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Wdym bait? That's literally him in that picture


Didn’t realise the NBA player complained about basketball all the time and refused to put in hard slog to reach top of game.




But he photoshopped his reciding hairline away!


Where is the cheeto hair?


lol yeah I was confused he just posted a picture of himself


Any fellow EU people struggling hard with these basketball memes or is it just me?


Dude i have no clue what’s going on. I know like 5 ballers


That’s Larry Bird, a hero to white guys everywhere who have inspirations of playing basketball.


Feel like he's just having a laugh given all the other basketball posts. Picks the goated white guy because = Mande


well larry bird is basically an all time great nba player, some have him top 5, probably closer to top 10 all time, but I have no idea what he's trying to reference here


The TSM & DZ tweets were about the Lakers dynasty. Larry Bird was the biggest rival to the Lakers dynasty.


TSM & DZ were about the Bulls and the Heatles lol, not the Lakers


True, I forgot


Larry Bird is like Johan Cruyff No clue if this helps though


Mande would be running through algs lobbies if he didn’t get hurt fixing his mom’s driveway.


Great reference


Mande will only ever play comp again if AA is nerfed, he hates the 40% just as much as me.


I'm an idiot and just now got his 40% worse team name, thanks.


Like this sub, in reality Mande's problems have nothing to do with AA or controller. He played an entire split, put in zero effort, was miserable and was generally trash at it. It was an insult to players who worked hard to get into the split and play the game. Controller has nothing to do with that. People here would blame AA for their dog dying if they could lol.


I mean it’s easy to say that “ oh he just played like shit “ but it’s an entirely different animal on MnK to succeed, controller is much easier to play at any level, even pro play. He did play bad, but who knows how many 1v1s he wins if he doesn’t go against AI with 0ms reaction speed.


Triple MnK just won lan lmao Please stop


This would be like saying Eminem is proof that all white people are better rappers.


Omg! Triple MnK finally won an event ( even tho DZ with 2 rollers threw ).


Now show me a LAN won by triple roller


I can show you the last 4 that were all won by 2 rollers lmfao


Not a triple roller huh?


Lmfao you are clueless, roller players genuinely think AA does nothing 💀💀💀 40% of your tracking is done for you, and your AI does your micro adjustments for you, while having a 0ms reaction time to strafing. Roller has a whopping 15% higher accuracy in pro league. Next.


It’s not that deep. You clowns take this game way to seriously lmfao Enjoy your next Wendy’s shift


This is peak controller brain lmao


Still waiting for a triple roller team winning LAN


Yes! This. And he’s a clown. Arrogant and disrespectful to people playing with him in ranked and casual. Never a fan


You never watched him i assume


I’ve watched him quite a lot but I have stopped now cos I just can’t stand him anymore


I think you've been watching taxi without knowing


Hopefully mande will never play comp again, he's got a bigger ego now than he did on scarz even tho he's now shit in pro play. Gets knocked first, overextends constantly bitches, complains 40% don't do well even tho he wanted shits and giggles


He constantly mentions he is washed. What ego exactly?


Well he was not good, but it was clearly shiv who was the weakest link on the team, constantly throwing away games and zone calls that were correct.


I don't think it was any one member holding the team back, they were just not cohesive. What you said could equally apply to Mande. He'd over extend too much, putting himself in bad positions or getting killed, and was often wrong or indecisive with his zone calls, even when Shiv would say he knows where it's going. I remember one game in particular where Shiv said he knew the zone, but Mande wanted to wait for the next circle. Predictably, the team got wiped on their late rotate, besides Shiv who managed to escape and went all the way to the middle of the zone solo. I think after that week, Mande gave up IGLing. One of their biggest games in qualifying was also a zone Shiv called. Granted, they didn't do any different with Shiv as IGL toward the end of their run. The team was just very lost from as early as week two.


Yeah good point but there were serveral games where mande called right but shiv countercalled and ended up griefing, but yeah mostly the team didnt work. What i meant mostly is in raw firepower shiv was lacking, which considering his injury is understandable. Mande was almost majority of the teams kills (22/14/10) and was the one who could win them fights


Yet shiv won split 2 qualifiers without mande, buddy if the " weakest link" turns the ship around when only replacing one he wasn't the weakest link


"Won" they managed to qual as one of 8 teams. And they qualed with mande aswell so what is your point?🤣 I love shiv, but if you watched their games it was obvious his injury was holding them back.




Triple M&K team just won LAN


For the first time since when ?


In a heavy smoke and gas meta = no AA


Who's the smallest player in the league? They need to tweet a Mugsy Bogues pic.


here we go again


I'm all for the o7 Mande ::Prayge::


Didn’t they just signed zaine?


They did... But if you look at the time of the comment , they haven't announced it yet. Anyway, can't even joke around and have some desperate hopes without being downvoted. People need to chill


I'm pretty sure Mande literally hates Gnaske, so it wouldn't make sense. I didn't watch his watchparty this time, but last time he almost always refused to check on o7 pov even tho majority of chat was rooting for them or Alliance.