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I’ve expierenced this in my class of 25 people. It’s a continuing education course but is also Offered as a course for a business program. 2 adults and 23 international Students. I’d say 5 of the international students are great people. Want to Learn and get better. The other 18 international students cheat and plagerise and never show Class but have all the answers. Still the 5 international students I met give me hope. I really enjoyed meeting those 5


25% of decent people is not a great success rate...


Hey there, I’m sorry you faced this. I am an international student too in Conestoga College. While we had group projects, a few among the students were lazy and did not put in any effort, regardless of domestic or International student, some come in to the college with no interest in studies leaving me stranded in group projects, here is what I did that helped me: 1. Inform prof. make it very clear (email would be best since you’d have proof) 2. In the presentation part, I used to mention who did what. 3. The much I’ve heard from one prof. this will be the last semester with 3 chances of academic integrity, from next semester, it’ll be a massive change with zero tolerance policy (Something I wish already existed)


I informed my prof as I completed a capstone worth 55% with one other domestic student (group of 5) and the prof told me “welcome to the real world” 


wtf that proff just sounds like they just don’t want to deal with it, which isn’t right, it’s their job to make sure as students we feel heard, if someone isn’t pulling their part in the group project there should be disciplines, i’ve been lucky with my group projects & the professors i’ve had, they let us mark eachother, but so far i’ve had a good partner, im nervous for next year though.


A lot of profs at Conestoga have all but been told to look the other way by the upper administration because the influx of international students makes the school too much money and it pisses them off and eventually just makes them jaded. They don't want anyone out and the profs don't want shitty students. Its shitty but slowly changing now that other schools and the province are accusing Tibbits.


For the 3rd point, I'm a prof here and it seems to be going in that direction. There was so much plagiarism at one point that an entire department had to hold an emergency meeting because most of the first year classes were dealing with high #s of academic offenses, in spite of repeated warnings.


Just ask the professor to let you do the project alone and tell eveeybody else to fuck off. Yes the work load is greater. But it's going to be the same anyways and beats re-writing crap content and running after group members for input.


Exactly and others are not getting a passing grade off OP’s hard work




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I feel you, reading this post just makes me wonder if I’d ever recommend Conestoga to someone.


I wouldn’t at all. I’m actually transferring to a different college in the fall because I can have another year like this one


Unfortunately the foreign students seem to flood every college in the country. Though Conestoga may be the worst.


I think Niagara or Algonquin might be worse


Fanshawe is pretty bad too.


It's like this everywhere now, every University and college in Ontario.


I personally wouldn't recommend it. I was one of the 3 domestic students working with international students. Some were amazing, but some lacked effort. It didn't feel like a group work at all most of the time, like I felt like the babysitter for them. They msg, "what am I supposed to do?" I left so much context in the documents for them..


I would reach out to: - Academic Integrity Office - Student Rights and Responsibilities Office Give both offices your full story with all the details, vent your concerns and ask what they can help with and what your options are. As far as I know, they're supposed to be somewhat helpful in these cases.


I am not sure which group of international students is being mentioned here. But I think I belong to the same. I completely understand the pain you are going through. I have been working with the same set of students for a while now. Initially, I used to pester them a lot about the quality of work they submitted and strictly told them not to rely on AI tools to submit their part of the work. Later, i realised that the problem is the mindset these students have and their unwillingness to work. Even if they have the potential to deliver quality work, they will rely on AI tools - an easy way out. Every document shared by my peers has this one paragraph at the end which says "In summary, ......" I am sure they are well versed with the AI tools and have found how to get away with academic integrity and not get flagged off. After reaching out to some, expressing my desire to work in a certain way, letting them know how submitting work that receives respect and appreciation from the mentors helps us to stay motivated and the satisfaction we get... I got a reply saying the professors don't care, the AI work is not being flagged off.. So why should we put in more effort. Nothing against the AI work, but the mindset where we can get away with anything and their know it all behaviour irritates the most. Sometimes... I get why we face racism and the hate. Relying on the previous batchmates for the work they did, paraphrasing it and submitting is something I feel is another issue. No offense but when I see the work, it's good what they did. But if we can do it better, why deliver a report which is substandard and doesn't reflect anything you learnt from the course. I moved from a country because of this mentality of being rigid and not ready to learn new things and growing in the same environment which didn't let you prosper. Conestoga makes me feel like I am still there. I really wish good for all my peers and I hope they adapt themselves to a more practical world than stick to the working for grades mentality. I mean we have come to a land where we can learn so much through different perspectives. "In summary," I get what you are saying... Peace!


I'm in the exact same boat as you are, and unfortunately I'm from the same country as most of these students who cheat and plagarize material either from seniors or hired/outsourced folks. So i know their source of work. Anyway, i would recommend you speak to your professor/program coordinator about this and express your concern about your grades being affected. I've done this with all my professors and now they outline a team contract before any group assignment starts and I mention my contribution towards this project. If it's a presentation I write my name at the bottom of the slides. Idc what nonsense the others add to the larger document, as long as I've done my part diligently, my profs are cool. I've ended up getting higher grades for my group submission in comparison to my group members. So there you go, this works!! I'm sorry you have to deal with such students, I hope this helps. Good luck!


Definitely encourage your professors to adopt group contracts. If you don’t have access to one, message me.


I was an international student and I had to do all the work as well. I paired with another fella who really came to study here and not to get the “easy A” to get PR. I did the same as you, I never gave my number because they were always asking how you did your assignment to complete it on the easy way. Unfortunately, my group was 99% from that place and the only thing they had in their mouths was PR and pass to get the credits for PGWP. Sucks.


I am an International student. For me, it’s better if my teammates don’t do their work coz it allows me to complete the entire assignment without many mistakes. If they work, then it will be full of grammar and conceptual errors. Also, I have to inform and argue with them about correcting their mistakes. Apparently many of them don’t even like getting their work reviewed. It drains my energy and waste my time so much dealing with them. So, instead of doing all that, I just complete the entire assignment. I am sorry that you had go through a similar situation. I think there is a lack of passion among many of them.


That's really unfortunate. Sorry you had to go through that. If you're planning on moving to a different college, I've heard GBC is fairly good. I transferred from Conestoga to Seneca and it was significantly better as well.


not all international students... you should mention where they are from , but we all know...


I'm in a course with some alumni from your school. Their behavior hasn't changed


This is an unfair over-generalization!


I feel you. To be frank: there isn't that much you can do. All you can do is: * Let the professor know that the project was mainly your work (you can specify what you did to emphasize how little they contributed) * That they do not cooperate, do not come through on their parts, do not produce quality work (save multiple copies of the project throughout your time working on it to show what their input initially looked like before you fixed it). * If they are plagiarizing they are either not referencing properly or straight up copy-pasting from a source, show that. * It sounds like they are very liberal with their use of ChatGPT. If they are using it the way I suspect (letting it do all the work for them) then it will not be difficult for a professor with a trained eye to notice the robotic and overly fancy/formal writing style that is characteristic of AI. The prof will run it through AI detection software that will probably flag it after submission (as is par of course now). * Show your document revision history to the prof before submission to show how they probably copy-paste ChatGPT text into the document. Good luck!


I almost took all the major work in every group project. Last time I finished two versions of the design, but the ppt made mainly by my group members still failed the similarity check in texts. Turns out they had the ppt from students in last semester and planned to copy it from the beginning. Although I’m also an international student, I have to say some people are not here for studying. They affect others in a negative way.


I'm an international student. And it sickens me when I get to do other's work. Last month, my group got slammed with an academic Integrity warning. We had to take the course for four hours. It pained me so much cos I did my part diligently. These guys and girls all they do is copy and then use another AI to paraphrase... I told my professor to change me he refused then I told him if such a thing came up again. That I'm going to sue the school. It's draining and exhausting. First I would never recommend CONESTOGA!!! to an enemy talk more of a friend. The tuition isn't worth it.


You have chosen the wrong college, it is very important where you go, and the kind of people you are surrounded by!!!


Record every conversation. I have been in this situation for my last elective I had to take before I graduated. I literally recorded all conversations and used screenshots when they were trying to threaten me for telling them to do their work.


I'm an international student and I totally get your frustration, most of us are ass at doing their work and speaking English (which is a basic requirement). Professors don't care about it so, everytime I'm working with them, I do everything by myself and it's so frustrating because they can't do shit. Have you tried emailing your program coordinator? Perhaps they could aid you. I'm sorry you had to deal with, good luck with the project due this weekend.


As an immigrant myself, I have faced the same situations as you have. But normally, international students from my country are not the cause of the problem when doing assignments or integrating in the culture. I have always wondered myself, to go to Conestoga you have to pass a proficiency test, either IELTS or TOEFL. So how come they managed to come here? I have heard stories where student visas were fake and I thought it was just a hoax to feed political narratives. But at this point I'm second guessing myself.


I have heard that some int'l students use fraudulent agencies back home to prepare documents for them, get them a passing grade on the proficiency tests, and prep them a visa. Unfortunately, I think the higher ups in Conestoga have been turning a blind eye to this, which has affected the college's reputation.


It's sad honestly. I go on instagram and I even see comments from international students from X country being against their own people, telling them to not come to Canada to ruin the country and their reputation and so on. I have seen multiple threads on how Conestoga has been blacklisted from many employers in the region. And it's hard to approach this topic because any constructive criticism I might have people are quick to virtue signal and call it racism even though I am an immigrant myself.


I feel you, OP. I'm an international student too, and I've lost the battle with them, it's not worthy.


I am an International student and have reported almost every semester about group work to the professor. Made sure an email was sent to the professors with a message requesting for action. I have more enemies than friends, but I don't care as long as my work is completed. This is my final semester and still there are people who will not put any efforts in any assignments but they know if they do not do their due diligence I will screw their life by sending an email. Using of ChatGpt has been the new normal way of doing assignments.


I'm sorry this is happening to you. I'm a prof and group projects are always dreaded by good students because they end up picking up the slack for everyone else. Usually, I grade students' progress individually, up until the final submission of the project, so as to help the working students do better. Your profs really should be doing something-- even an email to the rest of the group can help alert them to work harder. As others have said, in the future ask for an individual project. You may also want to bring up the issue of plagiarism to either a prof that might be willing to listen or the academic integrity office. By no means should you get punished if they are found out to have used AI. The AI usage and plagiarism in Conestoga is so rampant I've had to send at least half my class to academic integrity. In terms of dealing with these students right now, maybe remind them that their work is obviously AI or plagiarized and can lead to consequences. In my experience one warning usually does the trick, but still is worth a shot.


I have this issue too. I am not a straight A student but I want to obviously get good marks on projects and get a passing grade. Thought I have not had the issue of them doing something that’s plagiarized, but still they don’t hold their weight and it is exhausting. As well we have a group in our class where people ask and they always call asking for help but I’m busy and I can’t always help


I'm sorry that you are experiencing this - not only does it create much more work and stress for you, but it is likely difficult to voice these issues to the appropriate people and have nothing done & see no change. I recently graduated, and can tell you I had similar experiences with domestic students who had immigrated. We had a major term project where the person did not do anything, did not even know the topic, was provided all the research papers found by other group members, and that persons only contribution was copy & pasting from papers into the presentation/literature review.... it was brought to faculty attention so others did not get penalized for plagiarism. During the presentation, that person kept talking about "submissive hemorrhage" on slides as autocorrect must have done it when copy/pasting... except our presentation was based on submassive hemorrhage lol. Nothing was done, and the same behaviour was repeated numerous times over a 3 year program without penalty. The student refused to talk to or interact professionally to myself and another group member for the last two years of the program after we called them out for not doing a thing when they insinuated we should be thankful & appreciative for all their work 🤦‍♀️ and this behaviour wasn't addressed either. This person's conduct moving forward was absolutely unacceptable without reproach. There were numerous ethical and moral flaws presented and concerns raised by classmates. There was an additional issue with very poor attendance & basic competencies lacking. And somehow nothing was done and they graduated 🎓 into a career in health care.


Regarding giving out your personal number, maybe you can coordinate through Teams chat instead since everyone should have access to that. If people don’t help, maybe you can directly ask your prof if you can exclude them from the group or create a separate group including those who have helped. Some profs allow this if you present proofs that people don’t respond after a certain period. Alternatively, try to run their work in AI detector tools, then you can ask them to revise their part if there is a high percentage that the work was written by an AI tool. Hope these help.


Are you vegetarian and Gujurati?




Judging from your name you seem to be of south asian ethnicity as well so I don’t understand the remark?


Because I don’t like how they smell like curry. I’m South Asian ethnicity, but I was born in Canada and my ancestors left India 150 years ago.


Your ancestors 💀 . So just a quick question, do you hate your ancestors as well since they were from india as well.


Just because I say smells like curry, doesn’t mean I hate them. So no, I don’t. I’m simply asking if the current international students smell like curry.


That’s true but at the same time it’s come from a racist remark. It’s like if someone say to a black person “Oh you are black , do you smell like fried chicken 💀” . Let’s just leave it at this . I don’t want to make this any longer. You do you


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