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Kriegsrat are much better cause they are a little bit tanky so they don't die from range heroes so fast, also they are super fast when stacked and restore the ammo by killing enemies, imps are too slow and squishy and also requires to use their skill to deal big dmg which take a lot of place making them a easy target Edit. Master imperial pikes they advance counter everything and used correct can change the tide of battle


their 2nd ability is perfect for imp javs.


Your know their health and resistznces got nerfed last season? Besides, in the imp mastery they got more health.


Max kiergstrat are the best muskets in most of the scenarios on both siege and fields: tanky ,fast ,fast fire rate and get ammo for killing so devastating if enemies don't have shields or OP t5 cavs ready to kill them before they start shotting. About the other masteries... go immediately to demesne speraman and ironcap scout!!! Low cost great result


Lets be honest, "If enemies don't have op t5 cav" this condition is always false. There is always shit ton of xuanji cav every match. nowadays , i play ranked , the Xuanji spams r never ending . i play in Chinese server JC


It's the same in the EU and with lds doctrines we just got there will be more


No i say: OP t5 cav ready to kill cuz if they arent running to the musket the kiergstrat can melted by shotting their side or backs ,but yes ,is full of t5 cav was always full since the very beginning ,they just become more powerful than before hahaha


imp muskets r not used much even though xuanji is spammed every match. I think the main reason is Cc immunity. Once they start charging, its so hard to stun them n they r tanky AF. If t5 Cavs wont get stunned , then obviously muskets gonna be useless against them.


This is the problem I've been saying for years! if riflemen could stun cavalry, these T5 problems wouldn't be so present hahahah. we are talking about units with terrible aim, physically weak, slow and when it rains they are almost useless, in fact only they suffer from the rain problem in terms of attack rate, and a super debuff VS heroes. Giving him the ability to stun would change a lot of things in my opinion, and not like jannosaries has but more present only VS cav


No Cav should be Cc immune imo. but if its so wanted by devs, it should be limited to few seconds after long distance charging .


I'd say they got differents purposes. The kriegsrat will be useful to depush as they get some nice dps with mastery, you'll still lack ammo of course so prepare yourself, even though they got a speed bonus. The imp however are harder to play since their salve is their main strong point but they gotta do the animation first. While kriegs would be far away already. You also get easily treb or shoot from other range before you do anything.