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I swear, Bandit Raids are more PvP than PvE. The goal is to take as many kills from the rest of the team as possible.


It feels so toxic 😂 like bro, I'm just tryna get my A+ rating real quick for this quest. Let me have this section of guys to kill so I can make that happen. Get your cavalry outta here


And if you type in chat and ask them to let you get some kills when they have 250+ they just throw \[insert generic skill issue comment\] and end it


Or something racially motivated lol


> they just throw [insert generic skill issue comment] and end it Typical toxic CB player who spend 2000 hours and 2000$ on the game.


Yeah, used a bunch of XP boosts only for the guys with already 300+ kills to blaze through the few groups I actually managed to get to.


Facts. Like thanks dude. What other ways do you have to tell all of us how small your cock is that you're out here just slaughtering my free time?


The exp boosts won't get to waste at least, the main issue is challenges and having to repeatedly do bandit raids until you finally get the ranks you need, getting 0 exp after the first 5 runs. [Here's an image showing a (deliberately) bad score on an alt, and a good score on my main](https://i.imgur.com/o53oES6.png). The total experience doesn't differ significantly.


Could not agree more. Unfortunately its been this way since release, Bandit raids and expeditions live by a might makes right thing that they have never dained to address. But back in the day when they felt they was giving too much exp they was real quick to nerf the amount.


It should also not be allowed in the smaller teams maps!


While we're on it: you could limit them in field battles so that that became an actual gamemode again


The Bandit Raids has become a redundant game mode. It feels like a chore you have to do every week or you miss out the unit EXP. I personally don't feel any enjoyment from doing it, no actual challenge (except for competing with the other guys like you said) It's just something I "have" to do or else I'll miss out the reward.


let the cav stay but give more stronger anti-cav to bandits


Oh that'd be fun. I'd love if they made this update without saying a damn thing. These fuckers come in with their elite cav and get WIPED. I'd be laughing my ass off watching it happen


110% agree, I absolutely cannot stand people who use cav in STB, it really does just ruin the game mode. I play on the frontier server, so you cannot even communicate with people 95% of the time because they don't even speak english, so it's even more frustrating. It's so bad here that I do STB exclusively within house now, otherwise you are just wasting your time


I also try to only do the PvE stuff with my friends when they're on. The more people to wash out the full cav people the better. It's so obnoxious


Agree, sometimes ifeel bad for those who want do quest... and cant take a single kill xD


I've gone in before when my other 4 teammates all picked purple or gold cav and I'm just like... đŸ« đŸ« đŸ«  I'll take my 6 kills and leave this match in 64 seconds


Can we just say that everyone gets max EP when the Raid is completed? It doesn't make sense that you need to fight for Unit kills in a PVE mode, but on the other hand it won't take ages to complete.


Blame the game for making them part of unit challenges


Nah we put the blame on people using cav. You can still do the challenge without ruining it for anyone else involved. Don't be selfish you feel me?


Why are you bringing unleveled units in to pve to begin with? It’s always been a race to get your S grade so just bring maxed units and secure yourself the xp.


STB provides a lot of Unit EXP. I personally find that it is a waste to bring maxed out units, so I bring some unleveled cavs.


.why would unit xp be a waste on maxed units? Maxed units means easier to get your required number of kills towards S There’s 0 logical reason to bring unleveled units for unit xp to any pve battle other than “I want to learn the unit”


Back in the day people brought unleveled units because you get more xp if you manage to only use that unit. Bandid raids felt like now in blue season.


That was pre-shared xp pool. Since the shared xp has come out, you get the exact same amount of xp if you’re using maxed units or unleveled units


Bringing maxed units and 1 unleveled means non generic xp gets funneled to the unleveled unit. Its a faster means of leveling. Chat with your guild about the mechanics, someone there can give you the in depth.


I have 2100 hours, you’re misunderstanding the xp system You get the exact same amount of xp for each match based on the grade you scored. Doesn’t matter if you have all maxed or unleveled units, you get exactly the same amount of xp. The only difference is if you bring a maxed unit, it all goes to your shared xp pool. If you bring an unleveled unit, a portion goes to that unit and a portion goes to the shared pool. But the actual number amount of xp you get is the exact same. That’s why it makes sense to bring a maxed unit you can get 200 kills with and a martellatori, and nothing else.


Sounds like we all need to add each other and not use CAVs. I've only been on for a few weeks and siege is the only constant without a friend group.


Everybody throw in your servers and usernames! Lol make those cav only people compete with each other for who can end the game faster!


I'm up for it Reginopolis ELO369


But... but..... my chevaliers


FUCK your chevaliers! Unless you need them to get them some xp. In that case.... I dunno, give them xp shares 😂


Yeah that true I usually bring them when I need to but it's mostly outriders for hit and runs. I don't care if i get kills im trying to help the team win


Get a levelling group together. Dont play woth randoms, play with your mates/guild


That's definitely the best alternative


Make bandit raids half invasion half defense


If cav getting 500 kills in 4 min on ai is not op I don’t know what it is


Their fault for adding pve in a pvp game. I'll speed run bandit raid with my cav everything. If you want to farm find 4 other people in world chat.


Sometimes it helps though if you just need to get 5 done quick. A lot of the challenges promote selfish play as well. If you can try to arrange a group to do them, not always easy though.


Noobs. With all bonuses u get 270k. With1unit kill and 275 with300kills. Just stfu


Womp womp. If it takes zero skill and zero time then why aren’t you doing it also. You take a maxed out unit and use it, the exp goes into the exp shared pool. You don’t have to even use your unit to get the xp. Just beat the bandit raid for full xp. Even if cav was banned I could bring onna musha to clear everything in a couple minutes.


Why do you need more than 200 kills anyway? Once you reach max reward you are just taking it from your teammates because your monkey brain goes brrrr on big numbers


Because I’m just trying to finish that shit. Who the hell wants to stay in 5 bandit raids for 10-15 minutes when it can be done in 4.


When unit challenge that require S on sieges. Are you going to be asking people to let you have it for free? No you fight for that shit. Same shit with bandit raids.


Yeah because you're up against a fucking *enemy team* in Sieges and you don't have much of a choice to do your best. With Bandit raids you're up against an AI that you're guaranteed to beat so there's no need to tryhard so much that the rest of the team suffers. Are you really that selfish? There you are, making sure you complete a mission a minute earlier at the cost of also ensuring that the other members of your team who don't have maxed out cav don't get to complete their challenge which they easily could do if you just *gave them a minute*.


Do I make the game mode? No, it’s been that way since the game came out. Go complain to the devs. I have a feeling a lot of you guys don’t even know how bandit raids work and how the shared xp pool work. You don’t need to bring shit ass units to get full xp. You don’t even need to kill anything for xp unless you want a A for weekly. It’s a weekly CHALLENGE for a reason. Stop asking for hand outs.


Wow didn't think a case and point for this post would out themselves and then point the finger at everyone else. These are then the people who wonder why the population is declining and why they felt the need to implement a new player server. You say you should just do it yourself. Do you have such little ability to view other perspectives of that you cannot fathom not everyone has maxed units or the best units such as returning players, new players or just people who don't spend their life on the game. I guess you must have been max so long you forget what it's like to not have maxed units. But expedition xp is directly related to the score individuals get. Unit xp is filtered directly to non maxed units actually used in the battle, with a base amount shared to non used units. The xp caps out for each person between 180-200 unit kills. It might be crazy to contemplate for you. But lots of people, Especially on bandit raids which give up to 5x the unit xp, are there to try and level units. The amount of 'try hard/effort' you put in is irrelevant when you don't have these max units because player AustinYaai has brought the best cav units maxed and proceeds to take all the kills in the name of 'getting it done. They might serve no purpose to you anymore. But there's a lot you are. And a majority of expeditions that don't have cav in take maybe 1-2 mins longer with a better player split. Blaming it on the game mode is just some weird attempt to validate your assholeness. If a shop had no cctv, would you steal from it and then go 'well it's the shops fault for not having cctv and it saved me money?


There’s weekly challenges and seasonal challenge for everyone. It is a challenge that everyone needs to complete and compete for. If you’re unable to complete it then go Que up with some buddies. I do agree it suck’s for new players but don’t go blaming players who have cav that has put in the work to have that shit too not use it. These players have the same opportunity to use cav and get as much kills literally. The bitching and complaining should go to the devs. Why complain about other players who have paid or work just as hard to get cav. Blame the system and devs how this shit works. EVERONE HAS CHALLENGES TOO DO.


Even if we also bring a high tier cavalry, how do you expect us to level it if we get no XP because you killed everything? Do you even hear yourself? You actively trashing 4 other people's free time because you can't wait an extra 5 minutes. You pride yourself on your selfishness in a team game. Shame on you. Other people who maxed out their units still manage to work with their team not against it.




This is completely incorrect. the XP given is based soley on individual performance, just as it is in PvP modes. The shared XP you are thinking of is when your PERSONAL XP is shared between the units that you bring


Because it's simply not true. Source: I get Jack shit when I get zero kills. Rewards and by extension the XP you get is calculated by your score. No in game performance, no reward, no XP. Screaming loudly does not make you opinion fact. Test out things before bringing them up in an argument...


Du Ma


>Screaming loudly does not make you opinion fact. Test out things before bringing them up in an argument... Good point. Here you go: [An image showing that you get roughly the same amount of experience whether you score well or not. ](https://i.imgur.com/o53oES6.png)


Such an L comment and perspective. Look guys, here's a loser that spams elite cav in bandit raids! Do us all a favor and find a different gamemode to be in đŸ€ź


Not trying to waste more of my time playing pve and to get simple things like xp. Blame the devs how the game mode is and how weekly quest rewards are. I wanna speed run that shit so I can get out of there with my xp and rewards.


Just make your own group of 5 people if u want to take time on bandit raid then. I don't have time to waste on that so let me cav charge thought. In fact u guys should thank us cav player for that


Not a single person in the gamemode is gonna "thank you" for ending it in 30 seconds unless it's another cav player. As you can see by the post you're way outnumbered on this one


Not sure why people want to spend more than a single second on this gaming mode. This bandit is just a chore and sooner we done it a better. If you want to practice how to play unit go to AI training or siege why bother do that on bandit raid. Like I said I respect your opinion so form your own group of 5 man and take your time on bandit raid if you want it. When you group with people who want to get it done ASAP so they can enjoy other mode like siege then deal with it don't complain like a child


Forgot to mention this. When you trying to unlock golden unit via grinding challenge quest you gonna thank us cav spam player on bandit raid because we speedrun the whole thing under 3 minutes for you guys. IMAGINE playing bandit raid 15 times without cav then and ask yourself again


Tell them and report them everytime and see if anything happens.


How is that reportable?


Negative gameplay.


The objective of the mode is to kill the soldiers while mobs come at you. So how’s a player who can wipe the objectives with their cav “Negative Gameplay”? They’re literally doing the objective. They’re not trebbing teammates or friendly firing. Your argument won’t stand. As sucky as cav players wiping the objectives, that’s not negative gameplay lol.


If I only get rewards 5 times a week and they take that away by wiping the whole map it is negative gameplay.


Everyone gets 60 Fame points no matter how you do. EXP- well, even high level players need EXP for their units too!


I don't want them to not get rewards, but at 200 kills you are maxed out. At that point you are just taking resources from your teammates for no gain on your part. You don't need 600+ kills while your team spends the whole game just running after you. That's just a dick move.


I did that a couple times and my report button doesn't work anymore :/


Now that would be funny. Imagine getting banned for using cav đŸ€Ł you just hit em with the WOMP WOMP get the fuck outta my games