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I try not to be negative towards creative endeavors but WTF was that? How does that showcase anything Relic has supposedly been hard at work creating?


They're definitely trying to snag a different audience. They know COH fans and even RTS fans will look up the game (due to sheer lack of competition)so it seems they're trying to attract the non expected audience somehow.. Aoe4 had live action movies as well


I think they're trying to cater to a more global audience, who are more likely to identify with people of color and the anti-war undertones that are on display here. Normal RTS enjoyers and fans of the franchise might be annoyed by this touchy feely "woke" trailer, but will certainly buy the game anyway.


Nah, it does not feel woke either, it just seems out of place.


I am not sensitive to something being woke or not. It's just in the comments I've read seems some people felt triggered by the anti-war sentiment.


So in your theory they're trying to scam 35 year old middle eastern ladies who like sniffing scarves and running on sand dunes into buying a WW2 strategy game with this trailer?


And AOE IV is almost dead, age LLL has better numbers by now... The game is shit


I'm okay with it, it's just 1 single trailer that's "different" I appreciate it.


Was this a perfume ad?


Best comment.


Yea, best shop I have ever visited. The silk smells amazing, I sniff it all the time.


Aimed at the DAK šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


woke propaganda advertisment. ​ Vote for Brandon kids.


Because itā€™s a civilian who lives in the theater this game focuses on? Boy you really have a persecution complex donā€™t you.


Here it is folks: the gAmErs who are mad at the trailer have taken their masks off lol. Pathetic.


there really isn't a way to interpret it other than them getting triggered the microsecond they see a woman, is there


No one gives a shit about some random Berber with a scarf, show us the tanks and German soldiers instead they're cooler.


They literally showed bothā€¦


We're talking about the trailer, not the gameplay footage. Try again next time.


Did you not see all of the tanks?


Don't get smart with me, you know that fans of me don't want to see/don't care about a trailer that focuses on some random north african woman. It's like having a trailer for the war game set in the pacific but then focusing on a random chinese civilian. it's stupid.


Yes, getting ā€œsmartā€ with you clearly puts you in an uncomfortably unfamiliar position.


I don't understand the hostility toward depicting civilians in a trailer. Do you want history? Or just WW2 fanservice?


It's super obvious


Looks like Relic is really amping up the challenge with CoH3. I don't have any idea how I'll beat a platoon of panzers with a single lady walking in the desert. Hopefully she is hiding a panzerfaust under that blue scarf.


This is one of the most irrelevant trailers to a game I have *ever* seen.


It gives me vibes of the snes game Axelay cover art.


From a technical standpoint, the trailer looks gorgeous. And it shines light on the fact that Lybians had their homes used as battlegrounds... but it is a really weird way to market the game. It doesn't generate hype or excitement for it. It certainly is different than any generic trailer, I give them that, but at the risk of romanticising war, I would say there were lots of great ideas to make it hooking: a LRDG patrol, a desperate Australian defense during the siege of Tobruk, a gigantic motorised column flanking the Brits at Gazala, etc.


It's part of Relic's plan to double the female player base from 1 to 2. Seriously though - that's my best take on the goal of this trailer.


Do you really believe that? That a game full of bitter angry wehraboos was only missing a trailer with a civilian woman to get women to play? I'm pretty sure y'all repel them naturally.


Right? I donā€™t understand these takes about this being ā€œwokeā€. Itā€™s a bad trailer because it doesnā€™t really tell us shit all about the game. Not cause itā€™s wOkE


If only they released gameplay videos and also an actual demo then you would be able to know moreā€¦oh waitā€¦they did.


For sure, but that doesnā€™t change that THIS trailer didnā€™t really showcase the game well. It just shows a random Libyan woman wandering in the desert and acting bewildered by ā€œmechanical beastsā€ as though sheā€™s never seen a truck or a tank after, oh I dunno, the last 30 odd years of Italian colonization.


People act like the Middle East was so under developed. It wasnā€™t that far behind. Especially in coastal places like North Africa.


100%. So I donā€™t understand this woke accusation. Itā€™s the opposite of anything. Theyā€™re depicting the Libyans as ignorant desert dwellers.


Woke people donā€™t understand the real world. Consumed by leftist propaganda and mainstream Hollywood narratives. Woke people are the most ignorant and prejudice people of all. The most hypocritical.


What on earth are you blathering about?


Maybe its a bad trailer cuz they were focusing on being woke instead if showcasing stuff? Wrong focus?? Like a lot of hollywood movies putting chars in cuz they are diverse, not cuz they have story. And since coh is a game that attracts a lot of right spectrum on politics ppl i can see how they are bothered.


What kind of shopping trip is this that takes her from a market in town to a tank battle in the desert? Where does this random person live that fragrant cloth, that most exquisite commodity, is so simultaneously remote and accessible? And why does nobody ever pay for their goods or taxi rides in film?


Um.....ok.......thats what I want from a trailer. One full minute of someone shopping followed by how they nearly lost their scarf with action shots sparingly sprinkled in between.


I think she must be hard of hearing to have run all that way and come face to face with a German panzer. The odds are really stacked against her.


To be fair the original big trailer is also dumb as fuck. Sneaky partisans and commandos in peaceful towns and oh wait we'd landed tanks at the nearby beach this whole time. I understand it's supposed to showcase the scale of the game as a whole, but why blend it all into a single unrealistic sequence instead of just time/location jumps?


I just watched it and agree. At least it had tanks blasting each other at point blank range. An accurate representation of the gameplay, lol.


Also we'll call in "highly accurate" CAS right in the middle of a populated town!


things are so duct taped together that even the teaser trailers feel like incoherent gimmicks that barely relate to the game. same issue with the art, same issue with the UI, and what I've played (and heard from private betas) is that gameplay feels the same. relic needs to pare down all this flashy shit and put effort into delivering a cohesive experience.


This one feels like they looked at the BF1 trailer but somehow managed to take all the wrong pointers.


look at the UI -- it's literally a copy of BF1. there's no real original direction here and it's fundamentally not compatible with the RTS genre's UI/UX needs. I have no idea what they're doing.




What was that? Some of the faction introductions of coh2 were more thrilling to watch. This just looks like a show off of graphic prowess.


https://youtu.be/F6zoNChN2xo This was hands down one of the best game trailers I've seen.


That's a stretch but it's much better and more inspiring than the latest drivel we just received.


I got chills watching that. Good times.


Yes, this style of trailer would have been perfect. Reminds me of the cod waw mission intros that were also perfect for depicting a ww2 game.


I'm glad we get Afrika Korps but what's with these random ass trailers. There's no indication that it's even a game, let alone an RTS. You'd think it's a short film.




Marketing team really needs to re-examine their strategy at displaying the game. You want to tell a story fine, but do it with cinematic gameplay not a woman running around a desert nonsensically.


My god if still get two germanys and no other playable axis faction in spite of the game literally half talking place in Italy I'm going to scream


Iā€™ve heard that there will be *some* Italian units as a subset of one of the German factions. Which is so idiotic. Please for the love of god give us Italy as itā€™s own separate faction


Be honest, what other army can support the diversity of units from the axis side like the germans do? Not a single fucking one, it's not their fault the other countries were dogshit, if there was any place for aerial units or naval then japan would actually be great, but such isn't the case.


The end screen with the preview of the paid skins leaves me fearful. Please for the love of god no Skins aka BF5 with edgy hair cuts, ghost masks, etc. I am all for skins as the monetization aspect, but please, please don't go the BF5 route.


Or go nuts for all I care. Just please do like World of Warships and put an option to be unable to see all the crazy skins.


I'm pretty sure CoH2 has something similar in place already. I also hate tacky stuff in the tank games out today so I'm sure we can disable those things client-side.


Relic, why are you like this?


I donā€™t think much of the original staff is there anymore. Itā€™s probably full of inner city liberal extremely progressive people who have never met normal people.


This makes no sense lol. The developers dont even really make these trailers.


Imagine spending this much time/money on such a shitty trailer. Who was this supposed to appeal to? You may as well have just posted a slide saying 'we're releasing a North Africa campaign' and it would have gone down better with your target demographic. Such a bizarre move, who ever is running your marketing team has dropped a clanger here.


wait what?? ā€‹ "Releases, November 17th 2022." we didn't get to playtest it any more? from what we saw last time the game was fairly bare bones, did they really crunch it so much to have it done by mid november? this does not look good, rushing it to meet a deadline with dlc announced before the game is even out... modern gaming is depressing


I didn't care for the trailer, it's a plain unsalted potato chip. My concern is the same as yours, I don't want gimped eye candy on release and then just fixing things as time goes by. I was actually expecting CoH3 to come out early 2023.


As a standalone piece of art I don't hate it, but as a Company of Heroes trailer it's a bit weird.


lmao this is one of the worst trailers I've ever seen


Hmm. Cool anti war trailer!


This trailer is way too somber and poignant, almost as though Relic are too busy trying to clear their conscience for having concentrated on the German perspective, and not focused enough on selling a fun gameplay experience. It would be beautiful for a film, for a game it's a huge waste of money. Don't worry fans the game plays nothing like this.


This trailer is a baffling joke


I was having this conversation with another user. For us veterans this trailer does seem to miss the mark... but in the end, maybe we are not meant to be the recipients. Maybe it is meant to catch new people, those who never even heard of the game. And your gameplay comment is on point: the regulars here are more sold from seeing the alpha and beta in action.


>For us veterans this trailer does seem to miss the mark Question: why do a trailer focusing on the horrors of war for civilians miss the mark for veterans? I don't understand this take.


I believe it is so because the regulars of CoH already know what to expect of CoH in broad strokes, and instead are more anxious to know more about specific details, ie are they going to feature the French or the Italians? Will we see the big names of the desert (Montgomery, Rommel, Messe, Leclerc)? Will the Panzer III or the M3 Medium finally be featured in a CoH game? Exhilarating tank on tank combat, as depicted by the trailer, is something we take as a given. And as for the personal stories, we know that Relic than can be rather hit or miss, and we do not place much stock in that. As such, the trailer doesn't tell us much. But for someone unfamiliar with the franchise, it might well be a good appetizer. I am not trying to downplay the suffering of the Lybians, nor I think it is some silly diversity quota affair, like some... unsavory characters in these very comment section have suggested. It is just that the trailer didn't show what we wanted to see. Of course, this is all just simple speculation on my part, but it is fun to do some theorycrafting :)


Because it's trite and pandering. This is a game about crashing tanks together and seeing them go boom. It's not even a simulation of WW2, it's a game tuned to rule of cool and big explosions. To put on airs and act like they're trying to send a serious message about anything is embarrassing.


That's a childish response.


How so?


It's probably more because there's an actual war going on right now and glorifying it could receive some bad publicity


okay so trailers are trailers and i usually don't care about them at all. i don't really care too much about the story because i'm here for gameplay, so whatever about that. however, talking about dlc when the game is not even out even as a beta yet? and talking about cosmetics, when everyone already knows the player base opinion regarding microtransactions? that's totally gonna go well šŸ˜¬




This is a hobby game with a dedicated fanbase of nerds, dweebs and WW2 aficionadosā€”of which Iā€™m a card holding member. The drama of WW2 was the struggle of nations, the clash of men and machines, the mortal game of cat and mouse. Some people want to feel theyā€™re playing in a movie, like the original HALO. Maybe this trailer is for them. I want to feel like Iā€™m riding in a tank with a generalā€™s rank when the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank. Maybe theyā€™ll release that trailer next.




Remember how out of touch they were with DOW3?


Sometimes you can get so caught up in a good idea that you lose sight of whether it is the right idea.


Perhaps it is actually a 5D chess move. They know the WW2 aficionados have the game in their radar and instead focus on the rest of the crowd?




This is just pure speculation, but personally what hooks me up are the gameplay devblogs. I already know about Company of Heroes, I already know what sets it apart from other games. I don't need a trailer to hook me, as I already know there is a CoH III being played in Africa and Italy.


> I want to feel like Iā€™m riding in a tank with a generalā€™s rank when the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank. The Rolling Stones called, they want their lyrics back!


"Dashing" and "Erwin Rommel" does not belong in the same sentence. He was a Nazi.


A lot of those YouTube comments look like paid bots...


Patronizing B.S. of the highest order.


"Violence I couldn't understand" it's a tank not Cthulhu, Relic


Yeah nothing about ww2 had violence at a level that flabbergasted people - oh wait it did


War is bad, newsflash!


Man, this feels like DoW3 in so many ways. I am trying to temper my expectations because a November release seems too early for this game. DoW3 was announced and released within a year and we all know how well that went. This game feels like an asset flip, reusing assets from CoH2 and reskinning units from DoW3 to CoH3. Even AI movement is the same. The units dont feel alive like they do in Coh2. The tanks don't feel powerful (they sound great though). I wish that you guys would just continue developing Coh2. Coh2 is like the longest surviving Relic game, clearly there is something special there. It still has 10k players 9 years after release and its hard to say that any other Relic game has had this similar success. John, please bring this up in the next meeting. Coh3 needs more development time. Make it more like Coh2 instead of Dow3.


Does Relic know how to make good game anymore ? AoE4 was a flop and CoH3 looks not promising now... DoW3 is a litteral joke. A reskinned DoW1 would have hooked me but nope they had to do a genre mix.


[What the hell was that!?](https://youtu.be/vhe3vSe-mmw)


If Relic wanted to focus on the horrors of war, they should have released a trailer about a swarm of Goliaths coming from every direction while SkippyFX cackles like a madman


Relic really doesn't know how to market their game lol. Also this might just be my opinion, but I don't really care that much about the story of CoH. Unless I'm a minority, that means they're focusing on the wrong thing.


I didn't like most of the campaigns for both CoH1 and CoH2, it's just hollywood-level storytelling. If I wanted stories I'd watch YT videos, lot's of stuff to watch to get that initial spark of interest going.


I'm the world's biggest CoH cheerleader, but this trailer is pure cringe. Not at all what I wanted to see.


that's all?


What the fuck did I just watch?


My expectations just shot themselves seven times in the back of the head from this trailer :l


Cool that North Africa will be a front. I imagine there are some cool opportunities for maps. I am super worried this is going the way of BF5 which was a progressive spin on World War Two. I hope I am wrong, but I think all COH fans want a gritty war game, not a colorful and progressive virtue signalling game. This trailer shows us nothing about gameplay and we have seen so little of MP, which is the main draw for most people. I am getting continually worried that this game is going to miss the mark, based on what we are seeing. I feel it may go the way of AAA titles, which are absolute garbage at representing the war. I hope I am wrong.


How is ā€œwar is awful for civiliansā€ virtue signaling?


COH is not a game about civilians. It is a combat game not an RPG. Telling the ā€œuntold storiesā€ of WW2 is what destroyed BF5. This trailer is similar to that. Thatā€™s all.


Why do you think it is a "progressive spin" on WW2? Because a woman civilian was in a teaser trailer? Re-examine why this is what you decided to say. > which are absolute garbage at representing the war This War of Mine, a game focused on civilians and how war affects them, was one of the best representations of war we've seen in all of video game history.


It really boils down to ā€œa woman is in this therefore itā€™s woke and progressiveā€ even if sheā€™s not ever going to be in the gameā€¦ itā€™s a bad trailer but apparently itā€™s triggered the snowflake right wing misogynists


Thatā€™s just such a ridiculous take. Are you actually going to sit here and say that BF5 is a historically accurate representation of WW2? If you believe that there is no point for us to discuss further because you are so far off the mark no one can bring you back. The fact that an entire trailer was focused on a civilian, and in this case her being female does matter, just has BF5 vibes. If itā€™s just a trailer and itā€™s supposed to evoke an emotional response then whatever so be it. The second women start being involved in combat in North Africa we are creating alternate history. That is exactly what BF5 did, we should hope COH does not go the same way. If you want women to be in the game there are roles they could serve, but it should be historically accurate. In WW2 the allies and axis, with Russia being the obvious outlier, did not use women in combat roles. They were involved as spies And had roles in the resistance for the allies, but they were not combat troops. Asking for a historically accurate game, or at least somewhat accurate, is not unreasonable.


Who the fuck is talking about Battlefield 5?! It doesnā€™t have those vibes for fuck sake. She doesnā€™t have a fucking gun your moron. Sheā€™s just some dumb civilian. Itā€™s a shitty trailer but for godā€™s sake grow up.


I am talking about BF5ā€¦ in my original commentā€¦ which you responded to.


Itā€™s not even relevant to this game you dumb fuck incel


You are angrily replying to multiple people who worry about this being a BF5 style trailer. You are losing your mind on multiple people who are all thinking the same thing. Maybe you need to get a life.


Hurrdurr letā€™s go Brandon. Doltard


No clue what your problem is. And I am not American. You donā€™t have to agree that it looks like BF5, but to just trail off into random insults over a comparison being made is such odd behaviour. Since you are American I can see how seeking psychiatric help is probably beyond your means. Iā€™m sorry for that.


Well, excited about the new war front at least!


Isn't this great news? I hadn't heard there would be Africa maps/campaign. I thought only Italy was announced?


This is a terrible trailer but I'm still excited. lol


I hope this trailer means the North African maps will have killable civilians


Many comments here seems confused what this trailer was, perhaps because Relic titled it weirdly. This is primarily a Africa CAMPAIGN NARRATIVE trailer. Bear in mind, itā€™s meant to spark interest in the story.


God help those who buy a CoH game for the story.


exited for them game, shit trailer


I dont know bro, this trailer felt really weird for me. It seemed a bit like a mobile ad or something. Definitely not on the level I expected from Relic, especially after the other trailer of the allies fighting in italy.


Is the only thing gamer grognards can say as a criticism "mobile/table game!" nowadays? It's all I hear and it's tiresome.


It is a common theme of mobile games to have high quality trailers that are disconnected from the game itself. Here is the trailer for Warpath, a WW2 theme mobile game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqeSGjCKV68


lol all that hype for a cheesy Michael Bay trailer


Why are people so salty? I'm hyped.


Well I liked it lads


I liked it too, I'm shocked at how many people hate it.


I mean it was really beautiful and all, but I had no clue what it was trying to convey.


That a madman's murderous imperial war from far away came and destroyed communities and lives all over the globe? That Europe's war spilled into communities far and wide? Like, this wasn't a difficult homework assignment. It's not exactly trying to decipher William Faulkner. Every WW2 trailer doesn't have to be Omaha Beach Saving Private Ryan Enemy at the Gates. This is depicting a region that is almost untouched in WW2 video games other than going "IT'S IN A DESERT AND THERE ARE BRITISH TANKS." The colonialism aspect is historically important.


It is a non-sequitor of a trailer. It has fuckall to do with an RTS.


Relic is releasing a new movie, called Company of Heroes 3. I am very surprised, I expected to see an RTS. Hope it goes well for Relic.


Tiger tank go brrrrrrr


Dang, we are going to get a lot of content on release. Awesome.


I think, for people shitting on this trailer, the onus is on you to come up with a good compelling narrative for a story-driven campaign in Northern Africa - that is likely to be received by a wide audience - where you play as the military spear of a fascist regime.


It looks like they're taking the Battlefield V (5) approach to history, which is a regrettable mistake... oh well, as long as the gameplay is still good (hopefully) the game will still be a success...


"the Battlefield V (5) approach to history". Featuring: panzers with schĆ¼rzen (it was not fitted to panzers in North Africa), Churchill III\*s with QF 75mm guns (possible, but Churchill III with the 6-pounder was probably much more common), Black Prince (a tank produced in May '45 that did not see service, here in North Africa), "medium" tank Crusader, Bishops with missing roofs


Every tank a tiger


That's just WW2 media in a nutshell though, it's right up there with every German having an MP 40.


Diversity quota check. Feels like a weird mashup of an anti-war/anti-imperialist video with a world of tanks trailer.




Yeah but what does that have anything to do with diversity?


Just the choice of the main character they have as the main focus of the trailer. It could be considered that they chose a woman of that ethnicity purely for some good PR. (Edit thought: Just the fact they picked that woman means itā€™s gonna get more attention, though probably because the trailer is kinda weak in regards to the actual game) I mean the war obviously effected those that lived there, but itā€™s Company of Heroes, a WW2 RTS, not the Last of Us, 1942 edition. Unless they suddenly have decided to pivoting towards being humanitarian and not warfare. Thereā€™s a time and place for everything, but not right now.


>Just the choice of the main character they have as the main focus of the trailer. It could be considered that they chose a woman of that ethnicity purely for some good PR. It's...a battle front set in fucking north africa. They didn't choose "some woman of that ethnicity for PR" that's who LIVED THERE. Holy shit gamers. The fact that you zeroed in on an N. African woman's ethnicity in a North African front trailer speaks volumes about you.


You know, there is a lot to be said for people who get a game where you get to play as the literal military arm of nazi Germany, and are still afraid of the virtue signaling from portraying people of Color. Making the choice of putting the player in charge of a military unit whose purpose is to expand and hold the power of the third reich cannot be done in a moral vacuum either - and if you do, what virtues are you signaling then?


Well the North African Front was mainly European nations fighting a war on the lands of their colonies, it makes sense that the local population wouldn't be a fan of it... Wouldn't call this "checking a diversity quota" either...


Yeah this reaction is how blinded the wehraboos are. "they showed locals and not afrika corps! Diversity sjw!"


They restored those tanks just to blow them up again. :-(


Theyā€™re building on a 18year old engine and yā€™all think theyā€™d show off gameplay? Lol




I want the game to be awesome, but the engine has been the problem since the first game. Now itā€™s going to be the anchor that sinks it.


Why do they think we want a soap opera? I play this game for action, heroes and strategies.... Barf




Exactly my reaction.


I like the focus on the civilians, whose side is often forgotten in games about war. I wish it was done differently in this trailer though.


Are we sure this wasn't a trailer for World of Tanks instead of CoH?


You want to see a good WW2 game trailer? [https://youtu.be/0-J5Vg0SxLc](https://youtu.be/0-J5Vg0SxLc)


Loved it ! ā¤


Will this play on steam deck?!?!


I am gonna go against the grain and say I am quite curious about this. WW2 games often focus WAY too hard on the large factions of the war, mostly the Americans and Germans, sometimes the Russians and British (Italy forever on the sidelines). Rarely do the media focus on the people outside these big groups. WW2 was a global war. Lives of innocents across the world was affected. Heck, I'd be excited as absolute hell if we could get something that focus on the less known people like the Indian volunteers who fought in the war. I'll add this timestamped video by Quintin Smith of his review of the board game Undaunted: Normandy where he goes over this issue with WW2 games: https://youtu.be/TssB-ZTtlys?t=873 A story telling the lives of natives of northern Africa as three big colonial, imperialist and fascist powers teared across it is a much enticing prospect to me personally.


ITT: Mentally stunted WW2 nerds unable to process a trailer that isn't wanking over tanks and planes for the billionth time


I honestly hope half this game's community DOESN'T buy and play this game so we'll have a halfway decent community at this point rather than petulant manchildren.


This trailer don't give a piss for the core fans. All they care about is how to make a profit, and this trailer targets that audience that will bring it them. Mindless call of duty style woke trailer. You know exactly the kind of trailer your core fans would have liked. Oh well, it's only a teaser. Still makes me rage, enough to demo your base.


> Mindless call of duty style woke trailer What brain worm nonsense is this sentence? Go outside and take a few breaths, jesus. Why are you mad about a trailer that depicts some of how the colonized people felt during the war instead of just more jackboot nazis that we've seen a million times before? Snore.


Woke trailer...... ​ ​ yikes


Historians will use trailers like this one and the Battlefield 5 trailer to deduce that WW2 was killing its diversity numbers for all 4 quarters.


Wtf is this PC bullshit? I guess they have to make everything about POC's


How dare they have North Africans in North Africa! The erasure of white people in gaming is the single biggest issue we should all raise our pitchforks over! Even the very word ā€œErasureā€ has been co-opted by gay musical groups.


This isnt the point, they are focusing on some random civilian nobody poc in a trailer about a squad based war rts. It comes off as inclusivity virtue signalling "look there are Black People in our game" crap. Nobody care about their woke bullshit.


Vast majority of soldier who fought in the european theater were white guys.


You do realise this trailer has deserts?


What kind of people predominantly come from the countries fighting this war?


And where is this specific battle being fought?


In africa, where still the majority of the combatants were in fact europeans believe it or not


Yeah, and those are the *combatants.* Not the civilians in the regions they're fighting over that we see in the trailer. Not to mention, many of the most decorated units were colonial conscripts and volunteers. It honestly just sounds like you're upset that non-europeans are in this game.


No, the guy is upset that there is so much focus on such unimportant aspect because it smells of woke bs.


youā€™re doing a masterful job of making yourself look retarded, keep up the good work


Itā€™s one of these times one ponders the question: what WAS the most decorated U.S company in WW2ā€¦. I really do wonder if one could Google that.


So youre saying the majority of the german,italian, american, and british soldiers were nonwhite? Curious. What do you think the demographic makeup of these countries were by chance. Do you know?


Came here to also say I didn't care for the trailer. They really missed the mark. Also this is most likely the intro when you launch the game right? So bizarre.


This was so bad, probably one of the worst trailers I have seen that I can remember. Great visuals but what the fuck does this have to do with a WW2 strategy game.


Relic Please listen to the comments here. People are giving logical comments that will prevent you from killing the game. Yeah, a beautiful lady running in the desert and facing the fears of the war makes "people" sympathize with the civilians trapped in the war. But don't you know your fan base? Would they be hyped about such things? or they would be hyped about real sacrifices that people did in the WW2? Aren't we the people who kept COH2 alive after almost 9 years? Aren't we the ones who forces their friends to buy the game and play it with them even now? Do you really think people who buy the game for a silk sniffer lady will continue to play after 9 years? Wake up Lelic! Stop this madness that will kill such a potent game. Just take a look at what you were doing before, it still gives shivers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6zoNChN2xo (I hope my broken English didn't affect what I wanted to deliver.)


I had to double check to make sure this was actually the real trailer.


Im playing coh 2 for like 2 months now. Im really hyped for coh 3. So im a bit puzzled why all comments under posts about coh 3 are so negativ. It seems like the community critizises everything, i didnt read one positive post about the game in this sub.


Trailer was so bad I pretty much skipped most of it yikes