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Never use mechanized infantry


Everything you said after “ive decided-“ is what causing you losses💀


My stacks are that bad🤣 How can I improve them?


Don’t invest heavy into infantry. Just make national guard. Make air force and navy a priority when playing as an island nation.


Ok ill focus on those


what about a navy and airforce?


Those are a focus as well. Cuz I'm Newzealand. Just was wondering what kind of ship and air stacks to build. I forgot to mention it above.


Don’t try to build dedicated stacks. If your an island stop fucking around and get a fucking navy.  Get an airforce. Take australia. Annex the cities you need Don’t build ANY ground units unless they’re national guard 


Are mech and motorized really that bad? I've heard people just spam NGs cause they are cheap. Should I do the same? Yes, I'm aware a navy is very important due to my location. What kind of naval stacks should I make. What should I use for air? Strike fighters? I'll put naval strike fighters on ACCs when I get them. Is it better to have dedicated fighter wings or just use the strike fighters? Is Helis worth it at all? What should my land forces consist of? Should I bother giving them air defence if they are just going to be NGs and are cheap to replace? Is armour with it? I like the CRVs due to it being a scout vehicle I put them in all stacks that I use, are they worth if at all? These are the answers I need.


Strike fighters are usually the way to go in public lobbies. Don’t bother with naval strike fighters or aircraft carriers. If u want a plane that’s able to take down ships, make Naval Patrol Aircraft.


Ok, so ACCs are not as good as they seem. Would a good escort stack be like 3 frigates and 2 destroyers? That covers air, sub, and surface and not super expensive. A battle fleet could have 3 frigates for air cover 3 destroyers for sub cover and 4 cruisers as main damage dealers. Are these any good? Let me know how I should build escort and battle fleets.


Please only use mechanized early game. they're bad


Ok here what you have done don’t build any army bases besides from two cities of your choose and the rest focus on your navy


Also don’t use motorized infantry early on but use it when you have taken about all of your threats


If you are new Zealand, navy navy and navy, forget about mechanised infantry, use national guard or mortorised. Focus on navy and air force to try and destroy Australia first, or ally with him and then move to sea. Navy navy and navy


I’d recommend playing as a land locked nation or South America so there is less to focus on right away. Strike fighters SAM launchers Multiple rocket launchers and basic infantry work well together.