that. Great.


Sorry to be the one to mention it. This commercial is pure misery.




Unfortunately, I called it. I can’t even keep track of the number of times I’ve had to endure this BS commercial since I first saw it again not long ago. I’m already not a huge fan of summer (wildfire smoke and it’s too hot), then this happens. Ugh.


I legitimately found this subreddit JUST to complain about this commercial. I understand the correct pronunciation is “ver-sah-chay” and not “ver-sah-chee” but she says “ver-sah-chi-ay” and I quite literally crawl out of every layer of my skin hearing her list out the brand names and “occasions” she needs sunglasses for. Oh, and something about the size of and lack of life in her eyes makes my bones itchy. ITCHY.


I can see how it can itch. Who needs that many ridiculous pairs of sunglasses?!


she killed sexy time once. tv was on, me and the mrs were getting busy, that came on and it was an instant boner killer. my wife calls her anne ali. as in the ali express anne hathaway.


...doh-chay gabbana, ver-sa-chay, bur-bury... It's like she learned to talk from Lauren Bacall and Moira Rose


Hot damn I just came here to complain about this out of touch shitty commercial as I too thought it was gone for good. Who thought this was a good idea? I hate this woman so much.


Day by day, the threat of everyone wearing CLOWN GLASSES draws nearer...and nearer. Run away! Just say NO. Reminder yourself that you don't need these hideous "fashion" items. NO ONE looks good in these. This has been a public service announcement.


i swear to almighty god whoever makes a mask of her face will make BANK at halloween. those fucking eyes HAUNT me. my wife joked that anytime she hears me reacting to a bad dream she just strokes my head and whispers "its okay i'll protect you from her" seriously i was like, wait for real? she giggled and nodded. it's like bruh you dunno how much that woman's large, abnormal, dead eyes haunt me. like mfing jumpscare.


I found this subreddit because I desperately needed to know I wasn’t the only one extremely annoyed and put off by this creepy bug eyed sunglasses lady haha


I found this Reddit because I hate this commercial so fucking much. It’s on rotation on Hulu right now and I see it like, three times daily. Who does this appeal to?


OMG I’m so glad I’m not alone. I hate this pretentious commercial soooo much