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Also try to queue at the same time, with the same level there's a good chance you'll be put together. Albeit possibly opposing each other. It's a very stupid mechanic but level 21 is reachable very fast by doing the quests. Maybe everyone level an hour or two in your own time and come together after that. Very fun game to play and a lot to grind towards so definitely worth the hassle.


Thanks. So just run around city, collect all "!" and "?", got it. How big are early level lobbies? Any idea on why can't you play together from the very beggining?


Yes just get the ! and ?, not sure but I think it's about 6 games for level 21 with all the quest. Most lobbies are about 16v16, a lot of those will be AI in early levels if the lobby can't fill. The AI is programmed pretty well so you won't notice half the time and you can get a lot of kills, feels good. So I think you'll be able to play all together if you queue at the same time. No clue why they did this, probably against botters or the likes.


From what I remember its more or less an early tutorial that is meant to introduce you to the various systems of the game bit by bit as you level up. tbh you prob can still match together if you just queue up at the same time since low level lobbies are pretty small. Getting to level 21 shouldnt take more than a few hrs at the most.


Your first few games are almost all bots to teach you mechanics and stuff. They shouldn’t stop y’all from playin together though


nice, thank you all for helping out :)


Early on u are mostly just beating up bots. Just learn the mechanics and have fun. After 100 u get put with real players. At higher and higher levels u might get nore vets in the game but for now just enjoy.


It doesn't take too long to unlock multiplayer with friends. I don't remember exactly as it was a long time ago but max a couple of hours.


Dude, its very fast to get early levels. Dont quit, go for it. Its a very fun game to play with friends.


Lvl 21 is just a few hours max. It's basically the tutorial you can't play with people because you are doing the tutorial basically


LVL 21 takes about 30mins, it's super fast


This game is extremely complicated - the first 21 levels will allow you to start to understand what is happening. Many games do this and I believe if you can commit to individual learning the first 21 levels you and your friends will be more impactful when playing with others.


I'd love to know what kind of games you play if this is extremely complicated.


I think to be good at this game there is a large skill ceiling. I play lots of games! There are arguments to be made but positioning, timing, hero play, coordination, unit micro and macro knowledge are extremely important and overwhelming for new players.


Sadly yes, they put a lvl 21 cap to be in a group. Probably to counter bots or something. It's sad. But you will get lvl 21 within couple hours, so what you can do, sit on discord with your friends and que for siege at same time. Hopefully you get into same lobby. Another tip : focus on the tasks in unit challanges once f5 is open . Game is not perfect, but considering you can get everything as a f2p it's actually really great and big entertainment value. I'd say give it a go


smh like 2h i guess