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I hate playing with her more than I do playing against her.


Cause mercy is ass rn unless the DPS she is pocketing the best player in the lobby


And half the time your mercy will healbot making it even worse


Or pocket the tank


I had a Mercy the other day with 1% damage boost usage, if that, who sat on the tank the whole game. It was fucking miserable. I felt like she hadn't damage boosted the entire game so I went back to look and she pressed right click once in the entire game, for maybe two seconds. She just held heal on a Reinhardt for ten straight minutes and then flamed the rest of us when we somehow lost. I hate this.


1% damage boost 💀💀 im iron one


I agree. A small-moderate damage boost provides such inconsistent damage output for the team when compared to almost any other support. Like I’d almost 100% of the time rather just have a support who also shoots the enemy.


You don't like Mercy Lifeweaver, having 3 people shooting in an FPS game? It's the ultimate takedown of the "OW isn't a shooter" argument, since you outright lose due to lack of shooting and requiring exclusively solo frags


It's crazy they somehow made a worse backline than Mercy/Lucio. At least they can function even if it's awful


Me too . They are either giving 30 assists or 12 with both with no kills I feel like unless the player is very good every other support can be more impactful by also getting kills.


Me too cause I can kill fifteen enemies in a row and still watch my team flail and die. Y’all know I’m going to back line. Use cover and stay alive for ten seconds


As another support main who sometimes even plays mercy myself, yeah… not only does she suck rn, but she just does nothing for the tank which makes things ten times harder when the other tank is being double pocketed by ana bap. And god forbid our dps suck and she wont switch 💀


I hate playing against her because the other one is always a bulletproof wizard. At least that's the only way I can explain my teammates not firing one bullet at her as she rezzes.


bookmarking this next time people gripe about Ana metas


I'll be sure to into stream requesting a spilo spin and malding about ana


I used to be one of those people. Who do I need to apologize tio


I miss ana metas. I wish more people played bap, too.


Don’t you have a tantrum to throw?


If it was just Mercy I wouldn't care much. I'm used to this already. But it's often Mercy Weaver and that really riles me up. Especially when they're on my team. And this isn't even because it's an awful support line. I've made awful support lines work so many times in ranked that I don't even care that much about that. It's mainly because the people who play those two heroes are AWFUL at them. I don't understand how they climbed to my rank with their gameplay. Most of them are genuinely like 2 ranks lower in terms of gamesense. I just don't get it.


I hate playing against them as tank. Forget about killing the backline on dive too much sustain and mobility. Every single fight they either have valk or tree cause all they do is healbot and killing anyone through those ults with Winston is fucking impossible.


I hate playing with them as tank. There's so little pressure and poke on the enemy team as you push up, so I feel like you're instantly just getting blown up, need to play much more carefully and slowly and of course you just slowly die as only 3 people on your team do anything, lol.


Any good weaver is pumping thorns down chokes and burning shields down.


That's really the problem with Weaver and Mercy to a degree in lower ranks (sometimes even Kiriko). People just healbot and think they're doing something. Part of it can be people's positioning is so bad that they're constantly trying to heal through bad position, but I try to be smarter than that.


mercy/weaver players pull that shit in GM too. I'm convinced they're just paying for a dps duo boost. Ain't no way they managed to climb on their own with the avg performance I'm getting from them.


That's so funny. It honestly feels that way in gold, too. Getting pulled at random times, it can make it so hard to push up on tank when your team has fewer players applying pressure and you're getting insta melted, but of course it's always a tank diff. This game drives me crazy sometimes, lol.


I've ragequit due to bad pulls before. How hard it is to just wait for me to use my abilities and waiting before I'm sufficiently low before pulling me? I'm a fucking tank I can take quite a beating before I die. I have abilities to help me not die. Don't pull me unless I'm critically low and out of CDs (aka, feeding) I swear they need to be forced to play tank to a high enough level before they're allowed to play weaver. They just don't understand tank timing whatsoever so I'm always just getting fat Ls with 99.99% of pulls. Yes, pull me out of position and make us lose the fight. Good job.


Lmao 100%. I had a game attacking A on Blizzard world, Sigma. Shield got low, hiding behind the statue, hasn't even used shift yet and get pulled. Literally just asked him not to pull me if I haven't used all my abilities and he blamed me for "getting blown up" meanwhile they're a heavy poke comp and we're running Mercy/LW. People really don't get how different comps interact. I thought this was a mostly gold thing but apparently its just all ranks, lol


Like I said before. I'm convinced most of them are getting boosted. They are not playing like GMs. They're playing like diamonds. I very rarely have this feeling about other supports. Almost all bap, ana, lucio or kiri players in GM are good at the game and then mercy/weaver players are eating out of their noses. It's such a massive disparity.


There is literally nothing harder to kill than a mercy pocketed Lifeweaver holy hell


Okay but at the moment that support line is genuinely awful and in most cases causes an uphill battle for your team because Lifeweaver is in a terrible spot right now. Sure you can win with that lineup but in most cases it's only because of a significant tank/dps differential. I swear, when my team is running Lifeweaver the game just feels 20% harder. As soon as they swap to any other support I feel the difference immediately. It sucks because I would play him if he were good.


Yeah, I predominantly play tank and it is noticeably worse. But I just don't really get bothered by bad comps much. I mean I played OW1 in the early days and everyone ran dogshit comps 24/7. (but they'd tlel you to kill yourself if you were on an off-meta hero. Not considering the fact that they're running 5dps 1 support) What I get bothered by is that they're just godawful. I've had some mercy/weaver abcklines that were legit useful all due to having good timing on their CDs and good positioning. But jesus christ are most of them brainless idiots who rez in front of the enemy and pull the tank out of position because he dropped below 50% hp.


Mercy Weaver then you get someone first timing Widow so you only have 2 people on your team doing any damage 😭


It's sad they made LW a Hero. He will never not feel like a lesser character unless he gets a full rework. He's still the lose slower hero that Jake talked about, and his kit is just fundamentally flawed and he's not even fun to play outside if his primary damage lands. I think he'd be a much cooler poisoning, dash based Off Healer if they ever reworked him and focused more on damage.


I swear everyone who talks about LW has not actually played him since season 5. His needler does stupidly good damage and if you burst fire it, you avoid spread entirely. I have no idea why everyone just ignores it, LW can straight-up duel in the right situations. If you aren't doing atleast a little damage, you're playing him wrong.


Because most LW players are also Mercy players. They're not shooting. They're picking weaver because the other person picked Mercy already. It's either Weaver or Moira. (and they're awful at all of them)


Because Kiriko exist. As tank player, it's so frustrating to see a Kiriko Lucio against me when I have a Mercy LW or even Ana LW. We are not complaining about how well you play, but some supports are just way too superior no matter how good your LW is.


The weapon swap takes two business days. It does not matter that he does good damage. When his damage comes at the cost of no healing for a solid three seconds do you really want him to be doing a lot of damage? Every other support except Mercy can switch back from damage to healing almost instantly.


All mercy and weaver players are boosted. Neither requires a semblance of skill


I think LW has a massive skill ceiling. The issue is most people are just bad at him. My teammate laughs and tells me im cringe (sarcastically) because of how good i am at him. I rarely lose on LW, and most of those matches would be losses either way.


Weavers skill ceiling is 10 feet under the ground. He can be played to his ceiling by someone with no hands




Wrong lol


Nope, sorry. You'll learn if you ever get good at the game


If a top 500 player isn’t good at the game then who is?


I never said I was bad at the game?


I always think of the Mercy's as dozy, they've no clue what's going on - just flutter about and click on the "critical" symbols. Then absolutely tunnel vision on a dead teammate and die, or feed the enemy another tanks worth of ult charge after the fight and stagger the tank respawn lmao. IF they blue beam, it's for their duo - will stand around a corner doing not much else most of the game. Seems really dull. Don't get me started on the e-girl hop, just pressing ctrl to bounce up repeatedly in front of everyone. I never use VC and use text chat for "gg" etc, but you best believe Mercies are the ones asking for the tank to switch or complaining to the DPS. Then go quiet if asked to switch themselves. Diamond 5 / Masters 1 PC


Most Mercys in Diamond/Masters rn are ex GM players due to her being so bad right now. You are playing with people with really good gamesense. If you perceive EVERY Mercy that way then idk. There is currently no reason to pick Mercy over any character, but calling all of them bad is just really toxic. Aspen calls herself a Mercy Player. She chooses not to play her rn, due to her being so bad. You gonna tell me she has no clue what is going on? Due to Pink she has an insanely high pickrate now and is present in almost every game. That means you should have a equal chance of having a Mercy on either your or the enemy team or both. It should not affect your rank in the slightest.


Nah I didn't mention aspen lol I've been playing since 2016 and I'm fairly casual now, no need for any toxicity in games. Just saying my experience, Mercy **one tricks** do seem behind on game sense for the rank. I perhaps should've specified one tricks. Aspen rocks a lot of support heroes.


That is "more fair" I guess. However, I still believe that is a very rude assumption to make. If somone is a solo Q High ranked Mercy One trick I am by far way more impressed than any other hero due to her just being this terrible right now.


Yeah be impressed by them holding r1 lmfao


You are entitled to your own opinion, but judging by your post history you should maybe like idk- not think about her for one minute? You have an obsession 💀


As an Ana main, I hate to say, but I really do dislike playing with her. If we are running a comp that will benefit much more with having a mercy rather than a support with more utility, then I’m okay with it. Although, what happens is the enemy team runs Bap, illari, or Bap and Ana, even Kiri Lucio and we lose out on a lot of utility by running the mercy. Plus, I’m not pointing fingers but, a lot of my games, the dps don’t do anything with the mercy pocket or the mercy is not blue beaming enough. At that point, we are running mercy for healing and she just is not the best for healing output. It’s better for them to just learn a support that can do damage and have maybe a cleanse or an ult that is more impactful. I flex to Kiri, Bap, and Moira for this reason. But it’s just a game so whateeeverr


Ana main here and this is precisely it. An occasional decent rez does not outweigh the issues that come with running a mercy.


>Plus, I’m not pointing fingers but, a lot of my games, the dps don’t do anything with the mercy pocket or the mercy is not blue beaming enough. I main Echo and I can probably count on one hand the number of times in the past year that a Mercy has actually bothered to blue beam me for a significant portion of the game. Catch them hard yellow beaming the tank all match.


I have the same issue. Most of the Mercy’s I’ve played with lately don’t enable the pocketable DPS going for a flank, which then causes the Mercy to have to heal bot the tank more because the DPS is unable to hold their angle.


This is a common issue. If I’m on main support, my mercy shouldn’t be hard healing the tank unless they are about to die or being focused. I always say in voice chat “mercy I’ll let you know if I need help healing the tank or please let me heal the tank, you have valk already and I’m almost at nano.” Usually they take it badly, lol.


Which is absurd cause mercy pocketed Echo literally dogwalks most lobbies


I love when you see dive heroes pop up one by one on the hero select screen with Ana as your first support, and then...Mercy Ana's gonna have a bad time


Give me Mercy streak protection over loss streak protection any day. Mercy Lifeweaver is like having UN peacekeepers spectating your game.


I’ve always hated mercy and soon as I saw that the new skin boosted her numbers I just decided to lay off of ow for a few weeks (does wonders on the mental too)


Yeah when mauga was brutally overturned j just stayed off the game for a while. Always a reliable choice


I have and will always say that I think Mercy is one of, if not the worst character in the game. She is by far the biggest handicap in history, her playstyle hard clashes with about 90% of the roster, her kit does not translate to any other support in the game, not to mention rez is just so frustrating. These frustrations are only tripled if you are a tank player.


The ress is also frustrating if she’s on your team. Can’t count the number of times she either resses someone while the it’s 5 vs 2 or she barely gets the ress off deep into the back line, then flies off and you’re left to fend off 4 people on your own.


or she gets the rez and then dies 0.5 seconds afterwards leaving you alone in the enemy team with no healer lmao


>her kit does not translate to any other support in the game, hate statements like this. 1. There are about half a dozen DPS heroes who have no overlap with eachother. Seriously what does Junkrat, Venture, or even like... Sombra teach you about other DPS heroes? How about tanks, what does ball have to do with the other tanks? 2. Brig.


None of Mercy’s skills transfer to any other hero. She doesn’t need to look at the enemy to get offensive value so you don’t learn ANY form of aiming nor do you learn how to win duels, which is s fundemental skill in an FPS game. She cannot transfer her skills to another hero and no hero is like that. If a mercy one trick ever has to swap its worse than any other one trick having to swap. If you hit GM with Kiri or Bap or Lucio or Ana or any other support, you have fundemental skills that can be transferered. Even Moira has forms of CD management and gamesense in regards to when to be aggressive that can be transfered. Mercy one tricks cannot apply most of their skillset to other heros because its a hero that has very little in terms of substance besides just staying alive. Brig teaches CD management and requires incredible positioning and gamesense to play properly against dive.


This… Also pulling of a ress going beserk on your mouse to miss heady. And pulling it off looking like its no effort…


I've been having a terrible time as a Reinhardt main. Mercy on my team? They pocket a Pharah who's being held at bay by counters all game so I have to make aggressive and risk plays with limited healing to give Pharah the ability to exist. Mercy on their team? Damage boosting the DPS that Reinhardt has limited options to deal with


the single best thing that ever happened to me in this game was swapping to pc. not because of the raging cheating/boosting problem, or the abandoned balance, or the clunky controls. it’s because i went from seeing mercy in like 90 out of 100 games into seeing her 50 out of those 100 games. god i hate that brainless, annoying hero


Yeah she is so painful on console, DVA seems to be too now


DVa's gotten several microbuffs for several seasons now as they try to push her like they've done with Orisa and Hog in the past to the point they were meta. DVa's been headed the same route. I'm surprised more people aren't going "Hey Blizz, stop with the microbuffing the same hero multiple seasons in a row, you aren't sneaky."


As a mercy player no I’m not 😂😂😂😂


> is anyone else getting really tired of Mercy You could have stopped there. There's at least 1 complaint thread about Mercy every single week, it's just circlejerking at this point.


I'll preface by saying I'm already not very accurate AND I play on console where it's much harder to hit Mercy with her ridiculous mobility.  She is by far the worst thing about the game to me and ruins pretty much every match she's played in. 


Doesnt help she has wonky hitboxes. Amount of time shes stood still rezzing, I click her head, and it registers a body shot so she gets the rez off. Its because her wings and arm hitbox cover her head when shes rezzing.


Similar with boops and knock backs. Sometimes I'll boop Mercy and it stops the rezz, other times she's able to pull it off.


this has nothing to do with mercy, but rather a quirk with boops where if you move opposite the boop direction you get booped less (the reverse is true as well). Either the mercys are smart and intentionally moving towards you to limit how far they're booped or it's by complete accident. This is a well documented tech in the mercy community. Same with looking down and away during rez to make your head hotbox smaller.


Tbf the problem is that boops SHOULD always cancel the rezz, not if they are just moved a certain point away from the rezz.


Also works behind LoS. Should be an absolutely mandatory requirement to be in LoS for the entire cast time. Makes no sense at all that there are situations where it can be literally impossible to stop the rez, especially when it's a tank who gets their full HP/shield back and literally no drawbacks. No temporary damage reduction, no temporary healing reduction, no temporary cooldowns on abilities, no lost ult charge...no penalties for dying whatsoever.


There are also alot more Mercy's on console from my experience. Mercy Moira is the most common support line for me, and that just means I can't play winston which sucks. As a tank, it feels like your at the mercy of your dps at that point, things can work if either your Moira is really good, or your Mercy pockets a god tier Pharah, otherwise its really tough, particularly on heavily vertical maps like Dorado when I want to go winston etc to challenge high ground but there just isn't enough ranged healing.


Im fine playing against them, especially if my team actually understands the concept of shooting supports first, but getting mercy on my team makes tanks feel so much worse because it means you cant have a lucio and she doesnt do much to help tank outside of the occasional res. Getting a mercy weaver backline is also probably the most frustrating thing in this game..


lol I get mercy Lucio backline pretty much every game


Yeah and Lucio mercy backlines suck arse


Yeah that’s why I’m probably going to take a break from ow for a bit


I was already seeing a lot of mercy, but predictably she was gonna get picked way more now because of Pink Mercys return. Don't get me wrong. Big fan of the charity. Bought the skin bundle myself aswell. But man, if it hasn't drawn out just every single mercy player on the planet. I had a ranked game full on cancel yesterday because both supports wanted to play her (both accounts dripped out in pink mercy icon and name cards). The one who was too slow to pick straight up just didn't pick a hero...


I don't mind usually but pocketed Cass is just disgusting against Tracer


Pocketed Ashe, Cass, Soldier, Pharah, Sojourn, etc. If you're a support player and have no idea what else to do, pocketing these characters greatly increases your chances of winning in my experience.


Yes but Cass in particular against tracer can deal more easily with her mobility since he has an overall better rate of fire. I die more often to a 180 flickshot to him than Soj or Ashe


Well... He IS historically the counter to Tracer. Boosting him just makes it more so. I don't like it either as a Cass player. I think blue beam needs a rework.


Yes but "more so" being a "one shot" is too much, this is my point


I get what you mean since no one is realistically 100% HP all the time, and Mercy pocketing Cass just pushes him to the breakpoint of effectively one-tapping you more consistently. My point was moreso that he is intended to counter her more than SJ or Ashe ever could to begin with, which is why you die more often to Cass when you're Tracer by default than the examples you mentioned, pocket or not. Shoulda clarified what I meant. It's just some people forget Cass is the anti-flanker hero, so I don't assume whether you were aware of that when you wrote your comment or not. Anyway, even when I don't play Cass, it's pretty miserable to go up against a pocketed one. Yeah, every Mercy players says "ofc it's hard, it's 2 heroes," but the amount of value that pocket provides can easily outsize the relative value 2 individual heroes can output. It's why I think blue beam, or Mercy in general needs to be revisited with reworks, but I also know Blizz is afraid to.


No one shoots her and it is infuriating. My friends who don't play as much as me have a hard time tracking her. I kinda think she's due for a re-work.


People can't shoot her because she literally flies around at mach speed effortlessly. constant direction switching. no momentum losses. massive timing windows for executing a broken-ass tech. Like I'm GM dps/tank and I'm pretty decent at aiming, but if Mercy's flying around I'm better off trying to kill the DPS twice than focusing the Mercy. It's ridiculous how hard she is to kill. And that's if she's even in LoS to begin with.


skill issue


No actually, skill issue. It’s common sense to focus down a Mercy and many people don’t even try because she has movement, but she’s very vulnerable if she’s jumping a lot or on GA cooldown.


This is why I keep screaming for Blizzard to rework her again and both make her take a little more skill (and she doesn't need to be made to aim for that to happen) *and* give the poor gal a little more personal impact in exchange. Just about no one is happy with her current status. Considering she's one of (if not *the*) most popular heroes in the game, a little TLC to get her healthy is very much in order imo.


They would never make her a skill-based hero because they make too much money off unskilled players. OW2 is basically divided between competitive players and people there for their digital wardrobe. Mercy is the pinnacle of the latter.


Mercy on the Mirrorwatch mode was fine for me. My main issue is rez. I hate it so much.


Honestly I started playing mercy recently but when the other team notice they're on me like a swat team so I've started to become more sneaky with where I hide mostly to get away from moiras and tracers. I think there's a sence of I actually helped when I play as mercy but I would like it if the people playing tank pushed a little harder, it sucks when


I hate playing with mercy as much as I hate the doom one tricks throwing it down mid Or the turbo feeding tracers.


Post like these are so funny man


If it were up to this sub there’d be like four heroes in the game


I just don't want people to play a hero that is ass, or a hero that they're ass at. And a large portion of mercy/weaver players are doing both of those simultaneously.


What makes you think bad players will get better at this rate?


Ultimately I think forcing every hero to engage with the game more is how you drive people to improve their gamesense more broadly rather than just a very narrow subset of it. If people didn't onetrick there'd be no problem, but people do, so something needs to be figured out about some heroes requiring too little thought compared to other heroes. In the case of weaver I think just making the heals more mechanically engaging (it doesn't even need to be a skillshot or anything. Just requiring a bit more action or thought from the player) and promoting more frequent thorns usage is a good way to go. With Mercy I'm not really sure what you can do. Her entire identity is a greatly reduced individual impact in exchange for boosting someone else's impact. It is what attracts so many people, but it's also what ends up being the problem. Should you change this you basically change the hero entirely. It's a tough problem to solve.


Coming from a Symmetra player that's rich honestly.


I acknowledge that I’m disgusting for enjoying one of the 40 available heroes


Double mercy games are the most cancerous thing In the world. Just played against a Mercy in fucking scrims. I THOUGHT I WAS SAFE IN SCRIMS


Mercy drives me up the wall on every single role (though I mostly play DPS) it absolutely kills any possibility of getting or being able to play a low heal high util support like Zen/Brig/Lucio, this still leaves Ana and Bap of course but it feels like every time what you actually get is Moira or LW. If that wasn't enough, I truly believe Res is the single most frustrating and ridiculous thing in the entire game, regardless of how actually good it is, I don't think there's a single thing that feels worse, and when you're against a Mercy in any kind of sniper map and you don't have one, it feels like any jabs at the enemy Widowmaker, Ashe, or Hanzo simply don't matter since you know they will just get Res'd, and because you don't have one you will just get one shot and forced into a 4v5. Not only that, but as someone who mains Pharah and has for a decent time now, I hate how she bottlenecked her balance for almost the entire game's life, and now that Pharah is finally actually good without a Mercy, and much more reasonably designed (barring the armor changes making her far too good into tanks rn), you still get a Mercy every single game and I feel cheap as fuck whenever it produces a win... but half the time the enemy team has a Mercy too and it's the only way for me to ever contest a pocketed hitscan anyway but two wrongs don't make a fucking right. Garbage all around, the only support in the game I'd say is as game ruining as some real stinkers like Roadhog or Widowmaker.


I became a support main this season purely so that I could dodge Mercy + LW, Mercy + Lucio, and Mercy + Zen comps that otherwise happen in half my games when I try to play DPS or tank.


Wouldn't care if most of them are actually good at mercy


It kinda works out with pharah being meta rn. When pharah gets nerfed then I’ll hop on the mercy hate bandwagon.


Mercy has been the most one tricked hero since overwatch came out in 2016. I just assume there are going to be two every game so that when there isn't one I can be pleasantly surprised


Sometimes Mercy players play her at the wrong time which can be frustrating but that's not exclusive to her. She's never bothered me, probably never will. I just don't really understand why people are so annoyed by her.


I just hate mercy because she doesn't fit with any team comp whatsoever, but she's absolutely everywhere if there's an overpowered DPS in the meta (early soj) I play lucio/zen mostly (with some kiri) and i actually lose my mind when 8/10 games the other support insta locks mercy


Mercy can make me for real go beserk. Always hated her.


I'm tired of not getting a Mercy on my team every game. We are not the same.


her healing isnt enough to actually save you while being shot at. all the other supports can atleast keep you alive while youre being shot at mercy cant. the damage boost she gives isnt good enough id rather have a support actually deal damage instead of slightly boosting another players. its a lazy playstyle and not even worth it. if you want to damage boost a teamate than play ana. ana's ult is better than any mercy damage boosting and she does great damage with great healing and her abilites are amazing. i dont see a reason to play mercy over the other characters. she has nothing good going for her. her revive isnt great just pick a character that CAN PREVENT YOU FROM DYING IN THE FIRST PLACE


So- you are implying she needs a buff? But then people complain again she got buffed


Kinda yeah, but she does have really fun movement


I feel like a really good change would be to nerf her health and buff her mobility. Her mobility is the most fun part but the devs make her less fun to play because of it. She’s also very annoying to play against and it feels like a waste of time shooting at her. Idk if this is a good idea or not but I know the devs tried to make her more punishable without really making anyone happy, and they’ve partially reverted their changes anyway


Her being hyper mobile for 0 skill input is part of why people hate playing against her


She has skill expression but I think they should at least decrease her health


Don't forget the rest of her kit has zero translation to the rest of the roster.


I'd rather not, but if the mercy is good it is at least tolerable. Almost all of them is bad though. Like, you play mercy AND you're still bad, this is the saddest part of my matches. At least it's not LW though, that guy I don't want to see ever on my team


as a pharah/mercy/dva player no


I welcome anything that reduces the amount of Anas


It’s especially bad if you’re a support main right now who doesn’t play mercy. You can’t play whoever you want. I had a 13 game loss streak a couple days ago, and my co support was mercy every single game.


She's such a bad hero and so overly limiting. Imagine going full dive like monkey, genji, tracer, Lucio, and low and behold they decide to pick Mercy. This is where a banning system would benefit the game. Like when League community banded together to punish people who bought the Faker skin by banning Ahri. It was a joke and Ahri isn't a problem if someone picks her. But Mercy is so fundamentally flawed that people want to ban her to not play with her. Also why is Life Weaver the most popular choice to pick alongside the mercy. Is it the other mercy players who hates playing the game and only wants to heal bot too? Do these players hate hurting others? If I could go back in time and make a change to mercy if not delete her from the game I think I would convince them to keep the original design of a black man. I think that would do something.


mercy is a fundamentally broken hero and is unhealthy for the game, and has been unhealthy since she was released. She sucks to play against and sucks to have on your team. She is by far the most mobile hero in the game able to fly across the map on a 2 second cooldown, as well as being able to super jump every time she uses her flight, meaning every 2 seconds she is able to use 2 different movement abilities to escape. Rez has been an issue since the game released, even 1 rez is too strong, not to mention she has a full 10 second window after the target is dead to be able to revive them. She can break LOS and move while doing it, so when you get a pick for your team, you have to guard the body for 10 seconds and hope mercy doesn't swoop in, start the rez and then disappear behind a wall to finish the rez. It feels terrible to play against because the pick you just got simply didn't matter. I haven't even mentioned the blue beam, which makes certain heroes just completely broken and horrible to play against, and directly influences the balance of certain heroes like sojourn. Playing with mercy also sucks, if you don't cater your team to her then you're most likely just gonna lose. Without a good pocket target mercy is kinda just useless, so you have to have a pharah/echo/ashe/soj which will also influence what the rest of your team has to play to be able to make it work.


She is literally the worst support if not hero in the game right now?


yea i mean shes not good, but everything in her kit just sucks to play with and against


Personally I'm tired of healbotting Anas in every other game


Insanely. I played a ton yesterday in qp and she was legit in every game. I lost my mind.


i played with a mercy one trick today and this bitch had the audacity to say that I (kiriko) was throwing despite me having more heals than her and having about half her deaths. 😭


Thank God fragpunk alpha is out so I can take a small break away from the game. I don't wanna deal with mercy players


I've been tired of Mercy in every game since season 3. She's boring to play with and boring to play against. It's so ass. And every god damn time I lock a low heal output character the other support locks Mercy. Or the entire team will be the worst synergy with Mercy you can imagine and they'll still play Mercy the whole damn game.


You're 5 years late to this issue.


She needs a substantial rework IMO. Indefinite lock-on beam pocketing seems fundamentally broken, and she lacks utility to make up for her lack of damage, so one of those things should change (and I think the people who gravitate to her as a main would tend to prefer utility). But I still hate playing with the occasional heal-only Lucio more than anything. What is the *point* of you


Are you saying her heals are broken? 😭