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Removing post because no one can seem to behave these days. This thread has almost as many removed comments as ones that aren’t. Bans will be handed out to anyone who continues to act the fool in other threads. Pro-league starts in less than a week, behave until the .


I think that he has a personality that can definitely come off as abrasive and obnoxious to a lot of people. There's a fine line between banter among players vs just insulting, and it feels like he crosses the line a fair amount. Maybe it's his delivery as well.


Dude is an amazing player but I cant get past his squealing and screaming all the time, he is just way too obnoxious for me personally.


I don't like all the noise on his stream very much either, but other than everybody else here I don't actually think his trashtalk is mean spirited.


one of the things I do actually like about him is the trash talk lol


Dude just seems like a total jerk. Like, I grew up on Halo 3 online. I love some good natured shit talk, but he often takes it too far. Ripping on people for being fat or poor. Telling them to kill themselves. Fuck that noise. Also from the few times I've watched his streams, he seems to call out people in his chat for having opinions he disagrees with, and mock them for it. That shit is lame as fuck.


During the Realm Finals, I remember watching Zer0 and he was saying how trash all of the players that weren't pros were, focusing a lot with some of them in particular. I thought it was because he was friends with them and it was friendly banter. A couple of days later, Digivibezz, one of the people he was focusing, said that he got upset at that. They weren't friends at all lmao. The post is here in the sub.


100% agreed He is by far one of the best players ive seen play this game and he grinds a lot, so respect where it is due, but he is a huge bully and takes things way too far/personally as you have said some people excuse it saying he is Australian so its fine, no its not. Australians use more expletives sure, but if you watch other aus players they are nowhere near as toxic also you can be competitive and really good/trash talk without being a complete ass about it. Apex pro scene is just really immature/young with little rl experience so again people excuse it, and i mean this for a lot of people not just Zero. It's not like he is the only person who acts this way


> He is by far one of the best players ive seen play this game Yeah, his controlled aggression is among the best in the game, rivaled only by Hal, and his macro is off the charts too. Like I think he has navigated the new evo meta amazingly by saying fuck zone, just getting to red armor and loot diffing squads. Also, he has some of the best close range tracking / mechanics I have seen from an MNK player. All that being said, he acts like a total douche, so I'm not a fan.


>he is a huge bully and takes things way too far/personally as you have said Hahaha because they are behind a screen. Not saying he is a coward but when they hop off the internet they can't behave that way. Funny to think the among "nerds/geeks" they also can be bullies. Only 10 years ago playing games was considered being lame and pathetic. Now that they make money off of it they also become arrogant and self absorbed.


I agree. Those are not sick burns bro


If you think he takes shit talk to far then you clearly didn’t “grow up” on oldschool comp games. Shit talk today doesn’t even scratch the surface


> If you think he takes shit talk to far then you clearly didn’t “grow up” on oldschool comp games. Or maybe I did but I recognize that the culture has changed? You can't say the shit people said on Halo or CoD back in the day, and that's that a good thing. There are absolutely ways to talk trash without being an asshole about it. Just got to get creative with it. Like why use slurs when you can call someone a donkey fucker.


Not including slurs obviously, but I find new school trash talk so much more aggressive. Instead of just saying “your dumb” they dissect each others intelligence and try to crush eachother, it’s honestly wild. It’s like the trash talk never changed it just got more sneaky lol


I tell people I hope they stub their toe. Or twist their ankle getting out of bed. Step ona Lego. Stuff like that. No need to get personal


He doesn’t use slurs? Seems like you might be a little sensitive (just like the rest of this sub of 13 year olds)


You’re so hard, bro. What a badass


Everyone boo this man boooooo


More like your conception of normal is broken because you've desensitized yourself to crappy behavior in the worst shitholes that exist online. Maybe you should hold people to a higher standard, not ask us to hold others to a lower standard.


??? What are you even talking about. Shit talk between competitors is not something that should be looked at under a microscope like it was directed towards you. Because it wasn’t. This is a perfect example of why trash talk and fierce competition is gone from gaming today.


To summarise: "You kids will never understand.. back in my day... everything is worse now" Am I right?


So don’t look at today’s current shit talk under a microscope since it wasn’t directed towards you….


He's annoying as shit despite being good.


Part of it is that Zero and TSM were/are rivals and he has purposefully antagonized TSM fans (and apex fans in general), which makes a lot of people mad. A lot of it though is that much like Hal he often comes off as a dick, and not just to his teammates. I personally have never enjoyed watching him play Realm because he can just be annoying and super condescending. To me, he’s just not as funny as he thinks he is Another large part of it is throughout the years there have been many rumors about his behavior behind the scenes. Most (all?) of which is either unsubstantiated, debunked, or just a pure he-said-she-said so people just pick a side.


Purposely antagonized lol


“Shyat up ya shitcunts”


My only personal dislike of him was him beating someone in a con and then yelling at them to enjoy their flight back (this was at lan) - ~~and then his bitch ass gets eliminated and doesn’t even make finals (same lan)~~ Not my goat, tbh I’m glad Hal joined him, I look forward to seeing what happens if they don’t win - gonna be awkward Hal leaves tsm and dz doesn’t secure some wins, but we’ll see.


that wasn't the same lan


~~Im almost certain it was,~~ either way, i enjoyed asking zero/DZ if they would be doing a meet n greet, or if the team was already flying back b4 the last day started (finals) ♥


Split 2 lan they won while contested by Aurora which was composed of Ranches.  At champs when they didnt make finals they were not contested at all 


well you are certainly wrong so idk what to say


you know what, maybe u are right - could be i just saw that clip and then had hatred for zero, entirely possible


Two different lans lmao. He wins the con and wins the LAN btw 🐐.


the lan im talking about, he most definitely flew home without a win and dint make finals, im not sure which 3rd it was he dropped, but he got a new roster for his win at LAN


The contest you’re referring to is the Aurora contest . They won that LAN to become 3x champs. Only LAN he didn’t make finals was champs but they weren’t conned and then he picked up sikezz (they didn’t win sikezz) so you’re just yapping right now.


(u prolly right tbh, my memory could be skewed - could be i saw that clip during the same week of their elimination and thought it was the same lan, idk)


Oh yeah that was probably it. Talking shit like that and getting sent home would take him out of all goat conversations so I get it 😂. He usually talks it and 100% backs it up though and that’s why I fuck with him


This is weird


I respect Zer0 as a player. I hate his use of ableist slurs.


Which ones has he said?


I don't see any good reason to repeat here, but the usual suspects you unfortunately hear out of some corners of the gaming community. Honestly though, watch the guy for a scrim block and I'm sure you'll hear for yourself


As Linustechtips says, the hard r


can you explain to my why the "r word" is an ableist slur but idiot, dumbass, stupid are not? curious how woke ppl defend this.


The historical context and clinical usage to describe a specific, smaller group of people who have been marginalized vs words that are general and are typically used across a wide demographic. Pretty easy to understand if you ask me.


do you know the history of the word idiot?


Sure, but it is disingenuous to say they are the same when idiot is clearly further detached from the clinical use lol.


This is basically it. There's a phenomenon called the euphemism treadmill that explains words falling out of acceptable usage to be replaced by others ad infinitum. People can argue for or against the virtues of this. In my view, the two specific words I hear Zer0 use are crystal clear in what they imply in 2024. Seems to me that using those words could hurt a group of people or those close to them in a way that 'idiot', 'dumbass' et al wouldn't.


> curious Lmao, you most certainly are not. Just ignore the little kid trying to rage bait. Downvote and move on. They just want attention.


why can't woke ppl defend their claims without insulting and bullying? i havnt insulted anyone, simply asking questions and engaging in critical thinking.


Yeah man, asking why woke people can't defend their position is just you engaging in critical thinking, for sure. They're being so insulting. 


Lmao guy has 0 orginal thoughts of his own. Makes since why you can't figure out why people try not to offend people with a mental disabilities anymore. If you want to use the r word with your friends and family no one cares. In public you should try not to use any of those words because you may say the R word and someone with a mental disability may be around and it can make them feel like a lesser person for something they can't control. Called being a decent human, try it sometime.




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They can’t defend it. It’s just an attempt to have yet another thing to be offended about. A wise man once said, "You don’t call regarded people regarded, you call your friends regarded when they’re acting regarded." (Censored for Reddit) The definition is "less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age." There’s nothing inherently wrong with it.


People literally chose what to be offended by. It's not different than calling your friend an idiot


The simple answer is TSM has been winning since almost the beginning, so everyone has been following Hal for a long time. Then Zer0 started winning from APAC S with team RIG. No one knew much about him because he never streamed, so he just felt like the natural villain, plus a few stories like him making his teammates cry in a lift (courtesy of Sweet, also probably not true). Only recently has he been streaming enough for people to know his character. Seems like a solid guy


If a solid guy is someone who constantly talks shit and is overall toxic to every teammate he plays with, then sure.


Wait do you mean Hal or Zero?


Same reason they didn’t like Hal, he’s kind of a dick and yells at his teammates + is “mean” to them Guys love to imagine themselves playing with these guys and dying and then getting yelled at then being called a “dumb fuck” and it upsets them, I’ve seen guys get upset for jordan and evan being yelled at even though neither guy cared at all, fans do this weird thing where they get offended by how Hal and Zero act with their teammates even though that will never be them Zero is calling brain dead


I do like Zer0 I love the banters between him and Gen.




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Because he can be loud and obnoxious. I like watching him though because he the best and it's nice having a change of personality and someone who can fill the villain role. Only thing I don't like is his attitude and dialog with his teammates in realm. Like I'm sure some of these random are nervous that they are even playing with a player of his caliber. He can be pretty harsh to these people that are still trying to come up amd make a name for themselves. Somebody with a following can tarnish a person's name by one bad game in realm. But overall he's in the GOAT convo, so naturally people are gonna hate.


high school bully ass personality he funny as fucc tho


His vibes.. tried to watch due to Hal moving over which I still think was super weak of hal.... "he wants to win" blah blah blah blah... I truly feel he was blaming Evan and reps for their performance but his performance wasn't the greatest either. We all saw a decline when Horizon got nerfed... he is still a great player of course but to act like we haven't seen his performance shake a Lil would be ignorant. Outside of that when he plays realm he kind of acts like he's too good for his teammates etc... one game he basically talked crap about never getting good teammates and then basically didn't talk to them at all.


Not a fan of his personality, even tho he's an amazing player and a great inspiration for mnk players. I remember during Split 1 Play-offs 2023, he portrayed signs of a mental breakdown after missing a few kraber shots during Loser's Bracket. They were basically guaranteed to qual for Finals at that point and still won the match, but he kept tweakin because he missed those shots. Seemed like such an incredibly obsessive individual, and every stream I've caught from him since then just confirmed that suspicion of mine. The way he often drills into his teammates or viewers. His attitude towards players he deems lesser than him. Stuff like that. It's just the kinda of persona I personally do not really care for.


Honestly, I find him very charismatic. If none of the DSG players are streaming, he's usually my go to.




Well no Sweet told the story how it was and then the story got exaggerated through a game of telephone. Here's the link of the 1 minute and 8 second clip you are talking about without having even watched the clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHgTQFPDAqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHgTQFPDAqg) You heard a rumor and have now spread the rumor without researching it, which is exactly how the elevator story got exaggerated in the first place. If anyone was saying stuff that was over the line in that clip it was Dropped. This sub needs a rule that if you say someone said something you need a source or something, that would stop these dumbass rumors from spreading.


people hate zer0 because he doesn’t sugar coat anything and above all isn’t a pussy. he also doesn’t really care about outside opinion from frogs (something many can benefit from).


Because he is the new Hal and TSM fans can’t take it


(And to be very honest, I’m a TSM fan and only started liking Zer0 when Hal joined him)


I didn't feel that way though, probably because I just started watching comp apex this year. Dude is such a character and I kinda like him being so passionate about winning every single game no matter what, even after 3x lan champion. I've been rooting for some non-comp apex players and it's sad seeing them losing the interest for games. So I respect zero for his mentality.


Abrasive, arrogant, obnoxious, etc. I like his play-style and he’s obviously incredibly talented, but his online personality is incredibly rough around the edges.


Hal, Zero, Sweet, and a lot of others need a good ass kicking. Their parents have done them a disservice


He certainly doesn’t give a shit what anybody thinks of him. I respect it




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yeah im suprised people hate on zer0 and like sweet, zero tells it how it is which is normal straight to the point and sweet being an huge aunt trying to passive aggressively sneak tell you, your mistake.


As someone who’s most watched comp streamers are sweet and Zer0, here is the difference Sweet will calls his teammates dumb fucks directly, probably for longer than needs be, while Zer0 will call his teammates dumb fucks, then mute his mic and talk to his chat about how his teammates are dumb fucks. Depends which is worse in your eyes


He’s unlikeable because he’s a big shit talker who can back it up lol I don’t mind him personally


He just wins all the time and I hate that, I actually like him a lot it’s just fun to root against the leader for the best team


Probably because he's abrasively honest , and people in general (2024) dont like such things. Personally, he cracks me up a lot and is a hidden gem in the apex community


Lot of people hate his accent but as an American I think Americans are clowns for hating on people because his accent(aussy accent).  He does talk trash though, I don’t mind it. Games were always about that


r word makes people super mad and people love the fake positivity from some streamers instead of telling people when they fuck up


He had a huge villain arc before the LAN where they didn't make finals. I think he's more chill now. I think people take what he says way too seriously. He is passionate and opinionated.


I love Zer0 and all of the aussie boys (Gen is my GOAT) since the first Lan since Covid in Sweden 2022. I understand why some people might not like him cause of his slightly edginess and his rivalry in the past with the fan favourite TSM and especially Hal.


Americans cant hack people with character. Especially when he’s been the best player in the world for years 


He keeps it real. That’s why people hate him.


him and sweet are unbearable imo


People dislike ZerO? He is great in my opinion


Disliking one of the more if not the most successful players of the game cuz of non game reasons is irrelevant. I'm not here to watch "likeable" inferiorr players just cuz they talk nice I'm here to watch the best of the best in apex.